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Evolve Modulele 1-8 Startup Academy Romanian | FLV, MP4 | 3.46 GB
Daca intrebi aproape orice lector de la orice facultate de business din lume care este scopul practic al cursului lui vei constata cu stupoare ca se va bloca sau in cel mai bun caz va ezita. Ei NU au un scop practic! Vor doar sa te invete cat mai bine “materia”.
Dar ma gandesc ca tu te-ai saturat de atata materie! Tu vrei ceva concret, practic si aplicabil. Probabil vrei ceva care sa-ti transforme afacerea si viata. Cursul Evolve nu e gandit sa te bombardeze cu informatii inutile. Scopul meu este sa iti furnizez cele mai puternice strategii si sa te asist in a le aplica astfel incat in final sa ai o afacere profitabila si care sa-ti permita stilul de viata la care visezi.
Faptul ca avem un scop clar m-a obligat sa gandesc cursul ca pe un sistem care sa aiba aceleasi rezultate de fiecare data cand este aplicat.
Durata 6 luni - Transformarea personala a ta si a afacerii tale nu se poate realiza citind o carte sau participand la un seminar de 3 zile. Este nevoie de timp si de practica. Asa ca am ales sa investesc 6 luni din timpul meu personal in acest proiect ca sa ma asigur ca vom face tot ceea ce ne propunem sa facem.
Platforma 100% online
Materiale interactive & multimedia - Vor fi 26 de module saptamanale, fiecare avand materiale educationale in format video + materiale practice descarcabile. In plus, in fiecare saptamana vom face o intalnire de Live Coaching, tot online, prin care vom solutiona problemele tale concrete. Si inca niste surprize.
Contine modulele 1-8 + niste bonusuri de la Pera Novacovici.
If you ask almost any lecturer at any faculty of business in the world is the practical purpose of the course you will find the stupor that will block or at best will hesitate. They do not have a practical purpose! I just want to learn how better material?.
But I think you got tired of so much material! You want something concrete, practical and applicable. Perhaps you want something that will transform your business and life. Evolve course is not designed to get bombarded with unnecessary information. My goal is to provide you the most powerful strategies and assist you to apply them so that finally you have a profitable business and to allow you the lifestyle you dream of.
The fact that we have a clear course forced me to think that a system have the same results each time it is applied.
Duration 6 months. Turning your personal and your business can not be achieved by reading a book or attending a seminar for 3 days. It takes time and practice. So we chose to invest six months of my time in the project staff to make sure that we do what we do.
Platform 100% online
Interactive & multimedia materials. There will be 26 weekly modules, each with educational materials in video format + downloadable practice materials. In addition, each week we will make an appointment for Live Coaching, all online, which will solve your problems concrete. And still some surprises.
Contains modules 1-8 + some bonuses from Novacovici Pera.
http://www.filesonic.com/file/3547717585 |
Evolve Modulele 9-12 Romanian | FLV | 2.22 GB
Daca intrebi aproape orice lector de la orice facultate de business din lume care este scopul practic al cursului lui vei constata cu stupoare ca se va bloca sau in cel mai bun caz va ezita. Ei NU au un scop practic! Vor doar sa te invete cat mai bine “materia”.
Dar ma gandesc ca tu te-ai saturat de atata materie! Tu vrei ceva concret, practic si aplicabil. Probabil vrei ceva care sa-ti transforme afacerea si viata. Cursul Evolve nu e gandit sa te bombardeze cu informatii inutile. Scopul meu este sa iti furnizez cele mai puternice strategii si sa te asist in a le aplica astfel incat in final sa ai o afacere profitabila si care sa-ti permita stilul de viata la care visezi.
Faptul ca avem un scop clar m-a obligat sa gandesc cursul ca pe un sistem care sa aiba aceleasi rezultate de fiecare data cand este aplicat.
Durata 6 luni - Transformarea personala a ta si a afacerii tale nu se poate realiza citind o carte sau participand la un seminar de 3 zile. Este nevoie de timp si de practica. Asa ca am ales sa investesc 6 luni din timpul meu personal in acest proiect ca sa ma asigur ca vom face tot ceea ce ne propunem sa facem.
Platforma 100% online
Materiale interactive & multimedia - Vor fi 26 de module saptamanale, fiecare avand materiale educationale in format video + materiale practice descarcabile. In plus, in fiecare saptamana vom face o intalnire de Live Coaching, tot online, prin care vom solutiona problemele tale concrete. Si inca niste surprize.
