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Buna. Daca toata lumea foloseste unlock-uri, de ce sa foloseasca una singura si nu mai multe? exista o solutie destul de simpla prin care ai acces la un meniu, unde pui doar shortcut-urile (locul executabilului care porneste interfata grafica) si e gata. Se numeste PNAMenu. Am tradus prin google translate din maghiara in engleza ca da mai putine erori ca si din maghiara in romana. sursa: "PNA szotver navigation menu to select 1. Users' Guide " 1.1 Why?
In today's increasingly popular PNAs navigation software startup options are fairly limited. These devices are in most cases the Chinese YuanFeng Ltd's products, so they contain very similar firmware. However, the manufacturer may only be created by the device driver software to be used only to start the navigation program relatively quickly and easily.
I am available for both devices (and Wayteq BluePanther Diamond x820) following the logic used by the navigation program launches:
x820 is possible for the program to be launched to determine the path settings. If something is set in the overrides all other options.
If nothing is set (or tool - eg BP Diamond - does not allow this) to the internal memory (\ ResidentFlash) shell.ini any existing file name given in the program start. If this file does not exist, the root of SD card (\ SDMMC) While searching for a file with that name, and set out in this program will be launched. If you are unable to find shell.ini, then look at whether there is an SD card in the MobileNavigator directory, and in the MobileNavigator.exe. If not, then try this in the internal storage as well.
It can be seen that although a relatively large number of the launch of the navigation system it is possible to designate the leave even the most permissive additional software installed Wayteq készülákeknél not get away with the roaming of the settings menu, if you suddenly want to start another navigation program as before.
The PNAMenu but solved using the device to "navigation" activating function of a flexible, yet easily configurable menu válaszhassuk out for us at the moment just the best program. 1.2 How?
The PNAMenu start trying to open the folders with him, with the same name but different extension (. Exe instead. Ini) configuration file. In practice, if the program is called PNAMenu.exe PNAMenu directory you copied, then the same can be found here PNAMenu.ini-t will be processed as a configuration file. However, if we are forced to program in place called MobileNavigator.exe MobileNavigator directory, the configuration file name should also be MobileNavigator.ini MobileNavigator directory.
The configuration file structure is relatively simple: each line shows the stock of another, and may contain one, starting with annotation. If the specified file extension. Ini (and the file exists), the PNAMenu this file according to the rules of this process before the next turn would come. If the extension is. Exe (file exists and s), the menu button is assigned to a particular application by pressing the PNAMenu start the program immediately and then can enter the maximum number of available memory ensuring launched the navigation (or other) Application for.
If a. Exe file contains a series of decisive comment, its title, this button will megjefgyzés, if not included, the path and file name.
The generated trigger a Menu 5 columns, two columns over it sorts the keys to the program, either with your fingers that they can easily be eltalálhatóak.
The configuration files can be ASCII, UTF-8 or UCS-16 (by Notepad as Unicode preamble) coding, he is Hungarian and U but only the latter two can be saved. Notepaddel edit such files under Windows is recommended, but it certainly puts the beginning of the file encoding is necessary for automatic recognition of characters (UCS16: 0xff 0xfe, UTF8: 0xef 0xbb 0xbf)
The program here and the source code can be downloaded here For example, 1.3 ...
