111 TELEPIZZA - Bucuresti Pizzerie, Tel:201-6990;
22 Decembrie Pajura nr. 1 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-668.38.30; 0744.335.741;
707 Beer Pub Piata Amzei nr. 10 - Bucuresti Pub, Tel:+40-21-659.70.06;
707 Old Pub Piata Romana nr. 6 - Bucuresti Pub, Tel:+40-21-659.36.38;
A.RO Bd. Carol I nr. 31-33 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-250.71.10;
Adio Mama Str. Ilioara nr. 11, sector 3 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-348.23.20; 0722.609.508;
After Dark Calea Bucuresti nr. 222, Otopeni - Bucuresti International,Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-236.19.27; 236.19.28;
Al Casolare Sos. Bucuresti-Targoviste nr. 45 - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:+40-722-726279; +40-723-389628;
Alcaz Str. Mizil nr.3 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-345.11.40;
Alexix Str. Pridvorului nr.25 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-330.72.07, 330.72.88, 0722.606.251;
Ambasador B-dul Magheru nr. 8-10 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-315.90.80;
American Beer House Sos. Drumul Taberei nr. 92 - Bucuresti International,American, Tel:+40-21-413.93.43; 413.39.33;
Amfora Sos. Pantelimon nr. 249 - Bucuresti Romanesc,International, Tel:+40-21-255.00.94;
Amsterdam Grand Cafe Str. Covaci nr. 6 (zona Lipscani) - Bucuresti Pub, Tel:+40-21-313.75.80 / 81;
Apropo Str. Dristorului nr. 81-83, sector 3 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-320.77.32;
Aquarium Str. Alecu Russo 4 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-211.28.20;
Aristocrat Str. Agricultori nr. 113, sector 2 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-321.31.79; 0722.362.068;
Arlechino Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 127-131, sector 5 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-410.22.23; 410.28.20;
Art Cafe Str. Lipscani nr. 100 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-310.37.86;
AS Pub Str. Lt. Av. Marcel Andreescu nr. 11 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-230.02.49;
Ateneu Str. Episcopiei 3 - Bucuresti Pub, Tel:+40-21-313.49.00;
Aurora Str. Tintasului nr.12 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-92-873640;
Backstage Str. Gabroveni Nr. 14 - Bucuresti , Tel:+40-21-3123943;
Balthazar Str. Dumbrava Rosie, Nr. 2 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-212.14.60;
Bambus Garden Str. Blanari nr.14 - Bucuresti Chinezesc, Tel:+40-21-315.64.94;
Banat Piata Rosetti nr. 5 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-312.49.30;
Barbeque Str. Radu Voda nr.18 - Bucuresti American, Tel:+40-21-330.67.15;
Barka Saffron Str. Av. Stefan Sanatescu nr. 1 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-224.10.04;
Basilicum Str. Popa Savu nr. 7 - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:+40-21-222.67.79; 0721.373.440;
Basilicum II Str. Schitu Magureanu nr. 16 - Bucuresti Italian,Pub, Tel:+40-21-315.47.93; 0722.331.896;
Becker Brau Calea Rahovei nr. 155 - Bucuresti Nemtesc, Tel:+40-1-335.56.50; 335.56.48;
Beirut Str. Turda nr.119 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-224.10.59;
Best Western Parc B-dul Poligrafiei nr. 3-5 - Bucuresti Romanesc,International, Tel:+40-21-224.20.00; 224.36.76;
Biblos Str. Nicolae Golescu nr. 14-16 - Bucuresti International,Pub, Tel:+40-1-313.20.91;
Bistro Atheneu Str. Episcopiei nr.3 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-313.49.00;
Bistro Charlie Str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 80 - Bucuresti Romanesc,International, Tel:+40-21-242.27.98; 0745.016.451;
Bistro Romantic Str. Fabrica de Chibrituri nr.2 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-3374567;
Bistro Y Calea Grivitei nr. 107-109 - Bucuresti Japonez,Frantuzesc, Tel:650.72.92;
Blanche Bd. Magheru nr.5-7 - Bucuresti Frantuzesc, Tel:+40-21-314.49.30;
Blida Splaiul Independentei nr. 210, sector 6, Pod Grozavesti - Bucuresti Arabesc, Tel:+40-21-212.64.17;
Blues Cafe Calea Victoriei 16-20 (pasaj Villacroise) - Bucuresti , Tel:+40723520643,+40216655903;
