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Forum Romania Inedit / Carti in limbi straine / Robert Jordan Moderat de 80Inanna, Saw, naid, nch, uncris
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Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Topicul cu cărţi de Robert Jordan în limba română se află la:

Robert Jordan este pseudonimul sub care James Oliver Rigney, Jr. a scris proză fantasy. S-a născut la 17 octombrie 1948 în Charleston, Carolina de Sud, şi a murit pe 16 septembrie 2007 în urma unei maladii rare şi grave, amiloidoza.

Jordan a servit timp de doi ani în Războiul din Vietnam (1968‒1970) ca militar al armatei americane, fiind decorat de mai multe ori. A studiat fizica într-o şcoală militară şi, după absolvirea acesteia, a lucrat pentru Marina SUA ca inginer specializat în domeniul nuclear. Debutul literar l-a avut în 1977. În domeniul fantasy este autorul seriilor Conan şi Roata Timpului, recunoaşterea pe plan mondial asigurându-i-o cea din urmă.

Din punctul meu de vedere, universul conceput de Jordan în Roata Timpului este foarte coerent şi foarte plauzibil aceasta datorându-se, presupun, şi formaţiei sale de fizician. De asemenea, cei doi ani de război i-au asigurat experienţa necesară pentru conceperea tacticilor de luptă (interesantă ideea de a folosi to'rakenii seanchani în raiduri aeriene, misiuni de cercetare şi serviciul de curierat) şi descrierea modului de acţiune a ostaşilor pe timpul bătăliilor şi luptelor din romanele sale.

Era un împătimit al detaliilor şi se pricepea la cai, pe care-i descrie în amănunt, inclusiv cu reacţiile la diverşi stimuli (frig, vânt, zgomot, oboseală etc.). În romanele sale nimic nu este lăsat la întâmplare; personaje care apar episodic în unele volume din serie, ajung să joace roluri principale în altele, de aceea cititorul trebuie să fie foarte atent pe timpul lecturii. Două exemple: (1) Turnul de oţel lustruit pe lângă care Rand, Mat şi Thom Merlilin trec ambarcaţi pe Picătura căpitanului Domon, în The Eye of the World, este descris succint, însă va fi locul în care se va petrece acţiunea din Towers of Midnight (penultima carte din serie). (2) La prima întâlnire a lui Rand cu Min aceasta-i descrie viziunile sale, ocazie cu care, practic, Jordan ne spune în avanpemieră cum se va termina seria şi, într-adevăr, în A Memory of Light lucrurile se desfăşoară conform viziunilor lui Min din primul volum. Este adevărat, Sanderson a scris volumul 14, dar după notele lăsate de Jordan.

O altă caracteristică a scriiturii sale în Roata timpului este travellingul cinematografic de la începutul fiecărui volum. Folosindu-se de „călătoria” vântului care porneşte din munţi către şes realizează o descriere a locurilor şi oamenilor care vor fi implicaţi în acţiunea romanului. Detaliile merg până la descrierea în amănunt a arhitecturii clădirilor, a decoraţiilor interioare, a îmbrăcămintei şi a fizionomiei personajelor (peste 2.000), a drapelelor şi uniformelor ostaşilor fiecărui stat sau neam. O sursă foarte bună pentru un plus de informaţii pe timpul lecturii este fandomul Wheel of Time []. Mie mi-a fost util.

Cred că sunt în asentimentul celorlalţi cititori dacă afirm că, în literatura fantasy, Robert Jordan a fost pentru sfârşitul secolului XX ceea ce au fost Jules Verne pentru sfârşitul secolului XIX şi Isaac Asimov pentru mijlocul secolului XX în literatura science fiction.

robert jordan robert jordan limba află jordan este sub care james oliver rigney, jr. scris


Modificat de Anahoret (acum 3 ani)

Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani

BOOK ONE: | The Eye of the World
BOOK TWO: | The Great Hunt
BOOK THREE: | The Dragon Reborn
BOOK FOUR: | The Shadow Rising
BOOK FIVE: | The Fires of Heaven
BOOK SIX: | Lord of Chaos
BOOK SEVEN: | A Crown of Swords
BOOK EIGHT: | The Path of Daggers
BOOK NINE: | Winter’s Heart
BOOK THEN: | Crossroads of Twilight
BOOK ELEVEN: | Knife of Dreams
BOOK TWELVE: | The Gathering Storm | co-authored by Sanderson, Brandon
BOOK TRHIRTEEN: | Towers of Midnight | co-authored by Sanderson, Brandon
BOOK FOURTEEN: | A Memory of Light | co-authored by Sanderson, Brandon
ALL EPUB FILES: | zip |16,04 Mb
ALL MOBI FILES: | zip |18,16 Mb

| ISSUE No 01 | The Hook
| ISSUE No 02 | Practice
| ISSUE No 03 | Shreds of Serenity
| ISSUE No 04 | It Begins
| ISSUE No 05 | Business in the City
| ISSUE No 06 | The Deeps
| ISSUE No 07 | Some Tricks of the Power
| ISSUE No 08 | When to Surrender

— Titlurile capitolelor sunt orientative —
| ISSUE No 01 | Dragonmount
| ISSUE No 02 | An Empty Road
| ISSUE No 03 | The Peddler
| ISSUE No 04 | Winternight
| ISSUE No 05 | The Westwood
| ISSUE No 06 | Out of the Woods
| ISSUE No 07 | A Place of Safety
| ISSUE No 08 | Tellings of the Wheel
| ISSUE No 09 | The Road to Taren Ferry
| ISSUE No 10 | Choices
| ISSUE No 11 | The Stag and Lion
| ISSUE No 12 | Strangers and Friends
| ISSUE No 13 | The Wisdom
| ISSUE No 14 | Watchers and Hunters
| ISSUE No 15 | The Caemlyn Road
| ISSUE No 16 | Shadow’s Waiting
| ISSUE No 17 | Listen to the Wind
| ISSUE No 18 | Wolfbrother
| ISSUE No 19 | Flight Down the Arinelle
| ISSUE No 20 | Whitebridge
| ISSUE No 21 | Shelter From the Storm
| ISSUE No 22 | Eyes Without Pity
| ISSUE No 23 | Children of Shadow
| ISSUE No 24 | Play for Your Supper
| ISSUE No 25 | The Dark Waits
| ISSUE No 26 | The Last Village
| ISSUE No 27 | Web of the Pattern
| ISSUE No 28 | The Long Chase
| ISSUE No 29 | Rescue
| ISSUE No 30 | The Web Tightens
| ISSUE No 31 | Old Friends and New Threats
| ISSUE No 32 | Decisions and Apparitions
| ISSUE No 33 | What Follows in Shadow
| ISSUE No 34 | More Tales of the Wheel
| ISSUE No 35 | The Dark One Stirs
| ISSUE No 36 | Against the Shadow
| ISSUE No 37 | There Is Neither Beginning Nor End

Modificat de Anahoret (acum 3 ani)

Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Jordan, Robert
Series: The Wheel of Time
Book No: Preguel
Title: New Spring
Year: 2004
Version: V-1
Files: |ePub|mobi|
Publisher: Tor Books (USA)
Details: |Wikipedia|WOT Fandom|

robert jordan autor: jordan, the wheel timebook no: new v-1files: tor books fandom|


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pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Jordan, Robert
Series: The Wheel of Time
Book No: One
Title: The Eye of the World
Year: 1990
Version: V-1
Files: |ePub|mobi|
Publisher: Tor Books (USA)
Details: |Wikipedia|WOT Fandom|

robert jordan autor: jordan, the wheel timebook no: onetitle: the eye the worldyear: v-1files: tor


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Jordan, Robert
Series: The Wheel of Time
Book No: Two
Title: The Great Hunt
Year: 1990
Version: V-1
Files: | ePub | mobi |
Publisher: Tor Books (USA)
Details: | Wikipedia | WOT Fandom |

robert jordan autor: jordan, the wheel timebook no: twotitle: the great huntyear: v-1files: epub


