Fan AC Milan Din: greseli se invata!
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Foarte bine!! nu inteleg de ce ii critica..doar sunt si ei au voie sa se uite si ei 1 pic?
_______________________________________ Grammar. The difference between knowing you're shit and knowing your shit.
pus acum 15 ani
k os
MEMBRU VIP Din: 1989
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
You can watch, but you can't touch!
pus acum 15 ani
Moderator Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
please come down the stairs
_______________________________________ Zilnic, cel mai interesant P.M. este răsplătit cu un BONUS special DO NOT PM ME, MOST LIKELY I WON'T ANSWER.DO NOT REQUEST REUPLOADS OF MY PREVIOUS UPLOADS, BUT IF YOU STILL HAVE THEM, FEEL FREE TO MAKE AS MANY MIRRORS AS YOU LIKE. [mp3=]