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Forum Romania Inedit / Filme pentru copii - Movies for kids / Asterix - animated version Moderat de Silva, cuculean, gabiandreicristian
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Din: Putna
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Astérix le Gaulois (1967)

In the year 50 BC Gaul is occupied by the romans - nearly. But the small village of Asterix and his friends still resists the Roman legions with the aid of their druid's magic potion, which gives superhuman strength. Learning of this potion, a Roman centurion kidnaps the druid to get the secret formula out of him.

In anul 50 BC, romanii sunt pe punctul de a cuceri lumea. Satul lui Asterix si al prietenilor lui este singurul care mai opune inca rezistenta si asta datorita unei potiuni magice care le da puteri supranaturale. Romanii angajeaza un spion care il aduce pe tava chiar pe inventatorul bauturii magice. Getafix le prepara insa o alta bautura, un tonic puternic care face ca parul celui ce-l bea sa creasca, sa creasca, sa creasca....

*Director: Ray Goossens
*Cast: Roger Carel, Pierre Tornade, Henri Labussiere
*Genre: Action / Animation / Adventure / Comedy / Family
*Lenght: 68 minute
*Language: English
*Subtitle: Romana

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pus acum 14 ani

Din: Putna
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Les Douze Travaux d'Asterix (1976)

After a group of legionaries is once again beaten up by the gauls, they imagine: "With such huge strength, they can't be human... they must be gods". Julius Caesar is informed, and laughs. He makes a decision with his council and goes to Armorica, to speak with Vitalstatistix. He gives the Gauls a series of 12 tasks, inspired by Hercules (but new ones, since the 12 Labours are outdated). Vitalstatistix assembles their best warriors, Asterix and Obelix, to do the job. The Roman Caius Tiddlus is sent along with them to guide them and check they complete each task.

Pentru ca simte ca de data aceasta nu prea are sanse sa-i invinga pe celti, Iulius Cezar se gandeste sa aplice o strategie. Dand impresia ca e mult mai puternic decat e in realitate, el le propune celtilor lui Asterix un targ. Promite sa nu le cucereasca satele lor populate de oameni simpatici, daca Asterix si Obelix lui indeplinesc 12 sarcini. In caz ca reusesc, Iulius Cezar va fi cel care va pune intreg Imperiu Roman la picioarele lui Asterix.Supraponderalul Obelix si mucalitul Asterix mai iau o portie de potiune magica preparata de druidul lor si se pun pe treburi.

Director: René Goscinny | Henri Gruel
Cast: Roger Carel, Jacques Morel, Pierre Tornade
Genre: Action | Adventure | Animation | Comedy
Runtime: 82 min
Release Date: 1976
Language: French
Subtitles: Romana

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pus acum 14 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
daca le ai pe toate in franceza cu titrare ar fi super..........

pus acum 14 ani

Din: Putna
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Asterix And The Vikings (2006)

After another raid in an empty village, the chief of the Vikings Timandahaf misunderstands the explanation of his druid Cryptograf that "fear gives wings to the dwellers" and believes that fear actually makes the villagers fly. They decide to chase the champion of fear in Gaul to learn how to fly and make them invincible warriors. Meanwhile, the nephew of Vitalstatistix, Justforkix, is sent from Parisium to the Gaulish village to become a man and Asterix and Obelix are assigned to train the youngster. The stupid son of Cryptograf, Olaf, listens to a conversation of the coward Justforkix with Asterix and Obelix and kidnaps him. While returning to the Viking village, Justforkix meets Abba, the daughter of Timandahaf, and they fall in love for each other. But the Machiavellian and ambitious Cryptograf plan to marry his son Olaf with Abba and become powerful. In the end, Asterix realizes that it is not fear that gives wings, it is love.