Contine modulele 9-12
If you ask almost any lecturer at any faculty of business in the world is the practical purpose of the course you will find the stupor that will block or at best will hesitate. They do not have a practical purpose! I just want to learn how better material?.
But I think you got tired of so much material! You want something concrete, practical and applicable. Perhaps you want something that will transform your business and life. Evolve course is not designed to get bombarded with unnecessary information. My goal is to provide you the most powerful strategies and assist you to apply them so that finally you have a profitable business and to allow you the lifestyle you dream of.
The fact that we have a clear course forced me to think that a system have the same results each time it is applied.
Duration 6 months. Turning your personal and your business can not be achieved by reading a book or attending a seminar for 3 days. It takes time and practice. So we chose to invest six months of my time in the project staff to make sure that we do what we do.
Platform 100% online
Interactive & multimedia materials. There will be 26 weekly modules, each with educational materials in video format + downloadable practice materials. In addition, each week we will make an appointment for Live Coaching, all online, which will solve your problems concrete. And still some surprises.
Modules contain 9 to 12
http://www.filesonic.com/file/3562818045 |
Evolve Modulele 13-22 Romanian | FLV | 4.69 GB
Daca intrebi aproape orice lector de la orice facultate de business din lume care este scopul practic al cursului lui vei constata cu stupoare ca se va bloca sau in cel mai bun caz va ezita. Ei NU au un scop practic! Vor doar sa te invete cat mai bine materia?.
Dar ma gandesc ca tu te-ai saturat de atata materie! Tu vrei ceva concret, practic si aplicabil. Probabil vrei ceva care sa-ti transforme afacerea si viata. Cursul Evolve nu e gandit sa te bombardeze cu informatii inutile. Scopul meu este sa iti furnizez cele mai puternice strategii si sa te asist in a le aplica astfel incat in final sa ai o afacere profitabila si care sa-ti permita stilul de viata la care visezi.
Faptul ca avem un scop clar m-a obligat sa gandesc cursul ca pe un sistem care sa aiba aceleasi rezultate de fiecare data cand este aplicat.
Durata 6 luni . Transformarea personala a ta si a afacerii tale nu se poate realiza citind o carte sau participand la un seminar de 3 zile. Este nevoie de timp si de practica. Asa ca am ales sa investesc 6 luni din timpul meu personal in acest proiect ca sa ma asigur ca vom face tot ceea ce ne propunem sa facem.
Platforma 100% online
Materiale interactive & multimedia. Vor fi 26 de module saptamanale, fiecare avand materiale educationale in format video + materiale practice descarcabile. In plus, in fiecare saptamana vom face o intalnire de Live Coaching, tot online, prin care vom solutiona problemele tale concrete. Si inca niste surprize.
Contine modulele 13-22
If you ask almost any lecturer at any faculty of business in the world is the practical purpose of the course you will find the stupor that will block or at best will hesitate. They do not have a practical purpose! I just want to learn how better material?.
But I think you got tired of so much material! You want something concrete, practical and applicable. Perhaps you want something that will transform your business and life. Evolve course is not designed to get bombarded with unnecessary information. My goal is to provide you the most powerful strategies and assist you to apply them so that finally you have a profitable business and to allow you the lifestyle you dream of.
The fact that we have a clear course forced me to think that a system have the same results each time it is applied.
Duration 6 months. Turning your personal and your business can not be achieved by reading a book or attending a seminar for 3 days. It takes time and practice. So we chose to invest six months of my time in the project staff to make sure that we do what we do.
Platform 100% online
Interactive & multimedia materials. There will be 26 weekly modules, each with educational materials in video format + downloadable practice materials. In addition, each week we will make an appointment for Live Coaching, all online, which will solve your problems concrete. And still some surprises.
Modules contain 13 to 22
http://www.filesonic.com/file/3531101475 |
Evolve - Paul Coman Modulul 1 Romanian | FLV, MP3 | 1014.93 MB
Daca intrebi aproape orice lector de la orice facultate de business din lume care este scopul practic al cursului lui vei constata cu stupoare ca se va bloca sau in cel mai bun caz va ezita. Ei NU au un scop practic! Vor doar sa te invete cat mai bine “materia”.