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Jordan, Robert
Series: The Wheel of Time
Book No: Three
Title: The Dragon Reborn
Year: 1991
Version: V-1
Files: | ePub | mobi |
Publisher: Tor Books (USA)
Details: | Wikipedia | WOT Fandom |

robert jordan autor: jordan, the wheel timebook no: the dragon v-1files: epub mobi tor books


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pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Jordan, Robert
Series: The Wheel of Time
Book No: Four
Title: The Shadow Rising
Year: 1992
Version: V-1
Files: | ePub | mobi |
Publisher: Tor Books (USA)
Details: | Wikipedia | WOT Fandom |

robert jordan autor: jordan, the wheel timebook no: fourtitle: the shadow v-1files: epub mobi tor


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pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Jordan, Robert
Series: The Wheel of Time
Book No: Five
Title: The Fires of Heaven
Year: 1993
Version: V-1
Files: | ePub | mobi |
Publisher: Tor Books (USA)
Details: | Wikipedia | WOT Fandom |

robert jordan autor: jordan, the wheel timebook no: fivetitle: the fires v-1files: epub mobi tor


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pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Jordan, Robert
Series: The Wheel of Time
Book No: Six
Title: Lord of Chaos
Year: 1994
Version: V-1
Files: | ePub | mobi |
Publisher: Tor Books (USA)
Details: | Wikipedia | WOT Fandom |

robert jordan autor: jordan, the wheel timebook no: sixtitle: lord chaosyear: v-1files: epub mobi


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pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Jordan, Robert
Series: The Wheel of Time
Book No: Seven
Title: A Crown of Swords
Year: 1996
Version: V-1
Files: | ePub | mobi |
Publisher: Tor Books (USA)
Details: | Wikipedia | WOT Fandom |

robert jordan autor: jordan, the wheel timebook no: crown v-1files: epub mobi tor books wikipedia


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pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Jordan, Robert
Series: The Wheel of Time
Book No: Eight
Title: The Path of Daggers
Year: 1998
Version: V-1
Files: | ePub | mobi |
Publisher: Tor Books (USA)
Details: | Wikipedia | WOT Fandom |

robert jordan autor: jordan, the wheel timebook no: the path v-1files: epub mobi tor books wikipedia


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pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Jordan, Robert
Series: The Wheel of Time
Book No: Nine
Title: Winter's Heart
Year: 2000
Version: V-1
Files: | ePub | mobi |
Publisher: Tor Books (USA)
Details: | Wikipedia | WOT Fandom |

robert jordan autor: jordan, the wheel timebook no: ninetitle: winter's heartyear: v-1files: epub


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pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Jordan, Robert
Series: The Wheel of Time
Book No: Ten
Title: Crossroads of Twilight
Year: 2003
Version: V-1
Files: | ePub | mobi |
Publisher: Tor Books (USA)
Details: | Wikipedia | WOT Fandom |

robert jordan autor: jordan, the wheel timebook no: tentitle: crossroads v-1files: epub mobi tor


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pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Jordan, Robert
Series: The Wheel of Time
Book No: Eleven
Title: Knife of Dreams
Year: 2007
Version: V-1
Files: | ePub | mobi |
Publisher: Tor Books (USA)
Details: | Wikipedia | WOT Fandom |

robert jordan autor: jordan, the wheel timebook no: knife v-1files: epub mobi tor books wikipedia


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pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Jordan, Robert, co-authored by Sanderson, Brandon
Series: The Wheel of Time
Book No: Twelve
Title: The Gathering Storm
Year: 2007
Version: V-1
Files: | ePub | mobi |
Publisher: Tor Books (USA)
Details: | Wikipedia | WOT Fandom |

robert jordan autor: jordan, robert, sanderson, the wheel timebook no: the gathering stormyear:


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Jordan, Robert, co-authored by Sanderson, Brandon
Series: The Wheel of Time
Book No: Thirteen
Title: Towers of Midnight
Year: 2010
Version: V-1
Files: | ePub | mobi |
Publisher: Tor Books (USA)
Details: | Wikipedia | WOT Fandom |

robert jordan autor: jordan, robert, sanderson, the wheel timebook no: thirteen title: towers


