Brian Kessler, a journalist researching serial killers, and his photographer girlfriend Carrie set out on a cross-country tour of the sites of the killings. Sharing the ride and their expenses are Early Grayce, a paroled white trash criminal, and his girlfriend Adele. As the trip progresses, Early begins to appear more and more unstable, and Brian and Carrie begin to fear that they may have a real-life serial killer in the back seat of their car.
_______________________________________ Zilnic, cel mai interesant P.M. este răsplătit cu un BONUS special DO NOT PM ME, MOST LIKELY I WON'T ANSWER.DO NOT REQUEST REUPLOADS OF MY PREVIOUS UPLOADS, BUT IF YOU STILL HAVE THEM, FEEL FREE TO MAKE AS MANY MIRRORS AS YOU LIKE. [mp3=]