ini file with the same directory as the exe:
\ ResidentFlash \ iGO8.3.4.102680 \ iGO8.exe; iGO8.3.4.102680 (internal) \ ResidentFlash \ iGO8.3.2.96054 \ iGO8.exe; iGO8.3.2.96054 (internal) \ ResidentFlash \ iGO8.3.2.93112 \ iGO8.exe; iGO8.3.2.93112 (internal) \ ResidentFlash \ NDrive \ NDrive.exe; NDrive demo (internal) \ ResidentFlash \ Nitrogen \ Nitrogen.exe; NirtogenAudio Player \ Windows \ Explorer.exe, Windows Explorer \ ResidentFlash \ Tools \ ResInfo.exe; Resource info
The above kofigurációs stock (assuming that it set all the exe file exists) leads to the following menu:
The newer devices (as well as the Zafira and Diamond BluePanther Wayteq X620 x820 and surely) to the SD Carton content \ directory under SDMMC attach the card is inserted. When supplemented with the above configuration file as follows:
\ SDMMC \ PNAMenu.ini \ ResidentFlash \ iGO8.3.4.102680 \ iGO8.exe; iGO8.3.4.102680 (internal) \ ResidentFlash \ iGO8.3.2.96054 \ iGO8.exe; iGO8.3.2.96054 (internal) \ ResidentFlash \ iGO8.3.2.93112 \ iGO8.exe; iGO8.3.2.93112 (internal) \ ResidentFlash \ NDrive \ NDrive.exe; NDrive demo (internal) \ ResidentFlash \ Nitrogen \ Nitrogen.exe; NirtogenAudio Player \ Windows \ Explorer.exe, Windows Explorer \ ResidentFlash \ Tools \ ResInfo.exe; Resource info
And then create the root of the SD card PNAMenu.ini file that contains the following:
\ SDMMC \ Drive \ WindowsMobile \ Drive.exe; Sygic Drive 7.71 (SD card)
Then if the "Drive \ WindowsMobile \ Drive.exe" exists on the card, the SD card, the menu for amended as follows:
The SD card indicator menüleírójára line (\ SDMMC \ PNAMenu.ini) then of course it can remain on the main configuration file, if the SD card is removed, then the program will simply ignore the non-existent file.
Thus, if several different SD card navigation software, all the SD card's root directory quite a PDAMenu.ini file placed in the appropriate content, and the card is inserted, the program automatically will be given a menu. 2. Experts only 2.1 Color Management
The PNAMenu 1.1 verziótójától support from the trigger to change the color. 2.1.1 In theory,
The three colors can command influence, however, all three color management parameter setting command is the same. Each of four, separated by a space of 6 characters long arguments, which were interpreted hexadecimal notation, and three bytes to breaking. The first byte of the blue, the second to the third green to red represents the color component values.
As noted above, for example, a saturated blue ff0000, 00ff00 of a saturated green, 0000ff in a saturated red color indicates.
The first four parameters színhármasa hátérszínét ground state of the button, the second is the default text color, background color of the state designated the third, and fourth in the state designated sövegszínét enter. 2.1.2 In practice
The three color management command to start the simplest one: The exitcolor menüleíró wherever located in the file, determines the color of the exit button. If there are more exitcolor command is processed (either another ini file) in the last processed determines the color of the exit button. The following example results in dark red exit button, click that orange has become clear:
exitcolor 004e98 0689ff ffffff e8e8e8
The color of his command after changing the color of all buttons. The tempcolor command differs from it to take effect only cover the next button, then the color visszáll the previous value. The entire operation of the color observed excellent examples below:
exitcolor 0660ff ffffff e8e8e8 002098; red / orange 462c00 8c5800 color c8c8c8 ffffff; dark blue 108000 40c004 tempcolor d0d0d0 ffffff; green light \ ResidentFlash \ igo8.3.4.102680 \ igo8.exe; iGO8.3.4.102680 (internal) \ ResidentFlash \ igo8.3.2.96054 \ igo8.exe; iGO8.3.2.96054 (internal) \ ResidentFlash \ iGO8.3.2.93112 \ iGO8.exe; iGO8.3.2.93112 (internal) tempcolor 904800 ff8906 ffffff c8c8c8; light blue \ ResidentFlash \ iGO_Amigo \ amigo_pna.exe; iGO Amigo (internal) \ ResidentFlash \ NDrive \ NDrive.exe; NDrive demo (internal)
