Moderat de 80Inanna, Silva, bronson, kla2005, maharet
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=Present= The Replacement Killers (1998) *EXTENDED*
Release Date ---04.24.2006 Video Codec ---XviD 1.1.0 Theatre Date ---01.12.1998 Video Bitrate ---895kbps DVD Release ---04.25.2006 Resolution ---672x272 RunTime ---96min Aspect Ratio ---2.47:1 Movie Genre ---Action/Drama/ Audio Codec ---VBR MP3 Thriller Audio Bitrate ---128kbps Language ---English/ Framerate ---23.976 Cantonese Disks ---49x15MB Subtitles ---English/French
IMDB Rating ---5.7/10 (8,003 votes) IMDB URL --- DVD LiNK --- 7042418&style=movie&cart=332811533&BAB=M
=Directed by=
Antoine Fuqua
John Lee is a hitman who works for Chinese crime lord, Terence Wei. It seems that Joh is obligated to Mr. Wei and so far has done everything he was told to do. Now Mr. Wei wants John to get revenge on a police detective who killed his son. John was about to carry out the job but for some reason can't do it. When Mr. Wei hears of this, he sends for some replacements. John now has to return to China to help his mother and sister whom Mr. Wei will now target because of his disobedience, but first he needs a passport. He needs find someone who can give him a passport who is not beholden to Mr. Wei. He is told of Meg Coburn, a small time documents forger. John goes to see her and was in the process of making his passport when some Wei's people come in shooting. While John gets away, Meg is caught by the police but is released by the cop whom Mr. Wei has a beef with. John goes to her and still needing a passport, forces to go with him. Mr. Wei's people finds them and was about to take care of them but John managed to escape. So now the two of them are not only hunted by Mr. Wei but also the police.
Yun-Fat Chow .... John Lee (as Chow Yun-Fat) Mira Sorvino .... Meg Coburn Michael Rooker .... Stan 'Zeedo' Zedkov Kenneth Tsang .... Terence Wei Jrgen Prochnow .... Michael Kogan (as Jurgen Prochnow) Til Schweiger .... Ryker Danny Trejo .... Collins Clifton Collins Jr. .... Loco (as Clifton Gonzalez Gonzalez) Carlos Gmez .... Hunt (as Carlos Gomez) Frank Medrano .... Rawlins Leo Lee .... Lam Patrick Kilpatrick .... Pryce Randall Duk Kim .... Alan Chan Andrew J. Marton .... Stevie Sydney Coberly .... Sara
The original runtime of this movie is 87min.this extend one is 96min , so that`s why there`s no rosub adapted for this version.Enjoy it!
Download: - pme-repkiller-extended.avi
_______________________________________ Zilnic, cel mai interesant P.M. este răsplătit cu un BONUS special DO NOT PM ME, MOST LIKELY I WON'T ANSWER.DO NOT REQUEST REUPLOADS OF MY PREVIOUS UPLOADS, BUT IF YOU STILL HAVE THEM, FEEL FREE TO MAKE AS MANY MIRRORS AS YOU LIKE. [mp3=]
The Replacement Killers (Ucigasi de schimb) este povestea unui asasin profesionist pe nume John Lee care este angajat pentru o noua tinta. Un politist din Los Angeles l-a ucis pe fiul lui Terence Wei, seful mafiei organizate chineze. Tinta este fiul politistului, un copil de sapte ani pe care Lee nu il poate omori. Acest act de tradare fata de angajatorul sau este de ajuns pentru a-l transforma pe Lee insusi in tinta mafiei chinezesti. Wei trimite un ucigas care sa-l ucida pe fiul politistului, insa John Lee se aliaza cu Meg Coburn, o specialista in falsificari, pentru a putea parasi Statele Unite cu un pasaport fals si a scapa de amenintarea ucigasului de schimb
Actiune Regia / Antoine Fuqua Scenariu / Ken Sanzel Distribuţia / Yun-Fat Chow, Mira Sorvino, Michael Rooker, Kenneth Tsang, Jürgen Prochnowv, Til Schweiger, Danny Trejo
_______________________________________ Respectul este un cuvānt care nu spune nimic şi cel mai des trebuie cāştigat . Respectul este atitudinea bunelor raporturi de colaborare si iubire practica, fata de cei mici, fata de cei egali si fata de cei superiori, A avea respect pentru cineva este similar cu a-l pretui pe el ca persoana, gandurile sale, sentimentele.