Bolta Rece Str. E.Porumbaru 62 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-222.72.58;
Bradet Str. Catol Davila nr.60 - Bucuresti Persan, Tel:+40-1-4108215;
Braseria Corso B-dul Nicolae Balcescu nr. 4 - Bucuresti Braserie,International, Tel:+40-21-310.20.20;
Braseria Crowne Plaza B-dul Poligrafiei nr. 1( in incinta Crowne Plaza Hotel) - Bucuresti Braserie, Tel:+40-21-224.00.34;
Bucuresti Calea Victoriei nr. 63-81, sector 1 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-312.70.70; 315.49.41;
Burebista Calea Mosilor nr. 195 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-210.97.04;
Burebista Vanatoresc str. Batistei nr. 14 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:211.89.29;
Byblos Str. Nicolae Golescu nr.14-16 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-313.20.91;
Cafe de la Joie str. Ion Neculce - Bucuresti Frantuzesc, Tel:315.09.37; 092.404.404;
Cafe Ole Str. G. Enescu nr. 11A, sector 1 - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:+40-1-310.17.22;
Café Ole Str. George Enescu nr.11A - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:+40-21-310.17.22;
Cafe Piano Str. Ion Campineanu nr.33 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-310.20.00;
Cafe Royal Brasserie Str. Episcopiei nr. 1-3 - Bucuresti Braserie, Tel:+40-21-303.37.77;
Cafeneaua Actorilor Str. N. Balcescu nr. 2 - Bucuresti Club,Pub, Tel:+40-723.190.793, 0723.303.198;
Calione Str. Splaiul Independentei,Nr. 74 - Bucuresti Sea Food, Tel:40-21-312.40.16;
Capitol Calea Victoriei nr. 29 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-315.80.30;
Capivox Soseaua Kiseleff nr. 32 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:224.43.72;
Capivox Sos. Kiseleff 32 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-224.43.72;
Capriccio Italiano Str. Icoanei nr. 18-20 - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:+40-1-211.12.35;
Capriciossa Bd. Ion Ionescu de la Brab 2 (langa Aeroportul Baneasa) - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:0723.269.030;
Carioca Club B-dul Dacia nr.97 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-210.60.86;
Caro - Restaurant B-dul Barbu Vacarescu nr. 164A, sector 2 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-232.10.60; 233.19.34;
Caru cu bere str. Stavropoleos nr. 3-5 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:;
Caru' cu Bere Str. Stavropoleus 3-5 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-313.68.96;
Casa Alba Aleea Privighetorilor nr. 1-7, sector 1 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-230.52.03;
Casa Alba Adresa: Padurea Baneasa Aleea Privighetorilor 1-3 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-230.52.03;
Casa Boema Str. C.A.Rosetti nr. 10, sector 1 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-313.37.83; 315.72.98;
Casa Bucur Str. Poenaru Bordea nr. 2 - Bucuresti International,Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-336.15.22; 336.15.92;
Casa Bucur Str. Poenaru Bordea 2 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-336.15.22;
Casa Capsa Calea Victoriei nr. 36 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-313.40.38;
Casa Caragiale Str. Ion Luca Caragiale nr.21-23 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-211.15.18;
Casa Chebap Str. Hristo Botev nr. 18?20, sector 3 - Bucuresti Turcesc,Italian, Tel:+40-21-314.28.25;
Casa Chebap Str. Hristo Botev nr. 18?20, sector 3 - Bucuresti Turcesc,Italian, Tel:+40-21-314.28.25;
Casa Doina Sos. Kiseleff nr. 4 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-222.31.79;
Casa Elisabeta Str. Ion Neculce nr. 63 - Bucuresti International,Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-666.78.85; 0722.662.644;
Casa Enache Str. Grigore Alexandrescu nr. 106A - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:210.18.33;
Casa Gorjeana Str. C.A.Rosetti nr. 20 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-211.99.60; 0722.554.093;
Casa Jidvei Cal. 13 Septembrie nr.127 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-4102223;
CASA JIENILOR Str. Fainari, nr. 5 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-2121951;
