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Forum Romania Inedit / Filme Documentare / [PBS] The Mystery of Chaco Canyon Moderat de 80Inanna, Silva, bronson
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The Mystery of Chaco Canyon PBS

Un documentar fără subtitrare din păcate, şi dificil de datat. Pdf-ul asociat ţine de anul 2003, dar aparţine cărţii publicate despre civilizaţia indienilor din Chaco, şi este mai recentă.
Narat de Robert Redford, probabil în perioada sa de militare pro-nativii americani.
Este însă foarte interesant, de aceea l-am şi postat, multe documentare care dezbat tema existenţei sau non-existenţei extratereştrilor, precum şi ideea dacă aceştia i-au vizitat sau nu, pe strămoşii noştri, pomenindu-i pe străvechii indieni din Chaco şi construcţiile lor.
Am lansat un SOS pe la prieteni care mă ajută cu traducerea, e valabil şi pentru forumişti. Aştept răspunsuri, şi oricum va dura (nu ştiu cât, am o listă mare şi fără el).

The astonishing discovery of an ancient celestial calendar in Chaco Canyon, NM
"Well-paced and absorbing, simultaneously poetic and analytical, this film provides a new benchmark of understanding." Peter Whiteley, Chair, Dept. of Anthropology, Sarah Lawrence College
This is the long-awaited sequel to Anna Sofaer's classic film THE SUN DAGGER, which changed forever our perception of America's earliest Indian peoples.
THE MYSTERY OF CHACO CANYON examines the deep enigmas presented by the massive prehistoric remains found in Chaco Canyon in northwestern New Mexico. It is the summation of 20 years of research. The film reveals that between 850 and 1150 AD, the Chacoan people designed and constructed massive ceremonial buildings in a complex celestial pattern throughout a vast desert region. Aerial and time lapse footage, computer modeling, and interviews with scholars show how the Chacoan culture designed, oriented and located its major buildings in relationship to the sun and moon. Pueblo Indians, descendants of the Chacoan people, regard Chaco as a place where their ancestors lived in a sacred past. Pueblo leaders speak of the significance of Chaco to the Pueblo world today.
The film challenges the notion that Chaco Canyon was primarily a trade and redistribution center. Rather it argues that it was a center of astronomy and cosmology and that a primary purpose for the construction of the elaborate Chacoan buildings and certain roads was to express astronomical interests and to be integral parts of a celestial patterning.
While the Chacoans left no written text to help us to understand their culture, their thoughts are preserved in the language of their architecture, roads and light markings. Landscape, directions, sun and moon, and movement of shadow and light were the materials used by the Chacoan architects and builders to express their knowledge of an order in the universe.
This classic, timeless film documents the extraordinary celestial calendar created by ancient North American Indians, and rediscovered by artist Anna Sofaer, high on a butte in New Mexico. The "dagger" is presently the only known site in the world that marks the extreme positions of both the sun and moon. The film explores the complex culture of the Anasazi Indians who constructed the calendar, and thrived both spiritually and materially in the harsh environment of Chaco Canyon a thousand years ago.

"From the pyramids and temples of Egypt, to England's Stonehenge, (ancient peoples) locked their buildings to the movements of the sky gods. Now, with a definitive study, Anna Sofaer shows that the Pueblo cultures of the southwest US deserts were a high climax to this bonding with the sky...Certainly Chaco was the great center of civilization in North America, long before Columbus landed."
Dr. Gerald S. Hawkins, Commissioner, History of Astronomy, International Astronomical Union
"A captivating look at one of the most impressive archaeological sites in North America...Anna Sofaer reveals the solar and lunar complexity of Chacoan buildings with impressive visual economy and clarity. In the process, we get a whole new picture of the intelligence at work behind Chacoan society and its architecture...The Mystery of Chaco Canyon interweaves a narrative that is both attentive to indigenous thought and values, and robustly grounded in the rigors of scientific method. Well-paced and absorbing, simultaneously poetic and analytical, this film provides a new benchmark of understanding for serious studies of ancestral-Pueblo astronomy and culture."
Peter Whiteley, Chair, Dept. of Anthropology, Sarah Lawrence College
"It does an outstanding job of weaving Pueblo traditions of migration and human agency into scientific accounts of the past at Chaco Canyon, affording both forms of knowledge the respect they deserve...helps place Pueblo people in their contemporary context, as well as explain the past...I highly recommend it."
Dr. T.J. Ferguson, Anthropologist/Archaeologist
"A stunning piece--the graphics are astounding and the entire production is powerful."
Dr. R. Gwinn Vivian, former Curator of Archaeology, Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona
"I highly recommend this video for anthropological, sociological, and American studies classes."
Dr. Brad Eden, UNLV, MC Journal
"Make(s) a compelling case for this ancient people's astronomical prowess. The film argues that the massive multistory buildings and roads the Chacoans constructed in a forbidding stretch of what is now New Mexico were designed to form a vast, stunningly precise map of the yearly cycle of the sun and the 19-year cycle of the moon."
The Wall Street Journal
"A beautiful piece. The composition and photography could not have been better...the public...will eat it up and ask for more."
F. Joan Mathien, Archaeologist, National Park Service
"I rate this video a MUST-SEE for anyone interested in southwestern prehistory."
W. David Laird, Books of the Southwest

