acum o saptamana am dezinstalat un antivirus (nod32) iar acum doresc sa instalez alt antivirus si imi spune ca precedentul este instalat in calculator
stie cineva cum se poate rezolva asta?
Modificat de florin0740 (acum 14 ani)
pus acum 14 ani
Moderator Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Uninstall your existing ESET security product
1. Click Start → All Programs → ESET → Uninstall. After you uninstall, you will need to restart your computer.
Warning: Do not attempt to uninstall your ESET security product using the Windows Add or Remove Programs utility from the Control Panel.
2. After restarting, confirm that you can see hidden files and folders by clicking Start → Control Panel → Folder Options → View and select the Show hidden files and folders option.
3. Click Start → My Computer and then navigate to and delete the following folders:
C:\Program Files\ESET C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ESET C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\Application Data\ESET
Windows Vista and Windows 7 Users must delete the following folders:
C:\Program Files\ESET C:\Program Data\ESET
NOTE: The uninstaller may remove the above folders automatically. If you are unable to find the folders after selecting Show hidden files and folders, the removal is complete.
Download Nod32 Removal Tool:
Nod32 Removal Tool is only in Dutch language. To remove your NOD32 software double-click on the NOD32 Removal Tool, select ‘Yes’, and wait for confirmation to completely remove Nod32 antivirus software from your computer.
Warning: Do not attempt to uninstall your ESET security product using the Windows Add or Remove Programs utility from the Control Panel.
Modificat de florin0740 (acum 14 ani)
pus acum 14 ani
Moderator Din: Cluj-Napoca
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
calea simpla reinstaleaza nod32 si foloseste pentru dezinstalare Perfect uninstaller
calea mai complicata - dai un search in paritia in care ai avut instalat nod-ul (in win xp - normal ca nu precizati sistemul de operare tocmai ca sa trebuiasca sa dam mai multe explicatii - bifind sa fie facuta cautarea si in fisierle ascunse si de sistem) iar apoi in registrii cautand totte fisierele nod32, eset si le stergeti In registrii intrati tiparind "regedit" in start -run si apoi din tab-ul edit alegeti search si introduceti termenii 'eset' prima data si apoi 'nod32'. Aveti grija sa fie pozitionata cautarea pe Computer nu numai pe anumite portiuni din registrii.
Dar tot mai usor e prima cale.
Perfect uninstaller
_______________________________________ "Cunoaşteţi adevărul, şi adevărul vă va face liberi." (Ioan 8.32)
pus acum 14 ani
MEMBRU VIP Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
calea ce-a mai simpla system restore am rezolvat se poate inchide
pus acum 14 ani
Moderator Din: Cluj-Napoca
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
corect, dar din pacate nu m-am gandit la asa ceva pentru ca eu mi-l dezactivez imediat dupa instalare.
_______________________________________ "Cunoaşteţi adevărul, şi adevărul vă va face liberi." (Ioan 8.32)