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Forum Romania Inedit / Filme clasice - Old Movies / A Clockwork Orange (1971) Moderat de 80Inanna, Silva, bibescu, bronson
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A Clockwork Orange (1971)


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Filme Romanesti facute format DVD de bibescu

#01 - Nunta de piatra (1972)
#02 - Independenta Romaniei (1912)
#04 - Sarutul (1965)
#05 - Un film cu o fata fermecatoare (1966)
#06 - Acordati circumstante atenuante? (1984)
#07 - Mireasa din tren (1980)
#08 - Secretul cifrului (1959)
La filmele romanesti avem CATALOG. Se admite doar un topic pe film.

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Adevarata placere consta in descoperire,nu in cunoastere.
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A Clockwork Orange (1971) DvDrip-FXG


02:11:02 | 608x368 | XviD - 610Kbps | 25.000fps | MP3 - 112Kbps | 692MB
Genre: Crime | Drama | Sci-Fi | Thriller

In future Britain, charismatic delinquent Alex DeLarge is jailed and later volunteers for an experimental aversion therapy developed by the government in an effort to solve society's crime problem... but not all goes to plan.
Protogonist Alex is an "ultraviolent" youth in futuristic Britian. As with all luck, his eventually runs out and he's arrested and convicted of murder and rape. While in prison, Alex learns of an experimental program in which convicts are programed to detest violence. If he goes through the program his sentence will be reduced and he will be back on the streets sooner than expected. But Alex's ordeals are far from over once he hits the mean streets of Britian that he had a hand in creating.




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A Clockwork Orange

General Information

Type.................: Movie
More Info............:

Video Format.........: AVI

Source...............: DVD 16x9
Original Format......: PAL
Genre................: Crime Drama Thriller
IMDb Rating..........: 8.5
Movie Information....:
CD1 Size.............: 700
CD2 Size.............: 700


Set in London, England in the near-future and narrated by Alex DeLarge, the film opens on Alex and his friends, "the droogs"; Pete (Michael Tarn), Georgie (James Marcus), and Dim (Warren Clarke), partaking of mescaline-spiked milk at the Korova Milk Bar prior to an evening of "the old ultra-violence". They proceed to beat up an elderly vagrant under a motorway and interrupt an attempted gang rape of a woman in an abandoned theatre by a rival gang of camouflage wearing Walts led by Billyboy[2] (Richard Connaught). They subsequently get in a brawl with their rivals. Upon hearing the sounds of police sirens, Alex and his gang flees, stealing a car and driving into the countryside. They then gain entry to the home of Mr. Alexander, a writer, under false pretenses and assault him while violently raping his wife (Adrienne Corri), all while Alex sings Singing' in the Rain. When they return to the milk bar, Alex chides Dim when he interrupts a female patron while she sings a selection of Beethoven, a composer Alex admires.

The next day, Alex skips school and has an encounter with social worker Mr. Deltoid (Aubrey Morris). Deltoid is exasperated with Alex and talks about all his hard work with him. Deltoid is the one person who easily sees through Alex' lies. After picking up and having sex with two girls from a record shop, Alex regroups with his droogs in his building lobby who now challenge his authority: with Georgie insisting the gang be run in a "new way" that entails less power for Alex and more ambitious crimes. As they walk along a canal, Alex attacks his droogs in order to re-establish his leadership.

That night, the gang attempts to invade the home of a woman (Miriam Karlin) who lives alone with her cats and runs a health farm. In the process, she gets into a fight with Alex, and Alex mortally bludgeons her with a phallus-shaped statue. As they flee the scene, Dim smashes a milk bottle across Alex's face, temporarily blinding him and leaving him to be found by the police. During his interrogation, Alex is told by Mr. Deltoid that he is now a murderer, because the woman died from her injuries. To add insult to injury, Deltoid simply spits on Alex in sheer disgust.