Dar ma gandesc ca tu te-ai saturat de atata materie! Tu vrei ceva concret, practic si aplicabil. Probabil vrei ceva care sa-ti transforme afacerea si viata. Cursul Evolve nu e gandit sa te bombardeze cu informatii inutile. Scopul meu este sa iti furnizez cele mai puternice strategii si sa te asist in a le aplica astfel incat in final sa ai o afacere profitabila si care sa-ti permita stilul de viata la care visezi.
Faptul ca avem un scop clar m-a obligat sa gandesc cursul ca pe un sistem care sa aiba aceleasi rezultate de fiecare data cand este aplicat.
Durata 6 luni - Transformarea personala a ta si a afacerii tale nu se poate realiza citind o carte sau participand la un seminar de 3 zile. Este nevoie de timp si de practica. Asa ca am ales sa investesc 6 luni din timpul meu personal in acest proiect ca sa ma asigur ca vom face tot ceea ce ne propunem sa facem.
Platforma 100% online
Materiale interactive & multimedia - Vor fi 26 de module saptamanale, fiecare avand materiale educationale in format video + materiale practice descarcabile. In plus, in fiecare saptamana vom face o intalnire de Live Coaching, tot online, prin care vom solutiona problemele tale concrete. Si inca niste surprize.
If you ask almost any lecturer at any faculty of business in the world is the practical purpose of the course you will find the stupor that will block or at best will hesitate. They do not have a practical purpose! I just want to learn how better material?.
But I think you got tired of so much material! You want something concrete, practical and applicable. Perhaps you want something that will transform your business and life. Evolve course is not designed to get bombarded with unnecessary information. My goal is to provide you the most powerful strategies and assist you to apply them so that finally you have a profitable business and to allow you the lifestyle you dream of.
The fact that we have a clear course forced me to think that a system have the same results each time it is applied.
Duration 6 months. Turning your personal and your business can not be achieved by reading a book or attending a seminar for 3 days. It takes time and practice. So we chose to invest six months of my time in the project staff to make sure that we do what we do.
Platform 100% online
Interactive & multimedia materials. There will be 26 weekly modules, each with educational materials in video format + downloadable practice materials. In addition, each week we will make an appointment for Live Coaching, all online, which will solve your problems concrete. And still some surprises.
http://www.filesonic.com/file/3501808135 |
Evolve - Paul Coman (Bonus) Romanian | FLV, PDF | 988.98 MB
Daca intrebi aproape orice lector de la orice facultate de business din lume care este scopul practic al cursului lui vei constata cu stupoare ca se va bloca sau in cel mai bun caz va ezita. Ei NU au un scop practic! Vor doar sa te invete cat mai bine “materia”.
Dar ma gandesc ca tu te-ai saturat de atata materie! Tu vrei ceva concret, practic si aplicabil. Probabil vrei ceva care sa-ti transforme afacerea si viata. Cursul Evolve nu e gandit sa te bombardeze cu informatii inutile. Scopul meu este sa iti furnizez cele mai puternice strategii si sa te asist in a le aplica astfel incat in final sa ai o afacere profitabila si care sa-ti permita stilul de viata la care visezi.
Faptul ca avem un scop clar m-a obligat sa gandesc cursul ca pe un sistem care sa aiba aceleasi rezultate de fiecare data cand este aplicat.
Durata 6 luni - Transformarea personala a ta si a afacerii tale nu se poate realiza citind o carte sau participand la un seminar de 3 zile. Este nevoie de timp si de practica. Asa ca am ales sa investesc 6 luni din timpul meu personal in acest proiect ca sa ma asigur ca vom face tot ceea ce ne propunem sa facem.
Platforma 100% online
Materiale interactive & multimedia - Vor fi 26 de module saptamanale, fiecare avand materiale educationale in format video + materiale practice descarcabile. In plus, in fiecare saptamana vom face o intalnire de Live Coaching, tot online, prin care vom solutiona problemele tale concrete. Si inca niste surprize.
Bonus interviu/Marius.flv 572.79 MB Bonus interviu/Pera.flv 414.77 MB Reguli de Prosperitate.pdf 1.41 MB
If you ask almost any lecturer at any faculty of business in the world is the practical purpose of the course you will find the stupor that will block or at best will hesitate. They do not have a practical purpose! I just want to learn how better material?.