Since the effect of color management commands will not be lost to external leírófile processing, making it easy meglodható for example, that the SD card installed menüleíró trigger generated by a different color than the main menüleíróból be generated without the SD card mounted descriptor would change anything. The SD card before the reference leírójéra simply change the background color (if the card can be used tmpcolor menüleírójából keys from the first of a different color to give), then restore it after the link. Even more advanced only 2.2
The 1.2-liter version of the two new options were PNAMenube. 2.2.1 submenus
From the very first public version (1.0) it was still possible external menüleíró processing files, the 1.2 version from the outside, however, these descriptors can be displayed either on a separate page. In the past, embedded processing is still possible, a special place in the side submenu command, you can access. Of the Colors submenu of his departure at the end of current menu colors match. The following Páldi PNAMenu.ini the root of the SD card stock creates a main menu of the "SD Card" is trigger, which when the user tap the \ SDMMC \ PNAMenu.ini staff described a new menu page is displayed:
submenu \ SDMMC \ PNAMenu.ini; SD Card
The key of course is only displayed if the file exists, that is, when SD card is inserted, and there gyökérkönytárában PNAMenu.ini stock. Another more complex example of a fresh trial after we received a command. 2.2.2 Exit button text
Although not an earth-shaking innovation, but the 1.2-veriótól from the exit button caption is changed. A modified version of the exit will remain valid, so the sub-menus in the new text will be the exit button caption (unless you change it again in the submenu it). 2.2.3 Complex Example submenu
The interior of the device PNAMenu.exe store, the library PNAMenu. Same here (\ ResidentFlash \ PNAMenu \) in the following menüleíró PNAMenu.ini as:
462c00 8c5800 color c8c8c8 ffffff; dark blue tempcolor 904800 ff8906 ffffff c8c8c8; light blue submenu \ SDMMC \ PNAMenu.ini; SD Card 462c00 8c5800 color c8c8c8 ffffff; dark blue 108000 40c004 tempcolor d0d0d0 ffffff; green light \ ResidentFlash \ igo8.3.4.102680 \ igo8.exe; iGO8.3.4.102680 (internal) \ ResidentFlash \ igo8.3.2.96054 \ igo8.exe; iGO8.3.2.96054 (internal) \ ResidentFlash \ iGO8.3.2.93112 \ iGO8.exe; iGO8.3.2.93112 (internal) \ ResidentFlash \ NDrive \ NDrive.exe; NDrive demo (internal) c8c8c8 color 404040 808080 ffffff submenu \ ResidentFlash \ PNAMenu \ Tools.ini; Tools exitcolor 0660ff ffffff e8e8e8 002098; red / orange exitname Close 462c00 8c5800 color c8c8c8 ffffff; color of the submenu, if no color is specified in the sub-descriptor
If the PNAMenu.ini located next to a file called Tools.ini and SD card in the device which is the root of a file named PNAMenu.ini, the main menu will look as follows:
"SD Card" button tapping a new menu page will appear with the contents of the SD card root directory (\ SDMMC \) placed PNAMenu.ini file describes:
462c00 8c5800 color c8c8c8 ffffff tempcolor 984e00 ff8906 ffffff c8c8c8 \ SDMMC \ Igo_Amigo \ amigo_pna.exe; iGO Amigo (SD card) tempcolor d0d0d0 209800 ffffff 48ff06 \ SDMMC \ igo8.3.4.102680 \ igo8.exe; iGO8.3.4.102680 (SD card) \ SDMMC \ Drive \ WindowsMobile \ Drive.exe; Sygic Drive 7.71 (SD card)
"Tools" button in the pop-up menu tartlamáért PNAMenu.exe with the same directory (\ ResidentFlash \ PNAMenu \) placed a file called Tools.ini responsible for:
c8c8c8 color 404040 808080 ffffff \ ResidentFlash \ Nitrogen \ Nitrogen.exe; Nirtogen Music \ Windows \ Explorer.exe, Windows CE surfaces \ ResidentFlash \ Tools \ ResInfo.exe; Resource Information
3. Lárifári
© 2009, Body Attila - The program can be freely used, distributed and modified under the terms of the GPL v3. Bug reports, whining, the spambait [dot] com [at] gmail [dot] com address, and labeled"
iata niste poze:
P.s. eu de exemplu folosesc in PNAMenu: Primo, Rednight SI, Miopocket, Total Commander, Nitrogen, Win7Style_Menu. merita de incercat 
Modificat de tomohawk (acum 14 ani)