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Membru Gold
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
United States and the Middle East: 1914 to 9/11
Course Lecture Titles
1. A Meeting of Two Worlds 2. Wilson & the Breakup of the Ottoman Empire 3. The Interwar Period 4. U.S. & the Middle East During World War II 5. Origins of the Cold War in the Middle East 6. Truman & the Creation of Israel 7. Eisenhower, the Cold War & the Middle East 8. The Suez Crisis & Arab Nationalism 9. KennedyůEngaging Middle Eastern Nationalism 10. JohnsonůTaking Sides 11. The Six-Day War 12. The Nixon Doctrine & the Middle East 13. The Yom Kippur War & Kissinger's Diplomacy 14. Carter & Camp David 15. The Iranian Revolution & the Hostage Crisis 16. Era of LimitsůEnergy Crises of the 1970s 17. The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 18. Reagan & the Middle East 19. The First Palestinian Intifada 20. The Gulf War 21. The Rise & Fall of the Oslo Peace Process 22. The United States & the Kurds 23. The United States & Osama bin Laden 24. September 11 & Its Aftermath
At the dawn of World War I, the United States was only a rising power. Our reputation was relatively benign among Middle Easterners, who saw no "imperial ambitions" in our presence and were grateful for the educational and philanthropic services Americans provided.
Yet by September 11, 2001, everything had changed. The U.S. had now become a "world colossus so prominent in the political, economic, and cultural life of the Middle East that it was the unquestioned target of those bent on attacking the West for its perceived offenses against Islam."
How and why did this transformation come about? And how did each of the factors that make the Middle East so complex contribute to this transformation?
Placing Today's Headlines in Historical Context
This lecture series is a narrative history of U.S. political involvement in the Middle East from World War I to the present day. Presented from a historian's perspective, it is meant to strengthen your ability to place today's headlines into historical context, evaluate what is most likely to happen next, and understand those oncoming events when they do occur.
Step by step, with attention to the viewpoints and motivations of each nation and leader involved, the course explores, over a 90-year span:
growing American involvement in the Middle East
the ongoing quest for political independence and self-mastery by Middle Easterners
the difficulty the U.S. has experienced in weighing diverse and conflicting objectives in the region, especially as the Cold War against the Soviet Union intensified
the increasing antagonism between Americans and Middle Easterners that came to such a shocking culmination on September 11, 2001.
Over and over again, these themes surface, expressed in the actions of characters in a history still being written as we watch. America's presidents from Woodrow Wilson to George W. Bush. George Kennan. David Ben-Gurion. Gamal Abdel Nasser. Mohammed Shah Pahlavi. Ariel Sharon. Yasser Arafat. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Menachem Begin. Saddam Hussein.
The course ranges across subjects as diverse as the changing realities of the oil economy and the impact of changing policies as a succession of American presidents bring their own ideas and doctrines to the arena of the Middle East.
Dr. Salim Yaqub's background offers a unique opportunity to present the issues of this course from both American and Middle Eastern perspectives (the latter of which are rarely homogenous and often contentious).
Dr. Yaqub is also the son of an American mother and a Palestinian father. His father taught at the American University in Beirut, and the family lived in the expatriate American community while Dr. Yaqub was a high school student in the 1970s.
When he discusses the epidemic of hostage-taking by Shiite extremists that plagued that community during the Reagan administration, for example, it isn't only from the viewpoint of an academic, but from the experience of someone who personally knew victims of terror.
Changing U.S. Involvement through Two World Wars
You learn in this course that many of the seeds of U.S. policy and its dilemmas were planted during the administration of Woodrow Wilson.
It's fascinating to view, with the benefit of hindsight, the later ramifications of issues like Wilson's endorsement of the Balfour Declaration, and its collision with the concept of national self-determination Wilson advanced in his famous "Fourteen Points." Or the decisions made at the 1920 San Remo Conference when Europe's victors (with minimal U.S. participation) divided the Ottoman Empire's non-Turkish areas into "mandates" to be temporarily administered by France (Syria and Lebanon) and Great Britain (Iraq, Transjordan, and Palestine) until ready for independence.
Of all the Arab nations east of Egypt, only Saudi Arabia was to receive immediate independence, and the decision caused shock and dismay throughout the Arab world.
