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Forum Romania Inedit / Filme pentru copii - Movies for kids / Superman: Doomsday (2007) Moderat de Silva, cuculean, gabiandreicristian
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Superman: Doomsday (2007)

Superman: Doomsday is a 2007 American direct-to-video animated film adaptation of the popular DC Comics storyline The Death of Superman focusing on the supposed death of the superhero Superman.
Superman Doomsday is based on the best-selling graphic novel of all time, The Death of Superman. In that tale, Superman battled the evil Doomsday and lost. In the film, we meet Superman, Lois Lane and Lex Luthor before the Man of Steel becomes all too human at the hands of Doomsday. After about 20 minutes of set-up and a few clear nods to the attempt at a more adult tone, the fateful day comes for Metropolis. It's after Superman dies that Doomsday gets real interesting. People take fewer chances knowing that their hero isn't around to save them. Villains get more daring. Even Lex feels the void of not having a hero to battle. When Superman seems to return to the scene, everyone breathes a sigh of relief, until they realize that the perfect hero has come back a little different and a lot more dangerous.
It's a great story and one that the creators of Superman Doomsday have clearly put all of their hearts and minds behind. There are no corners cut on this project and it feels more artistically complete than a lot of straight-to-DVD animated adventures, far too many of which feel made just for profit. The voice talent in particular is spectacular with Baldwin perfectly capturing everyone's favorite hero and Marsters nailing Lex. Even Heche does great work as Lois. It's only in the cheesy dialogue department where Doomsday kind of falls flat. The storytelling and the voice work is stable enough that the old-fashioned dialogue was unnecessary, but it is what occasionally holds the entire project back from ultimate greatness.

Excavatiile lui Lex Luthor scot la iveala un monstru capturat si inchis intr-o nava spatiala care s-a prabusit pe planeta noastra cu mult timp in urma. In urma unui accident, aceasta creatura este eliberata si isi incepe asaltul asupra umanitatii. Doomsday distruge totul in calea lui. Aflat intr-o vacanta cu Lois Lane la Polul Nord, in Fortareata Solitudinii, Superman raspunde la acest apel disperat al umanitatii care se afla fata in fata cu extinctia. In urma unei lupte aprigi, Doomsday este distrus, iar Superman cade victima acestei batalii. Dupa inmormantarea acestui mare erou, Superman pare ca este inca viata. Numai ca metodele lui nu seamana deloc cu cele ale "fostului" Superman. El este arogant, increzator in puterile sale si nu respecta deloc autoritatea si legea. El este o clona crescuta de Lex Luthor pentru a controla intregul oras. Adevaratul Superman nu este nici el mort. Inima lui si-a incetinit ritmul batailor pentru a supravietui. Clona lui Superman scapa de sub control si se declara conducatorul oficial al orasului. Armata este neputincioasa in fata lui, pana cand adevaratul Superman revine sa infrunte acest impostor.

Directors: Lauren Montgomery, Bruce W. Timm
Writers: Duane Capizzi, Bruce W. Timm
Starring: Adam Baldwin, Anne Heche, James Marsters
Release Date: 18 September 2007
Genre: Animation | Action | Adventure
Runtime: 75 min (approx.)
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

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