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Forum Romania Inedit / Off Topic / FIFA 2009 NewsLetter Moderat de 80Inanna, Crizzu, Neo, cuculean, gabiandreicristian, maharet, maleficus
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Din: Legendary
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
As we get a break in EURO 2008, we take a few moments to catch up on all the FIFA 09 news that has started to leak recently. We start with a look at PSM3 UK's early review of the game...

"Fewer gimmicks, more solid, refined play. There's substance beneath the glamour" say the guys at PSM3 UK.  What else do they say...

We're mindful of overstating this - regular readers might be aware of previous false dawns for FIFA on PS2 - but maybe, just maybe, this is the year FIFA emerges as a legitimate alternative to Pro Evo, not only for casual fans, but hardcore gamers, too. Truth is, the process has already started. We're at EA's offices in Vancouver, Canada, ready for our FIFA 09 hands-on. Before play, however, we're given a presentation and video highlighting the differences between FIFA 08 and FIFA 09, which can - says FIFA Lead Producer David Rutter - be broken down into a few key areas: improved physicality, better off-the-ball movement, new animations, a deep tactical engine that allows you to change your tactics on-the-fly, and a multi-season Be A Pro mode. More on all of this later.

So we sit down to play. The only match available for us is Manchester United vs Chelsea, in which we take on a journo from a rival games mag. First impressions are extremely favourable - it looks as good, if not better, than last year, with sharp, colourful player models, beautiful stadiums, lush grass and smart entrance sequences. And, although you'd need sharp eyes to spot it, the animation has indeed been improved, looking more realistic - although without the video demo of FIFA 09 next to FIFA 08, we'd never have noticed.

"Look at dribbling in 08," says Rutter during said video. "He's skipping animations - we're breaking animations to allow him to turn. Now, if you look in slow motion, he's manoeuvring his body to get to the ball like a real footballer would." And you can spot this in-game. Its affect on play is negligible, if that, but it's nice to see.

But for the first few minutes of play, it doesn't feel as if much has changed at all with the actual nuts and bolts of gameplay - we had to play quite a few games before we properly began to get a feel for the changes within the mechanics.

In the presentation, Rutter spoke of "momentum - the idea of weight and velocity having an effect on things. In 08," he says, "players had no idea where they were being hit from or which leg was being hit. In 09, players have a sense of direction, they know where the tackle is coming from and react accordingly [read: fall over in a more realistic way]. The non-standing leg, now... in 08, if a tackle caught that, he'd go down. In 09, you'll see players be able to skip out of those tackles and keep on running." And that's true - which keeps the game flowing, resulting in fewer frustrating breaks in play and extra goal-scoring opportunities.

Players are more physical when jostling each other off the ball, tangling together in a far more lifelike way than last year, when they would run on-rails next to each other before one of them came away successfully.

"Drogba is a hulk of a beast," Rutter says. "He can hold off a lot of people." When we were controlling Drogba, however, he tended to topple over as soon as a defender brushed against him, which means either physicality isn't that good or that FIFA is exceptionally realistic. While we're on the subject, FIFA 09 hasn't taken a cue from PES 2008 and included diving. "We didn't want to put cheating in our game," says Gameplay Manager Aaron McHardy. This is fine by us - we almost never use PES's dive buttons - but if players go down as often as Drogba does, it's likely to get frustrating.

Off-the-ball AI has improved. "Last year players had no sense of urgency that they really wanted to get into space," says Rutter. "Now you'll get a more urgent response from the releasing of the pass." We did see players sprinting more quickly into space, pointing where they wanted the ball to be played. There were still, however, times when we found ourselves screaming for a teammate to make an obvious run, but far less so than previously.

Also, if you press the button hard enough when going for a 50-50 ball, your man will slide in and sweep the ball to a colleague. Players are more responsive too, with people positioning themselves more precisely for headers on the goal and following up for rebounds more quickly. But the keepers are insanely good, pulling off unlikely saves as a matter of course. We can only hope they're made less superhuman before the game's final release. This time around a keeper will also able to dive at feet, "anticipating where people are going to be. But if he gets it wrong, he'll be able to change his mind. We're really humanizing the system."

EA's proudest invention is FIFA 09's customisable tactics system. "We wanted people to play how they want to play," reckons Rutter. "You can simulate the way the team you support currently play, the way you think they should play, or come up with some fantasy way of playing."