In micul orasel galez isi face intrarea Chefix, nepotul sefului, iar Asterix si Obelix primesc sarcina de a scoate din el un barbat adevarat.
Sub aparenta aroganta, acest tanar originar din Lutetia nu este decat un mare las, iar antrenamentul de soc de care va avea parte risca sa nu aiba prea mari sanse de reusita... In acelasi timp, vikingii debarca in Galia, hotarati sa gaseasca un „campion al fricii” care va putea, dupa cum le-a promis magul lor, sa ii invete sa zboare, caci in mintea lui „frica iti da aripi”...
Rapirea lui Chefix de catre vikingi este o adevarata catastrofa. Asterix si Obelix trebuie sa faca tot posibilul pentru a-l gasi. In timp ce ei pleaca in cautarea lui in Marele Nord, tanarul lor protejat, picat fara voia lui in mijlocul unui complot infam, o descopera pe frumoasa si curajoasa Abba, descoperind ca uneori dragostea are efectul unui pumn...
Un adevarat soc al culturilor!
Micutul erou galez revine in forta in lumea desenului animat intr-o aventura care ne poarta pana in Marele Nord si care ne face cunostinta cu un tanar galez din Lutetia care nu va lasa pe nimeni indiferent...
Combinand spiritul care a reprezentat marca celebrei benzi desenate cu cele mai bune tehnici de animatie, AXTERIX SI VIKINGII pune in valoare in totalitate lumea amuzanta, surpinzatoare si tandra imaginata de Goscinny si Uderzo. Mai-mai ca iti vine sa crezi ca toata echipa filmului a baut din potiunea magica a lui Toutatis!

#Director: Stefan Fjeldmark
#Cast: Roger Carel, Jacques Frantz, Pierre Palmade, Sara Forestier, Lorànt Deutsch
#Genre: Animation | Adventure | Comedy
#Release Date: 5 April 2006
#Durata: 78 minute
#Audio: Romana

Povesti, povestiri, amintiri dintr-o viata de om

pus acum 14 ani

Din: Putna
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Astérix et Cléopâtre (1968)

Popular animated hero Asterix and his faithful sidekick Obelix travel to ancient Egypt to help Cleopatra build a new summer home. Cleopatra and Julius Caesar have made a bet, with Caesar wagering the project cannot be completed in a few weeks time. With the help of a magic potion, Asterix comes to the rescue of the Queen of the Nile as Caesar and an angry architect plot against them.

Asterix si prietenul lui credincios, Obelix, calatoresc in Egiptul antic pentru a o ajuta pe Cleopatra la construirea unei noi resedinte de vara, in mijlocul desertului. Cleopatra si Iulius Cezar pusesera in prealabil un pariu, marele imparat fiind de parere ca proiectul nu are nici o sansa sa fie finalizat in cateva saptamani. Se pare ca Asterix si Obelix sunt exact oamenii de care are nevoie frumoasa si trufasa regina pentru a castiga acest pariu. In timpul lucrarilor la monumentalul palat, misiunea celor doi eroi devine si mai dificila. Ei trebuie sa aiba grija de Cleopatra, caci Cezar impreuna cu un arhitect dubios lucreaza la un complot malefic...

Directors: René Goscinny, Lee Payant
Starring: Roger Carel, Jacques Morel, Micheline Dax
Genre: Animation | Adventure | Comedy | Family
Release Date: 19 December 1968
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

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Din: Putna
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Astérix chez les Bretons (1986)

The diminutive Asterix and his rather larger companion Obelix, warriors of the last village in Gaul still free after the Roman invasion, set out on a mission to deliver a barrel of their druid's famous magic potion to help Asterix's cousin in Britain fight off the invading Roman army.
Having conquered (nearly) all of Gaul, Julius Caeser turns his attention to Britain. Noticing that British warriors stop fighting at 5 O'clock to drink boiled water, and on weekends, Caeser cleverly orders his troops to attack only at 5 PM on weekdays, and all day on weekends. Britain is soon under Roman occupation except for one small village, where Asterix's British cousin lives. Word gets to Gaul, and Asterix and company set off across the Channel with their famous strength-giving magic potion to try to help turn back the Romans.

Director: Pino Van Lamsweerde
Starring: Roger Carel, Pierre Tornade, Graham Bushnell
Genre: Animation | Adventure | Comedy
Release Date: 1986
Runtime: 79 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

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Din: Putna
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Astérix et la surprise de César (1985)

Obelix falls for a new arrival in his home village in Gaul, but is heartbroken when her true love arrives to visit her. However, the lovers are kidnapped by Romans; Asterix and Obelix set out to rescu... read more read more...e them on a dangerous journey that will involve gladiators, slavers and bureaucracy - and a personal encounter with the Emperor himself, Julius Caesar...

