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Unity Shooter Engine is an Unity3D project, which includes all the necessary scripts, prefabs for fast shooters making. Make shooters without any scripting!
List of features
Easy adding new characters to game - as minimum requirement, your character must have four animations: run, idle, aim and shoot. But for Player it will look best if your character have all animations needed - a set of animations for every player weapon - run, walk, idle, aim, shoot, reload, change weapon, and also additional ones for some actions.
You can import your characters, who already have weapons attached, or the weapons can be imported into Unity separately. You can simply add or remove any weapon for your character prefabs.
You can only have one prefab for the identical enemies that have a difference only in the weapons (and only have one ragdoll prefab of course). On level start or enemy or ragdoll instanciating, required weapon will be selected automatically.
First Person Player Prefab
FPS prefab can use animated hands model(s), has configurable headbobbing, footstep, run sounds and footprints, all sinhronized with hands animations and headbobbing, camera zoom vew, camera aim down sight view (can be configured for every weapon), death replacement, fall damage and death - all functions as third person player prefab has (exept third person view of course), plus ladder climbing and JumpPads. You can use or First Person or Third Person prefab in your levels - they are fully compatible.
Third Person Player Prefab
TPS prefab requires full character model. It uses locomotion system for player movement. TPS prefab has first person/third person view camera with additional views - zoom, view through iron sight or (if weapon has it) view through optical scope. You can offset the player from center of the screen. In game settings, you can set on or off ability to change distance of the camera with mouse scroll. Also, in the game settings you can choose type of controls. You can use platform controller for third person view and FPS controller for other views or use only FPS controller.
Weapons prefabs
In shooter engine, you can use two universal weapon scripts - first script uses rigidbody bullets and gravity set on. You can use it for weapons with ballistic trajectory (and I think, for all player weapons). Second script does not use rigidbody bullets. It is more suitable for enemy weapons.
All weapons can use light sourse and particle effect for muzzle flash. Also weapons have near and far shoot sounds, empty and reload sounds, empty hulls, adjustable inaccuracy (inaccuracy will grow with every shot), and can have optical scope. Every weapon can have its own crosshair.
Bullets. Player and his enemies can shoot through objects (a glass and a water for example). Bullets can have ricochets. For objects with different tags, for every tag bullet has its own particle impact set, bullet hole set, and set of impact sounds (they will play randomly). You can select an explosion to the bullet, or set an impact force and damage of a bullet. Also, every bullet can have set of whizby sounds, played randomly.
Explosions check objects for visibility, so for visible or invisible objects damage and force applied differently.
The package has sample weapons prefabs - for first or third person player, enemies or ragdolls.
You can use AI system - Enemy AI, Friendly AI (can be used also for unarmed characters, e.g. hostages), Animal AI (depends on tag, animal can be enemy or friendly). All AI scripts use Locomotion System - and A* pathfinding by Aron Grandberg -
Also, I included in the package modified Orb AI script from official 3d person shooter demo project. Now it is compatible with other AI scripts, and has three states - idle, fight, search and finds path between the three, not two points. Now it is well oriented even inside buildings. I think, it can be used for a variety of enemies - ghosts, flying monsters and so on.
Player, all enemies or friends comment on everything that happens. Player and friendly AI can talk when they're away from their enemies.
Two different enemy respawn scripts - EnemyRespawn and EnemyMassRespawn. You can set many AI parameters at respawn time.
Player can exit level in case: player has opened all doors, or (in case - need to kill all enemies) all enemies killed, or (in case - you have some items on the level) all items found. You can use one or combination of those cases on your level. Also, player can use trigger object to end level, otherwise level will end at once if one of the cases completed.Before loading of next level, score level will loaded to show number of enemies killed, level and total score and so on.
Other Features
All movable objects sound. Blood or water footprints for all characters. Blood pools. Blood sprays and stains on the walls and the floor. Fall damage or death for all characters - player or AI. Slow motion script.
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Scanat cu NIS 2011, netestat