Although this wasn't available for us to test, it will work with a series of sliders "incorporating key parts of the team dynamic - aggression, mentality, positioning, etc". We're told it will be possible to create attacking or defensive tactics and everything in between, and that you'll be able to assign up to four of your own custom plans to the D-pad and switch to them mid-match.

"A long passing game isn't just about hitting the ball long," says Rutter. "We've changed the support play so your midfield needs to be further up the pitch, looking for the long ball to be knocked down for them to run on to. In a short game, the team pushes together and is more compact to allow short passes to be played. You can totally change the way your team plays, and apply it during the match. Every game is going to be different. But the AI will do it too, so if you play [Manchester United] and they go a goal down, they're gonna change to try to get a goal back."

It sounds vaguely reminiscent of Pro Evo 2008's TeamVision AI - which was meant to learn your playing style and adapt the AI tactics accordingly. Except, of course, TeamVision - in our experience, at least - didn't really work as we expected.

Lastly, and again we haven't been able to test this out yet, is the updated Be A Pro mode. For the uninitiated, Be A Pro allowed you to select a player and spend the entire match exclusively in control of that one man, with the camera at pitch level to make you feel more involved. It proved something of a hit, and now it's back with its own Career mode. You can take control of a player - or make your own in the editor - and spend four seasons trying to take him up the ranks from unknown to national legend. We're looking forward to trying it out, putting ourselves in the game and lifting the World Cup, but we're a little surprised at the four-season limit. Regardless, it should be fun, although playing as only one man is never going to distract us from proper matches for too long.

A word on the PS2 version: The last couple of FIFA's on PS2 have been commended for being a vast improvement - in that they've been just like PES. This year's is no different - it's fast (insanely so, at times), with smooth passing and excellent shooting. New additions? You can shield the ball from nearby opposition players, and it has the same 'strength collision' detection of its next-gen brother - but the big thing is Easy Play. This is a mode EA claim is for young kids to play, and basically involves the computer doing all the passing and running, while you simply press shoot or tackle at appropriate times.

Based on our brief hands-on, FIFA 09 is fun, with more precise passing than before - through balls are more accurate and easier to place - and shooting is stronger and more accurate. Tackling, meanwhile, feels suitably impactful. One odd thing, mind, is that while Euro 2008 was marginally, but appreciably, quicker than FIFA 08, now the tempo has reverted to type. And, of course, one thing FIFA's detractors often point to when voicing their displeasure is... the slow pace.


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bineinteles , screeshoturile pentru PS3 si Xbox360 as usual.Doar nu credeti ca o sa se indure sa scoata o versiune next gen si pentru PC , nu?   

Zilnic, cel mai interesant P.M. este răsplătit cu un BONUS special



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"Non quod habemus, sed quod fruimur, abundantia nostra est."

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Din: Legendary
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
da cum sa nu ...   

" Discuţiile aprinse de pe Hub-urile DC vor avea din toamnă un nou subiect: FIFA 2009. Electronic Arts pune la punct ultimele detalii înainte de lansare şi promite să introducă noi tactici, driblinguri şi scheme de joc. Fanii FIFA au motive întemeiate să aştepte cu sufletul la gură apariţia celui mai popular simulator sport deoarece producătorii au anunţat nu mai puţin de 50.000 de combinaţii tactice posibile.

Microbiştii care joacă seria FIFA încă de la începuturile sale (FIFA ’94, dar FIFA ’97 a fost primul din serie cu o grafică şi moduri de joc cât de cât apropiate de ceea ce vedem acum) sunt destul de sceptici la afirmaţiile făcute de Electronic Arts. De la FIFA ’98 încoace, schimbările au fost mai degrabă la nivel grafic (fără să revoluţioneze) decât la nivel tactic. În orice caz, chiar dacă FIFA 2009 nu va avea 50.000 de combinaţii (oare cine stă să le numere şi să le descopere pe toate?), grafica mai evoluată, listele de jucători şi echipele actualizate ne vor face să abandonăm vechea versiune (FIFA 2008) fără să stăm pe gânduri.

Sperăm ca echipele româneşti din fruntea campionatului să fie şi ele prezente, dar nu cu jucători retraşi din activitate sau cu numele scrise greşit.

