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Forum Romania Inedit / TV Shows / Cirque du Soleil - KOOZA (2008) Moderat de 80Inanna, Nero, Saw, Silva, cuculean
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Cristian G.

Din: Bucharest / Romania
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
DVDrip, avi.

Cirque du Soleil presents KOOZA, the story of an innocent and charming clown who strives to find his own place in the world.

KOOZA is a return to the origin of Cirque du Soleil.

It combines two circus traditions –Acrobatic performance and the art of clowning. The show highlights the physical demands of human performance in all its splendor and fragility, presented in a colorful mélange that emphasizes bold slapstick humor. Between strength and fragility, laughter and chills and turmoil and harmony, KOOZA explores themes of fear, identity, recognition and power.

The show is set in an electrifying and exotic visual world fill of surprises, thrills, chills audacity and total involvement.

The Kooza DVD is available for purchase through the Cirque du Soleil Boutique.
1 Chapter Listing
2 Features
3 Bonus Features
4 Credits (DVD Only)
5 DVD Cover Images

Chapter Listing
Unicycle Duo
Clown Magic
Double High Wire
Cooner and Skeletop Dance
Wheel of Death
Balancing on Chairs
Finale and credits

Sper sa va placa!

cirque soleil kooza (2008) dvdrip, avi.cirque soleil presents kooza, the story innocent and charming


"Catalunya is a nation and FC Barcelona its army" - Sir Bobby Robson

pus acum 15 ani

Din: tr-un colţ de Rai
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Multumesc foarte mult pentru acest film deosebit (si ca spectacol si ca rezolutie). E putin spus ca mi-a placut! A fost o mare bucurie! Toata aprecierea pentru munca depusa!

Cele bune să se adune, cele rele să se spele!

Documentare subtitrate īn limba romānă: Natură: Amber Time Machine; Ants: Nature's Secret Power; Borneo's Pygmy Elephants; King Koala; The Himalayas; Vampire of Abyss; Preistorie: Dino Autopsy; Hominizi: Skull Wars: The Missing Link; The Link; Antichitate: Quest for the Lost Civilisation; Mayan Doomsday Prophecy; Cultură: Shostakovich against Stalin; Dezvoltare personală: Tale of 2 Brains; Living Luminaries; Yogis of Tibet; Mind & Matter Meet; Nurture & Human Development; Naturism: Top Secret Water; Paranormal: Dedublarea astrală; NDE: Aux Frontieres de la Mort; Şamanii şi Ayahuasca; Ecologie: Who Killed the Electric Car? Altele: Stasi, poporul sub control; Show: BellyDance Live from Hollywood; etc.

Re-Up  Momo (86);
Fileserve: Povestea lui UNU; Universul Ştiut; Comedii (sub.RO): Hopscotch (80); Le Grand blond avec une chaussure noire (72); Le retour du grand blond (74); Les malheurs d'Alfred (72); La moutarde me monte au nez (74); Je suis timide, mais je me soigne (78); Les Fugitifs (86); La doublure (06);

pus acum 15 ani
Cristian G.

Din: Bucharest / Romania
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Cirque du Soleil - Varekai (2003) - DVDrip

DVDrip, Avi, res.656x368

Even by the high standards of Cirque du Soleil, Varekai is outstanding. While this artsy circus often aspires to weave a narrative through its spectacular events, in Varekai that story (about a winged boy who falls to earth and falls in love with a caterpillar girl) is as delightful and engaging as the acrobatic feats--which is saying a lot, because these feats will leave you agog. Acrobats juggle each others' bodies with their legs; identical twins spin on aerial straps; a contortionist twists into uncanny pretzel shapes; and much, much more. The elaborate costumes truly do evoke an otherworldly place--one of the clown characters looks like a man's torso emerging from the mouth of a carnivorous plant. Exceptionally well-filmed, and featuring a wealth of extra features about the making of the show, Varekai is Cirque du Soleil at the peak of its powers: Dizzy, dazzling, and sexy.

