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Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Salutare! Am...sau mai binezis am avut un nokia c3-00,dupa ce am incercat sa actualizez softul cu NOKIA PC SUITE cu bateria cam descarcata. Telefonul s-a stins.L-am aprins din nou,functiona la prima vedere,am incercat sa mai fac o data actualizarea dar pe la jumatate se stingea.Am incercat sa-l flashez cu PHOENIX dar telefonul sa stins de tot.....mort.Se aprinde doar cateva secunde ecranul alb si apoi se stinge,calculatorul nu-l mai vede legat la USB,...mort,nu mai pot incerca nimic cu el atat timp cat nu mai e recunoscut de calculator...Are cineva o idee? Se mai poate face ceva?(am folosit cablul lui original...poate aici am gresit...) Am incercat cu mai multe programe.....mort...invizibil la USB..Salutari!
Modificat de livab (acum 13 ani)
pus acum 13 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Foloseste optiunea "Dead phone" de la Pheonix
pus acum 13 ani |
Membru Gold
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
incarca bateria in prealabil pe alt telefon sau cu incarcator universal
DEAD USB: 1. Remove USB and Battery... 2. Insert USB. 3. Insert Battery. (Some phones boot automatically) 4. Please Power on phone shortly..
Nokia PCSuite sau OVI sa nu fie active! Cauta versiunea cea mai mare de firmware. Daca nu e cel putin identica cu ce aveai tu pe telefon, nu incerca. Succes si tine-ne la curent
Modificat de maremestera (acum 13 ani)
_______________________________________ Nokia N82
pus acum 13 ani |
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Cu "Dead phone" de la Pheonix am incercat de mai multe ori...invizibil la usb...incerc sa incarc bateria tin la curent...Salutari!
pus acum 13 ani |
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Phoenix zice asa:Flashing started Creating product data items list Product data items list created Backup not required Flashing phone Initializing Scanning image files... Waiting for USB device... Loading secondary boot code: 14656 bytes Secondary boot loaded Loading update server code: 636228 bytes Update server loaded Partitioning.... Partitioning complete Erasing.... Erasing complete Asic CMT: Start programming 47585 KB... Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 0% Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 10% Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 20% Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 30% Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 40% Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 50% Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 60% Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 70% Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 80% Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 90% Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 100% Programming complete WARNING: Asic CMT: NAND status reported bad blocks Asic CMT: programming succeeded Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device... Waiting for communication response: 25 Waiting for communication response: 24 Waiting for communication response: 23 Waiting for communication response: 22 Waiting for communication response: 21 Waiting for communication response: 20 Waiting for communication response: 19 Waiting for communication response: 18 Waiting for communication response: 17 Waiting for communication response: 16 Waiting for communication response: 15 Waiting for communication response: 14 Waiting for communication response: 13 Waiting for communication response: 12 Waiting for communication response: 11 Waiting for communication response: 10 Waiting for communication response: 9 Waiting for communication response: 8 Waiting for communication response: 7 Waiting for communication response: 6 Waiting for communication response: 5 Waiting for communication response: 4 Waiting for communication response: 3 Waiting for communication response: 2 Starting to recover the phone Recoverying phone Initializing Waiting for communication response: 1 Error 0x8401F121 communicating to phone. Unable to verify comm. Warning: Unable to communicate to product after flashing Scanning image files... Starting to recover the phone Recoverying phone Initializing ERROR: Unable to detect device 0x8401F145. Check USB connection ERROR: Product recovery failed Unable to set the phone to flash mode. Unable to flash. Scanning image files... Starting to recover the phone Recoverying phone Initializing ERROR: Unable to detect device 0x8401F145. Check USB connection ERROR: Product recovery failed Unable to set the phone to flash mode. Unable to flash. Scanning image files...
Telefonul se conecteaza si se deconecteaza singur de la calculator...(se aude sunetul de la USB,se repeta la cateva secunde) Salutari!
pus acum 13 ani |
Membru Gold
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
mergi la un service GSM sa resofteze cu un BOX si cablu FBUS. Update "oficial" ne transforma jucariile in caramizi cam des sry
_______________________________________ Nokia N82
pus acum 13 ani |