Despre principalul concurent al FIFA 2009, Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 (PES 2009), nu se ştie încă nimic. "

Sursa : go4it


"FIFA 2009 o să fie mai realist, mai rapid şi mai târziu "

"FIFA 2009 o să iasă curând din gaura unde se ascunde acum, privind nerăbdător şi ursuz la toţi gamerii care joacă UEFA 2008 Pro Evolution Soccer. EA promite tot soiul de îmbunătăţiri în acest nou FIFA, principala treabă fiind un timp de răspuns crescut în timpul pasării şi driblării şi al diverselor ghionturi pe care şi le aplică beckhămii între ei (“increased responsiveness”).

Noul joc o să aibă animaţii mai convingătoare şi mai rafinate, ceea ce o să dea, pare-se, impresia că lucrurile se întâmplă mai rapid şi mai realist pe teren. Nu ştiu dacă viteza era neapărat o problemă în celelalte FIFE, dar e bine că mai umblă la realism – la acest ultim capitol, Pro Evolution Soccer stă, parcă, ceva mai bine.

Alte schimbări: ăl de are mingea poate să-şi recapete echilibrul dacă e interceptat prin alunecare pe piciorul care nu-i susţine greutatea în acel moment (aşa că uitaţi-vă la picioare de fotbalişti înainte să intraţi cu tacklingu’). De asemenea, căpitanii echipelor mai izbucnesc câteodată în plâns atunci când e ratat prosteşte un penalty. Mai ales ăi din echipele de ginte latină – aşa mai sentimentali cum sunt ei. Dacă tot suntem la capitolul de realism sentimental, paote o să vedem în FIFA 2009 şi nişte înjurături de mamă sau măcar să putem scuipa în mod virtual. "

Sursa : CVG


"Acum, in preajma EURO 2008, iata ca pe forumurile din lumea larga au inceput sa apara noi informatii despre mult asteptatul FIFA 2009.
Daca discutiile sunt aprinse, iar zvonurile numeroase, dupa aparitia noului joc de la Electronic Arts cu siguranta discutiile vor fi interminabile, iar impatimitii vor dori sa joace non-stop noua varianta a deja binecunoscutului joc.

Noua versiune FIFA va aparea in toamna acestui an, conform unor surse din interiorul companiei Electronic Arts.
Fanii jocului nu vor regreta ca au asteptat asa mult, intrucat vor gasi in joc noi tactici, driblinguri si scheme de joc. Producatorii au anuntat deja nu mai putin de 50.000 de combinatii tactice posibile. Un numar impresionant, ce ii va tine ocupati pe gameri mult timp.

O imbunatatire pe care producatorii au anuntat-o face referire la timpul de raspuns crescut in momentul pasarii si driblarii, si al diverselor ghionturi pe care si le aplica beckhamii intre ei ("increased responsiveness".
Cei de la Electronic Arts au declarat ca imbunatatiri se vor vedea si in cazul jucatorului care prinde mingea, acesta putand sa-si recapete echilibrul daca e interceptat prin alunecare pe piciorul care nu-i sustine greutatea in acel moment.
Se pare ca, jucatorii vor fi "dotati" si cu sentimente, deoarece capitanii de echipe vor putea izbucni in plans in momentul in care se rateaza prosteste un penalty.

Totusi, microbistii care joaca seria FIFA inca de la inceputurile sale (FIFA ’94, dar FIFA ’97 a fost primul din serie cu o grafica si moduri de joc cat de cat apropiate de ceea ce vedem acum) sunt destul de sceptici la afirmatiile facute de Electronic Arts.
Motivele lor de ingrijorare sunt intemeiate deoarece, de la FIFA '98 incoace, schimbarile au fost mai mult la nivel grafic decat la nivel tactic.

Un lucru este totusi cert, chiar daca FIFA 2009 nu va veni cu un pachet de 50.000 de combinatii tactice si cu jucatori cu sentimente, acesta va veni cu o grafica mai evoluata, cu liste de jucatori si echipe actualizate.
Toate aceste noutati ii vor indemna pe jucatori sa lase deoparte, fara sa stea prea mult pe ganduri, vechea versiune de FIFA 2008.

