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Forum Romania Inedit / Filme - Movies / A Greater Yes - The Story of Amy Newhouse [2oo9] Moderat de 80Inanna, Silva, bronson, kla2005, maharet
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A Greater Yes - The Story of Amy Newhouse [2oo9]

After climbing Pampa High School's popularity chain, taking her volleyball team to the State championship, and founding the school's first drugs, alcohol, and violence-free club, Amy Newhouse must now fight the biggest battle of her life - cancer. Her open heart to the people of her school now sparks a passionate rally from the community. However, this passion dwindles as her cancer metastasizes. Her cancer seems to miraculously disappear, but just as it seems the community has prevailed and the battle won, Amy discovers that the deadly disease has returned and is incurable. Amy's prayers for healing continue, but with the seemingly dried-up support of her community, and an apparent "no" from God, she dies from the one battle she cannot win. However, with her death comes life and redemption of Pampa High, as her club grows exponentially, redeeming the school of the once-rampant violence, drugs, and alcohol that she so passionately fought against, and proving to all doubters that God has a "Greater Yes" after all.

Amy Newhouse este o adolescenta in varsta de 16 ani, care locuieste in orasul Pampa din Texas impreuna cu parintii ei Kevin si Nancy si cu surorile sale Sarah si Katy. Dupa ce este diagnosticata cu cancer pulmonar in faza terminala, tanara decide sa lupte din toate puterile cu maladia, trecand printr-o interventie chirurgicala si prin interminabile sedinte de chimioterapie care o tintuiesc pe un pat de spital timp de 4 luni. Fiind extrem de religioasa si reusind sa le insufle si colegilor de scoala credinta in Dumnezeu prin intermediul unui grup de rugaciune, Amy este convinsa ca Divinitatea are pregatit un plan maret pentru ea si accepta cu demnitate tot ceea ce ii rezerva destinul. Chiar si atunci cand pronosticul medicului este rezervat, iar tratamentele agresive nu dau rezultatele scontate, Amy Newhouse este preocupata de ajutarea semenilor ei, reintegrandu-l pe rebelul si singuraticul Jordan in grupul ei de prieteni si sustinand-o moral pe fetita cu care imparte salonul pentru a depasi cosmarul chimioterapiei si a se vindeca. Incurajata de catre o familie foarte unita, de catre iubitul ei Tyler, de catre prietena sa Jessica si de catre toti colegii de liceu, Amy infrunta cu mult curaj maladia potential mortala.

Director: Bradley Dorsey
Writers: Bradley Dorsey, Marshal Younger
Starring: Anne Underwood, Bradley Dorsey, Robert Burchett
Genre: Drama
Release date: 2009
Runtime: 84 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

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