But I think you got tired of so much material! You want something concrete, practical and applicable. Perhaps you want something that will transform your business and life. Evolve course is not designed to get bombarded with unnecessary information. My goal is to provide you the most powerful strategies and assist you to apply them so that finally you have a profitable business and to allow you the lifestyle you dream of.
The fact that we have a clear course forced me to think that a system have the same results each time it is applied.
Duration 6 months. Turning your personal and your business can not be achieved by reading a book or attending a seminar for 3 days. It takes time and practice. So we chose to invest six months of my time in the project staff to make sure that we do what we do.
Platform 100% online
Interactive & multimedia materials. There will be 26 weekly modules, each with educational materials in video format + downloadable practice materials. In addition, each week we will make an appointment for Live Coaching, all online, which will solve your problems concrete. And still some surprises.
Bonus interview / Marius.flv 572.79 MB Bonus interview / Pera.flv 414.77 MB Rules of Prosperity.pdf 1.41 MB
http://www.filesonic.com/file/3500591405 |
Liviu Pasat - Trezeste Banii din Viata Ta Romanian | AVI | 693.66 MB
Liviu Pasat - Trezeste Banii din Viata Ta! (90 min, DVDRip) Motto: "Managementul Banilor e mult mai important decat numarul lor." T. Harv Eker
Succesul e 80% psihologie si 20% mecanica. ========================================== * Banii sunt energie. Cum sa intri in rezonanta cu ea. * Constientizarea cheltuielilor. Deciziile emotionale. * Ce inseamana crezuri si ce limitari avem legate de bani. * Ce inseamna harta mentala si cu ce programari financiare venim din copilarie. * Ce este R.A.S.-ul si cum sa atragi banii mai usor in viata ta. * Cum sa iti schimbi starea emotionala pentru a obtine rezultatele pe care le doresti. Fiziologie, focus, limbaj. * Sunt banii importanti? Roata vietii. Fizic, profesional, emotional, familie, spiritual, financiar.
Strategii concrete pentru managementul banilor tai. =================================================== * Plateste-te mai intai pe tine insuti. Pusculita sigurantei financiare. Focus zilnic. * Pusculita bucuriei. Invata sa primesti! * Legea atractiei si banii. * Respectul fata de bani si energia lor. Managementul banilor. * Banii si spiritualitatea. Cum sa gasesti si sa pastrezi un echilibru. * Daruind vei dobandi!
"Frumusetea si utilitatea seminarului nu consta doar in faptul ca reuseste sa adune in acelasi loc elemente de psihologie, programare neurolingvistica si concepte din legea universala a atractiei, ci prin modul simplu, superb, natural in care acestea sunt imbinate si prezentate". Nicolae Erast.
Despre Autor ============= Am 38 de ani, locuiesc in Bucuresti, sunt de profesie inginer software, actual antreprenor, Business Partener al Lyoness Holding Europe AG. * sunt pasionat de dezvoltare personala * am mai mult de 18 ani de experienta in terapii complementare * sunt certificat ca Instructor de Stress Management al TRTIA Inc, Florida * am mai bine de 5 ani experienta in training, business si personal financial coaching * sunt Presedinte al grupului BNI-Bliss
Pasionat de seminarii LIVE cu mari traineri ai lumii ==================================================== * T. Harv Eker - Millionaire Mind Intensive (Londra 2011) - * Marvelle Lightfields - Stress Management Instructor Certification (Berlin 2008) * Anthony Robbins - Unleash The Power Within (Roma - 2009, 2010, Londra - 2008) - * Bob Proctor - Life Success (Bucuresti - 2009) - * Joseph McClendon - Next Step - (Londra 2010, 2011)- * Mabel Katz - HoOponopono - The Easiest Way - Bucuresti (2009, 2010) - * Dr.Ihaleakala Hew Len - HoOponopono - Bucuresti (2010) - * Keith Cunningham,Chuck Mellon - Wealth Mastery - (Londra 2008) * Kaiser Werner - Train the trainers - (Abtenau-Austria 2009) * Jim Bagnolia - The Leadear as a Coach - (Bucuresti 2010) - * Manfred Winterheller - Success and The positive thinking - (Oberwart-Austria - 2010) * Hermann Scherer - Above Mediocrity - (Bratislava - 2010) * Karl Pilsl - Entrepreneurial Leadership - (Budapesta - 2011)
Detalii DVDRip =============== Format: AVI XVID File size: 693 MiB Duration: 1h 25mn Overall bit rate: 1 134 Kbps Video Bit rate: 994 Kbps Width: 720 pixels Height: 576 pixels Mode: Joint stereo Audio Bit rate: 128 Kbps Channel(s): 2 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 KHz
Liviu Passat - Wake money in your life! (90 min, DVDRip) Motto: "Money management is more important than their number." T. Harv Eker
Success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanical. ========================================== * Money is energy. How to resonate with it. * Awareness of expenditure. Emotional decisions. * What it means and what limitations have beliefs about money. * What is the mental map and the financial appointments come from childhood. * What is the RAS and how to attract money into your life easier. * How to change your emotional state to get the results you want. Physiology, focus, language. * Is money important? Wheel of life. Physical, occupational, emotional, family, spiritual, financial.