Sper sa va placa!

cirque soleil kooza (2008) cirque soleil varekai (2003) dvdrip dvdrip, avi, the high standards


"Catalunya is a nation and FC Barcelona its army" - Sir Bobby Robson

pus acum 15 ani

Din: tr-un colţ de Rai
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Wow, sigur ca da! Nci nu stii ce ai declansat cu upload-ul acela! Inca de cand ti-am dat acel scurt raspuns, am stat pe ganduri daca sa-ti spun sau nu, dar ar fi fost un adevarat roman!
Pe scurt, m-am plimbat pe internet prin toata lumea (pt mine a fost ceva "inedit". Am gasit "Alegria" si "Quidam", iar undeva pe un site din Spania, o imensa lista cu toata muzica, de la aceste spectacole (vreo 25). Habar n-aveam ca erau atatea!
Sa nu-ti spun ce palme mi-am tras dupa ce mi-a picat fisa ce e cu "Cirque du Soleil" si cate specatcole inglobeaza de-a lungul anilor! Nu stiu daca vei crede, dar aici in Bucuresti, gasisem o cutie groasa cu DVD-uri cu aceste spectacole. Am vazut-o ulterior pe net, si mi-am dat seama ca era cea cu toata colectia. Dar vanzatoarele nu au stiut sa ma lamureasca, mi-a parut prea scumpa (si de fapt nu era) si cu desene prea ciudate (de parca n-ar fi vorba de circ) si am lasat-o balta.
O saptamana mai tarziu, apare upload-ul tau, ma prind ce era cu aceste spectacole de circ si ma duc glont acolo, dar prea tarziu. Nestiinta costa!
M-am consolat ca le voi gasi pe net.
Inca nu mi-e prea clar cum se face un upload pe un forum, dar daca le vrea cineva (par mai vechi, nu de alta) si ma lamuresc ce-si-cum, cu draga inima!
Oricum, inca odata - chiar dinainte de a vedea Varekai - mii de multumiri!

Cele bune să se adune, cele rele să se spele!

Documentare subtitrate īn limba romānă: Natură: Amber Time Machine; Ants: Nature's Secret Power; Borneo's Pygmy Elephants; King Koala; The Himalayas; Vampire of Abyss; Preistorie: Dino Autopsy; Hominizi: Skull Wars: The Missing Link; The Link; Antichitate: Quest for the Lost Civilisation; Mayan Doomsday Prophecy; Cultură: Shostakovich against Stalin; Dezvoltare personală: Tale of 2 Brains; Living Luminaries; Yogis of Tibet; Mind & Matter Meet; Nurture & Human Development; Naturism: Top Secret Water; Paranormal: Dedublarea astrală; NDE: Aux Frontieres de la Mort; Şamanii şi Ayahuasca; Ecologie: Who Killed the Electric Car? Altele: Stasi, poporul sub control; Show: BellyDance Live from Hollywood; etc.

Re-Up  Momo (86);
Fileserve: Povestea lui UNU; Universul Ştiut; Comedii (sub.RO): Hopscotch (80); Le Grand blond avec une chaussure noire (72); Le retour du grand blond (74); Les malheurs d'Alfred (72); La moutarde me monte au nez (74); Je suis timide, mais je me soigne (78); Les Fugitifs (86); La doublure (06);

pus acum 15 ani
Cristian G.

Din: Bucharest / Romania
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Tot ce voi mai gasi legat de acest subiect, le voi posta din toata inima. Daca faci si tu rost de ceva, nu ezita sa le postezi, sa se bucure cat mai multi (in special copii, dar si copiii de peste 30 de ani  , asa ca mine...). Multe salutari!