By the time World War II was approaching, the factors that would ultimately have such a tremendous impact on U.S. involvement in the region were beginning to coalesce. Germany's increasingly monstrous policies against the Jews, combined with restrictive immigration policies and existing promises of a homeland in Palestine, were colliding with Middle Easterners' own aspirations for self-determination.
And now oil entered the picture: the American embrace of the automobile had made the petroleum in the Middle East vitally important.
As the course progresses, Professor Yaqub brings together the events and personalities of the next six decades, creating a vivid context against which recent and current history can be understood. Consider three examples:
Choosing Iran's Leader. You see Great Britain and the Soviet Union forcing the 1941 abdication of Reza Shahůconsidered too supportive of Germanyůfrom the throne of Iran in favor of his son, the far more malleable Mohammed Shah Pahlavi. Under this younger Shah's rule an immense American establishment took root in Iran. You see the social tensions that would, combined with the Shah's internal policies, eventually explode during the hostage crisis that doomed Jimmy Carter's presidency. Creating Israel. Professor Yaqub explains the background leading to the U.N. vote on partition and the creation of a Jewish state. He shows how motivations as mixed as genuine humanitarianism, domestic politics, and simple inertia moved President Truman to direct a U.S. vote in favor of partition. But he notes that President Truman then stood by to let the new state "fight [its] own battle" against the Arabs. The administration's "passivity and ineffectualness" is captured in a public statement by America's ambassador to the U.N., who pleaded with Arabs and Zionists toůand we quoteů"settle this problem in a true Christian spirit."
The U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan. Ironies in our relations with this region abound:
The United States has fought two wars in Iraq barely more than a decade apart. The history of the Hussein regime and the sometimes ambivalent American policies toward it are explored. We are fighting a war in Afghanistan whose own roots extend not only to a terrorist attack on our nation but to a revolution in Afghanistanůsupported by the U.S.ůout of which Osama bin Laden and his al-Queda network were bred. What spurred the rise of this terrorist group in the 1990s? Like all the topics into which this course delves, these share something in common. None can really be understood in isolation from the others. The subject of the Middle East and America's relationship to it demands a contextual understanding if today's eventsůand tomorrow'sůare truly to be understood. |
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Code: States and The Middle East - 1914 to 9-11.part01.rar States and The Middle East - 1914 to 9-11.part02.rar States and The Middle East - 1914 to 9-11.part03.rar States and The Middle East - 1914 to 9-11.part04.rar States and The Middle East - 1914 to 9-11.part05.rar States and The Middle East - 1914 to 9-11.part06.rar States and The Middle East - 1914 to 9-11.part07.rar States and The Middle East - 1914 to 9-11.part08.rar States and The Middle East - 1914 to 9-11.part09.rar States and The Middle East - 1914 to 9-11.part10.rar States and The Middle East - 1914 to 9-11.part11.rar States and The Middle East - 1914 to 9-11.part12.rar |
pus acum 13 ani |
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
sint linkurile inca valide =intrebare pt Matija 28 si moderatori
topic: United States and the Middle East: 1914 to 9/11
Merci in avans
pus acum 6 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
pus acum 6 ani |
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
merci pt reactie. apreciez
vazut trebuie creeat cont .
poate stii ce vor aia cu cartea de credit si cit de sigur e sa faci asta
mai mult :cine nu le da cadul ce optiuni are
de unde are matija28 la materialul asta ce pare fantastic
Cu respect
pus acum 6 ani |
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
materialul e bun really nu sinnt sarcastic
pus acum 6 ani |
Din: Baia Mare
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
@bogdan4 Te rog, daca tot le-ai descarcat toate, posteazale pe un alt site de descarcare, sa nu fim siliti sa repetam experienta ta! Multumesc anticipat!
pus acum 6 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
ghebala a scris:
...daca tot le-ai descarcat toate...! |
Tocmai, că omul se plânge că NU le-a descărcat. Ba amintește de un anumit card...El a mers mai departe ca mine. Eu nu am avut curiozitatea de a accesa site-ul mai departe. Când am văzut că trebuie să-mi fac cont, am abandonat și am ieșit instantaneu.
Cred că trebuie să-l solicităm pe uploaderul @matija28 și să-i spunem că dacă tot a făcut o treabă și s-a chinuit, măcar să poată beneficia și alții de ”chinul” său.
Pune-l, maică, pe, că ăla e sfânt!