effective strategies for managing your money. =================================================== * Pay yourself first yourself. Piggy bank financial security. Focus daily. * Joy piggy bank. Learn to get! * The law of attraction and money. * Respect their money and energy. Money management. * Money and spirituality. How to find and keep a balance. * Giving you gain!
"The beauty and usefulness of the seminar is not just that manages to gather in one place elements of psychology, Neuro and programming concepts from universal law of attraction, but by the simple, beautiful natural they are combined and presented". Nicholas Erastus.
About the Author ============= I have 38 years, living in Bucharest, is a professional software engineer, now an entrepreneur, Business Partner Lyoness Holding Europe AG. * Are passionate about personal development * Have more than 18 years experience in complementary therapies * Are certified Instructor TRTIA Stress Management Inc, Florida * Have more than 5 years experience in training, business and personal coaching Financial * BNI group are President-Bliss
LIVE seminars with great passion for trainers in the world ==================================================== T. Harv Eker * - Millionaire Mind Intensive (London 2011) - * Marvel Lightfields - Stress Management Instructor Certification (Berlin 2008) * Anthony Robbins - Unleash The Power Within (Rome - 2009, 2010, London - 2008) - * Bob Proctor - Life Success (London - 2009) - * Joseph McClendon - Next Step - (London 2010, 2011) - * Mabel Katz - HoOponopono - The easiest way - Bucharest (2009, 2010) - * Dr.Ihaleakala Hew Len - HoOponopono - Bucharest (2010) - * Keith Cunningham, Chuck Mellon - Wealth Mastery - (London 2008) * Kaiser Werner - Train the trainers - (Abtenau, Austria 2009) * Jim Bagnoli - The Leadear as a Coach - (Bucharest 2010) - * Manfred Winterheller - Success and The positive thinking - (Oberwart, Austria - 2010) * Hermann Scherer - Above Mediocrity - (Bratislava - 2010) * Karl Pilsl - Entrepreneurial Leadership - (Budapest - 2011)
http://www.filesonic.com/file/3503062175 |
Elliott Wave International Educational DVD Series English | AVI | 6.34 GB
EWI's 10-DVD Educational Series - Costs $1199
The Wave Principle is your key to understanding the markets, and The Elliott Wave Educational Video Series is your key to understanding the Wave Principle. The 10-volume series, recorded more than 15 years ago, continues to be among our most popular products. (We invested more than 1500 production hours to ensure the highest quality and clarity of each lesson.)
Originally released on video, the new DVD format truly transforms this series into the ultimate Wave Principle reference.
The DVDs feature a new introduction from Bob Prechter and chapter selection menus, which help you find what you need quickly. For a quick review on Fibonacci ratios, you can use the menu to instantly access that lesson - no searching, no fast-forwarding. The same is true of wave personalities, trading options and many other topics.
