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Forum Romania Inedit / New Softwarez / SuperSpeed RamDisk Plus v11.5.390 x86 Moderat de Saw, maharet, plumber
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SuperSpeed RamDisk Plus v11.5.390 x86


Superspeed offers two high-performance RAM disk products: RamDisk and RamDisk Plus.
RamDisk and RamDisk Plus®             
Both use our patent-pending memory management (up to 512 GB) to create a virtual disk out of RAM. The RAM disk appears like a physical hard disk to the operating system and programs. You choose its size (depending on the amount of RAM in your system), drive letter, and file system. You can copy, move and delete files on it. Like a physical disk, a RAM disk can also be shared so as to be accessed by other computers on a network.   

The most important difference between a RAM disk and a hard disk is access speed. The time taken for a hard disk to move its magnetic heads over the spinning disks (much like the arm moving over old vinyl record player) is typically measured in milliseconds (thousandths of a second). Whereas a RAM disk does not have mechanical parts and its access speed is typically measured in nanoseconds (billionths of a second). Access to a RAM disk may be 50 times faster or more than to a hard drive.

RamDisk supports a single RAM disk with no backup capability.

RamDisk Plus Features:

RamDisk Plus adds multiple disk support, system page file support, and a versatile disk image backup and restore facility. You can manually save the RAM disk’s contents to an image file, or have the contents saved automatically when the computer is shutdown. This feature ensures that service and application data stored on the RAM disk can be preserved between system restarts. During the subsequent system start-up, the disk's image is automatically loaded. A "live" RAM disk image may be backed up even with open handles to the volume. A RAM disk viewer lets you load image files as read-only devices.
Extended memory access         
RamDisk Plus 11  has a most unique feature. Our patent pending technology can access memory beyond the limitation imposed by a Windows 32-bit operating system! In other words, RamDisk Plus 11 can use "unmanaged" Windows' memory e.g. above 4GB. It can also use the stubbornly inaccessable memory between 3.2GB and 4GB.

See the product's help file for detailed explanation of what "unmanaged" memory is and how to access and use it with RamDisk Plus 11.

Disk types

Virtual and removable disk types are also supported. Disks can be created with partition tables or without. RamDisk and RamDisk Plus can both create partitionable RAM disks, which are supported by Volume Managment software. Windows' MMC disk managment snap-in recognizes and manages partitionable RAM disks. They are also compatible with other software such as Partition Magic and Veritas Volume Manager. RamDisk Plus also can create and configure non-partitionable RAM disks, which are compatible with RAM disks created by RamDisk and RamDisk Plus version 8.0. RAM disks can be zeroed out upon removal and the disk image file can be preserved upon removal. A new licensing mechanism binds the software to the machine name rather than a system ID.

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E arhivat rar criptat.




Crack + Keygen (un singur fisier) inclus. Instructiuni de instalare gasiti in nfo.
Scanat cu Eset Nod32 antivirus. Am trimis fisierul keygen.exe la virustotal si 2 din 40 antivirusi au zis ca ar fi ceva - parerea mea e ca e o alarma falsa.
Testat pe Windows XP SP3 x86 timp de cateva saptamani (il folosesc nonstop), Windows 7 x86.

Acu, ce-l face asa important?
Are o functie foarte folositoare: poate crea ramdisk in zona de memorie inaccesibila Windows x86 (adica peste 3..3,2 GB).
Pentru a seta asta: porniti programul, mergeti la meniul acestuia File >> Memory >> Unmanaged >> Configure unde bifati Enable use of unmanaged memory.
Dati OK si apoi Close. In fereastra "Memory informtion" va scrie cantitatea de memorie "Unmanaged". La mine era de vreo 750 inainte de a crea ramdisk-ul (am 4 GB Ram).
Va duceti la meniul File >> Options si selectati Use Advanced wizards.
Creati un ramdisk de aceeasi marime. Selectati sa fie Partitionable fara Removable bifat.
La urmatoarea fereastra bifati si GUID.
In ferestrele ce urmeaza lasati pe implicit.
Daca sta prea mult zicand "Adding new ramdrive", dupa 1..2 min dati Esc.
Important: va duceti la iconita My Computer de pe ecran, dati click dreapta si selectati Manage. Din lista alegeti Disk management.
Va apare Initialize and convert disk wizard. Selectati numai pentru initializare.
Se poate face o partitie si cu Disk Management dar recomand s-o faceti cu un program profesional ca cel din suita Paragon.
Eventual puteti seta si litera pe care sa fie vizibil - eu am ales R.
Dupa partitionare si formatare va duceti din nou in programul care l-a facut, selectati-l din lista si dati click dreapta.
Alegeti Save >> Save. In acest fel la restart de Windows va fi (re)creat cu acest continut (deja partitionat).

Ce puteti face cu el? Unii il seteaza ca stocare de fisiere temporare, altii chiar pun programe in el pentru rulare foarte rapida.
Eu il folosesc pentru memoria virtuala a Windows.
Click dreapta pe My Computer >> Proprietati >> Advanced >> Performance >> Settings >> Advanced >> Change.
Debifati sa fie "managed" de SO si selectati Custom.
Selectati ramdisk-ul si setati la Initial si Maximum aceeasi valoare - cu 5 MB mai mica decat spatiul liber pe partitie.
Poate veti fi tentati sa dezactivati de tot memoria virtuala de pe HDD (setata de obicei in C). Nu recomand asta pentru ca va face probleme de stabilitate - setati 200 minim.
Click pe Set (la fiecare disk) si inchideti. Daca cere dati restartare, daca nu dati voi ca sa testati daca merge bine.
Dupa restartare, daca totul a mers bine, cu un File manager setat sa vada fisiere ascunse veti vedea pe el un fisier numit pagefile.sys, de marime cam cu 5..32 MB mai mic decat marimea partitiei, ce nu poate fi sters.
Poate cineva se indoieste de faptul ca e intr-adevar utilizat de Windows, eu am testat si stiu sigur ca e utilizat. Daca vrea sa testeze ii voi arata cum.

Modificat de a_catalin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani
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