De acum inainte am adaug la acest topic tot ce gasesc nou pe net (programe, stiri, trucuri,homebrew etc) pentru PSP Features Games (10) Themes (12) User Name Change (Make the User! in the screenshots what ever you want) Display Picture Change (Select it from your PICTURE or PHOTO Folder) Useful Links
Requirements Firmware: 2.70+ Space On Memory Card: 2.02 MB (2,121,728 bytes) Internet Browser Set Up: [View] - Text Size: Normal - Display Mode: Normal
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Instructions 1) Open up the folder 2) Copy the folder inside the folder 3) Paste the folder in the PSP / COMMON folder 4) Goto your PSPs Internet Browser and enter file:/psp/common/pro-messenger/index.htm 5) Add it to your bookmarks and your done
_______________________________________ Drive hard, party harder
M33 is for the PSP what AMG is for Mercedes-Benz
pus acum 18 ani
VIP Din: galati
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Pe acest site puteti transforma online filmuletele de pe youtube in formatul mp4 1.dati copy la linkul de pe youtube si paste un rubrica URL: 2. Alegeti formatul fisierului selectand obtiunea dorita din Converts to: 3.salvati fisierul si gata
_______________________________________ Drive hard, party harder
M33 is for the PSP what AMG is for Mercedes-Benz
pus acum 18 ani
VIP Din: galati
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
PSP modder:
_______________________________________ Drive hard, party harder
M33 is for the PSP what AMG is for Mercedes-Benz
pus acum 18 ani
VIP Din: galati
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Acest program valorifica la maxim capacitatea sistemului de a rula filme.Foarte usor de folosit iar daca aveti probleme urmariti urmatoarele videoclipuri:
_______________________________________ Drive hard, party harder
M33 is for the PSP what AMG is for Mercedes-Benz
pus acum 18 ani
VIP Din: galati
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Medal of Honor: Heroes demo 1. Download the demo ZIP file. 2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file. 3. Connect your PSP to your computer using a USB cable. 4. Go to the PSP/GAME folder. 5. Copy ULED90008 folder into directory.
_______________________________________ Drive hard, party harder
M33 is for the PSP what AMG is for Mercedes-Benz
pus acum 18 ani
VIP Din: galati
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani Intrati pe acest site de pe psp si veti putea citi 12,000 de e-books.Pe site gasiti si instructiuni cum sa downloadati catile pentru a le citi cand nu sunteti conectati la internet
_______________________________________ Drive hard, party harder