Moderat de 80Inanna, Silva, bronson, kla2005, maharet
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Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Ben Stiller şi Eddie Murphy sunt protagoniştii acestei comedii despre nişte simpli angajaţi la un complex luxos de apartamente care pun la cale un plan pentru a se răzbuna pe un escroc miliardar de pe Wall Street care le-a furat fondul de pensii.
De mai mult de 10 ani, Josh Kovacs (Stiller) e managerul unuia din cele mai luxoase complexuri de locuinţe din New York City. Maniac al supravegherii angajaţilor, şi nu numai, nu-i scapă nimic din ce se petrece acolo. În cel mai opulent apartament de…
HP presents to you...Tower Heist (PG-13)
When a group of hard working guys find out they've fallen victim to a wealthy business man's Ponzi scheme, they conspire to rob his high-rise residence. Stars: Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller and Casey Affleck
P2P group HP has released the first cam for Tower Heist, a new action flick with Eddy Murphy and Ben Stiller. Video could use some cropping though. Enjoy! Plot:Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy lead an all-star cast in Tower Heist, a comedy caper about working stiffs who seek revenge on the Wall Street swindler who stiffed them. After the workers at a luxury Central Park condominium discover the penthouse billionaire has stolen their retirement, they plot the ultimate revenge: a heist to reclaim what he took from them.
Genre: Action | Comedy | Crime IMDB rating: 6,8/10 Directed by: Brett Ratner Starring: Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller and Casey Affleck Release Name: Tower Heist – Cam – 2011 – HP Size: 1,34 GB Quality: XviD 458px × 344, MP3 Runtime: 1 h 39 mins
_______________________________________ (poate asa e dragoastea sa iubesti doar ce nu poti avea )
pus acum 13 ani
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Tower Heist - Cam - 2011 - HP
HP presents to you...Tower Heist (PG-13)
When a group of hard working guys find out they've fallen victim to a wealthy business man's Ponzi scheme, they conspire to rob his high-rise residence. Stars: Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller and Casey Affleck