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Cirque Du Soleil - Alegrķa (2001) Live-Show DVDrip User Rating: 8.5/10
Video Format: 01h 30m 06s AVI 697 MB 25.000 FPS XviD ISO MPEG-4 624 x 352 1.773 (39:22) 950 kb/s Audio Format: 0x0055 MPEG-1 Layer 3 48000Hz 119 kb/s tot , Joint Stereo LAME 3.93
Synopsis Alegrķa is a mood, a state of mind. The themes of the show, whose name means "jubilation" in Spanish, are many. Power and the handing down of power over time, the evolution from ancient monarchies to modern democracies, old age, youthit is against this backdrop that the characters of Alegrķa play out their lives. Kings' fools, minstrels, beggars, old aristocrats and children make up its universe, along with the clowns, who alone are able to resist the passing of time and the social transformations that accompany it. The acclaimed Canadian performance troupe Cirque de Soleil, which combines acrobatics, magic, music, and theater into spectacular stage productions, brings one of their most popular shows to the screen in Alegrķa. Frac (Rene Bazinet), a mime who is suffering from a severe bout of depression, happens to meet a troupe of circus entertainers and immediately falls in love with one of the stars, Giulietta (Julie Cox). But while his affection for Giulietta and admiration for the performers gives him a new lease on life, Giulietta's father (Frank Langella), the leader of the troupe, opposes the relationship and is determined to keep them apart. Meanwhile, Frac and Giulietta discover a gang of children who are held prisoner by a criminal leader (Heathcote Williams) who forces them to do his bidding, and they devise a plan to win the kids their freedom. While Alegria offers plenty of the theatrical dazzle that has made Cirque de Soleil famous, it has a stronger narrative structure than the original stage production and blends the talents of several noted film actors with the stars of the Cirque company. Directed by Franco Dragone Release Date: 19 November 2001 (USA)
pass: (fără puncte: wwwforumromaniainedittk)
8 x 100.431Kb, 1 x 35.772Kb
Cirque Du Soleil - Official Site:
Pentru a lămuri posibilele nelămuriri, spectacolul de circ-live, din USA 2001, este DIFERIT de filmul Alegrķa, pe care īl puteţi găsi pe IMDb la: User Rating: 5.9/10 uneori denumit şi "Cirque Du Soleil - Alegrķa (1998) The Movie", ceea ce poate duce la unele confuzii.
Diferenţele dintre diverşii ani īn care apar pe albume, DVD, spectacole TV, se datorează faptului că fiecare spectacol de circ este un brand de sine-stătător (Alegrķa, Dralion, Kooza, etc) şi toate aceste numeroase spectacole sunt reunite sub brandul general "Cirque du Soleil". Multe din premiere au fost īn anii '90, dar ele se reiau īn fiecare an, au şi oraşe care reprezintă un sediu stabil pentru cāte un spectacol de circ (acolo reprezentaţiile se dau foarte des), au şi turnee pe īntreg mapamondul, astfel că multe din filmări sau īnregistrări audio, pot reprezenta premiera sau spectacole ulterioare, ceea ce nu este īntotdeauna precizat. Evident, organizatorii urmăresc să aibă premiere noi şi interesante īn fiecare an, ceea ce va mări cu timpul, şi mai mult numărul acestor spectacole (spre bucuria celor care le apreciază ).
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Documentare subtitrate īn limba romānă: Natură: Amber Time Machine; Ants: Nature's Secret Power; Borneo's Pygmy Elephants; King Koala; The Himalayas; Vampire of Abyss; Preistorie: Dino Autopsy; Hominizi: Skull Wars: The Missing Link; The Link; Antichitate: Quest for the Lost Civilisation; Mayan Doomsday Prophecy; Cultură: Shostakovich against Stalin; Dezvoltare personală: Tale of 2 Brains; Living Luminaries; Yogis of Tibet; Mind & Matter Meet; Nurture & Human Development; Naturism: Top Secret Water; Paranormal: Dedublarea astrală; NDE: Aux Frontieres de la Mort; Şamanii şi Ayahuasca; Ecologie: Who Killed the Electric Car? Altele: Stasi, poporul sub control; Show: BellyDance Live from Hollywood; etc.
Re-Up Momo (86); Fileserve: Povestea lui UNU; Universul Ştiut; Comedii (sub.RO): Hopscotch (80); Le Grand blond avec une chaussure noire (72); Le retour du grand blond (74); Les malheurs d'Alfred (72); La moutarde me monte au nez (74); Je suis timide, mais je me soigne (78); Les Fugitifs (86); La doublure (06);
