Paramount Pictures şi Marvel Entertainment prezintă THOR, cel mai tīnăr supererou din panteonul de supereroi care au inspirat generaţii de iubitori ai genului.
Aventura epopeică a lui THOR ne poartă prin Universul Marvel de pe Pămīntul zilelor noastre, pe tărīmul mistic din Asgard. Īn centrul poveştii stă Atotputernicul Thor, un războinic puternic, dar arogant, ale cărui fapte nesăbuite reaprind un vechi război. Thor e surghiunit de tatăl său pe Pămīnt, fiind forţat să trăiască printre oameni. Cīnd cel mai primejdios duşman din lumea lui Thor īşi trimite pe Pămīnt forţele īntunecate pentru a-l invada, Thor īnvaţă ce īnseamnă să fii un erou adevărat.
THOR este povestea călătoriei mitice a unui erou: din prinţul rebel care consideră că s-a născut pentru a moşteni tronul tatălui său, la un supererou care īnvaţă că trebuie să-şi cīştige dreptul de a conduce.
Ripper ...........: IMAGiNE IMDB Rating.......:7.8/10
Video Codec.......: XVID Release Date......:01/05/11
Audio Codec.......:MP3 Theatre Date......:27/05/11 limited
Audio Bitrate.....:128 Runtime.......:1h 44mn
Subtitles.........:NIL Language..........:ENGLISH
Resolution...... 720 x 304 IMDb URL..........
ID : 0
Format : MPEG-4 Visual
Format profile : Advanced Simple@L5
Format settings, BVOP : 2
Format settings, QPel : No
Format settings, GMC : No warppoints
Format settings, Matrix : Default (MPEG)
Muxing mode : Packed bitstream
Codec ID : XVID
Codec ID/Hint : XviD
Duration : 1h 44mn
Bit rate : 1 636 Kbps
Width : 720 pixels
Height : 304 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 2.35:1
Frame rate : 25.000 fps
Color space : YUV
Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
Bit depth : 8 bits
Scan type : Progressive
Compression mode : Lossy
Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.299
Stream size : 1.19 GiB (92%)
Writing library : XviD 61
ID : 1
Format : MPEG Audio
Format version : Version 1
Format profile : Layer 3
Mode : Joint stereo
Mode extension : MS Stereo
Codec ID : 55
Codec ID/Hint : MP3
Duration : 1h 44mn
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate : 128 Kbps
Channel(s) : 2 channels
Sampling rate : 44.1 KHz
Compression mode : Lossy
Delay relative to video : 4ms
Stream size : 95.2 MiB (7%)
Alignment : Split accross interleaves
Interleave, duration : 40 ms (1.00 video frame)
Interleave, preload duration : 500 ms
AUDIO:Thanks m8ty
IMAGiNE bringing you another release..........Thor 2011
Here we go with our V1 of Thor....for this we used cinedubs video,which was half decent but had faults
like normaly with theirs ....yes the dreaded flicker Now the flicker isn't has bad as some of theirs
and only happens now and again and now from start to end...
Also because they've used an auto white filter ....on some scenes you get a blue hue over the screen.
Right fixed video by resizing,fixing colours best we could ...and also lowered the chroma,also messed
with the brightness and contrast levels and also made it duller to tone down the glares it had.
Audio we synced but never had full credits so we had to cut them...hence the runtime being
shorter....but we did leave the after credit scene For now this will do most ....specially those that
moan it doesn't work on their ps3's as this one works in the toastie or microwave and most users have
one of them Oh also convert the line audio to DTS 69.1 for those that get the 69.1 surround sound in
the future this is future proofaswell ladies and gentleman,boys and girls ....enjoy this
fecking shite film