O updatarea a echipelor romanesti este binevenita, si ar fi si mai frumos daca numele jucatorilor nostri nu ar mai fi scrise gresit." 

SURSA : All-News


Modificat de Jaws (acum 16 ani)


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pus acum 16 ani

Din: Padure
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
EA Sports a anuntat ca Fifa 09 versiune PC va contine patch-ul grafic "Next Generation" ceea ce inseamna ca grafica o sa fie foarte asemanatore ce Fifa pe consola. Asa ca cei care au PC-uri slabe si sunt fani Fifa ar trebuii sa puna bani deoparte deoarece va trebuii un PC mult mai performant 

Modificat de big_evil (acum 16 ani)

pus acum 16 ani

Din: Legendary
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
cam 512-1Gb ram e de ajuns poate la placa video minim 128 Mb si un processor de 1.7 - 2.3 si o sa mearga perfect

Modificat de Jaws (acum 16 ani)


RapidShare Programs

- [ UPDATE 24.06.2008 ] - Password jaws or

You Hit Me , We Hit You !

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Eu prefer Pro Evolution Soccer.

Marea problema cu FIFA e ca din 2003 e cam la fel. FIFA 2003 a fost inovator ca a renuntat la "bomboanele" grafice din trecut (mingi cu cozi de cometa etc), iar grafica a facut un pas inainte. Hai sa zic ca 2005 a fost mai cursiv putin, deci ultimul FIFA innoit, insa de atunci se tot trage la xerox...

You can do anything you set your mind to, man

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

009 a scris:

Eu prefer Pro Evolution Soccer.

si eu la fel     

pus acum 16 ani

Din: New York
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Am instalat si eu ieri PES 6 nu mi-a placut deloc, deloc! Tot FiFa ramane mai misto !

pus acum 16 ani

Din: Mata
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
jedimkey ai jucat cu tastatura?
FIFA 2009 sunt sigur ca va dezamagi userii PC-urilor din nou...


Abureala de test...downloadez cu ~6mb/s

pus acum 16 ani

Din: New York
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Da, am jucat cu tastatura.

pus acum 16 ani

Din: Padure
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Votati aici Introducerea Ligi I in Fifa. Romania conduce 
Poate cei de la EA vor lua in considerare voturile noastre.

Poze noi

Au aparut si lista cu ligile din Fifa 09:

1. A-League
2. Liga Argentina Primera Division Liga Argentina Primera Division--------------NEW
3. Austrian Bundesliga Österrikiska Bundesliga
4. Belgian Jupiler League Belgiska Jupiler League
5. Campeonato Brasileiro Serie A Campeonato Brasileiro Serie A
6. Gambrinus liga Gambrinus Liga
7. Danish Superliga Superligaen
8. Barclays Premier League Barclays Premier League
9. Football League Championship Football League Championship
10. Football League One Football League One
11. Football League Two Football League Two
12. Ligue 1 Ligue 1
13. Ligue 2 Ligue 2
14. Liga Macedonia 1 Liga Makedonien 1----------------NEW
15. Futball-Bundesliga
16. 2. Futball-Bundesliga
17. Eircom League of Ireland Eircom League of Ireland
18. Serie A Serie A
19. Serie B Serie B
20. K-League
21. Major League Soccer Major League Soccer
22. Primera Division de Mexico Primera Division de Mexico
23. Russian Premier League 1 23. Ryska Premier League 1----------NEW
24. Eredivisie
25. Norwegian Premier League Norska Premier League
26. Orange Ekstraklasa Orange Ekstraklasa
28. Rest of World Rest of World
29. Scottish Premier League Scottish Premier League
30. South-africa Premier Soccer League 1 Syd-afrika Premier Soccer League 1--------NEW
31. Spanish La Liga Spanska La Liga
32. Segunda Division A Segunda Division A
33. Allsvenskan
34. Swiss Super League Swiss Super League
35. Turkcell Super League Turkcell Super League

FIFA 09:national team´s:

Albania Albanien
Australia Australien
Austria Österrike
Belgium Belgien
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnien och Hercegovina
Brazil Brasilien
Bulgaria Bulgarien
Cameroon Kamerun
China Kina
Croatia Kroatien
Cyprus Cypern
Czech Republic Tjeckien
Denmark Danmark
Estonia Estland
France Frankrike
Germany Tyskland
Greece Grekland
Hungary Ungern
Italy Italien
Korea Republic Korea Republic
Latvia Lettland
Mexico Mexiko
Netherlands Nederländerna
New Zealand Nya Zeeland
Northern Ireland Nordirland
Norway Norge
Poland Polen
Republic of Ireland Republiken Irland
Romania Rumänien
Russia Ryssland
San Marino San Marino
Scotland Skottland
Slovakia Slovakien
Slovenia Slovenien
South Africa Sydafrika
Spain Spanien
Sweden Sverige
Switzerland Schweiz
Turkey Turkiet
Ukraine Ukraina
United States USA

Site official:

pus acum 16 ani

Din: ...noroc
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
dar la PES2008 numai stiu cum sa pun butoanele de la tastatura sa fie ca la fifa 08 ca am uitatt!! si nu le mai nimeresc nu are cineva un screenshot sa vad cum le are el???va multumesc



*la toate arhivele mele parola este

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
abia astept sa o sa conteze viteza cu care o sa downoadez...daca ar aparea pe l-as downloada...cred ca o sa fie vreo 80 de parti si nu are rost cu viteza de 120 kb/s..dar vreau macar pe torrent! placa video Nvidia GeFORCE 6200 de 256 MB cu 256 RAM...o sa fac un upgrade la RAM pana la 512...

Modificat de Deagle (acum 16 ani)


pus acum 16 ani

Din: Mata
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

jedimkey a scris:

Da, am jucat cu tastatura.

Nu poti savura PES 2008 100% cu tastatura.Butaonele sunt aiurea si nu poti face scheme 


Abureala de test...downloadez cu ~6mb/s

pus acum 16 ani
Pe lista neagra

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani

Deagle a scris:

abia astept sa o sa conteze viteza cu care o sa downoadez...daca ar aparea pe l-as downloada...cred ca o sa fie vreo 80 de parti si nu are rost cu viteza de 120 kb/s..dar vreau macar pe torrent! placa video Nvidia GeFORCE 6200 de 256 MB cu 256 RAM...o sa fac un upgrade la RAM pana la 512...

cum fac si eu asta pot ajunge de la 512 la 1 GB sau macar la 600-700 MB ?     

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Si eu am placa video de 356 mb 128 bt ,si 1 gb de ram crek cu am prob da sper sa nu am probleme cu urmatorul Need for speed Undercover  

John Alexander <--- Listen Best Music

pus acum 16 ani
Pe lista neagra

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
chiar nu stie nmeni cum sa fac si eu acest upgrade la RAM?

pus acum 16 ani

Din: Padure
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Cumperi RAM  

pus acum 16 ani
Pe lista neagra

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
ha ha ha buna asta stiu si eu si unde mi-l bag ca PC e in garantie si nu vreau sa o pierd 

pus acum 16 ani

Din: Padure
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Tu ce intelegi prin upgrade?
Vreau sa imi fac upgrade la RAM = Vreau sa imi cumpar RAM

pus acum 16 ani

Din: ...noroc
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

big_evil a scris:

Tu ce intelegi prin upgrade?
Vreau sa imi fac upgrade la RAM = Vreau sa imi cumpar RAM

el se refera la rami virtuali!!!  



*la toate arhivele mele parola este

pus acum 16 ani

Din: New York
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
@mortulviu: Atunci daca se refera la ramii virtuali ce treaba are garatia, huh? El asa spunea care garantie si nu poate sa-si cumpere rami.

pus acum 16 ani

Din: ...noroc
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

jedimkey a scris:

@mortulviu: Atunci daca se refera la ramii virtuali ce treaba are garatia, huh? El asa spunea care garantie si nu poate sa-si cumpere rami.

pai da rami nu isi poate pune dar el vrea sa upgrade ramii lui si daca nu isi poate cumpara sa isi puna atunci prin upgrade inteleg si ca vrea sa isi faca niste rami virtuali!!



*la toate arhivele mele parola este

pus acum 16 ani
Pe lista neagra

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Exact mortulviu am citit ca pot fac asta si cu un CD-player dar trebui sa fie foarte bun  

pus acum 16 ani

Din: Padure
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Modificat de big_evil (acum 16 ani)

pus acum 16 ani
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