"Catalunya is a nation and FC Barcelona its army" - Sir Bobby Robson

pus acum 15 ani

Din: tr-un colţ de Rai
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Nu stiu daca aici se pot pune si intrebari, dar am citit regulile de postare, care sunt foarte logice si de bun-simt. Dar ele presupun ca fiecare face un upload, nu specifica si o regula pentru situatia in care gasesti niste link-uri active, cu o varianta buna a unui film (rezolutie, volum, etc).
Am vazut ca unii membri ai forumului pun link-uri, ca tine de exemplu, altii, pun doar adresele arhivelor (sunt intr-o casuta, albe, cumva arata altfel).
Sper sa formulez corect ce n-am inteles: poti pune aici, pe forum link-urile altui uploader (fara sa incalci nici o regula), sau trebuie neaparat sa mai arhivez, feliez, upload-ez inca odata filmul?
Asa cum este structurat acest forum, muzica se pune in alta parte, desi poate ca unii si-ar dori la un loc si muzica si filmul, sau se pune un link de trimitere in sectiunea muzica (ceea ce deocamdata, chiar nu stiu cum sa fac).
Daca ai gasit poze, imagini, postere (am vazut ca e alta sectiune 1,2,3x sau asa-ceva) le putem posta pur si simplu? Nu ne sar cei cu copyright-ul in cap?
In fine, daca am nevoie sa intreb ceva pe cineva, e un loc special, sau se poate oricum? Am vazut ca e o sectiune cu request, dar pare sa aiba alt rost...
Sper ca n-am exagerat cu nelamuririle si multumesc pentru bunavointa!

Cele bune să se adune, cele rele să se spele!

Documentare subtitrate īn limba romānă: Natură: Amber Time Machine; Ants: Nature's Secret Power; Borneo's Pygmy Elephants; King Koala; The Himalayas; Vampire of Abyss; Preistorie: Dino Autopsy; Hominizi: Skull Wars: The Missing Link; The Link; Antichitate: Quest for the Lost Civilisation; Mayan Doomsday Prophecy; Cultură: Shostakovich against Stalin; Dezvoltare personală: Tale of 2 Brains; Living Luminaries; Yogis of Tibet; Mind & Matter Meet; Nurture & Human Development; Naturism: Top Secret Water; Paranormal: Dedublarea astrală; NDE: Aux Frontieres de la Mort; Şamanii şi Ayahuasca; Ecologie: Who Killed the Electric Car? Altele: Stasi, poporul sub control; Show: BellyDance Live from Hollywood; etc.

Re-Up  Momo (86);
Fileserve: Povestea lui UNU; Universul Ştiut; Comedii (sub.RO): Hopscotch (80); Le Grand blond avec une chaussure noire (72); Le retour du grand blond (74); Les malheurs d'Alfred (72); La moutarde me monte au nez (74); Je suis timide, mais je me soigne (78); Les Fugitifs (86); La doublure (06);

pus acum 15 ani

Din: tr-un colţ de Rai
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Cirque Du Soleil - Quidam (1996)

Video Format:     01h 30m 07s    AVI
701 MB    25.000 FPS    DX50/divx   
576 x 320  (1.800 : 1)    923 kb/s
Audio Format:   MPEG Layer-3 Decoder
157 kb/s  (78/ch x 2 ch)  48000 Hz

7 x 98.078Kb, 1 x 62,727Kb

Quidam: a nameless passer-by, a solitary figure lingering on a street corner, a person rushing past. It could be anyone, anybody. Someone coming, going, living in our anonymous society. A member of the crowd, one of the silent majority. The one who cries out, sings and dreams within us all. This is the "quidam" that Cirque du Soleil is celebrating.
A young girl fumes; she has already seen everything there is to see, and her world has lost all meaning. Her anger shatters her little world, and she finds herself in the universe of Quidam. She is joined by a joyful companion as well as another character, more mysterious, who will attempt to seduce her with the marvelous, the unsettling, and the terrifying.
Directed by Franco Dragone
pass: c1D9s9q6

cirque soleil kooza (2008) cirque soleil quidam    01h 30m 07s    avi701


Cele bune să se adune, cele rele să se spele!

Documentare subtitrate īn limba romānă: Natură: Amber Time Machine; Ants: Nature's Secret Power; Borneo's Pygmy Elephants; King Koala; The Himalayas; Vampire of Abyss; Preistorie: Dino Autopsy; Hominizi: Skull Wars: The Missing Link; The Link; Antichitate: Quest for the Lost Civilisation; Mayan Doomsday Prophecy; Cultură: Shostakovich against Stalin; Dezvoltare personală: Tale of 2 Brains; Living Luminaries; Yogis of Tibet; Mind & Matter Meet; Nurture & Human Development; Naturism: Top Secret Water; Paranormal: Dedublarea astrală; NDE: Aux Frontieres de la Mort; Şamanii şi Ayahuasca; Ecologie: Who Killed the Electric Car? Altele: Stasi, poporul sub control; Show: BellyDance Live from Hollywood; etc.

