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The Twilight Saga: New Moon CAM.XviD.SPANISH
Homepage: Trailer: Imdb : -------------------------------------------------- The Twilight Saga: New Moon CAM.XviD.SPANISH Genre: Drama | Fantasy | Horror | Romance | Thriller Director: Chris Weitz Cast: Kristen Stewart, Christina Jastrzembska , Robert Pattinson, Anna Kendrick Size: 699 MB, Runtime: 130min Quality: XviD, 672x384, | Spanish, MP3, --------------------------------------------- After Bella recovers from the vampire attack that almost claimed her life, she looks to celebrate her birthday with Edward and his family. However, a minor accident during the festivities results in Bella's blood being shed, a sight that proves too intense for the Cullens, who decide to leave the town of Forks, Washington for Bella and Edward's sake. Initially heartbroken, Bella finds a form of comfort in reckless living, as well as an even-closer friendship with Jacob Black. Danger in different forms awaits.
Modificat de Valentin (acum 15 ani)

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 Din: Sadova City :)
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Membru Senior
 Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
link-ul de pe megaupload este alt film... "Wrong turn 3" ; restul link-urilor nu le-am verificat dar fisierul care contine filmul are aceeasi denumire... se pare ca nici cel care a pus linkurile nu le-a verificat...
Modificat de sexosul (acum 15 ani)
pus acum 15 ani |
Membru Puf
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
:-| Ai dreptate Sexosul,Wrong Turn 3 ! O reeditare a linkurilor ...
_______________________________________ Invata sa-ti scrii durerile pe nisip si bucuriile pe stanca - Sf.Augustin
pus acum 15 ani |
Membru Puf
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
o subtitare?? 
_______________________________________ $$$ Dj Arnold $$$
pus acum 15 ani |
pirates of caribbean
 Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
deci pana la urma e twiligt sau wrong turn?
pus acum 15 ani |
Membru Senior
 Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Cel de pe este New Moon , testat personal .
_______________________________________ To follow the path: look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master.
pus acum 15 ani |
Membru Junior
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 Din: Augsburg (Germany)
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Membru Senior
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Cel de pe este New Moon in limba spaniola ... se mai aseaza cate unul in fata camerei...; V=5 ; A=6.
pus acum 15 ani |
 Din: Nowhereland
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Twilight New Moon 2009 CAM-NOGrp
CAM | English | 2 hrs 4 mins | 640x480 | XVID 29.97 fps | AAC 48000Hz stereo | 1.17 GB Genre: Drama | Fantasy | Horror | Romance | Thriller
Bella Swan is still very much in love with vampire, Edward Cullen. The rest of the vampire coven who call themselves the Cullens, especially Alice, decide to throw Bella a private party for her eighteenth birthday. Things go wrong when Bella slices her hi and thirst overcomes the vampires. As a result of the danger Bella was put through, the Cullen family decide to leave Forks, Washington. At first Bella exempts herself from all social activities, until she realizes she can coexist with childhood friend, Jacob Black. As usual for Bella, things aren’t what they seem. Something is happening to Jacob that he can’t explain to Bella, and their friendship starts to deteriorate. But when someone from Bella’s past comes back to haunt her, everything will change again.
pus acum 15 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
blondull a scris:
Saga Amurg: Lună Nouă, cel de-al doilea film al celebrei serii Amurg, idila dintre vampir şi o muritoare prinde un nou contur atunci când Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) se adânceşte în secretele lumii supranaturale - din care îşi doreşte atât de mult să facă parte - numai pentru a se regăsi într-un pericol cu mult mai mare decât înainte. După petrecerea de majorat a Bellei, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) şi familia sa părăsesc oraşul Forks, în dorinţa de a o proteja pe Bella de pericolele iminente ale lumii vampirilor. Deprimată şi însingurată, ea parcurge cu greu ultimul an de liceu şi descoperă că, de fiecare dată când îşi riscă viaţa, imaginea lui Edward îi apare în minte. Dorinţa arzătoare de a fi împreună cu el o face să se expună unor pericole din ce în ce mai mari. Cu ajutorul prietenului său din copilărie, Jacob (Taylor Lauthner), Bella restaurează o motocicletă veche pe care o va folosi în noile călătorii, iar inima ei îngheţată pare să se deschidă relaţiei cu Jacob - membru al misteriosului clan Quileute care are propriile secrete periculoase. Dincolo de graniţele timpului şi ale lumii pe care o cunoaştem, Bella şi Edward sunt capabili să îşi sacrifice viaţa pentru a-şi salva povestea de iubire. Un rol decisiv îl vor avea fiinţele supreme din clanul Volturi, cei care împart legea printre vampiri, conducătorii nemiloşi care nu se dau în lături de la nimic pentru a menţine secretă existenţa vampirilor. Suspansul şi pasiunea care au transformat Amurg într-un adevărat fenomen, se continuă cu multe personaje noi, mult mai multă acţiune, secrete străvechi şi mistere adânci, în Saga Amurg: Lună Nouă, ce va avea aşteptata premieră în România pe 20 noiembrie 2009. Filmul este oferit de MediaPro Distribution.
