 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
50 Battles That Changed the World (060) 50 Weapons That Changed Warfare (061) 1776 (157)
A History of the Later Roman Empire, AD 284-641 (001) Ancient World, an Introduction (004) A History of the Crusades (006) Austerlitz 1805 - Battle of the Three Emperors (008) Austerlitz 1805 [Battle Story] (191) American Revolution (015) Ancient Rome (020) Ancient Greece (051).(01) (051).(02) Ancient Iraq (050) Ancient China (048) Ancient Egypt (103) Arms and Armour (021) Attila and Nomad Hordes (026) A Brief History of the Wars of the Roses (027) Atlas of the World War II (036) Air Warfare - An International Encyclopedia (037) An Encyclopedia of Battles - Over 1500 Battles from 1479 B.C. to the Present (041) Alexander the Great at War - His Army, His Battles, His Enemies (053) Alexander the Great - His Armies and Campaigns 334-323 BC (052) Alexander the Great in His World (102) Alexander the Great (125) Aztec, Inca & Maya (049) Arms and Armour from Prehistory to the Age of Chivalry (068) A New History of the Peloponnesian War (069) Ardennes 1944 (080) Arab-Israeli Air Wars 1967-1982 (081) Atlas of World History (082) Armies of Medieval Russia, 750-1250 (083) Armies of the Caliphates, 862-1098 (084) Armies of the Ottoman Empire, 1770-1820 (085) Armies of the Ottoman-Turks, 1300-1774 (086) Alied Aces of the Korean War (087) Axis Cavalry in World War II (088) Aztec Warrior, 1325-1521 (089) A History of Inner Asia (099) Acre 1291 - Bloody Sunset Of The Crusader States (100) Adrianople AD 378 - The Goths Crush Rome-s Legions (101) Ancient Siege Warfare - 546-146 BC (104) Anglo-Saxon Thegn, 449 - 1066 AD (109) A History of the Cuban Revolution (124) A World at Arms - A Global History of World War II (143) A o Z of the War of 1812, The (155) A History of Modern Europe, from 1815 to the Present (164) A Spy's Diary of World War II (173) Auschwitz Death Camp (179) Armada Campaign, The [ 1588 ] (183) A History of Modern Iran (198) Aurora - The Pentagon's Secret Hypersonic Spyplane (201) Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, The (221) Afghanistan [A Brief History of] (228) Argentina [A Brief History of] (229) A City Through Time (234) A Memoir of Escape (238)
Battle for the Falklands (010) Battle for the Britain, The – Mith and Reality (029) Battles that Changed History - An Encyclopedia of World Conflict (038) British Cavalry Equipments, 1800-1941 (090) Besieged - An Encyclopedia of Great Sieges from Ancient Times to the Present (110) Brunswick Troops, 1809-15 (111) Bussaco 1810 - Wellington Defeats Napoleon's Marshalls (112) Break Up of Yugoslavia, The (145) British Military History (163) Blitzkrieg Unleashed: The German Invasion of Poland 1939 (176) Byzantine History [The Palgrave Atlas of] (189) Brazil [A Brief History of] (224) Bolivia [A Brief History of] (230)
Castle (009) Cold War - A Student Encyclopedia (039) Constantinople 1453 - The End of Bizantium (094) Constantinople, Published 1895 (095) Crusade Against the Grail (105) Conflict in the Former USSR (113) Catherine the Great (126) Competing Voices from the Russian Revolution (128) Collapse of Yugoslavia, The [1991-1999] (184) Carthaginian Warrior [264-146 BC] (202) Conquistador, The [1492-1550] (203) Central America [A Brief History of] (233)
Dear Leader - A Look Inside North Korea (019) Dunkirk and the Fall of France (144)
Encyclopedia of Ancient Asian Civilizations (033) Encyclopedia Of The Barbarian World - Ancient Europe ( 8000 B.C. to A.D. 1000 ) (034) Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II (035) Early Civilizations of the Americas [Britannica] (129) Europes Indian's, 1500 - 1900 (130) Egyptians, The - An Introduction (151) El Alamein 1942 [Battle Story] (196) Encyclopedia of the Boer War (204)
Flag (016) Final Days of the Reich (160) First Maya Civilization, The (168) Fuhrer’s Headquarters, The (205) France [A Brief History of] (231)
God's Warriors - Crusaders, Saracens and the Battle for Jerusalem (056) Gladiator - Rome's Bloody Spectacle (055) Greek City States, The (106) German Infantryman vs. Soviet Rifleman [Barbarosa 1941] (127) German Infantryman vs. Russian Infantryman [1914 - 1915] (153) Great Ages of Man - African Kingdoms (150) Grand Fleet, The - Warship Design and Development [1906 - 1922] (154) German Army on the Eastern Front - The Advance (162) Gallipoli 1915 [Battle Story] (193) Gothic Serpent - Mogadishu (1993) (213) Great War Explained, The (222) Germany [A Brief History of] (223)
History of Britain and Ireland (042) Historical Atlas of Ancient Greece (062) Historical Atlas of Ancient Rome (063) Historical Atlas of the Vikings (064) History of the Kings of Britain, The (065) Holocaust Encyclopedia, The (070) History of the World (158) History of Ancient Israel, The (177) Hunt for Pancho Villa, The (1916 - 1917) (211) Henry Kissinger - Diplomacy (235)
