.----------------------------- r e l e a s e info --------------------------+ | ' - In a world governed by machines, your infantry survives with the energy ' ' provided by generators that have unexpectedly broken down. ` Your friends have disappeared and the lack of resources will drive you . to fight against the extinction... Now, brave the danger and repair the energy sources in order to save . your fellows! : | Features : | | ÷ Nervous platformer gameplay. | ÷ Big pursuit with boss. | ÷ 50+ levels. | ÷ 5 different environments. . | ÷ High scoring game mode. : | | `._______....::::::::::.___________________________________________________.' ..--''"" . : .' .----------`-------'------ r e l e a s e notes -------------------------. i i ' | | 1# Unzip, Unrar manually. ' | | 2# Run setup.bat, after thats done hit Mechanic Infantry.exe to play. | | 3# Have phun! | | | | Ripped: Nothing. | | | | REMEMBER : . | | If you like this game, buy it. Developers deserve your support!! : | | : | |________________________________________________________________________| | i._ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | !' .-----------..: :: .: :: :: :: :: :: .: .: :..-------------. | i :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::... `:.___' | | | ::::::::: :: :: :: --:. :: :: :: :: :: _ `:: :::::::::: : | | `- :: :: : :: -' :: -' :: ::: :: ' | | Cheers to: -' ` ` `- `- `- " -' ' | | | | BACKLASH - CRUDE - DiViNE - FAS - FAiRLiGHT - OUTLAWS - PWZ - RiTUEL | | RELOADED - SKIDROW - TNT - ViTALiTY - CCCLX | | | | And to all of our friends from over the years, we salute you! - VACE | | | | We are currently looking for crackers, references needed | | Contact : Just find a way | `.__________________________________________________________________ _ `._____________________________________________________________________ ` . .' ` _ "`. ` . ' . ' ' . ` . . ` . _.' ` . - ''' ' . ..:::::::... : . ' . :::::::::::::::.. . ..:: .' . . . ... ... ` ..------.._ `._ : ' : .. : ' : ..: `--.' . .' `. .--. : : : `._ `._ . . Y . ' . - . `::::::::::::::: ' ` ' ` `::::::::::::i ` ' `._ ' ....... ` `:::::::::ii `. _ . ' ' - ' i :::::::::::. . ``:::iii' ` `ii::::::::: :. .. \ `iiii:::::' . .. ..::::. `. ```"" ' . '' _ .i:::::::. ` . _ . ' - .. ' :: S! / SAC ii::::::::: .. ..... .. ..... ii::::::::: .: '' :: :: '' :: :: ``:::::'' :: ::''' :: ::''' :: .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... '' :: :: '' :: :: '' :: :: '' :: :: :: :: ::''' :: ::''' :: ::''' :: ::''' .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... :: d o n t '' :: :: '' :: :: '' :: :: '' :: :: ___ _ _:: ::''' :: ::''' :: ::''' :: ::''' i t . o u t ! | `. . | | | ___. .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... |____| | |__.' |___ u p '' :: :: '' :: :: '' :: :: '' :: :: _| :: ::''' :: ::''' :: ::''' :: ::''' b a b y , _ .. ..... .. ..... _\ t i c k '' :: :: '' :: :: :: ::''' :: ::''' " VACE!, Keeping the RipScene Alive!!! "
Mechanic_Infantry-VACE.rar (92.3 MB)
_______________________________________ Zilnic, cel mai interesant P.M. este răsplătit cu un BONUS special DO NOT PM ME, MOST LIKELY I WON'T ANSWER.DO NOT REQUEST REUPLOADS OF MY PREVIOUS UPLOADS, BUT IF YOU STILL HAVE THEM, FEEL FREE TO MAKE AS MANY MIRRORS AS YOU LIKE. [mp3=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azJTTI4vk7g]