Re-Up  Momo (86);
Fileserve: Povestea lui UNU; Universul Ştiut; Comedii (sub.RO): Hopscotch (80); Le Grand blond avec une chaussure noire (72); Le retour du grand blond (74); Les malheurs d'Alfred (72); La moutarde me monte au nez (74); Je suis timide, mais je me soigne (78); Les Fugitifs (86); La doublure (06);

pus acum 15 ani

Din: tr-un colţ de Rai
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Cirque Du Soleil - La Nouba (1999)   

Video Format:    01h 30m 00s    DIVX
925 MB    25.000 FPS    DX50/divx   
704 x 400  (1.760 : 1)    1304 kb/s
Audio Format:  0x0055(MP3) ID'd as MPEG-1 Layer 3
128 kb/s (64/ch x 2 ch) CBR   44100 Hz

10 x 98.078Kb, 1 x 11.934Kb

La Nouba: The show name La Nouba originates from the French phrase “faire la nouba,” which means to party, to live it up. It is a world where dreams and reality intertwine as the urban and circus worlds meet on stage. Blending acrobatics, dazzling choreography, whimsical characters and live music, La Nouba stimulates our imagination from beginning to end. Enter the magical world of La Nouba. Here, anything is possible: dreams become reality and talent turns the ordinary into the extraordinary. 
Directed by David Mallet
pass: c1D9s9L9n

Sper ca formatul divx, sa convina, mai ales ca e vorba de un show, si nu are nevoie de subtitrare.

La Nouba - Cirque du Soleil

Cele bune să se adune, cele rele să se spele!

Documentare subtitrate īn limba romānă: Natură: Amber Time Machine; Ants: Nature's Secret Power; Borneo's Pygmy Elephants; King Koala; The Himalayas; Vampire of Abyss; Preistorie: Dino Autopsy; Hominizi: Skull Wars: The Missing Link; The Link; Antichitate: Quest for the Lost Civilisation; Mayan Doomsday Prophecy; Cultură: Shostakovich against Stalin; Dezvoltare personală: Tale of 2 Brains; Living Luminaries; Yogis of Tibet; Mind & Matter Meet; Nurture & Human Development; Naturism: Top Secret Water; Paranormal: Dedublarea astrală; NDE: Aux Frontieres de la Mort; Şamanii şi Ayahuasca; Ecologie: Who Killed the Electric Car? Altele: Stasi, poporul sub control; Show: BellyDance Live from Hollywood; etc.

Re-Up  Momo (86);
Fileserve: Povestea lui UNU; Universul Ştiut; Comedii (sub.RO): Hopscotch (80); Le Grand blond avec une chaussure noire (72); Le retour du grand blond (74); Les malheurs d'Alfred (72); La moutarde me monte au nez (74); Je suis timide, mais je me soigne (78); Les Fugitifs (86); La doublure (06);

pus acum 15 ani
Cristian G.

Din: Bucharest / Romania
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Super faine aceste show-uri! Merci mult, bineee!     

"Catalunya is a nation and FC Barcelona its army" - Sir Bobby Robson

pus acum 15 ani

Din: tr-un colţ de Rai
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Pentru Ulyse: lamuririle dorite de tine, se pot da, dar depasesc cadrul admis in sectiunea filmelor (vezi regulile). Profilul tau are setata optiunea de a nu primi mesaje private, asa ca nu am cum sa-ti raspund mai pe larg. Singura modalitate ar fi rugamintea de a-ti activa functia ce-ti permite sa primesti PM-uri.

Cele bune să se adune, cele rele să se spele!