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Jordan, Robert, co-authored by Sanderson, Brandon
Series: The Wheel of Time
Book No: Fourteen
Title: A Memory of Light
Year: 2013
Version: V-1
Files: | ePub | mobi |
Publisher: Tor Books (USA)
Details: | Wikipedia | WOT Fandom |

robert jordan autor: jordan, robert, sanderson, the wheel timebook no: memory lightyear: v-1files:


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pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani

Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Mike S. Miler
Series: New Spring
Issue No: 1
Title: The Hook
Chapters: 1,2
Year: Jul, 2005
Files: | zip | 18,72 Mb |
Publisher: Red Eagle Entertainment

robert jordan spring (comics) robert chuck mike new no: 1title: the 1,2year: jul, 2005files: zip


Modificat de Anahoret (acum 3 ani)

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pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Mike S. Miler
Series: New Spring
Issue No: 2
Title: Practice
Chapters: 3‒5
Year: Aug, 2005
Files: | zip | 18,42 Mb |
Publisher: Red Eagle Entertainment

robert jordan autor: robert chuck mike new no: 2title: aug, 2005files: zip 18,42 red eagle


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Mike S. Miler
Series: New Spring
Issue No: 3
Title: Shreds of Serenity
Chapters: 6‒8
Year: Nov, 2005
Files: | zip | 19,19 Mb |
Publisher: Red Eagle Entertainment

robert jordan autor: robert chuck mike new no: 3title: shreds nov, 2005files: zip 19,19 red eagle


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Mike S. Miler
Series: New Spring
Issue No: 4
Title: It Begins
Chapters: 9‒11
Year: Dec, 2005
Files: | zip | 19,82 Mb |
Publisher: Red Eagle Entertainment

robert jordan autor: robert chuck mike new no: 4title: dec, 2005files: zip 19,82 red eagle


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Mike S. Miler
Series: New Spring
Issue No: 5
Title: Business in the City
Chapters: 12‒14
Year: Mar, 2006
Files: | zip | 18,99 Mb |
Publisher: Red Eagle Entertainment

robert jordan autor: robert chuck mike new no: 5title: business the mar, 2006files: zip 18,99 red


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pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Harvey Tolibao
Series: New Spring
Issue No: 6
Title: The Deeps
Chapters: 15‒18
Year: Apr, 2009
Files: | zip | 10,89 Mb |
Publisher: Red Eagle Entertainment

robert jordan autor: robert chuck harvey tolibao series: new no: 6title: the apr, 2009files: zip


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Harvey Tolibao
Series: New Spring
Issue No: 7
Title: Some Tricks of the Power
Chapters: 19‒22
Year: Jul, 2009
Files: | zip | 11,63 Mb |
Publisher: Red Eagle Entertainment

robert jordan autor: robert chuck harvey tolibao series: new no: 7title: some tricks the jul,


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Joe Cooper
Series: New Spring
Issue No: 8
Title: When to Surrender
Chapters: 23‒Epilogue
Year: May, 2010
Files: | zip | 16,33 Mb |
Publisher: Red Eagle Entertainment

robert jordan autor: robert chuck joe new no: 8title: when may, 2010files: zip 16,33 red eagle


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pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani

Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 00
Chapters: Prologue
Year: Mar, 2010
Files: | zip | 11,21 Mb |
Publisher: Dabel Brothers

robert jordan eye the world (comics) robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: mar, 2010files: zip


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 01
Chapters: 1‒2
Year: 2010
Files: | zip | 12,20 Mb |
Publisher: Dabel Brothers

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2010files: zip 12,20 dabel brothers


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 1.5
Chapters: 3‒4
Year: 2011
Files: | zip | 33,09 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2011files: zip 33,09 dynamite


Modificat de Anahoret (acum 3 ani)

Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 02
Chapters: 5‒6
Year: 2010
Files: | zip | 10,12 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2010files: zip 10,12 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 03
Chapters: 6
Year: 2010
Files: | zip | 16,53  Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 6year: 2010files: zip dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 04
Chapters: 7
Year: 2010
Files: | zip | 18,02 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 7year: 2010files: zip 18,02 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 05
Chapters: 8‒9
Year: 2010
Files: | zip | 18,08 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2010files: zip 18,08 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 06
Chapters: 9‒10
Year: 2010
Files: | zip | 19,07 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2010files: zip 19,07 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 07
Chapters: 11‒12
Year: 2010
Files: | zip | 17,84 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2010files: zip 17,84 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 08
Chapters: 12‒13
Year: 2010
Files: | zip | 34,70 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2010files: zip 34,70 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 09
Chapters: 13‒14
Year: 2010
Files: | zip | 35,83Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2010files: zip 35,83mb dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 10
Chapters: 15
Year: 2011
Files: | zip | 34,87 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 15year: 2011files: zip 34,87 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 11
Chapters: 15‒16
Year: 2011
Files: | zip | 36,11 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2011files: zip 36,11 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 12
Chapters: 17‒18
Year: 2011
Files: | zip | 39,64 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2011files: zip 39,64 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 13
Chapters: 18
Year: 2011
Files: | zip | 31,53 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 18year: 2011files: zip 31,53 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 14
Chapters: 19‒20
Year: 2011
Files: | zip | 34,50 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2011files: zip 34,50 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 15
Chapters: 20‒21
Year: 2011
Files: | zip | 32,79 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2011files: zip 32,79 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 16
Chapters: 22‒23
Year: 2011
Files: | zip | 38,58 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2011files: zip 38,58 dynamite


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pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 17
Chapters: 24‒25
Year: 2011
Files: | zip | 38,54 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2011files: zip 38,54 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 18
Chapters: 26
Year: 2011
Files: | zip | 38,37 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 26year: 2011files: zip 38,37 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 19
Chapters: 27‒28
Year: 2011
Files: | zip | 40,41 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2011files: zip 40,41 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 20
Chapters: 29
Year: 2011
Files: | zip | 39,97 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 29year: 2011files: zip 39,97 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 21
Chapters: 30
Year: 2012
Files: | zip | 33,13 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 30year: 2012files: zip 33,13 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 22
Chapters: 31‒32
Year: 2012
Files: | zip | 34,70 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2012files: zip 34,70 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 23
Chapters: 33
Year: 2012
Files: | zip | 34,32 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 33year: 2012files: zip 34,32 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 24
Chapters: 34
Year: 2012
Files: | zip | 31,20 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 34year: 2012files: zip 31,20 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 25
Chapters: 35‒36
Year: 2012
Files: | zip | 34,60 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2012files: zip 34,60 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 26
Chapters: 36‒37
Year: 2012
Files: | zip | 30,68 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2012files: zip 30,68 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 27
Chapters: 38‒39
Year: 2012
Files: | zip | 32,84 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2012files: zip 32,84 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 28
Chapters: 40
Year: 2012
Files: | zip | 18,34 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 40year: 2012files: zip 18,34 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 29
Chapters: 41‒42
Year: 2012
Files: | zip | 41,94 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2012files: zip 41,94 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 30
Chapters: 43‒44
Year: 2012
Files: | zip | 13,24 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2012files: zip 13,24 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 31
Chapters: 45‒46
Year: 2012
Files: | zip | 12,89 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2012files: zip 12,89 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 32
Chapters: 47‒48
Year: 2012
Files: | zip | 13,19 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2012files: zip 13,19 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 33
Chapters: 49‒50
Year: 2012
Files: | zip | 14,04 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2012files: zip 14,04 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 34
Chapters: 51
Year: 2014
Files: | zip | 35,15 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 51year: 2014files: zip 35,15 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 4 ani
Autor: Robert Jordan
Adapted: Chuck Dixon
Artwork: Chase Conley
Series: Eye of the World
Issue No: 35
Chapters: 52‒53
Year: 2014
Files: | zip | 47,24 Mb |
Publisher: Dynamite

robert jordan autor: robert chuck chase eye the worldissue no: 2014files: zip 47,24 dynamite


Acum citesc: nimic, deocamdată.

pus acum 3 ani
Pagini: 1  

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