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Forum Romania Inedit / Filme clasice - Old Movies / Androcles and the Lion (1952) Moderat de 80Inanna, Silva, bibescu, bronson
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Androcles and the Lion (1952)

DVDRip English

User Rating:6.3/10

Director:Chester Erskine


Flaming story of history's most fabulous era!

Androcles is a Christian who follows that religion's teachings even as they apply to the treatment of animals. Seeing a lion in pain, he removes a huge thorn from the beast's paw, creating a friend for life. Androcles and a number of other Christians are evenutally arrested and condemned to death in the arena. They are to die by being eaten by lions. Is it too much to hope that one of the lions may have a paw that has healed recently and might remember who helped heal it?

Jean Simmons ...  Lavinia
Victor Mature ...  Captain
Alan Young ...  Androcles
Robert Newton ...  Ferrovius
Maurice Evans ...  Caesar
Elsa Lanchester ...  Megaera
Reginald Gardiner ...  Lentulus
Gene Lockhart ...  Menagerie keeper
Alan Mowbray ...  Editor of gladiators
Noel Willman ...  Spintho
John Hoyt ...  Cato
Jim Backus ...  Centurion
Lowell Gilmore ...  Metellus
Woody Strode ...  The Lion

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Androcles and the Lion (1952) ... rocles.jpg

In Shaw's sparkling play set in the last days of the Roman Empire, a Christian tailor named Androcles helps a suffering lion by removing a thorn from his paw. Later, after Caesar has rounded up the Christians and sentenced them to death by the beast, the lion refuses to harm the man who has been so kind to him.
Androcles is an escaped slave who is on the run from his Roman captors. While hiding in the forest he comes upon a wild lion who, instead of attacking the weak and starving slave, approaches him with a wounded paw, which he holds out to Androcles as if to beg his assistance. Androcles sees that the source of the lion's agony is a large thorn embedded in the paw; the slave courageously pulls it out. The lion is greatly relieved and for some time brings Androcles food which it has killed. Soon, however, Androcles is recaptured and sentenced to be thrown to the lions in the colosseum. When he stands in the arena, with nothing but a sword to defend himself, the lion is released upon him. It turns out to be none other than the lion which Androcles had helped, and the two embrace each other — in front of thousands of aghast people and an astonished Roman Emperor. Upon hearing Androcles' tale, the Emperor orders the slave to be freed, and releases them both.

Suntem in Roma in anul 161 in timpul imparatului Claudius. Cato il anunta pe Editor(un gladiator) ca intentioneaza sa-i adune pe toti crestinii din Syracusa pentru a-i arunca in arena. Megaera afla de noua dispozitie si isi convinge sotul(Androcles) sa fuga din oras si sa-si abandoneze animalele de care era plina casa. Pe drum cei doi se intalnesc cu un leu, iar in timp ce sotia sa e lesinata Androcles scoate ghimpele din laba leului. In timp ce vorbeste cu leul el va fi capturat de soldatii trimisi dupa el, dar sotia sa va reusi sa fuga. Capitanul insarcinat cu pazirea crestinilor pe drumul spre Roma se arata nemultumit de faptul ca soldatii se arata prietenosi cu prizonierii, dar se simte atras de frumoasa Lavinia. In afara de ea si de Androcles(considerat de romani vrajitor), va aparea un al treilea personaj interesant din randul crestinilor- Ferrovius. Chiar daca stie ca martiriul crestinilor in arena va duce la noi convertiri imparatul e decis sa-i omoare pe toti cei adusi, dar neprevazutul isi va juca si el rolul sau.

Director: Chester Erskine
Writer: Chester Erskine, Ken Englund
Starring: Jean Simmons, Victor Mature, Alan Young
Genre: Comedy
Release: 9 January 1953
Runtime: 98 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 464x352 / 23 fps / mp3 / 44000Hz / 86 kbps / 700 MB

Filme Romanesti facute format DVD de bibescu

#01 - Nunta de piatra (1972)
#02 - Independenta Romaniei (1912)
#04 - Sarutul (1965)
#05 - Un film cu o fata fermecatoare (1966)
#06 - Acordati circumstante atenuante? (1984)
#07 - Mireasa din tren (1980)
#08 - Secretul cifrului (1959)
La filmele romanesti avem CATALOG. Se admite doar un topic pe film.

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