Documentare subtitrate īn limba romānă: Natură: Amber Time Machine; Ants: Nature's Secret Power; Borneo's Pygmy Elephants; King Koala; The Himalayas; Vampire of Abyss; Preistorie: Dino Autopsy; Hominizi: Skull Wars: The Missing Link; The Link; Antichitate: Quest for the Lost Civilisation; Mayan Doomsday Prophecy; Cultură: Shostakovich against Stalin; Dezvoltare personală: Tale of 2 Brains; Living Luminaries; Yogis of Tibet; Mind & Matter Meet; Nurture & Human Development; Naturism: Top Secret Water; Paranormal: Dedublarea astrală; NDE: Aux Frontieres de la Mort; Şamanii şi Ayahuasca; Ecologie: Who Killed the Electric Car? Altele: Stasi, poporul sub control; Show: BellyDance Live from Hollywood; etc.

Re-Up  Momo (86);
Fileserve: Povestea lui UNU; Universul Ştiut; Comedii (sub.RO): Hopscotch (80); Le Grand blond avec une chaussure noire (72); Le retour du grand blond (74); Les malheurs d'Alfred (72); La moutarde me monte au nez (74); Je suis timide, mais je me soigne (78); Les Fugitifs (86); La doublure (06);

pus acum 15 ani
Cristian G.

Din: Bucharest / Romania
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Cirque Du Soleil - Corteo (2005) - DVDrip

DVDrip, AC3, avi, res.720x384

Bring home the magic, artistry and phenomenal acrobatics of Corteo, the latest Cirque du Soleil show, captured in high definition. Corteo, which means 'cortege' in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. The clown pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival atmosphere, watched over by quietly caring angels. Juxtaposing the large with the small, the ridiculous with the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection, the show highlights the strength and fragility of the clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us. The music, by turns lyrical and playful, carries Corteo through a timeless celebration in which illusion teases reality.

Sper sa va placa!

cirque soleil kooza (2008) cirque soleil corteo (2005) ac3, avi, home the magic, artistry and


Modificat de Cristian G. (acum 15 ani)

"Catalunya is a nation and FC Barcelona its army" - Sir Bobby Robson

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Senior

Din: tre noi
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
In primul rind mersi pt aceste spectacole, sint minunate.
In al doilea rind, poti verifica pastea a 5-a la Corteo? Am descarcat-o de 3 ori cu
acelasi rezultat, e corupta. Am incercat s-o repar, insa nu are recovery record.

Ca sa reusesti in viata, ori sperii, ori perii!

pus acum 15 ani
Cristian G.

Din: Bucharest / Romania
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Am repostat partea a 5-a:

viorelo a scris:

In primul rind mersi pt aceste spectacole, sint minunate.
In al doilea rind, poti verifica pastea a 5-a la Corteo? Am descarcat-o de 3 ori cu
acelasi rezultat, e corupta. Am incercat s-o repar, insa nu are recovery record.

Modificat de Cristian G. (acum 15 ani)

"Catalunya is a nation and FC Barcelona its army" - Sir Bobby Robson

pus acum 15 ani
Cristian G.

Din: Bucharest / Romania
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Cirque Du Soleil - Corteo (2005)

Pentru cei care n-au reusit sa-l descarce de pe Rapidshare:
Part 1:
Part 2:

"Catalunya is a nation and FC Barcelona its army" - Sir Bobby Robson

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Senior

Din: tre noi
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani

Cristian G. a scris:

Am repostat partea a 5-a:

viorelo a scris:

In primul rind mersi pt aceste spectacole, sint minunate.
In al doilea rind, poti verifica pastea a 5-a la Corteo? Am descarcat-o de 3 ori cu
acelasi rezultat, e corupta. Am incercat s-o repar, insa nu are recovery record.

Mersi pt efort, dar nu merge deloc pe sit-ul respectiv. Am vazut ca ai repostat tot spectacolul, dar daca ai putea reposta doar partea 5-a tot pe RS, ar fi minunat. 

Modificat de viorelo (acum 15 ani)

Ca sa reusesti in viata, ori sperii, ori perii!

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Si eu am aceiasi problema cu download-ul de pe site-ul pe care l-ai postat,cred ca poti rezolva problema reactualizind pe rapidshare doar partea a 5-a.Astep cu nerabdare sa rezolvi problema si sa putem toti vedea minunatul spectacol ca sa ne simtim dinnou copii.Thank you very much!!

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Asteptam sa rezolvi cit mai repede problema.

cirque soleil kooza (2008) asteptam rezolvi cit mai repede problema.


pus acum 15 ani
Cristian G.