After a trial, Alex is convicted of the murder and sentenced to 14 years in prison. He arrives from the courthouse where he is strip-searched and given a prison number which he must memorize. Two years later, Alex becomes friends with the prison chaplain and takes a keen interest in the Bible, but primarily in the more violent characters. When the Minister of the Interior (Anthony Sharp) arrives at the prison looking for volunteers for the Ludovico technique, an experimental aversion therapy for rehabilitating criminals, Alex eagerly steps forward, much to the disgust of Chief Officer Barnes (Michael Bates). At the Ludovico facility, Alex is placed in a straitjacket and forced to watch films containing scenes of extreme violence while being given drugs to induce reactions of revulsion. The films include one of real scenes in Nazi Germany, which includes a soundtrack of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. Alex realises this will likely condition him against Beethoven's music and makes an agonised though unsuccessful attempt to have the treatment end prematurely before the conditioning sets in. Alex is forced to watch two of these violent films a day. Two weeks later, after the treatment is finished, Alex's reformed behaviour is demonstrated for the audience. He is unable to respond to an Irish actor's (John Clive) shouting insults and picking a fight with him, and a feeling of sickness attacks him when he is presented with a young naked woman who sexually arouses him. The Minister declares Alex to be cured, but the chaplain asserts that Alex no longer has any free will.

Alex is let free from prison two years after his sentencing. He returns home only to find that his parents have rented out his room to a lodger named Joe (Clive Francis), leaving him on his own. On the street, Alex comes across the same vagrant he had assaulted before the treatment, who calls in his friends and they attack Alex. Two policemen arrive to break up the fight, but Alex discovers the policemen to be his former droogs, Dim and Georgie. They drag Alex out to the countryside, where they brutally beat and half-drown him in a vat of water before leaving him for dead.

Battered and bruised, Alex wanders to the home of Mr. Alexander, who does not recognize him from two years prior, due to Alex’ wearing a mask at the time. Mr. Alexander is revealed to have been crippled by the attack two years earlier and now lives with a personal bodyguard, manservant, and physical trainer named Julian (David Prowse). Mr. Alexander takes Alex into his home, aware that he had undergone the Ludovico treatment due to the story published in all of the country's newspapers. Mr. Alexander tends to Alex's wounds, but the memories of his assault return when Alex sings "Singin' in the Rain" while he is taking a bath. Mr. Alexander drugs Alex, locks him in the upper floor of his home and plays Beethoven's Ninth Symphony at full volume through a powerful stereo on the floor below, knowing that the Ludovico treatment will cause immense pain to Alex. In order to escape the torture, Alex becomes suicidal and throws himself out of the room's window.

Alex recovers consciousness days later to find himself in traction, with dreams about doctors messing around inside his head. Through a series of psychological tests, Alex finds that he no longer has a revulsion to violence. The Minister of the Interior comes to Alex and apologises for subjecting him to the treatment, and informs him that Mr. Alexander has been "put away". The Minister then offers Alex an important government job and, as a show of goodwill, has a stereo wheeled to his bedside playing Beethoven's Ninth. Alex then realises that instead of an adverse reaction to the music, he sees images of sexual pleasure. He then states (in a sarcastic and menacing voice-over) "I was cured, all right!"


A.Clockwork.Orange.1971.DVDRip.XviD.iNT-TD.cd2.avi - -
A.Clockwork.Orange.1971.DVDRip.XviD.iNT-TD.cd1.avi - -

Zilnic, cel mai interesant P.M. este răsplătit cu un BONUS special



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A Clockwork Orange (1971)



BRRip / x264 / 800mb


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A Clockwork Orange (1971) / Portocala mecanică (1971)

Release iNFo :
Release Date: 19 December 1971     
Source: Retail
Format: DVD5 (AUDIO_TS & VIDEO_TS Folder)
Audio Type: English 5.1 • French 5.1 • Italian 5.1
Subtitles: Arabic • Bulgarian • Dutch • English • French • German • Italian • Portuguese • ROMANIAN • Spanish
Menu: YES (Untouched)
Size: 4,35 GB

