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Revolver (2005) axxo
Gambler and conman Jake Green (Jason Statham) always ran with a bad crowd and it cost him seven years of his life when he took the rap for mean Dorothy Macha (Ray Liotta) and wound up in jail. After his release, Jake becomes unbeatable at the tables using a formula for the ultimate con that he learned from two mysterious fellow prisoners. Now he is ready to take his revenge. Macha is plotting to eliminate his ruthless rival, Lord John, and has staked his credibility on a huge drug deal with the all-powerful Sam Gold. Jake visits Macha at his casino and humiliates him publicly in a game of chance. Macha fearing more of the same medicine sends his goons to "take care of" Jake. His life is saved by enigmatic Zach (Vincent Pastore) who, with his equally inscrutable partner Avi (André Benjamin), offers Jake protection. Against his better judgment, Jake accepts. He soon finds himself playing the very last game he wants to be playing, and there is danger at every turn. But the biggest danger of all comes from a totally unexpected source
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Revolver (2005) axxo
Gambler and conman Jake Green (Jason Statham) always ran with a bad crowd and it cost him seven years of his life when he took the rap for mean Dorothy Macha (Ray Liotta) and wound up in jail. After his release, Jake becomes unbeatable at the tables using a formula for the ultimate con that he learned from two mysterious fellow prisoners. Now he is ready to take his revenge. Macha is plotting to eliminate his ruthless rival, Lord John, and has staked his credibility on a huge drug deal with the all-powerful Sam Gold. Jake visits Macha at his casino and humiliates him publicly in a game of chance. Macha fearing more of the same medicine sends his goons to "take care of" Jake. His life is saved by enigmatic Zach (Vincent Pastore) who, with his equally inscrutable partner Avi (André Benjamin), offers Jake protection. Against his better judgment, Jake accepts. He soon finds himself playing the very last game he wants to be playing, and there is danger at every turn. But the biggest danger of all comes from a totally unexpected source
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_______________________________________ It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice!

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Fisierele au fost sterse. Va rog sa il repostati . 

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Plot: After seven years in solitary, Jake Green is released from prison. In the next two years, he amasses a lot of money by gambling. He's ready to seek his revenge on Dorothy (Mr. D) Macha, a violence-prone casino owner who sent Jake to prison. He humiliates Macha in front of Macha's lieutenants, leaves, and keels over. Doctors tell him he has a rare disease and will die in three days; Macha also puts a hit out on him. Loan sharks, Zack and Avi, demand Jake's cash and complete fealty in return for protection. Jake complies, and through narration and flashbacks, we watch him through at least three days of schemes, danger, and redemption. Who is his greatest enemy?
Download: - Revolver.2005.DVDRip.XviD.RoSubbed.aXXo.avi -
_______________________________________ Zilnic, cel mai interesant P.M. este răsplătit cu un BONUS special DO NOT PM ME, MOST LIKELY I WON'T ANSWER.DO NOT REQUEST REUPLOADS OF MY PREVIOUS UPLOADS, BUT IF YOU STILL HAVE THEM, FEEL FREE TO MAKE AS MANY MIRRORS AS YOU LIKE. 
Citiţi regulile/Read The Rules  "Non quod habemus, sed quod fruimur, abundantia nostra est."
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Revolver (2005)
 Release iNFo : ---------- Release Date: 11 September 2005 Source: Retail Format: DVD 9 (AUDIO_TS & VIDEO_TS Folder) Audio Type: English 5.1 Subtitles: Bulgarian Greek ROMANIAN Menu: YES (Untouched) Size: 7,52 GB
Movie iNFo : ---------- Genre: Action | Crime | Drama Runtime: 115 min iMDB: Cinemagia:
Revolver este un thriller alambicat īn stilul cu care Guy Ritchie deja ne-a obișnuit.
Jake Green este un parior de zile mari. Rareori i se dă voie să joace īn cazinouri pentru că el īntotdeauna cāștigă. Jake a adunat atāția bani de-a lungul anilor īncāt acum, el este singurul client al contabilului și fratelui său mai mare, Billy. Īntr-o seară Jake, Billy și cel de-al treilea frate, Joe, sunt invitați să joace un joc particular de poker, unde toți se așteaptă ca Jake să piardă īn fața lui Dorothy Macha, un șef important din lumea interlopă și totodată proprietar al unui cazino local, ce nu știe deloc să joace, dar care īntotdeauna cāștigă din cauză că oamenilor le e prea frică să-l bată. Jake nu este speriat deloc de Macha și nu numai că īl bate pe acesta, dar profită de orice oportunitate pentru a-l insulta. Jake și frații săi părăsesc jocul și Macha ordonă ca Jake să fie omorāt.

Jason Statham ... Jake Green Ray Liotta ... Dorothy Macha Vincent Pastore ... Zach André Benjamin ... Avi Terence Maynard ... French Paul (as Terrence Maynard) Andrew Howard ... Billy Mark Strong ... Sorter Francesca Annis ... Lily Walker Mem Ferda ... Macha's Goon Anjela Lauren Smith ... Doreen Elana Binysh ... Rachel Shend ... Teddy (Billy's Bodyguard) Bill Moody ... Al Stephen Walters ... Joe Vincent Riotta ... Benny

Modificat de niklkl2003 (acum 6 ani)
pus acum 6 ani |
Membru Gold
 Din: ZCH
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Aveam un rip cu Revolver,vai de capu' lui.Acum am un dvd perfect! Multamn fain!
_______________________________________ Ne inclestam cu disperare, Intr-o suprema confruntare In fiecare zi:viata sau moarte.
pus acum 6 ani |