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_______________________________________ Mersul la biserica nu te face credincios, asa cum statul intr-un garaj nu te face masina

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Membru Junior
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_______________________________________ Mersul la biserica nu te face credincios, asa cum statul intr-un garaj nu te face masina

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_______________________________________ "In politica, prostia nu este un handicap". - Napoleon Bonaparte
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Membru Gold
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Journey To The Center Of The Earth 3D 2008 DVDSCR XviD-Th0r | Brendan Fraser
Release Group: Th0r (p2p) Release Name: Journey To The Center Of The Earth 2008 DVDSCR XViD Th0r Release Date: Sept 24, 2008 Source: DVD Scr Size: 968.34 MB Genre: Action | Adventure | Family | Fantasy | Sci-Fi | Thriller Video: 1315 kbps | 720x480 | 29.97 fps Audio: English | 128 kbps MP3 Runtime: ~92 min IMDB Rating: 6.4/10 (6,372 votes) Directed By: Eric Brevig Starring: Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutcherson, Anita Briem
Ro subtitare :
Modificat de bonisimo (acum 16 ani)
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 Din: trance world
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un filebox sau dump se poate?
pus acum 16 ani |
Membru Gold
 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Valentin a scris:
Journey to the Center of the Earth SCREENER XviD-COALiTiON
Homepage: Trailer1: Trailer2: Imdb : -------------------------------------------------- Release Name: Release Date: 25th September 2008 Source: DvDScreener Size: 700 MB Genre: Action | Adventure | Family | Fantasy | Sci-Fi | Thriller Quality: XViD 560×416 @ 743kpbs | MP3 VBR 2.0 @ 129kbps Runtime: 92 min IMDB Rating: 6.4/10 6,372 votes Directed By: Eric Brevig Starring: Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutcherson, Anita Briem, ... -------------------------------------------
Nota: Un alt screener, calitate buna si avantajul ca are doar 700 Mb, deci incape pe un Cd.  |
Nu am gasit nici o subtitrare care sa se poate ajuta cineva? Multumesc anticipat 
pus acum 16 ani |
Membru Gold
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kameleonul a scris:
un filebox sau dump se poate? |
download: sub ro:
pus acum 16 ani |
 Din: trance world
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
ms mult burguif 
pus acum 16 ani |
Pe lista neagra
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thnks burguif , pt ca l-ai pus pe dump 
pus acum 16 ani |
 Din: trance world
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
la 1h si 21 de min mi se blocheaza filmu(se blocheaza imaginea) nu merge mai incercat cu bsplayer vlc si gom player si asa imi face la toate .la gom se aude mai departe dar atat.scz ca am postat aici dar are legatura cu filmul.
Modificat de kameleonul (acum 16 ani)
pus acum 16 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
RELEASE NAME ..: RELEASE DATE ..: 04.03.2010
iMDB ..........: CiNEMAGiA .....:
GENRE .........: Action | Adventure | Family | Sci-Fi | Thriller SOURCE ........: AUDiO .........: English 5.1 DD, Spanish 5.1 DD ViDEO .........: Standard 4x pass. DURATiON ......: 104 Minutes FORMAT ........: .iso ASPECT RATiO ..: 16:9 SUBTiTLES .....: English, ROMANIAN MENU ..........: Yes (Edited) EXTRAS ........: Yes
PLOT ..........: "Journey to the center of the Earth 3D" este un film de aventura live-action care utilizeaza tehnologia tridimensionala si care are la baza romanul clasic omonim al scriitorului francez de science-fiction Jules Verne.
Un ambitios profesor de stiinte pe nume Trevor, ale carui teorii radicale si neconventionale i-au ruinat reputatia si l-au transformat in tinta predilecta a bataii de joc a tuturor colegilor din comunitatea academica, decide sa isi caute fratele disparut in conditii misterioase, care i-a lasat ca unic indiciu cateva note insemnate pe marginea romanului lui Jules Verne "Calatorie spre centrul Pamantului". Impreuna cu nepotul lui Sean si cu ghidul lor Hannah, Trevor pleaca intr-o expeditie palpitanta in Islanda in incercarea de a da de urma fratelui sau, folosindu-se de cartea adnotata de catre acesta ca de o veritabila harta. In timpul calatoriei, cei trei tineri gasesc o caverna care ii conduce cu zeci de mile sub suprafata scoartei terestre, pana in maruntaiele cele mai ascunse ale Pamantului, acolo unde sunt pe punctul de a face o descoperire stiintifica majora si anume aceea ca exista lumi noi, neexplorate si nevazute pana acum de nici un ochi omenesc, care sunt populate de creaturi atat de stranii incat nu se poate gasi nici un fel de asemanare cu vreun animal care vietuieste in prezent pe Terra.
Atat peisajele bizare, cat si creaturile de tipul dinozaurilor sau pestilor care se pare ca traiesc in interiorul nucleului Pamantului, sunt realizate in intregime pe calculator.
Traducerea ....: veveriţa_bc & corleone Adaptare DVD ..: borcanel
UPLOADERS NOTE : This movie can be seen with 3D glasses model Magenta-Green!
Modificat de gimi1122 (acum 15 ani)
_______________________________________ Carpe Diem
pus acum 15 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Journey.To.The.Center.Of.The.Earth[2008]DvDrip RoSubbed -aXXo
Plot: Professor Trevor Anderson receives his teenager nephew Sean Anderson. He will spend ten days with his uncle while his mother, Elizabeth, prepares to move to Canada. She gives a box to Trevor that belonged to his missing brother, Max, and Trevor finds a book with references to the last journey of his brother. He decides to follow the steps of Max with Sean and they travel to Iceland, where they meet the guide Hannah Įsgeirsson. While climbing a mountain, there is a thunderstorm and they protect themselves in a cave. However, a lightening collapses the entrance and the trio is trapped in the cave. They seek an exit and falls in a hole, discovering a lost world in the center of the Earth.
Journey.To.The.Center.Of.The.Earth[2008] - Journey.To.The.Center.Of.The.Earth[2008]DvDrip-aXXo.avi -
_______________________________________ Zilnic, cel mai interesant P.M. este răsplătit cu un BONUS special DO NOT PM ME, MOST LIKELY I WON'T ANSWER.DO NOT REQUEST REUPLOADS OF MY PREVIOUS UPLOADS, BUT IF YOU STILL HAVE THEM, FEEL FREE TO MAKE AS MANY MIRRORS AS YOU LIKE. 
Citiţi regulile/Read The Rules  "Non quod habemus, sed quod fruimur, abundantia nostra est."
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