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Din: Brasov
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Apple founder Steve Jobs passed away today at the age of 56. Here is the statement Apple released regarding Steve Jobs' passing.
"We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today. Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve."
We reported in August that Steve Jobs stepped down as Apple CEO due to health concerns. Steve Jobs also served as CEO of Pixar Animation Studios, and was a part owner of Walt Disney Studios. Disney CEO/president Bob Iger released the following statement.
"Steve Jobs was a great friend as well as a trusted advisor. His legacy will extend far beyond the products he created or the businesses he built. It will be the millions of people he inspired, the lives he changed, and the culture he defined. Steve was such an 'original,' with a thoroughly creative, imaginative mind that defined an era. Despite all he accomplished, it feels like he was just getting started. With his passing the world has lost a rare original, Disney has lost a member of our family, and I have lost a great friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Laurene and his children during this difficult time."
Steve Jobs' cause of death was due to pancreatic cancer which revealed itself in mid-2004.
"Apple a pierdut un vizionar si un creator de geniu, iar lumea a pierdut un om incredibil. Fiti siguri ca Apple nu se va schimba. Steve a ridicat o companie si o cultura unica in lume si asa vom ramane, fiindca acest lucru se afla in ADN-ul nostru", a spus Tim Cook, CEO Apple. "Il cunosc pe Steve de peste 30 de ani. Am fost colegi, concurenti dar si amici mai bine de jumatate de viata. Rareori, lumea are parte de oameni care sa aiba o influenta atat de semnificativa pe cat a avut-o Steve. Iar acest lucru se va resimti pentru multe generatii de acum inainte. Cei care au lucrat impreuna cu el au avut parte de o imensa onoare. Steve imi va lipsi enorm, sunt profund intristat de vestea mortii sale", a transmis Bill Gates, fondatorul companiei Microsoft. "Am primit cu tristete vestea mortii unuia dintre cei mai mari inventatori americani. Steve Jobs a fost un vizionar. A cladit una dintre cele mai prospere companii de pe planeta, pornind din propriul sau garaj. Este exemplul perfect al ingeniozitatii americane", a spus Barack Obama, presedintele SUA. "Steve, iti multumesc ca mi-ai fost un adevarat mentor si prieten. Iti multumesc ca mi-ai aratat ca ceea ce este construit de tine poate schimba lumea intr-o zi. Imi vei lipsi", a reactionat Mark Zuckerberg, CEO al Facebook CEO. "Spiritul sau inovator si realizarile sale remarcabile vor ramane in amintirea intregii lumi", G. S. Choi, sef al Samsung Electronics.
Modificat de calincalin (acum 13 ani)
_______________________________________ "Cunoaşteţi adevărul, şi adevărul vă va face liberi." (Ioan 8.32)
_______________________________________ Zilnic, cel mai interesant P.M. este răsplătit cu un BONUS special DO NOT PM ME, MOST LIKELY I WON'T ANSWER.DO NOT REQUEST REUPLOADS OF MY PREVIOUS UPLOADS, BUT IF YOU STILL HAVE THEM, FEEL FREE TO MAKE AS MANY MIRRORS AS YOU LIKE.
Breakout, a discrete logic (non-microprocessor) game, was conceptualized by Nolan Bushnell and Steve Bristow, after the latter had "rejoined" Atari after the merge of Atari subsidiary Kee Games. They had an idea to turn Pong into a single player game, where the player would use a ball to deplete a wall of bricks without missing the ball on its rebound. Bushnell was certain the game would be popular, and the two partnered to produce a concept. Al Alcorn was assigned as the project manager, and began development with Cyan Engineering in 1975. The same year, Alcorn assigned Steve Jobs to design a prototype. Jobs was offered US$750, with an extra $100 each time a chip was eliminated from the prospected design. Jobs promised to complete a prototype within four days. Jobs noticed his friend Steve Wozniak—employee of Hewlett-Packard—was capable of producing designs with a small number of chips, and invited him to work on the hardware design with the prospect of splitting the $750 wage. Wozniak had no sketches and instead interpreted the game from its description. To save parts, he had "tricky little designs" difficult to understand for most engineers. Near the end of development, Wozniak considered moving the high score to the screen's top, but Jobs claimed Bushnell wanted it at the bottom; Wozniak was unaware of any truth to his claims. The original deadline was met after Wozniak did not sleep for four days straight. In the end 50 chips were removed from Jobs' original design. This equated to a US$5,000 bonus, which Jobs kept secret from Wozniak, instead only paying him $375.