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Forum Romania Inedit / Filme - Movies / Gridiron Gang (2006) Moderat de 80Inanna, Silva, bronson, kla2005, maharet
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Gridiron Gang (2006)

The movie is based on a true story of a juvenile detention camp probation officer Sean Porter (Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson), who is frustrated by the 75% recidivism rate of the teenage felons that he is responsible for at Camp Kilpatrick. Sean Porter, a former college football star, comes up with an idea to form a football team. Porter believes that football will teach the teenage inmates what it takes to be responsible, teammates, and be winners for the first time, not losers. Porter and probation officer, Malcolm Moore (Xzibit) become the coaches, and they only have 4 weeks to get a team together before their first game. The juveniles must give up their gang rivalries on the gridiron to unite as a team.
In the Kilpatrick juvenile detention center, the supervisor and former football player Sean Porter sees the lack of discipline, self-esteem, union and perspective in the teenage interns and proposes to prepare a football team to play in one league. He is supported by his superiors and his successful experience changes the lives of many young kids.

"Inspirat dintr-o intamplare adevarata, Gridiron Gang este o dovada vie a faptului ca orice om poate lupta pentru destinul sau si ca membrii aparent fara speranta ai societatii isi pot schimba vietile.
Gridiron Gang spune emotionanta poveste a unui gardian la o inchisoare pentru delincventi juvenili, Sean Porter (Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson), care, impreuna cu un alt gardian, Malcolm Moore (Xzibit), transforma un grup de condamnati intr-o echipa de fotbal in doar patru saptamani. Luptand cu rivalitatile specifice bandelor si cu ura dintre colegii sai de echipa, Porter da cateva lectii (si invata si el cateva), in timp ce pustii invata ceea ce inseamna respectul de sine si responsabilitatea.
Intr-o lume in care 75% din delincventii juvenili revin in inchisoare sau au parte de un sfarsit violent pe strada, Porter si Moore se confrunta cu piedici aparent de nedepasit. Nimeni nu vrea sa joace impotriva unor criminali condamnati, dar dupa un efort sustinut si o farama de inspiratie, Porter si echipa lui ajung sa lupte pentru propria lor izbavire si pentru o a doua sansa."

Regizor: Phil Joanou
Scenaristi: Jeff Maguire; Lee Stanley; Jac Flanders
Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Xzibit, Jurnee Smollett
Genre: Drama / Sport
Lenght: 120 minute
Subtitle: Romana

Povesti, povestiri, amintiri dintr-o viata de om

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