Director: Paul Brizzi, Gaetan Brizzi
Starring: Roger Carel, Pierre Tornade, Serge Sauvion, Pierre Mondy
Lenght: 79 minutes
Release Date: December 11, 1985
Genre: Animation | Family | Adventure | Comedy
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

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Din: Putna
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Astérix et le coup du menhir (1989)

Asterix and the Big Fight is a 1989 animated movie directed by Philippe Grimond and produced in France by Yannick Piel as Astérix et le coup du menhir. It is based on the Asterix comic book series. The movie has a different plot from the book of the same name. It combines plot elements from Asterix and the Big Fight and Asterix and the Soothsayer. Interestingly, although there is plenty of fighting — as usual for an Asterix story — the actual fight that the story is named for is not part of the movie's plot.
The Romans have once again been humiliated by the Gauls. Felonius Caucus, right hand man of Centurion Nebulus Nimbus, head of the fortified camp of Totorum, suggests a Big Fight. This is a Gallic tradition where two Gallic chiefs fight and the winner becomes leader of both tribes.
To fight Vitalstatistix, chief of Asterix’s tribe, the Romans enlist a Gallo-Roman collaborator, Chief Cassius Ceramix of Linoleum. Vitalstatistix would surely win with Getafix’ magic potion of invincibility, but the Romans plan to capture the druid long beforehand. In an effort to rescue him, Obelix accidentally puts Getafix out of action with a menhir, the impact of which causes amnesia and insanity.

Director: Philippe Grimond
Starring: Roger Carel, Pierre Tornade, Henri Labussière
Genre: Animation | Adventure | Comedy | Family
Release Date: 4 October 1989
Runtime: 81 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

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Din: Putna
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Asterix Conquers America (1994)

Caesar has had enough when another legion is hacked to pieces by the damned single indomitable village in Gaul because of the druid's magic potion, so he decides to tackle the problem at the root before conspiratorial senators exploit his humiliation: sycophant Lucullus is ordered to capture the druid (believed immortal) and push him over the edge of the earth (according to the story still believed to be flat as a pizza; actually Greeks and Romans knew better). By pure luck, Lucullus' first net traps both druid and Obelix's pet dog, so the giant and Asterix follow them by ship on the Atlantic, and crash after a storm on the North America coast in pursuit of the druid who was catapulted off the Roman galley before Lucullus triumphantly sets sails back for Europe. They find the druid and meet a tribe of Indians (believing to be in India), literally a whole New World for the equally primitive Celts. At the home front, Caesar sees his chance to overrun the village, but has to wait till the last magic potion has run out, hoping the heroes won't return. In America, the medicine man has a bad eye in the foreigners, especially when the druid proves a dangerous rival...

In cursul unei incaierari produse in satul galilor, vasul cu potiunea magica datorita careia eroii ASTERIX si OBELIX capata puteri supraomenesti se rastoarna.Inainte ca druidul Getafix sa poata prepara o alta fiertura, romanii il iau prizonier, ridica panzele si pornesc spre vest, apoi il catapulteaza in spatiu de pe galera lor situata la capatul lumii (ei credeau ca Pamantul este plat).Cum satul lor este asediat de romani, Asterix si Obelix pornesc in cautarea lui Getafix si ajung in America, unde Asterix este capturat de un trib de indieni care deja il tineau prizonier pe Getafix.Dupa mai multe lupte, Obelix reuseste sa ii salveze pe cei doi camarazi ai sai si cei trei gali incearca sa se intoarca acasa cu secretul formulei de preparare a bauturii magice intact.

Director: Gerhard Hahn
Starring: Roger Carel, Pierre Tornade, Henri Labussière
Genre: Animation | Adventure | Comedy | Family
Release Date: 23 February 1996
Runtime: 85 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

Povesti, povestiri, amintiri dintr-o viata de om

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Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Pe "rapidshare" se poate ceva ? Multumesc !

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