_______________________________________ Trebuie să ai coarne ca să reziști într-o cireadă!!!
PS - Aviz amatorilor.
pus acum 6 ani |
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
teodora36 a interpretat corect postarea mea.
Poate nu am fost eu suficient de clar initial.....
daca aveam card fara saldo poate le dadeam cont+cod+nume+.......
ca tot promit ei ca :we won t chage you....
bravo teodora36
respectul meu
pus acum 6 ani |
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
da_ne te rog un link valid la unii care nu ne ambuscheaza
pus acum 6 ani |
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
da.ne_a dat pe la nas cu materialul.....
ca si cum te_ai putea satura doar cu gongul de la masa.
szi da am problema asta. nu ma apreciaza lumea la justa valoare. care e mare ....zic eu.....
<<you are very sweet theo....
pus acum 6 ani |
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
bacx to bussiness now.
in noviciatul meu nu stiu cum dam de nenea asta care ne_a sedus. abandonat nu prea
sau cum putem accesa chiar as vrea sa stiu o cale
Mareb chef de vorba seara asta
pus acum 6 ani |
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
oare cate le vor sparge
cum zis ;mare chef de vorba....
pus acum 6 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
pus acum 6 ani |
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
outstanding theo
si intreprinzatoare si desteapta
unde ai fost toata viata mea....
pus acum 6 ani |
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
eu una nu am fost niciodata a lui.
Deci nu puteam fi abadonata
pe logica asta ziceam
Although I `ve been seduced few times before
poate ne baneaza astia aici pt dialoguri astea
´´Sa nu uiti Darie`´
pus acum 6 ani |
Membru Gold
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
Vedeti urmatorul comentariu.
Modificat de observ (acum 6 ani)
pus acum 6 ani |
Membru Gold
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
Nu ati pierdut mai nimic, in general astfel de documentare sunt false. Intentionat sunt false. Istoria oficiala este masluita din varii motive. Toata istoria adevarata a sec XX petrecuta in spatele usilor inchise a fost ascunsa. Atat Anglia cat si USA si URSS au fost infrante ca si Germania si Japonia si obligate sa joace cum le-au cantat adevaratii noi stapani, ramasi si azi in umbra. Acesti noi stapani ai lumii au devenit extrem de puternici deabea dupa 1943, datorita construirii unor arme secrete deosebite. Va recomand lectura urmatoarelor carti documentare: Cele doua mari razboaie mondiale au fost planificate de Anglia, nu de Germania pacalita si manipulata. Si azi istoria se repeta dar cu alti papusari si papusi. USA este o papusa acum ca si Anglia. In curand vor aparea si alte carti, ce vor dezvalui si alte secrete ale adevaratelor decizii politico-militare mondiale. Va veti ingrozi, daca veti intelege prin judecata proprie. Nu dati crezare niciodata a ceea ce cititi, pana nu comparati, corelati si judecati f.critic si realist.
Modificat de observ (acum 6 ani)
pus acum 6 ani |
Membru Gold
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
teodora36 a scris:
Wawww! Ce tareee! Bravo, maică! O treabă excelentă! |
Eu sunt un taica, dv. se pare ca o maica sau maicuta. Scopul nostru al unor oameni este si de a ne impartasi si distribui informatii corecte sau false. Cu sau fara intentii. Ignoranta se plateste. La fel ca si alte atitudini antisociale. Dar distribuim valori reale numai celor ce le merita. Sunt mai multe forme si canale. Referitor la acel documentar in discutie, se gaseste oare de cumparat pe DVD in strainatate ? Sau a fost obtinut de la TV ?
pus acum 6 ani |
Membru Junior
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
Nu credeam ca un banal curs de istorie la nivel de colegiu (in SUA colegiu este echivalent cu o scoala postliceala, asemanator cu Scoala normala, Scoala tehnica sau Scoala de maistri, din anii '50-'70 de la noi) ar putea creia atata pasiune, un consum de energie atat de mare. Uitati despre ce este vorba:
Puteti si sa descarcati de aici. Gasiti partea audiu, partea video, cam 3,7 Gb, nu are nici o valoare. Numai de bine.
pus acum 6 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
pus acum 6 ani |
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 11 ani
Merci Metuselem
I owe you one venerabile
pus acum 6 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
pus acum 6 ani |