10-DVD Set Now Available
Here's what you get:
Disc 1. Introduction to the Elliott Wave Principle. A clear, step-by-step explanation of how the psychological forces within markets construct the basic Elliott patterns. 140 min. Bonus Feature: A Special Introduction from Bob Prechter. $129
Disc 2. Counting Waves Correctly. How to apply the Wave Principle to every market, from stocks to cocoa - and how to apply the three Elliott rules that will separate you from many who misuse Elliott today. 42 min. $129
Disc 3. Characteristics of Impulse Waves. How you can identify five - wave structures at all degrees of trend - from decades to minutes in duration - as they unfold in real time. 53 min $129
Disc 4. Characteristics of Corrective Waves. The easy way to identify the two major families of corrections; and when to expect explosive price action after correction. 75 min. $129 -
Disc 5. Rules, Guidelines, and Wave Personalities. You'll learn how the "personalities" of each type of wave can make pattern recognition crystal clear. 79 min. $129
Disc 6. Understanding the Fibonacci Ratio in Financial Markets. You'll grasp how to apply the Fibonacci sequence to market analysis, and see that Elliott's description of market behavior anticipated Mandelbrot's concept of fractal geometry in natural structures. 71 min. $129 -
Disc 7. Calculating Fibonacci Ratios with the Precision Ratio Compass. Detailed instruction on how to mark Elliott Wave targets on charts. Includes the Precision Ratio Compass. 47 min. $249 -
Disc 8. Real-time Investing. The Wave Principle can signal you when risk is low and help you decide how to place a stop-loss at the most logical point. 90 min. $129 -
Disc 9. Trading Options Successfully. How to use one tactic to master most of the variables at once, and Robert Prechter's three "MUSTS" for success in options. 71 min. $129 -
Disc 10. Questions and Answers with Bob Prechter and Dave Allman. A compilation of the most interesting questions and informative answers on a wide variety of topics. 85 min. $129
http://www.filesonic.com/file/3544405595/part2.rar |
Trading Psychology How To Think Like a Professional Trader English | AVI | 3.25 GB
How To Think Like a Professional Trader is a six-hour video presentation
Number of discs: 4
Codec: video- divx5-h.264/mp4 audio- mp3
In this six-hour presentation, Mark helps those traders who may not have an extensive knowledge of how the markets work or interact with the individual or institutional trader ~ have a deeper understanding of just what trading is all about.
If you are relatively new to trading ~ less than five years full-time trading ~ or have changed careers to jump into the game, then this presentation is for you.
Mark will cover ~
-trading skills -the three developmental modes of trading; mechanical, subjective, intuitive -the dynamics of price movement -characteristics of technical analysis -the relationship between the math and market movement
And much more!
http://www.filesonic.com/file/3550097725 |
EWI's Individual Stock Trading Course... How To Select and Trade Individual Stocks | English | FLV | 1.1 GB
EWI's Senior Tutorial Instructor Wayne Gorman and Prime Stocks Flash analyst Mike Boysen team up to bring you this highly anticipated stock trading course, with real-world lessons drawn from their more than 40 years of combined market experience.
This intensive stock trading course delivers to your desktop a practical, market-tested approach - using the Wave Principle and other key tools and techniques - to identifying and acting on opportunities in individual stocks.
Wayne and Mike walk you through real-world examples and lessons to show you how to be successful in these two fundamental aspects of stock trading
- How to find opportunities - from the thousands of individual issues out there, which ones are most likely to trace out clear Elliott wave patterns. - What to do next - from your first glance at a price chart to acting on an opportunity (or passing it over, as the case may be). These two bullets describe what Mike Boysen does EVERY trading day as EWI's Prime Stocks Flash analyst. Wayne Gorman has spent the past month carefully extracting every tool, technique and insight Mike has picked up in his career and that he employs each day. Now, they're prepared to teach it ALL to YOU in this stock trading course.
Here's what you will learn
- How to use channeling, momentum, volume, trendlines, Fibonacci price relationships and option-related data to select stocks and then trade them - What are key sources of information for finding individual stocks to trade - How to sift through and find the best individual stock trading candidates - The importance of identifying a clear Elliott wave pattern - How to use insider buyingselling data to select and trade stocks - How best to interpret and use analysts' stock ratings - How to use Elliott's rules and guidelines to label wave structure and set entry, stop, and exit levels, as well as project moves to measure risk vs. reward. - What you should do if the stock is an IPO - How individual stocks may differ from their corresponding sector index or market index and what to do about it - Why upsidedownside leaders are significant and how to identify them - How you should interpret and use corporate earnings news - Why you should pay particular attention to emerging growth stocks - And MORE! In Part 1, Wayne teaches everything he knows and everything he learned from Mike about individual stock trading. In Part 2, Mike walks you through his entire thought process to put it all together and help you make it work in your own trading.
http://www.filesonic.com/file/3504242865 |
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