_______________________________________ Zilnic, cel mai interesant P.M. este răsplătit cu un BONUS special DO NOT PM ME, MOST LIKELY I WON'T ANSWER.DO NOT REQUEST REUPLOADS OF MY PREVIOUS UPLOADS, BUT IF YOU STILL HAVE THEM, FEEL FREE TO MAKE AS MANY MIRRORS AS YOU LIKE. 
Citiţi regulile/Read The Rules  "Non quod habemus, sed quod fruimur, abundantia nostra est."
pus acum 15 ani |
shihan Online
Membru Gold
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Oare a aparut ceva mai bun ??? 
pus acum 15 ani |
shihan Online
Membru Gold
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
ok, ms! 
pus acum 15 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Twilight New Moon SCR XviD-RamPeD
Video Format-XVID Resolution -704x268 Vid Bitrate -1366kbps Frame Rate -23.976fps Runtime -2hour 10minutes
Audio format-MP3 Bitrate -128kb/s Samp Rate -48.000KHz Runtime -2hour 10minutes
_______________________________________ Carpe Diem
pus acum 15 ani |
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Twilight.Saga.New.Moon.2009.PPV.XviD.AC3-Rx ENCODE SPECS Basic Information Extra Information ----------------- ----------------- Format..........: AVI NO :...Subs Included Size............: 1.37 GB YES :.Sample Included Duration........: 2hr 10mn YES :.....Burn Tested Overall Bitrate.: 1501 Kbps YES :......PS3 Tested Release Date....: 02/12/2010 YES :.XBOX 360 Tested Video Information Audio Information ----------------- ----------------- Compression.....: XviD AC3 :....Audio Format Video Bitrate...: 1297 Kbps 192 Kbps :.........Bitrate Dimensions......: 640x272 2(Stereo) :........Channels Aspect Ratio....: 2.35 48.0 KHz :...Sampling Rate Framerate.......: 29.970 Fps English :........Language Movie Information ----------------- Release Year....: 2009 Genre...........: Drama | Fantasy | Horror | Romance IMDB............:
_______________________________________ Carpe Diem
pus acum 15 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
New Moon (2009) 130m37s 640x272 572 kbps English MP3 153 kbps vbr Subs: En/Fr/Es Notes: We chose to compress this on 1 CD because this movie compressed extremely (!) well, and thus quality would NOT be any better on 2 CD's. A technical proof is included and shows the average quantizer of the encoding, which is as low as 3.xx. This proofes also that bitrate is meaingless. Quantizers are a much better quality factor.
_______________________________________ Carpe Diem
pus acum 15 ani |
shihan Online
Membru Gold
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Beton...., mersi ! 