Casa Mia Str. Matei Basarab nr.51 - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:+40-92-918100;
Casa Mia Str. Henri Coanda nr.25 - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:+40-21-650.38.14, 0745.760.156;
Casa Myt Bd. Timisoara nr.55 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-4131728;
Casa Oamenilor de Stiinta Piata Lahovari nr.9 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-210.12.29;
Casa Odobesti Cal. Mosilor nr.208 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-92-469446;
Casa Select Str. Hartei nr.32A - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-2551498;
Casa Serban Str. Campia Libertatii nr.44 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:;
Casa Taraneasca Str. Iancu Capitanu nr. 36 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-252.76.74;
Casa Taraneasca Elite Str. C.A.Rosetti nr. 5, sector 2 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-312.49.30;
Casa Universitarilor Str. Dionisie Lupu nr. 46 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-211.66.76;
Casa Universitarilor Str. Dionisie Lupu 46 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+4-21-211.66.76;
Casa Veche str. George Enescu nr. 15-17 - Bucuresti Pizzerie, Tel:315.78.97;
Casa Vernescu Calea Victoriei 133 sector 1 - Bucuresti International, Tel:40-21-231.02.20;
Champions Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 90 (in incinta Marriott Grand Hotel) - Bucuresti American, Tel:+40-21-403.19.17;
Cheers! Eat & Pub Str. Dimitrie Racovita nr. 18 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-315.33.96 ; 0722.CHEERS;
Chicago Pizza Style B-dul Mihail Kogalniceanu nr. 24 - Bucuresti Pizzerie, Tel:+40-1-314.62.33;
Cina Str. Franklin nr. 1-3, sector 1 - Bucuresti Romanesc,Braserie, Tel:+40-21-310.10.19;
City Cafe B-dul Regina Maria nr. 2 - Bucuresti American,International,Pizzerie,Pub, Tel:+40-1-335.08.38/9;
Clasic Str. J.L.Calderon nr. 22 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:211.93.60;
Classic B-dul Unirii nr. 31, Bl. A1, sector 3 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-326.64.51; 0722.268.891;
Club 187 bis Sos. Bucuresti-Targoviste nr. 187 bis (in apropierea Palatului Mogosoaia) - Bucuresti International, Tel:490.45.50; 094.372.051;
Club A Str Blanari, Nr 14 - Bucuresti Club, Tel:+40-21-313.55.92;
Club Contele Dracula Splaiul Independentei nr. 8A, sector 5 - Bucuresti International,Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-312.13.53;
Club Elysee Str. Biserica Amzei nr.6 - Bucuresti Frantuzesc, Tel:+40-1-6592216;
Club Kogal Bd Elisabeta, Nr. 54 - Bucuresti Club, Tel:+40-0724.770.542;
Club La Dolce Vita Str. Occidentului nr. 44, sector 1 - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:659.27.09; 094.388.659;
Club Maxx Str. Splaiul Independentei, Nr. 290 - Bucuresti Club, Tel:+40-21-223.00.39;
Club Tezaal Str. Av. Mircea Zorileanu nr. 89 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-224.35.29;
Clubul Diplomatic Aleea Mina Minovici 1 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-224.29.41;
Codrii Cosminului Str. Vergiliu nr. 25 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:637.75.72;
Codru B-dul Decebal nr. 1, bl. H2, sector 3 - Bucuresti International, Tel:0721.252.055; 0721.751.367;
Complex Herastrau Sos. Nordului nr.7-9 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-6796342;
Confidential Club Calea Victoriei Nr 26 - Bucuresti , Tel:3153399;
Contesa Str. Sibiel nr.5 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-675.53.95, 0722.244.214;
Continental Calea Victoriei nr. 56 - Bucuresti Frantuzesc,International, Tel:638.50.22;
Crasma Veche Str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 114-116 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-210.30.47;
Cucina Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 90 (in incinta Marriott Grand Hotel) - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:+40-21-403.19.02;
Cuibul Lunii Splaiul Independentei nr.290, Bl. P21 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-92-243813;
Cupola Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 90 (in incinta Marriott Grand Hotel) - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-403.19.03;