More info:

Info-tech:   AVI v2.0 | 349 MB | 55:40.060 (56 min) | DivX Style "packed bitstream" | XviD 1.0.1
Color | 480 x 352 | 1.364 (15:11) | 1.000 (1:1) | 29.970 fps | 756 kbps 
English | 44100Hz | 159 kb/s tot | Joint Stereo |  0x0055 MPEG-1 Layer 3
Subtile: no TVcap
Released by elumen8r

Note: The archive includes PDF Study Guide for Teachers; recovery record present.

Download:   (354.3Mb )
no pass
Valabil până la 11 octombrie 2010, după care se poate posta şi pe host-uri cu valabilitate mai mare.


Arheologul John Stein caută să dezlege enigma acestor aşezăminte.

Râzând parcă de nebunia noastră de a-i considera "primitivi", anticii indieni din Chaco au ridicat construcţii impunătoare ce respectă riguros anumite axe cardinale şi stelare...

Paul Pino, membru al "sfatului înţelepţilor" din trib, ne povesteşte de asemenea despre strămoşii săi.


Despre ştiinţa străveche a anticilor, pe forum mai sunt (nu e o listă exhaustivă, pe măsură ce mai găsesc posturi semnificative, le voi adăuga):

Prehistoric Astronomers ARTE (captură Viasat History)
Decoding the Past - Mayan Doomsday Prophecy (2006) History Channel sau Misterele trecutului - Profeţia Maya despre sfârşitul lumii subtitrare în limba română
2012: The Final Prophecy National Geographic sau 2012: Profeţia Maya TVrip RoSubbed
Ancient Discoveries (2003 - 2009) sau Descoperiri antice - Viasat History rip RoSubbed
Pyramids - Naked science, National Geographic sau Piramidele - Planeta la control TVrip RoSubbed
Petra - Ancient Megastructures, National Geographic sau Megastructuri antice - Petra TVrip RoSubbed
Machu Picchu - Ancient Megastructures, National Geographic sau Megastructuri antice - Machu Picchu TVrip RoSubbed
Angkor Wat - Ancient Megastructures, National Geographic sau Megastructuri antice - Angkor Wat TVrip RoSubbed
Beneath Easter Island, National Geographic sau Insula Paştelui TVrip RoSubbed
Decoding the Past : Tibetan Book of the Dead (2009) History Channel sau Misterele trecutului - Cartea tibetană a morţilor History Channel
Real? Atlantida-Oraşul dispărut Nat Geo-RoSubbed
Kon-Tiki (1950)
Colloseum - Ancient Megastructures, National Geographic sau Megastructuri antice - Colloseum TVrip RoSubbed
Roman Technology Investigated - Naked science, National Geographic sau Planeta la control - Tehnologia romanilor TVrip RoSubbed
Lost Treasures Of The Ancient World (2007)
Persepolis Recreated (2004) sau, în original ( persană ), Shokouh'e Takht'e Jamshid

[pbs] the mystery chaco canyon the mystery chaco canyon pbsun documentar subtitrare din şi


Modificat de bineee (acum 14 ani)

Cele bune să se adune, cele rele să se spele!

Documentare subtitrate în limba română: Natură: Amber Time Machine; Ants: Nature's Secret Power; Borneo's Pygmy Elephants; King Koala; The Himalayas; Vampire of Abyss; Preistorie: Dino Autopsy; Hominizi: Skull Wars: The Missing Link; The Link; Antichitate: Quest for the Lost Civilisation; Mayan Doomsday Prophecy; Cultură: Shostakovich against Stalin; Dezvoltare personală: Tale of 2 Brains; Living Luminaries; Yogis of Tibet; Mind & Matter Meet; Nurture & Human Development; Naturism: Top Secret Water; Paranormal: Dedublarea astrală; NDE: Aux Frontieres de la Mort; Şamanii şi Ayahuasca; Ecologie: Who Killed the Electric Car? Altele: Stasi, poporul sub control; Show: BellyDance Live from Hollywood; etc.

Re-Up  Momo (86);
Fileserve: Povestea lui UNU; Universul Ştiut; Comedii (sub.RO): Hopscotch (80); Le Grand blond avec une chaussure noire (72); Le retour du grand blond (74); Les malheurs d'Alfred (72); La moutarde me monte au nez (74); Je suis timide, mais je me soigne (78); Les Fugitifs (86); La doublure (06);

pus acum 14 ani

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