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Nou pe simpatie: claudiaa22tm 19 ani
![]( | Femeie 19 ani Timis cauta Barbat 29 - 43 ani |
![](/img/avatars/romania-inedit/56084.jpg) Din: tr-o bucata!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Ce ati crede voi ca vede o femeie la un barbat? Este adevarat ca unei femei ii ia 90 de secunde sa analizeze un mascul, la o prima intalnire, dar apoi, ce apreciaza si ce `vede` la el?
1.Musculatura bine lucrata a bratului stang si prin urmare inelul de pe deget, sau o eventuala urma de verigheta.
2. Mersul. Imi place sa privesc un barbat care emana incredere si suficient de in forma incat sa alerge pe plaja.
3.Asemanarea cu Agentul 007. Nu conteaza care dintre ei, ca toti au fost extrem de ne oferi vise umede daca te asemeni cu unul dintre ei.
4. Gambele. Mai ales cand joci volei sau mergi pe bicicleta, ori ajuti un pusti de 4-5 ani sa urce intr-un copac sa-si ia minge de acolo.
5.Fundul tau in jeansi. Arati atat de sexy si masculin!
6. Umerii musculosi. Ma innebunesti cand iti schimbi tricoul si lasi la vedere umerii si spatele musculoase. O singura miscare si ma dai pe spate.
7. Curajul. Oare de ce credeti ca avem fantezii cu pompieri? Pentru ca sunt atat de curajosi...! De ce nu le-ati lua exemplul?
8.Accesoriile. Ochelarii de soare te fac atat de sexy iar cureaua CK iti subliniaza atat de bine abdomenul lucrat!
9. Inteligenta. Mereu apreciez un barbat care stie sa intretina o conversatie inteligenta fara fraze gen: “In cartea mea de munca scrie romantic incurabil care te va face fericita toata viata”
10 Ochii. O privire din aceea ca a lui Pierce Brosnan si sunt a ta. |
_______________________________________ Ceea ce nu te doboara, te face mai puternic!
pus acum 14 ani |
Pe lista neagra
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Din 10 caracteristici 8 sunt doar calitati fizice.Oricum daca are bani se uita de astea. ![](
pus acum 14 ani |
Pe lista maro
![](/img/avatars/romania-inedit/6134.jpg) Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Pai cu banii iti cumperi ochelarii si cureaua CK. Plus, cand scoti pe masa un teanc de euro o sa pari un adevarat Einstein in ochii fetelor
_______________________________________ Reasonable Astartes Chapter -"Let's talk first!"
pus acum 14 ani |
![](/img/avatars/romania-inedit/80124.jpg) Din: '89
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
si proful zicea ca adevarata "coada de paun" a barbatului e creierul si nu musculatura... ![](
pus acum 14 ani |
Membru Senior
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
pus acum 14 ani |
Membru Junior
![](/img/avatars/romania-inedit/109260.gif) Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Oricum e un post simpatic. Adaug ca depinde de persoana careia i se adreseaza. Pe unele femei le impresioneaza banii, ca sa te insele cu cei cu muschi... sau alte calitati fizice... din modestie, trecem peste. Dar mai sunt femei care sunt impresionate de cultura, de stil de viata, de conversatie, de gesturile nobile...
Insa ce e drept, e drept, majoritatea sunt foarte impresionate atat de cadouri, cat si de modul in care sunt facute. Un barbat priceput in aceasta arta, cam are succes in 80-90% din cazuri.
_______________________________________ La Mulţi Ani tuturor şi un An Nou fericit!
pus acum 14 ani |
Pe lista maro
![](/img/avatars/romania-inedit/6134.jpg) Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
nu superficiale. only human. look:
15 Relationship Mistakes Women Make
1. Thinking we'll never get over him. We will. Two months and several powdered donuts later... we'll feel better.
2. Hacking into email or phones looking for suspicious messages and then yelling at him for the "k thnx bye" text he sent to his female co-worker two months ago. "k thnx" is not code for "hot steamy sex." (Is it?)
3. Thinking our partners must be interested in everything we do, think and say. When it comes down to it, we zone out when men talk about circuit boards, right? Having a best friend or gab partner outside a relationship is a good thing.
4. Displacing. Freud was right with this one. If we're mad at him because he ate our tasty restaurant leftovers out of the fridge, tell him we're mad at him because he ate our tasty restaurant leftovers out of the fridge. Don't turn it into a commitment issue.
5. Putting so much energy into the idea of a fairy-tale romance that we're disappointed with anything less.
6. Waiting for someone to find us, instead of going out and finding someone ourselves.
7. Thinking that a perfect relationship should be easy. Relationships require work and compromise; a perfect relationship means doing those things well.
8. Dropping our friends when we're falling in love. Friends help define who we are, and we need them when things get tough.
9. Thinking that getting a boyfriend or husband will solve all our problems. No one can fix our lives for us!
10. Using the silent treatment. Our partners can't read our minds; he won't know what's wrong unless we suck up and tell him.
11. Not asking for what we want in bed. It can be as little as an appreciative moan when he does something good or as much as a frank discussion about our fantasies. Again, he can't read minds, and we'll both benefit from knowing what we find pleasurable.
12. Denying that there's a problem in our marriage or relationship, instead of facing it and asking ourselves what needs to be done. Problems don't usually go away on their own. Letting them fester only makes it worse.
13. Thinking that depending on someone else is a weakness. Leaning on someone else sometimes is the sign of a healthy relationship.
14. Over-analyzing. There's analysis and then there's over-analysis. Wondering why the fiance didn't call once during his bachelor weekend in Vegas? A legitimate case for analysis. Wondering why he only called twice and not three times during a guys' night out? Not so much.
15. Trying to reinvent the relationship wheel. If some items on this list feel cliche, it's because they are! If we would only listen to a good dose of love advice now and again, we'd probably save ourselves some heartache. |
Modificat de brutalistu (acum 14 ani)
_______________________________________ Reasonable Astartes Chapter -"Let's talk first!"
pus acum 14 ani |