Dalin Restaurant-Hotel Blvd.Marasesti 70-72 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-335.55.41;
Daniella Calea Bucurestilor nr. 283 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-203.65.00;
Darclee B-dul Expozitiei nr. 2 - Bucuresti Frantuzesc, Tel:224.30.00 (interior 2500);
Dark House Bd. Regina Elisabeta Nr 69 - Bucuresti Club,, Tel:0723579230;
Davila Soseaua Cotroceni nr. 19 - Bucuresti Italian,Pizzerie, Tel:+40-1-212.67.65;
Dealu Mare Calea Floreasca nr. 19, sector 1 - Bucuresti Romanesc,International, Tel:+40-1-230.12.82;
Decebal nr. 17 B-dul Decebal nr. 17 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-321.67.00;
Diamond Sos. Vergului nr.14 - Bucuresti Persan, Tel:+40-1-2550243,2555075;
DICOPA Caloian Judetu, nr. 65 (parc), sect. 3 ; (zona P-ta ALBA-IULIA) - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-302.93.18;
Die Deutsche Kneipe Str. Stockolm nr. 9 - Bucuresti Nemtesc, Tel:+40-21-679.23.63;
Doi Cocosi Sos. Bucuresti-Targoviste nr.6 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-6671998,6671080;
Doi Prieteni Str. Serg.Vasile Nitu nr.2 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-6833841;
Dom Str. Emil Pangratti nr. 35 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-231.04.00;
Domino's Pizza Str. Povernei nr. 44 - Bucuresti Pizzerie, Tel:+40-1-230.49.13;
Don Taco Str. Dr. Felix nr. 101, sector 1 - Bucuresti Mexican, Tel:0722.855.855;
Doneli Str. Lirei nr. 1 - Bucuresti Romanesc,International, Tel:+40-1-252.08.53; 094.439.192;
Dragon House - Minion Str. Piata Amzei nr. 1 - Bucuresti Chinezesc, Tel:+40-1-314.77.00; 314.77.05;
Dragon House-Minion Pta. Amzei nr.1 - Bucuresti Chinezesc, Tel:+40-1-3147700;
Dreamer's Calea Plevnei Nr. 27 Sector 1 - Bucuresti International, Tel:314.61.31;0722450052;
El Gaucho Steak House Bd. Marasesti nr.63 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-337.44.28;
Elite Club Str. Ficusului nr.44 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-2320363;
Europa Str. Jean Luis Calderon nr.76 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-210.30.08;
Expres Olimp B-dul Iuliu Maniu nr. 1-3 (Complex Leu) - Bucuresti International,Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-410.66.05; 092.355.733;
Fire Club Str Gabroveni, Nr 12 - Bucuresti Club, Tel:0723.574.916;
Gallery Private Club Str. Mihai Eminescu nr.171 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-211.58.99;
Gara Lipscani Str. Lipscani nr. 38 (colt Gabroveni) - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-311.23.69;
Gin-Gin Str. Alexandru Beldiman nr.3 - Bucuresti Chinezesc, Tel:+40-1-3141490,092.967.944;
Golden Blitz str. Razoare (colt cu b-dul Geniului) - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:410.51.00;
Golden Blitz Center B-dul N. Titulescu nr. 10 - Bucuresti International,Romanesc, Tel:212.50.50;
Golden Kebap Sos Pantelimon nr.89 - Bucuresti Fast Food, Tel:+40-21-250.88.54;
Haerbin Str. Paunescu Paltin nr. 12, sector 3 - Bucuresti Chinezesc, Tel:+40-21-322.57.29;
Hai La Masa Str. Frunzei nr. 53 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:222.21.26, 0722.830.330, 0722.830.331;
Hanul Filaret Str. Fabrica de Chibrituri nr.2 - Bucuresti Pub, Tel:+40-21-337.45.67;
Hanul Haiducilor Strandul Copiilor Vacaresti - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-330.72.07;
Hanul Hangitei Str.Gabroveni Nr.16 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-314.70.46;
Hanul lui Manuc Str. Franceza nr.62-64 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-3131411;
Hanul Maramuresul Str. Gen.Berthlot nr.24 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-315.22.91, 0744.848.123;
Hard Rock Pizza Drumul Taberei 32 - Bucuresti Pizzerie, Tel:0722886151;
Helvetia Piata Charles de Gaulle nr. 13 - Bucuresti International,Romanesc, Tel:223.05.66;
Hong Kong CAl. Grivitei nr.81 - Bucuresti Chinezesc, Tel:+40-1-6595025;
Hong Kong Garden Sos. Kiseleff nr.32 - Bucuresti Chinezesc, Tel:+40-21-224.43.25; 224.43.34;
Horoscop Str. Dimitrie Cantemir nr. 2 - Bucuresti Pizzerie,Italian,International, Tel:+40-21-335.72.65;