Din: Bucharest / Romania
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Cirque Du Soleil - Corteo (2005)
Linkuri repostate:

A trebuit sa urc din nou toata arhiva pe Repidshare, sper sa mearga!

"Catalunya is a nation and FC Barcelona its army" - Sir Bobby Robson

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Multumesc frumos " Cristian G." pentru efortul depus si incercarea te de a rzolva problema dar se vede cafisierul intial din banka de date a lui "rapishare" este compromis,deci cineva acolo in "rapidshare" a sabotat link-ul.Multumesc frumos pentru munca ta de a reurca fisierele din "rapidshare" si sa iti dea DUMNEZEU sanatate si activitate indelungata pe "Romaniainedit"

pus acum 15 ani
Cristian G.

Din: Bucharest / Romania
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Merci! Acum sper ca e totul OK.

"Catalunya is a nation and FC Barcelona its army" - Sir Bobby Robson

pus acum 15 ani
Cristian G.

Din: Bucharest / Romania
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Cirque Du Soleil - Dralion (2001) - DVDrip

DVDrip, AC3, avi, res.704x384

The Chinese consider the lion a symbol of good luck, so it's a half-dragon, half-lion--a dralion--that is the symbol of the East-meets-West fusion of this Cirque du Soleil show, in which 36 Chinese acrobats join the renowned Canadian troupe. Celebrating the four elements as represented in four colors-- blue (air), green (water), red (fire), and ochre (earth)--Dralion combines ancient Chinese circus traditions with Cirque du Soleil's usual stunning elements: the techno-oriented single ring; the multicolored lights and costumes; the music that mixes rock, New Age, and various world influences (though not Chinese); and the madcap clowns that pull a victim out of the audience (he turns out to be a terrific sport).
But of course the main reason to watch a Cirque du Soleil show is the acrobatic stunts, those eye-popping displays of agility, balance, and strength. You'll see an acrobat balancing on one hand, a brawny juggler, a high-flying teeterboard act, a double trapeze, contortionists, a parasol turned and tossed atop a foot, furiously synchronized hoop-diving, unbelievable rope-skipping, and more. While nothing can match the experience of seeing this troupe live, the video does offer some choice close-ups that you would never get from your seat, and you can't ask the live performers to repeat your favorite stunts over and over again. And you'll want to see them over and over because Dralion is a dazzler.

Sper sa va placa!

cirque soleil kooza (2008) cirque soleil dralion (2001) ac3, avi, chinese consider the lion symbol


"Catalunya is a nation and FC Barcelona its army" - Sir Bobby Robson

pus acum 15 ani

Din: tr-un colţ de Rai
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Cirque Du Soleil - Alegrķa (2001) Live-Show     DVDrip
        User Rating: 8.5/10

Video Format:     01h 30m 06s    AVI
697 MB    25.000 FPS    XviD ISO MPEG-4   
624 x 352     1.773 (39:22)      950 kb/s
Audio Format:     0x0055 MPEG-1 Layer 3
48000Hz  119 kb/s tot , Joint Stereo LAME 3.93

Alegrķa is a mood, a state of mind. The themes of the show, whose name means "jubilation" in Spanish, are many. Power and the handing down of power over time, the evolution from ancient monarchies to modern democracies, old age, youth—it is against this backdrop that the characters of Alegrķa play out their lives. Kings' fools, minstrels, beggars, old aristocrats and children make up its universe, along with the clowns, who alone are able to resist the passing of time and the social transformations that accompany it.
The acclaimed Canadian performance troupe Cirque de Soleil, which combines acrobatics, magic, music, and theater into spectacular stage productions, brings one of their most popular shows to the screen in Alegrķa. Frac (Rene Bazinet), a mime who is suffering from a severe bout of depression, happens to meet a troupe of circus entertainers and immediately falls in love with one of the stars, Giulietta (Julie Cox). But while his affection for Giulietta and admiration for the performers gives him a new lease on life, Giulietta's father (Frank Langella), the leader of the troupe, opposes the relationship and is determined to keep them apart. Meanwhile, Frac and Giulietta discover a gang of children who are held prisoner by a criminal leader (Heathcote Williams) who forces them to do his bidding, and they devise a plan to win the kids their freedom. While Alegria offers plenty of the theatrical dazzle that has made Cirque de Soleil famous, it has a stronger narrative structure than the original stage production and blends the talents of several noted film actors with the stars of the Cirque company.
Directed by Franco Dragone
Release Date: 19 November 2001 (USA)

pass: (fără puncte: wwwforumromaniainedittk)