pus acum 15 ani |
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varianta 720p :
_______________________________________ Carpe Diem
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 Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Audio/Video Info
Audio Codec Required.: AC3 Bitrate..............: 448 Hz...................: 48.0 KHz Channels.............: 6 Video Format.........: MKV Compression..........: x264 Resolution...........: 720x306 (OAR : 2.35294) Video Bitrate........: 1747 Bits/(Pixel*Frame)...: 0.331 Frame Rate...........: 23.976 Video Standard.......: NTSC Source...............: 720p CBGB
IMDB.................: (4.6/10) Runtime..............: 2 hour 10 minutes 37 seconds
Language.............: English Subtitles............: English
Size Of Rip..........: 2.04 GB
_______________________________________ Carpe Diem
pus acum 15 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
TiTLE......[ New Moon YEAR.......[ 2009 GENRE......[ Drama | Fantasy | Horror | Romance RUNTiME....[ 02:10:38 STORE DATE.[ 2010 iMDB RATE..[ 4.6/10 49,872 votes iMDB URL...[
AUDiO......[ Mp3 48000Hz 128 kb/s CBR (2 chnls) LANGUAGE...[ English ViDEO......[ 721 kbps XviD 23.976 FPS Q. FRAME...[ 0.194 bits*pixel RESOLUTiON.[ 608 x 256 DAR........[ 2.375 (19: SUBS.......[ None FiLES......[ 1 SiZE.......[ 802 MB SOURCE.....[ DVD
Kristen Stewart ... Bella Swan Taylor Lautner ... Jacob Black Robert Pattinson ... Edward Cullen Billy Burke ... Charlie Swan Ashley Greene ... Alice Cullen Anna Kendrick ... Jessica Christian Serratos ... Angela Michael Welch ... Mike Justin Chon ... Eric Christina Jastrzembska ... Gran / Bella Jackson Rathbone ... Jasper Hale Russell Roberts ... Mr. Berty Michael Sheen ... Aro Jamie Campbell Bower ... Caius Christopher Heyerdahl ... Marcus
Last time we see saw Bella Swan she was narrowly escaping the clutches of the evil vampire James while finding love with ''vegetarian'' vampire Edward Cullen. Bella and Edward's lives have been full of nothing but love and bliss however, it all changes one fateful day. On Bella's birthday, her new found friend and sister of Edward, Alice, decides to throw her lavish party, complete with balloons, ribbons and cake that could feed an army. All is well until Bella accidentally cuts her hi whilst opening a present. The result is that Jasper Hale, the newest addition to the Cullen clan, succumbs to his blood lust and attacks Bella. Edward decides that while he and his family are around, Bella's life will always be at risk. So he decides to leave her for her own good. Bella feels her life is over. Enter Jacob Black, a member of the Quilite tribe who manages to bring some joy and meaning back into Bella's life. However as the two become closer, Bella discovers Jacob has a secret of his own- he's a werewolf. As if that wasn't bad enough Bella can't seem to get the love of her life, Edward out of her mind. With new dangers, new friends and new enemies, Bella finds herself choosing between holding on to the past or accepting a new future. But what and more importantly who will she choose?
_______________________________________ Carpe Diem
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Pe lista neagra
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Drama | Fantasy | Horror | Romance
The Next Chapter Begins
After Bella recovers from the vampire attack that almost claimed her life, she looks to celebrate her birthday with Edward and his family. However, a minor accident during the festivities results in Bella's blood being shed, a sight that proves too intense for the Cullens, who decide to leave the town of Forks, Washington for Bella and Edward's sake. Initially heartbroken, Bella finds a form of comfort in reckless living, as well as an even-closer friendship with Jacob Black. Danger in different forms awaits.
Bella Swan is still very much in love with vampire, Edward Cullen. The rest of the vampire coven who call themselves the Cullens, especially Alice, decide to throw Bella a private party for her eighteenth birthday. Things go wrong when Bella slices her hi and thirst overcomes the vampires. As a result of the danger Bella was put through, the Cullen family decide to leave Forks, Washington. At first Bella exempts herself from all social activities, until she realizes she can coexist with childhood friend, Jacob Black. As usual for Bella, things aren't what they seem. Something is happening to Jacob that he can't explain to Bella, and their friendship starts to deteriorate. But when someone from Bella's past comes back to haunt her, everything will change again. NEW MOON-DVDRip
Last time we see saw Bella Swan she was narrowly escaping the clutches of the evil vampire James while finding love with ''vegetarian'' vampire Edward Cullen. Bella and Edward's lives have been full of nothing but love and bliss however, it all changes one fateful day. On Bella's birthday, her new found friend and sister of Edward, Alice, decides to throw her lavish party, complete with balloons, ribbons and cake that could feed an army. All is well until Bella accidentally cuts her hi whilst opening a present. The result is that Jasper Hale, the newest addition to the Cullen clan, succumbs to his blood lust and attacks Bella. Edward decides that while he and his family are around, Bella's life will always be at risk. So he decides to leave her for her own good. Bella feels her life is over. Enter Jacob Black, a member of the Quilite tribe who manages to bring some joy and meaning back into Bella's life. However as the two become closer, Bella discovers Jacob has a secret of his own- he's a werewolf. As if that wasn't bad enough Bella can't seem to get the love of her life, Edward out of her mind. With new dangers, new friends and new enemies, Bella finds herself choosing between holding on to the past or accepting a new future. But what and more importantly who will she choose?
When Edward leaves Bella, her hole world is turned upside down. With Bella's heart broken, she turns to Jacob (Jake) her best friend to fill the void that was left by Edward. As Bella spends more time with Jake, she learns that there's more than vampires in the town of Forks. |
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