Hungry Dragon Bd. Gheorghe Magheru nr.34-36 - Bucuresti Fast Food, Tel:+40-1-2125934;
Hungry Dragon Cal. Vitan nr.56-57 - Bucuresti Fast Food, Tel:+40-1-3275636,3275637;
Il Carpacio Calea Vacaresti (vis a vis de nr 278), zona Tineretului - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:0788.361.666;
Il Gattopardo Blu Calea Victoriei nr. 115 - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:+40-21-212.78.86;
Insomnia Str. Bibescu Voda nr. 20 P, sector 4 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-335.68.97;
Izvorul Rece Piata Pache Protopopescu nr. 11 - Bucuresti Romanesc,International, Tel:+40-21-315.46.42; 0766.447.834;
Jaristea Str. George Georgescu nr. 52 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:335.33.38;
Jasmine B-dul Poligrafiei nr. 3-6 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-224.20.20;
Jerry's Pizza Bd. Octavian Goga nr.24 - Bucuresti Pizzerie, Tel:+40-1-6384141.092.349.521;
Kaviar Str. Presei nr.6 (District Pajura) - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-224.33.40, 224.14.84;
Kentucky Fried Chicken Bd. Magheru nr.28-30 - Bucuresti Fast Food, Tel:+40-21-312.00.23;
Korea House Str. Armeneasca nr.8 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-314.10.56;
L'Espadon Sos. Nordului nr.120 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-2323405;
L'inventore da vinci Str. Ion Campineanu nr. 11, sector 1 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-312.24.94;
L'Oriental Str. Cpt.Av.Nicolae Drossu nr.19 - Bucuresti Persan, Tel:+40-21-665.61.23;
La 80 Str. Jean Louis Calderon nr.80 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-212.48.86;
La Bastille Str. Caderea Bastiliei nr. 72B, sector 1 - Bucuresti Frantuzesc, Tel:+40-21-212.49.14;
La Belle Epoque Str. Av. Radu Beller - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-230.07.70;
La Berbecu Str. Ion Luca Caragiale nr.30 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-2103907,092.251.435;
La Botte Str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 29 - Bucuresti Pub, Tel:+40-21-211.47.50; 0722.780.844;
La Burlane Str. E.Grigorescu (zona Piata Lahovari) - Bucuresti Pub, Tel:+40-722-842.977;
La Cadenette Bd. Expozitiei nr.2 - Bucuresti Fast Food, Tel:;
La Dud Str. Sperantei nr.7 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-3124168;
La Francesca Bd. Pache Protopopescu nr.29 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-642.62.58;
La Garaje Valea Oltului nr. 61, sector 6 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-444.29.32; 0744.531.515;
La Gogosaru' Str. Turdanr nr.53 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-2223068;
La Grande Maguy Str. Matasari nr.49 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-6423977;
La Guvernn Str. Paris nr.13 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-94-363240;
La Mama Str. Delea Veche nr. 51 (Calea Calarasi) - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-320.52.13 ; 0723.292.846;
La Mama Str. Barbu Vacarescu, Nr. 3 (colt cu Stefan cel Mare) - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-212.40.86 ; 0723.292.863;
La mama Str. Episcopiei nr 9 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-312.97.97 ; 0721 LA MAMA;
La Mansarde Cal. Calarasi nr.46 - Bucuresti Frantuzesc, Tel:+40-94-584007;
La Mardare Cal. Grivitei nr.32 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-6502257;
La Notte Calea Victoriei nr.163 - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:+40-1-3102480;
La Pagoda Str. Mitropolit Nifon nr.32 - Bucuresti Chinezesc, Tel:+40-21-335.61.24;
La Premiera Str. Tudor Arghezi nr.16 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-3124397;
La Primavera Bd. Poligrafiei Nr. 1( in incinta Crowne Plaza Hotel) - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-224.00.34;
La Radu Piata Presei Libere (Parc Herastrau) - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-214.55.00;
La Scena Calea Calarasi nr. 55 - Bucuresti Pub, Tel:+40-21-230.35.67, 230.53.59;
La Sosea Bd. Aviatorilor nr.31 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-2226422;
