Moderat de 80Inanna, Crizzu, Neo, cuculean, gabiandreicristian, maharet, maleficus
Pagini: 1
Baba Cloanta
MEMBRU DE BAZA Din: Hotelul Tandrelor Desucheate
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
"Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair In 77 and 69 revolution was in the air I was born too late to a world that doesn’t care Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair"
Adica tipa ne canta pop si ii pare rau ca nu s-a nascut ceva mai devreme sa fie punk ...rochitza? Bai nene,ori eu sunt beat ori asta si toti bagatorii de seama din jurul ei sunt idioti.
Cum dracu ne prezinta imagina asta in roz cu un punk rocker cu flori in par?Eu unu nu-i vad pe cei de la Sex Pistols cu branduse in par si am o imaginatie bogata.
Sa le spunem ce inseamna curentul punk britanicilor astia:
Punk rock was also a reaction against tendencies that had overtaken popular music in the 1970s, including what the punks saw as superficial "disco" music and bombastic forms of heavy metal, progressive rock and "arena rock.
Punk rock in Britain coincided with the end of the era of post-war consensus politics that preceded the rise of Thatcherism, and nearly all British punk bands expressed an attitude of angry social alienation.