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Meek's Cutoff / Scurtătura (2010) -------------------------------------------------------------------- General Information: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Title ........: Meek's Cutoff Year .....................: 2010 Genre ..................: Western Language ............: English File size ...............: 700 MB Duration ...............: 1h 38mn 18s Overall Bit rate .....: 995 Kbps Source .................: DVD -------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Information: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Codec ID.............: XviD Video Bitrate.......: 856 Kbps Resolution...........: 576x432 Frame rate..........: 25.000 fps -------------------------------------------------------------------- Audio Information: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Audio Format.........: MP3 Bit rate ..................: 128 Kbps Channels ...............: 2 channels Sampling rate ........: 48.0 KHz -------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtitle: Romanian -------------------------------------------------------------------- Cast: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Michelle Williams ... Emily Tetherow Bruce Greenwood ... Stephen Meek Will Patton ... Soloman Tetherow Zoe Kazan ... Millie Gately Paul Dano ... Thomas Gately Shirley Henderson ... Glory White Neal Huff ... William White Tommy Nelson ... Jimmy White -------------------------------------------------------------------- The year is 1845, the earliest days of the Oregon Trail, and a wagon team of three families has hired the mountain man Stephen Meek to guide them over the Cascade Mountains. Claiming to know a short cut, Meek leads the group on an unmarked path across the high plain desert, only to become lost in the dry rock and sage. Over the coming days, the emigrants must face the scourges of hunger, thirst and their own lack of faith in each other's instincts for survival. When a Native American wanderer crosses their path, the emigrants are torn between their trust in a guide who has proven himself unreliable and a man who has always been seen as the natural enemy.
In anul 1845, sotii Emily si Soloman Tetherow, Millie si Thomas Gately si Glory si William White se despart de o caravana de nomazi care se indreapta spre o vale fertila din Oregon si il angajeaza drept calauza pe misteriosul Stephen Meek, care pretinde ca stie o scurtatura prin Muntii Cascade ce ii va duce la destinatie in 2 saptamani. Numai ca emigrantii strabat deja de 5 saptamani o regiune arida si pustie, proviziile de hrana si apa se epuizeaza, iar ei isi pierd treptat increderea in abilitatile ghidului de a-i conduce pe taramul fagaduintei, fiind convinsi ca s-au ratacit si ca drumul pe care au pornit-o nu ii va scoate la liman. Atunci cand Meek captureaza un amerindian si intentioneaza sa-l ucida, curajoasa Emily Tetherow se opune cu vehementa si nu ezita sa puna mana pe pusca pentru a-l impiedica pe ghid sa-i faca vreun rau bastinasului, sperand ca acesta cunoaste perfect zona si va fi capabil sa-i ajute sa gaseasca rezerve de apa potabila. Rabdand de foame si sete, lasandu-se uneori cuprinsi de disperare si furie, pierzandu-si credinta intr-un viitor mai luminos si temandu-se ca nu vor supravietui in desert, componentii celor trei familii trebuie sa aleaga intre a-l urma pe Meek sau pe amerindianul pe care au fost invatati sa-l considere dusman. --------------------------------------------------------------------
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