La Table du Conte Str. Baneasa nr.30 - Bucuresti Frantuzesc, Tel:+40-1-2321876;
La Taifas Str. G. Clemenceanu nr. 2 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-311.32.04;
La Taverne Str. Tunari nr.67-69 - Bucuresti Frantuzesc, Tel:+40-1-2111184;
La Villa str. Al. Constantinescu nr. 65, sector 1 - Bucuresti Frantuzesc, Tel:224.15.05; 0744.493.187;
Laguna Blue Str. Garlei nr. 1 (Pod Baneasa) - Bucuresti Italian,Pizzerie, Tel:+40-21-231.37.21; 0722.641.966;
Le Club Sos. Nordului nr.120 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-2323405;
Le Patio Sos. Nordului (Str. Aaron Cotrus) nr. 120, sector 1 - Bucuresti International, Tel:232.34.05;
Les Oliviades B-dul Expozitiei nr. 2 - Bucuresti Mediteranean, Tel:+40-1-202.17.22; 204.17.22;
Lido Bd. Magheru Nr. 5-7 - Bucuresti International, Tel:01.313.60.03;
Livada cu visini Str. Grigore Alexandrescu nr. 77, sector 3 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:610.41.51;093.200.778;
Long-Fu Garden Str. Clucerului nr.41 - Bucuresti Chinezesc, Tel:+40-21-222.32.19; 222.31.03;
Mado B-dul Magheru nr. 32-34 - Bucuresti Fast Food,Pizzerie, Tel:650.65.43;
Maestro's Bagheta Bd. I.C.Bratianu nr.20 - Bucuresti Fast Food, Tel:+40-21-312.16.98;
Magia Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 115, sector 5 - Bucuresti Italian,Romanesc,Pizzerie, Tel:+40-1-410.77.73; 094.157.191;
Majestic Str. Academiei nr. 11, sector 1 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-310.27.20/35/46/72; 311.32.12;
Marcon C-tin Noica 140a - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-224.89.55;
Marifan B-dul Iuliu Maniu nr. 18-20 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-430.06.65;
Marrakech Str. Budai Deleanu nr. 4 - Bucuresti Mexican, Tel:+40-1-335.42.47;
Maxim Str. Vasile Lascar nr.78A - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-2118304;
Mc Monis Bd. marasesti nr.28 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-2242676;
Mc Moni`s Str. Dr. Primo Nebiolo (fosta Aleea Strandului ), Sector 1 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-224.26.76/78;
Menuet Str. Nicolae Golescu nr.12-14 (in spatele Atheneului Roman), sector 1 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-312.01.43;
Mesogios Str. Jean Luis Calderon nr.49 - Bucuresti Grecesc,Sea Food, Tel:+40-21-313.49.51, 650.03.44;
Mica Elvetie Str. Gardina Icoanei nr.2 - Bucuresti Elvetian, Tel:+40-21-210.41.77;
Militar Str. Constantin Mille nr.6 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-3152811;
Million Dollars Sos. Mihai Bravu nr. 221 (la Pasajul P-ta Muncii), sector 3 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-320.20.28;
Mircesti Str. Popa Tatu nr. 4 (langa Parcul Cismigiu), sector 1 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:311.22.51;
Moara Mariei Str. Blanari, Nr. 14 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:40-21-3156494;
Mogosoaia Valea Parcului nr. 1 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:312.88.94;
Moldova Str. Icoanei nr.2 , Sector 2 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-210.41.77;
Mon Cheri Str. Tudor Stefan nr. 16 - Bucuresti Braserie, Tel:+40-21-231.09.08;
Museum Str. Clunet nr.15 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-4119128;
Nababbo Bd Regina Elisabeta Nr 3 - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:+41-21-313.81.82;
Nan Jing Str. Gheorghe Manu nr.2 - Bucuresti Chinezesc, Tel:+40-1-6506010;
Nicoresti Str. Toamnei nr. 14 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-211.24.80; 211.13.34;
Noel Str. Craciun Nr. 25 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-210.60.00;
Noroc Bistrou B-dul Ferdinand nr. 103 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-232.03.07/8; 0722.988.537;
OnX Complex Regie, P16, Splaiul Independentei nr.290 - Bucuresti Club, Tel:+40-21- 221.78.42 / 0744.52.00.25;
Opera Str. Dr.Lister nr.1 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-4116330;
Palatul Stirbei Str. Stirbei Voda nr. 36, Buftea - Bucuresti International,Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-225.54.92; 225.54.48;
