_______________________________________ Adevarul,pur si simplu,este rareori pur si nu este niciodata simplu ."
pus acum 15 ani
MEMBRU VIP Din: Stoned Age
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
_______________________________________ Lately, I've been hard to reach I've been too long on my own Everyone has their private world Where they can be alone
pus acum 15 ani
MEMBRU VIP Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Garcea numaru 2
pus acum 15 ani
Pe lista neagra
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
"aproape singur'
pus acum 15 ani
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
haideti ca e simpatic, cand nu e la volan !
pus acum 15 ani
Membru Puf Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
daca ii plac politisti atunci ii bine
pus acum 15 ani
k os
MEMBRU VIP Din: 1989
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
"Ba! Ma simt bine cand imi spui 'dumneavoastra'. Spune-mi 'dumneavoastra'!"
pus acum 15 ani
Moderator Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
"spune-i lu fraieru` ala sa-mi aduca permisu" criminal omu
_______________________________________ Zilnic, cel mai interesant P.M. este răsplătit cu un BONUS special DO NOT PM ME, MOST LIKELY I WON'T ANSWER.DO NOT REQUEST REUPLOADS OF MY PREVIOUS UPLOADS, BUT IF YOU STILL HAVE THEM, FEEL FREE TO MAKE AS MANY MIRRORS AS YOU LIKE. [mp3=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azJTTI4vk7g]