Invention of Ancient Israel, The (131) Ivan's War - The Red Army, 1939 - 45 (132) Inquisition, The Reign of Fear (171) Interesting Times - A Twentieth-Century Life (182) India [A Brief History of] (225)
Japanese Warrior Monks (949 - 1603) (014) Japanese Military Uniforms 1841-1929 (047)
Kill Hitler - Operation Valkyrie (1944) (212) Korean War, The (220)
Last Pharaohs, The (096) Leningrad (175) Last Ride of the James-Younger Gang, The (1876) (214)
Medieval Life (057) Mystery of the Egyptian Mummy, The (067) Massacre (166) Maginot Line, The (199) Medieval Persia (1040 - 1797) (200) Marathon 490 BC (206) Monte Cassino - A German View (208) Mexico [A Brief History of] (227)
Nefertiti (003) Ninja (1460 - 1650) (013) Napoleon's Line Infantry (091) Napoleon Against Russia (172) Nagasaki - Life After Nuclear War (186) Nicopolis 1396 (187) Next 100 Years, The (237)
Ottoman Empire, The 1300-1650 (025)
Post-Communist Romania at Twenty-Five (180) Poland 1939 (188)
Resistance Warfare, 1940-45 (005) Rome and her Enemies (054) Roman Battle Tactics, 109 BC – AD 313 (107) Roman Empire, The - A Very Short Introduction (108) Roosevelt - The Soldier of Freedom (1940 - 1945) (133) Romanian Fighter Colours [1941-1945] (167) Red Christmas -The Tatsinskaya Airfield Raid (1942) (215) Ride Around Missouri (1863) (216) Run the Gauntlet - The Channel Dash (1942) (219)
Scipio Africanus - Greater than Napoleon (002) Samurai (1550 – 1600) (011) Samurai – The World of the warrior (012) Samurai Warfare (046) Samurai, Warfare and the State in Early medieval Japan (045) Samurai Commanders (207) Samurai and Ninja (236) Stalin and Stalinism (018) Stalins Secret Pogrom (134) Spitfire Aces of Northwest Europe 1944-1945 (149) Spitfire (197) Silent Killers - Submarines and Underwater Warfare (152) Stalingrad and Leningrad (170) Soviet-Afghan War, The (185) Sedan 1870 - The Eclipse of France (209) Saudi Arabia [A Brief History of] (232)
Tomahawk and Kittyhawk - Aces of the RAF and Commonwealth (114) Timelines of History (159) Tanks, 100 Years of Evolution (165) Tora! Tora! Tora! - Pearl Harbor 1941 (181) Teotihuacan - History, Art and Monuments (190) Tobruk 1941 [Battle Story] (195) Tombstone - Wyatt Earp (1881-1882) (210) Tomahawk and Musket (1758) (217) Takur Ghar - The SEALs and Rangers, Afghanistan (2002) (218) Thirteenth Tribe, The (239) Twenty-eight Days on the Russian Front (240)
US Cavalry on the Plains (1850-90) (092) USA and Vietnam (1945-75), The (156)
Vietnam War (017) Victorians at War, The (1815 - 1914) - An Encyclopedia of British Military History (040) Victor Units of the Cold War (178) Verdun 1916 [Battle Story] (194)
Waterloo 1815 - The Birth of Modern Europe (007) Waterloo Armies,The (174) Waterloo 1815 [Battle Story] (192) Wild West (022) Warrior - A Visual History of the Fighting Man (043) Warriors of Medieval Japan (044) World War I (023) , (058) World War I - Armies in the Balkans (1914) (030) World War I - Eastern Front (1914-18) (031) World War I - Western Front (1914-16) (032).(01) World War I - Western Front (1917-18) (032).(02) World War II (024) , (028) Walls of Constantinople, The AD 324-1453 (059) World History Workbook, 2 Vol. (066) World War II - Airborne Warfare Tactics (071) World War II - Allied Nursing Services (072) World War II - Armoured Fighting Vehicles (073) World War II - Foreign Volunteers of the Wehrmacht, 1941-45 (074) World War II - German Airborne Troops, 1939-45 (075) World War II - German Women's Auxiliary Services (076) World War II - Infantry Anti-Tank Tactics (077) World War II - Tanks (078) World War II - Women at War 1939-45 (079) World War II - Pacific (120) World War II - Europe 1939-43 (121) World War II - The Eastern Front 1941-45 (122) World War II - Northwest Europe 1941-45 (123) Warsaw Pact Ground Forces (093) World History - The Complete Idiot's Guide (097) World Wars and the Modern Age (098) Waffen SS in Action (115) Waffen SS in Combat (116) Waffen SS Soldier, 1940-45 (117) Weapons - 88mm Flak & Pak 43, 1936-45 (118) Weapons - F-105 Thunderchief (119) Weapons - F4U Corsair (136) Weapons - B-25 Mitchell (137) Weapons - P-61 Black Widow (138) Weapons - Tu-16 Badger (139) Weapons - P 47 Thunderbolt (141) Weapons - P/F 80 Shooting Star (142) Weapons - Multiple Gun Motor Carriage M-16 (148) Wars of the Age of Louis XIV, 1650-1715 (135) World Fascism - A Historical Encyclopedia (146) Winning and Losing on the Western Front (147) War Plan Red (161)
Yugoslav Drama, The (169)
( Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing those you hold well - Josh Billings )