Published by Electronic Arts Ltd. Developed by EA Seattle, EA Canada Released 1997
Platform Windows
Genre Racing / Driving, Simulation Perspective 1st-Person Perspective, 3rd-Person Perspective
Hellfire a scris:
Me showing the partial ( first i wanted to make a complete playthrough, but i have poor upload so it would be a pain in the ass to upload it...) playthrough of the game in knockout mode. Im doing this for the curious people that wonders how the tracks look in 3DFX mode (unfortunately you cant see much because of poor youtube quality). Also, in the end of this tutorial ill put a link for the updated version of the game executables that allows TCP/IP netplay.
Now the tutorial to run the game in win XP, using the voodoo's 3DFX graphics ( i dont care so much about graphics...)
1. Install the game, if you have Win XP the game will probably not work, but if it works avoid the next step.
2. You will need the Microsoft's Aplication Compatibility Tool. You can get it from your WINXP CD, from Microsoft's webpage or from the downlaod in the end of this tutorial. I recommend getting it from the Microsoft's site to get the lattest version available, but the one i uploaded works fine. Install it and run Compatibility Administrator from start menu. Go to Custom Database / New Database. Now Click in the 'Fix' button. Type the name of the game, vendor, and browse to NFS2EN.exe file, If you want to run with the better graphics then browse for the NFS2SEA.exe file. If it is not in NFS2SE folder on your hard drive yet, then copy it manually from CD. This happens because the installer didnt detected the voodoo's 3DFX support in your PC, this is normal because only the old Voodoo graphic cards had it. Now click next, none, next. Now toggle the following options on: - CorrectFilePaths - EmulateGetDiskFreeSpace - GlobalMemoryStatusLie Click Next, Finish. Save your database preferably in game directory. Now click on NFS2SEN.EXE file in the right panel of Compatibility Administrator. Click Run button. The game should start.
3. If you want to play with the normal graphics, then its done. Avoid this step, just read the next one where i explain how to play the game online. If you want to play with the 3DFX Graphics then you will need an Glide Wrapper. I recommend to use dgVoodoo 1.5 Beta 2, it works perfect with this game and its easy to use, you can get it from the download ill put in the end of this tutorial or you can browse the internet to find it. Now extract all the content to the game folder and open dgVoodooSetup.exe. Change to DOS and disable the option "Working in VDD mode" in the "Windows XP Options for DOS". You can configure it to put the quality you want, then close it to save your changes. Now open the program dgVoodoo.exe ( the other one, not the setup) and it will say that it is ready to run DOS based glide applications. Leave it as it is (DONT CLOSE IT!) and Run the NFS2EA.EXE from the game folder. Done, it will surely work, if it dont works you can use the power of the COMMON SENSE to solve your problem since the hard work are already done.
4. Now ill explain how to play online. You will need the updated version of the game .exes that allows TCP/IP netplay and fixes other minor bugs. When this game was new, it has the ability to update it via internet, by using the patch.exe located at the game folder. Unfortunately it is not possible anymore, i think EA dont suports it anymore. But youre lucky! I recently found it in the internet and i uploaded it, the link you can find in the end of this tutorial. You can also use Hamachi to play online, but ill not explain this here. Oh and both versions are compatible between them for netplay, if you use the normal graphics and your friend preffer the 3DFX version it will work perfect.
5. In the download youll find: - The Update of the game that allows TCP/IP Netplay and fixes some bugs (just extract it at the game folder) put in mind that this isnt needed if you just want to play single player with 3dfx. - dgVoodoo 1.5 Beta2 - Microsoft Compatibility Tool version 5
Varianta Direct Play - Recomandata pentru Windows 7 si 64 de biti - mhr-fsnesdf.rar
Varianta Full ISO - Recomandata pentru Win XP si 32 de biti - mhr-fsnesd.rar
_______________________________________ Zilnic, cel mai interesant P.M. este răsplătit cu un BONUS special DO NOT PM ME, MOST LIKELY I WON'T ANSWER.DO NOT REQUEST REUPLOADS OF MY PREVIOUS UPLOADS, BUT IF YOU STILL HAVE THEM, FEEL FREE TO MAKE AS MANY MIRRORS AS YOU LIKE. [mp3=]
1)la mine pe Windows 7 X64 nu am putut instala jocul full ISO de nicio culoare, dar am reusit sa rulez varianta direct play cu 3fx Emulator fara probleme...ce am facut mai exact: am instalat Glide Wrapper, si am copiat glide2x.dll de la ultima versiune de dgvoodoo in directorul unde aveam jocul.Am instalat compatibility manager si am creat un sdb cu setarile din tutorialul mai sus, merge destul de bine dar fiind o varianta Rip nu are muzica.Nu am reusit sa testez patchul la mine fiindca nu imi merge varianta full CD. 2)daca aveti Windows XP x86 va recomand sa downloadati varianta Full CD, o sa va mearga jocul cu tot cu muzica, in principiu pasii sunt tot la fel, difera doar faptul ca puteti face o instalare completa a jocului...Repet, nu am reusit sa testez la mine daca merge in retea.Daca reusiti sa il faceti sa mearga in retea cu hamachi sa ne anuntati si pe noi.Va multumesc!
_______________________________________ Zilnic, cel mai interesant P.M. este răsplătit cu un BONUS special DO NOT PM ME, MOST LIKELY I WON'T ANSWER.DO NOT REQUEST REUPLOADS OF MY PREVIOUS UPLOADS, BUT IF YOU STILL HAVE THEM, FEEL FREE TO MAKE AS MANY MIRRORS AS YOU LIKE. [mp3=]