8 x 100.431Kb, 1 x 35.772Kb

Cirque Du Soleil - Official Site:

Pentru a lămuri posibilele nelămuriri, spectacolul de circ-live, din USA 2001, este DIFERIT de filmul Alegrķa, pe care īl puteţi găsi pe IMDb la:        User Rating: 5.9/10
uneori denumit şi "Cirque Du Soleil - Alegrķa (1998) The Movie", ceea ce poate duce la unele confuzii.

Diferenţele dintre diverşii ani īn care apar pe albume, DVD, spectacole TV, se datorează faptului că fiecare spectacol de circ este un brand de sine-stătător (Alegrķa, Dralion, Kooza, etc) şi toate aceste numeroase spectacole sunt reunite sub brandul general "Cirque du Soleil".
Multe din premiere au fost īn anii '90, dar ele se reiau īn fiecare an, au şi oraşe care reprezintă un sediu stabil pentru cāte un spectacol de circ (acolo reprezentaţiile se dau foarte des), au şi turnee pe īntreg mapamondul, astfel că multe din filmări sau īnregistrări audio, pot reprezenta premiera sau spectacole ulterioare, ceea ce nu este īntotdeauna precizat.
Evident, organizatorii urmăresc să aibă premiere noi şi interesante īn fiecare an, ceea ce va mări cu timpul, şi mai mult numărul acestor spectacole (spre bucuria celor care le apreciază).

cirque soleil kooza (2008) cirque soleil alegrķa (2001) live-show          


Modificat de bineee (acum 15 ani)

Cele bune să se adune, cele rele să se spele!

Documentare subtitrate īn limba romānă: Natură: Amber Time Machine; Ants: Nature's Secret Power; Borneo's Pygmy Elephants; King Koala; The Himalayas; Vampire of Abyss; Preistorie: Dino Autopsy; Hominizi: Skull Wars: The Missing Link; The Link; Antichitate: Quest for the Lost Civilisation; Mayan Doomsday Prophecy; Cultură: Shostakovich against Stalin; Dezvoltare personală: Tale of 2 Brains; Living Luminaries; Yogis of Tibet; Mind & Matter Meet; Nurture & Human Development; Naturism: Top Secret Water; Paranormal: Dedublarea astrală; NDE: Aux Frontieres de la Mort; Şamanii şi Ayahuasca; Ecologie: Who Killed the Electric Car? Altele: Stasi, poporul sub control; Show: BellyDance Live from Hollywood; etc.

Re-Up  Momo (86);
Fileserve: Povestea lui UNU; Universul Ştiut; Comedii (sub.RO): Hopscotch (80); Le Grand blond avec une chaussure noire (72); Le retour du grand blond (74); Les malheurs d'Alfred (72); La moutarde me monte au nez (74); Je suis timide, mais je me soigne (78); Les Fugitifs (86); La doublure (06);

pus acum 15 ani
Cristian G.

Din: Bucharest / Romania
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Cirque Du Soleil - Journey Of Man (1999)

DVDrip, AC3, avi, res.720x544

The masterful Cirque du Soleil performs this intriguing, visually fascinating look at human development--from birth to maturity--using several important sites from throughout human history as backdrops for ...    Full Descriptiontheir incredible acrobatic feats. Marvel as the show begins with the formation of the universe, on to the birth of a Universal Child as it travels through the rites of adolescence, then on to manhood and old age. This awe-inspiring feast for the senses is sure to captivate the imagination of your entire family!

Vizionare placuta!

cirque soleil kooza (2008) cirque soleil journey man ac3, avi, masterful cirque soleil performs this


"Catalunya is a nation and FC Barcelona its army" - Sir Bobby Robson

pus acum 15 ani
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