The first true sequel to the classic 1988 Nintendo Entertainment System original, Bionic Commando sees the return of the bionically-enhanced Nathan “Rad” Spencer, voiced by Mike Patton, the former lead singer of Faith No More. Time has not been kind to Spencer: 10 years after his heroic defeat of the Imperials in the original game, he has been betrayed by the government he swore to serve, imprisoned for crimes he didn’t commit, and sentenced to death. On the very day of Spencer’s execution, terrorists detonate a massive experimental weapon in Ascension City, unleashing an intense earthquake that has turned the city into rubble and wiped out its population. With the terrain in ruins and the city’s air defense grid now in the control of a massive terrorist force whose goal remains unclear, the FSA have only one option left - a behind-the-lines assault. The perfect job for a Bionic Commando.
System Requirements
Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows XP SP2/Vista Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO E4600 (2.4 GHz)/AMD Athlon64 X2 5200+ Memory: 1.5 GB Hard Drive: 8 GB Free Video Memory: 512 MB (NVIDIA GeForce 7800/ATI Radeon X1900) Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard & Mouse DVD Rom Drive
Recommended System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista Processor: Intel Core 2 QUAD Q6600 (2.4 GHz)/AMD Phenom X4 9500 (2.2 GHz) Memory: 2 GB Hard Drive: 8 GB Free Video Memory: 512 MB (NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX+/ATI Radeon HD 3850) Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 10 Keyboard & Mouse DVD Rom Drive
1. Extract Using Winrar Or Something Simmilar. 2. Run ~unpack~ From the Extracted Folder To Rebuild. Our Installer Does This Auto 3. Play The Game With bionic_commando.exe From Your Extracted Folder.
Other Notes:
Install/Rebuild Is Time/Space Consuming. Always Remember To Update Your Gfx Drivers. D3d/dx9 errors/missing dll? Update DirectX. Windows/Error Report? Your Specs Are Maybe To Low. Total Install Took Us About 1 Hour On A DualCore. Check Minimum Requirements Before Downloading.
_______________________________________ Zilnic, cel mai interesant P.M. este răsplătit cu un BONUS special DO NOT PM ME, MOST LIKELY I WON'T ANSWER.DO NOT REQUEST REUPLOADS OF MY PREVIOUS UPLOADS, BUT IF YOU STILL HAVE THEM, FEEL FREE TO MAKE AS MANY MIRRORS AS YOU LIKE.