Paprika Str. Gabroveni nr.20 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-92-422587;
Parcul Privighetorilor Aleea Privighetorilor nr. 1-3 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-490.80.65; 0722.324.399;
Paris Casino's Calea Victoriei nr.63-81 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-3136234;
Paris Province Str. George Georgescu nr. 46 - 48, sector 4 - Bucuresti Frantuzesc, Tel:+40-21-335.40.79;
Patrouche Casino's Str. Episcopiei nr.1-3 - Bucuresti Frantuzesc, Tel:+40-21-314.72.00;
Pavilion Lounge Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 90 (in incinta Marriott Grand Hotel) - Bucuresti Club, Tel:+40-21-403.19.04;
Pekin Calea Victoriei Nr. 16-20 (pasajul Villa Cross) - Bucuresti Chinezesc, Tel:+40-21-310.31.60;
Perfect Pizza B-dul Ion Mihalache nr. 126 - Bucuresti Pizzerie, Tel:+40-1-224.20.29;
Perla Sos. Stefan cel Mare nr. 1-3 (Dorobanti) - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-230.12.80; 230.43.85;
Pescarus Bd. Aviatorilor nr.1 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-230.46.40;
Picadilly Str. Voinicului Nr. 7 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-321.48.90;
Picasso Cafe Str. Franceza nr. 2-4, sector 3 - Bucuresti International, Tel:092.222.685; 312.15.76;
Piccolo Mondo Str. Clucerului nr.19 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-2232225;
Pizza Hut Cal. Dorobanti nr.1-7 - Bucuresti Pizzerie, Tel:+40-21-210.84.13, 210.84.21;
Pizza Hut Cal. Mosilor nr.219 - Bucuresti Pizzerie, Tel:+40-1-2106033;
Pizza Hut Bd, Regina Elisabeta nr.15-19 - Bucuresti Pizzerie, Tel:+40-21-314.50.32;
Pizza Romania (Sapri) B-dul Magheru nr. 12-14 - Bucuresti Pizzerie, Tel:+40-21-211.90.82; 327.64.47;
Planet Diner B-dul N. Balcescu nr. 3-5, sector 1 - Bucuresti Fast Food, Tel:+40-21-315.40.13; 310.10.65;
Plaza Cafe Bd. Expozitiei nr.2 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-224.30.00;
Pod Mogosoaia Cal. Victoriei nr.139 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-650.43.83, 210.03.55;
Poiana Bd. Ion Mihalache nr.67 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-223.71.86;
Polo Club B-dul Mircea Eliade nr. 1 - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:+40-21-230.64.85;
Pronto Pizza Str. Vasile Lascar nr.109 - Bucuresti Pizzerie, Tel:+40-21-211.00.75;
Pub 18 Complex Regie - Bucuresti Pub, Tel:+4-092.441.586;
Pub Bistro Mediterraneo Str. Icoanei nr.20 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-2115308;
Public House Piata Amzei nr. 6, sector 1 - Bucuresti Pub, Tel:+4-0722.205.040;
Pui de Urs Str. Econom Cezarescu nr. 42, sector 6 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-637.28.30;
Quattro Stagioni Str. Mircea Eliade nr. 16 - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:+40-21-230.12.15; 0723.602.395;
Que Pasa Str. G-ral Praporgescu David nr. 13B (in apropierea Ambasadei S.U.A.) - Bucuresti Spaniol, Tel:+40-21-315.85.02;
Quick Pizza Sos. Mihai Bravu nr. 27 - Bucuresti Pizzerie, Tel:093.293.224;
RESTAURANT PARTHENON B-dul Decebal nr.17 - Bucuresti Grecesc, Tel:+40-21-3268098;
Roata Vietii Str. Licurg nr.3 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-2114039;
Romanasul Str. Icoanei nr. 25 (langa Parcul Gradina Icoanei) - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:211.33.26; 092.161.974;
Ruby Tuesday Bd Decebal, Nr 4 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-323.78.71;
Rustic DINES Parcul Carol (langa Arenele Romane) - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-336.24.74;
Sahara Splaiul Independentei nr.7-9 - Bucuresti Mediteranean, Tel:+40-21-315.04.31;
Sahib Str. Teodosie Rudeanu nr. 3, sector 1 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-222.18.55;
Sailors Str. Maltopol nr.24 - Bucuresti Pub, Tel:+40-93-721344;
Salamandra Complex Grozavesti nr. 3-5 - Bucuresti Romanesc,International, Tel:+40-21-312.86.24; 312.86.23;
Santa Fe Str. Tache Ionescu nr. 14 - Bucuresti Mexican, Tel:+40-21-659.27.00;
Sapri Calea Vitan nr. 55-57 (Complex Mall) - Bucuresti Pizzerie, Tel:+40-21-327.64.47;
Select Str. Aleea Alexandru nr. 18, sector 1 - Bucuresti International,Romanesc, Tel:230.21.20;