Movie iNFo :
Genre: Crime | Drama | Sci-Fi
Runtime: 136 min

Tânărul delincvent Alex De Large (Malcolm McDowell), inteligent și sigur pe sine, își duce viața urmărind filme porno, ascultând Beethoven și conducându-si banda de "Droogs" (între care Warren Clark, cu o mutră de copil) - toți îmbrăcati în alb și purtând pălării melon - în curse nebunești de "ultra-violență", în timpul cărora vorbesc un argou specific, o combinație rimată de rusă și accent cockney londonez. Cea mai agresivă scena din această primă parte a filmului (circa 20 de minute) îl va urmări apoi pe Alex când va deveni neputincios: dând buzna într-o locuință luxoasă amenajată futuristic, membrii bandei îl schilodesc pe soț (Patrick Magee) și o violează pe soție (Adrienne Cord) în timp ce Alex zbiară "Singin' in the rain", ritmându-și loviturile de bocanc (marca Doctor Marten). Deși violul acesta pare să rămână în memoria spectatorilor ca o faptă de o violență aparte, Kubrick taie scena exact în momentul în care Alex îi sfâșie femeii costumul roșu strâns pe trup. Într-o altă escapadă îl vedem pe Alex sfărâmând capul unei femei cu o gigantică sculptură falică - crimă pentru care este ulterior arestat.

Dar brutalitatea instituționalizată care urmează condamnării lui și îl transformă într-o victimă lașă și slugarnică, este la fel de oribilă ca și relele comise de Droogs - dar încă mai revoltătoare. E o satiră acidă a ipocriziei, corupției și sadismului societății. Dornic să scape din închisoare, Alex se oferă voluntar pentru o terapie experimentală care îi creează o aversiune fizică față de violență și este supus unei dezgustătoare cure de temperament - legat, cu ochii special fixați larg deschiși -, care îi suprimă impulsurile violente, dar îl lipsește în același timp de umanitate. Incapabil de a mai comite răul, Alex devine un individ slab, debil. Trimis înapoi în societate, el nu va putea să se bucure de "libertate". Trădat de foștii camarazi, care, ironic, sunt acum polițiști, Alex primește o răsplată ilară din partea uneia dintre fostele sale victime.

"Portocala mecanică trebuia să fie un fel de manifest și chiar o predică asupra importanței posibilității opțiunii. Eroul meu, sau antieroul, Alex, este foarte rău... dar răutatea sa nu este produsul unei condiționări sociale sau genetice, ci propria sa problemă, în care s-a angajat cu toată luciditatea." - Anthony Burgess - 1972

Filmul cel mai controversat at lui Stanley Kubrick, fabula socio-științifico-fantastică realizată în 1971, a fost retras din circulație în Marea Britanie timp de aproape 30 de ani de către regizor, căci, în ciuda faptului că premiera fusese un mare succes de public, ea fusese criticată vehement de cronicari. "Portocala mecanică" a revenit învăluită într-o aură mistică, abia după moartea cineastului. Este încă o creație fascinantă, o adaptare cinematografică îndrăzneață a utopiei negative a lui Anthony Burgess, care se bucurase el însuși în 1959 de o primire în care se amestecau entuziasmul și ostilitatea și care avusese reputația de a fi de nefilmat.

Viziunea uimitoare a unui viitor nu prea îndepărtat pe care o oferă filmul este ușor datată în anumite detalii (discurile de vinil, mașina de scris IBM a lui Alex), iar violența pentru care a fost criticat la premieră este deja modestă după standardele contemporane. Dar portretul tinerilor lipsiți de educatie și de scop în viață care își alungă plictiseala ducând un trai vicios și irațional este cutremurător de actual, la fel cum e și problema reală pe care o pune filmul - fragilitatea individului și a drepturilor lui atunci când nu se conformează dorințelor statului. Extrem de elegant și adesea surprinzător de amuzant, cu o coloană sonoră fulminantă, "Portocala mecanică" dovedește mult mai multă energie decât multe dintre numeroasele filme care i-au călcat pe urme.

Malcolm McDowell ... Alex
Patrick Magee ... Mr. Alexander
Michael Bates ... Chief Guard
Warren Clarke ... Dim
John Clive ... Stage Actor
Adrienne Corri ... Mrs. Alexander
Carl Duering ... Dr. Brodsky
Paul Farrell ... Tramp
Clive Francis ... Lodger
Michael Gover ... Prison Governor
Miriam Karlin ... Catlady
James Marcus ... Georgie
Aubrey Morris ... Deltoid
Godfrey Quigley ... Prison Chaplain
Sheila Raynor ... Mum




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