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Advanced Uninstaller PRO 10.5
Advanced Uninstaller PRO 10.5 | 24 Mb
Advanced Uninstaller PRO - provides uninstall applications installed on your computer. It serves as a replacement for the standard Add / Remove Programs Windows. It runs about 5-10 times faster. Can show the appropriate application icons. There is a search function applications by keyword. Advanced Uninstaller PRO automatically detects broken registry keys and deletes them on your solution. It is possible manually delete entries about installed programs from the registry.
Here are some key features of "Advanced Uninstaller PRO": Easily uninstall applications and programs. The program starts a lot faster than the Control Panel Add/Remove applet, and has a handy quick search function. Uninstall, disable and enable Control Panel icons. Disable or delete the programs that run at startup. Remove items left behind in the Add/Remove section after program uninstall. Manage the fonts installed on your computer. Hide, show or sort your Start menu shortcuts. Automatically find and delete the non-working shortcuts on your desktop and Start menu. ?� Uninstall Internet Explorer toolbars, plug-ins and BHOs (Browser Helper Objects). ?� Find and delete garbage and temporary files. ?� Delete the recently open files list of programs such as Microsoft Office, Windows Media Player, ICQ, MSN, WinZip, RealPlayer, Kazaa, Morpheus, WinAmp, etc. ?� Delete the Internet history trail (information about the pages you visited, addresses you typed, cookies, etc).
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