Shanghai Str. Ion Minulescu nr. 38 - Bucuresti Chinezesc, Tel:+40-21-321.23.51;
Sheriff's B-dul I.C.Bratianu nr. 40 - Bucuresti Fast Food,Pizzerie, Tel:+40-1-313.98.80;
Sheriff's B-dul Iuliu Maniu nr. 59 - Bucuresti Fast Food,Pizzerie, Tel:+40-1-430.46.02;
Shorley Str. Economu Cezarescu nr.50 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-3124312;
Silva Calea Floreasca nr. 145 - Bucuresti Romanesc,International, Tel:230.73.17; 092.324.399;
SILVIU' S 44 LOUIS PASTEUR - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-410.91.84;
Smart's Str. Alexandru Donici nr. 14 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-211.90.35;
Spell Str. Gabroveni, Nr. 20 (in pasajul francez) - Bucuresti Club, Tel:0722.447.367;
Sport Spirit Caragea Voda nr. 8 sector 1, linga ASE - Bucuresti Pub, Tel:+40-21-2112064;
Struppis Manhattan Bd. Expozitiei nr.2 - Bucuresti American, Tel:+40-1-2244005;
Sydney Calea Victoriei nr. 224 (Piata Victoriei), sector 1 - Bucuresti International, Tel:312.96.70;
Taverna la butoaie str.LIVIU REBRENU(linga magazinul Titan) - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-340.73.15;
Terasa Doamnei Str. Doamnei nr. 9 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-314.64.81;
Tex Mex Calea Victoriei nr. 31, sector 1 - Bucuresti Mexican, Tel:+40-1-314.58.73;
The Dubliner B-dul Nicolae Titulescu nr. 18 - Bucuresti Irlandez, Tel:+40-1-222.94.73;
The Harp Str. Bibescu Voda nr. 1 - Bucuresti Irlandez, Tel:+40-21-335.65.08;
The Jukebox Str. Sepcari nr. 22 - Bucuresti Pub, Tel:+40-21-314.83.14;
The Red Lion Str. Academiei nr. 1A - Bucuresti Italian,Pizzerie,Pub, Tel:+40-1-315.15.26; 091.974.921;
The White House Aleea Alexandru nr. 12, sector 1 - Bucuresti International,Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-231.06.94;
Tic Tac Bd. Regina Elisabeta nr.13 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-1-3125865;
Tiffany Club Calea Victoriei nr. 100, sector 1 (lânga Gradina Hilton) - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-315.09.38;
Tokio House Str. Gen.David Praporgescu nr.7 - Bucuresti Chinezesc, Tel:+40-1-3155979;
Ton-Ton Str. Polona nr. 67 - Bucuresti Pizzerie, Tel:211.13.15; 095.018.339;
Tonic Bd. Decebal Nr. 2 - Bucuresti Pub, Tel:+40-21-326.38.18;
Top house Str. Oitelor nr.20 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-3307454;
Traffic B-dul Burebista nr. 2-4, sector 3 - Bucuresti International,Pub, Tel:+40-21-322.59.45;
Tratoria Il Calcio Str. Mendeleev nr. 14 - Bucuresti Italian, Tel:092.134.299;
Trocadero Str. Selari nr.1 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-313.68.96;
Troica Calea Victoriei nr. 2, sector 3 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:+40-21-313.79.79;
Trotter Str. Barbu Vacarescu nr.3 - Bucuresti Nemtesc, Tel:+40-1-679597,2124086;
Twice Str. Sf. Vineri nr. 4 (vizavi de Sheriff's) - Bucuresti International, Tel:093.379.027;
Valencia Casa Spaniola Cotroceni, str. Dr. Leonte nr. 12, sector 5 - Bucuresti Spaniol, Tel:+40-21-312.81.96 ; 0722.204.884;
Vienna Cafe Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 90 (in incinta Marriott Grand Hotel) - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-403.00.00;
Viking Streak House Bd. Decebal nr.17 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-3229290;
Viva Sos. Nicolae Titulescu nr.92 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-2232884;
Volubilis Bd. Expozitiei nr.2 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-1-2021722;
White horse Str. George Calinescu nr. 4A - Bucuresti Pub, Tel:+40-21-231.27.95;
Wiener Schnitzel Strada Stirbei Voda nr. 2-4, Sector 1 (langa Sala Palatului) - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-21-312.70.04;
Wu Xing Calea Grivitei nr. 182A, Str. Frunzei nr. 53 - Bucuresti Chinezesc, Tel:222.21.26, 0722.830.330, 0722.830.331;
Zerillos Pta. Al.Lahovari nr.2 - Bucuresti International, Tel:+40-92-635740;
Zexe Str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 93 - Bucuresti Romanesc, Tel:211.06.50; 092.593.122;
Zvon B-dul Decebal nr. 9 (zona Piata Alba-Iulia), sector 3 - Bucuresti Pub,International, Tel:+40-1-321.00.19; 092.402.410;