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De la inceput vreau sa precizez ca acest tutorial apartine in totalitate lui genuine555. Mie personal mi s-au parut foarte interesante si am tinut sa le prezint si forum-isitior RomaniaInedit. Tutorialul reprezinta o colectie impresionanta de "mods" (modificari/customizari), toate testate pe Windows 7. Asadar, sa incepem.
Vom avea nevoie de urmatoarele: UxStyle : (este nevoie de acest soft, doar daca veti incerca primele 2 customizari #1, #2)
Restorator2007 : (o mica precizare aici, daca il folositi pe os x64, dupa modificarea fisierelor dati "save" si nu "save as". Daca dati "save as" fisierul salvat va fi salvat in format 32bit si nu 64bit. Se pare ca acesta este un mic bug).
DeviantArt : (un site, unde puteti gasi, butoane, icoane, teme, wallpapere gata customizate si multe altele...).
Take Ownership regtweak, il puteti gasi aici sau pe gugal.
Instructiunile sunt diferite ptr fiecare customizare in parte, asa ca cititi cu atentie si faceti exact asa cum sunt prezentate. !!!NOTA: Daca aveti system de oprerare pe 64bit, si trebuie sa customizati/modati fisiere dll sau exe, va trebuie sa faceti modificari in ambele foldere system32 si syswow64.
Spor la customizat!!
1. Change the color of your progressbars to light blue (credits to the creator Computer-Master, and to Tomorrow for originally posting this):
file : "Blue progressbar.rar" (link :
This is for both x86 AND x64.
Instructions :
- Disable Aero in Control Panel-Personalization (switch to classic or basic theme) - Install the correct UxStyle for your system (x86 or x64). If you followed the instructions above, u can skip this. - Install the TakeOwnership.reg registry hack and take ownership of the original aero.msstyles file in C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\Aero. There have been reports that manually rightclick "Take Ownership" doesn't always work, so best use this regfile. - Execute ThemeInstall.exe (its a selfextracting SFX archive. Or open the SFX with winrar and extract the file manually if your windows directory is not C:\). - Re-enable Aero in Control Panel-Personalization. - Restart your PC
2. Manually changing the progressbars colors (x86 and x64) :
files :
"Black progressbars x86.rar" "Black progressbars x64.rar" "Aero_dark_blue_progressbars_x86.rar" "aero_dark_blue_bars_x64.rar" (link :
Instructions :
Take ownership of the original aero.msstyles in "%windir%\resources\themes\aero\"
Rename it to i.e. aero_backup.msstyles
Copy the provided aero.msstyles to that folder
NOTE : these can be done manually for who likes to learn. Instructions on how to do it are included in the rar-files.
3. Change your Windows Start button (x86 and x64) :
file : "Change_win7_startbutton.rar" (link :
A custom flag button is included in the rar-file, for testing purposes.
Instructions :
The explorer.exe you want to edit is:
and not C:\Windows\SysWOW64\explorer.exe (for those running x64)
And for those who use the larger DPI's i.e 125% , 150% you need to change:
6806 - 66 x 198 6807 - 81 x 243 6808 - 106 x 318
NOTE: The start orb replacement always HAS to look like the example at the bottom of this post.
1 orb: Orb when not in use (when not clicked or mouseover'ed) 2 orb: mouseover 3 orb: When start orb is clicked (Many pre-made buttons can be found on i.e.
1. Make a copy of explorer.exe to your desktop.
2. Open it in Restorator.
3. Replace 6801.bmp, 6805.bmp, and 6809.bmp (as seen on the picture, you will need to right click and click assign, and then click assign to, then select your file.)
4. Go to "file" and "Save".
5. Take ownership of the original file, and put the modded file in place.
6. Reboot, or end process explorer.exe in TaskManager and restart it.
NOTE : There have been reports that Windows TrustedInstaller interferes when replacing the file, and blocking out any changes made to it, even the "Take Ownership" rightclick option. When experiencing this, and you cannot replace explorer, use this solution (credits to PayMyRent) :
- open notepad
- copy this quote then save as backup.cmd :
takeown.exe /f %WINDIR%\explorer.exe icacls.exe %WINDIR%\explorer.exe /grant administrator:f copy %WINDIR%\explorer.exe %WINDIR%\explorer.exe.bak
- Rightclick backup.cmd and run as administrator.
4. Blue TaskManager (credits to xandir112) :
file : "Windows_7_Blue_Task_Manager_by_xandir112.rar" (link :
This works for x86 and x64...
Instructions :
1. Run TakeControl.exe (run as administrator...)
note: alternatively you can use take ownership rightclick shortcut and proceed to step 5.
2. Click add then browse to C:\Windows\System32\ 3. Select: taskmgr.exe 4. Click take control (note this program takes ownership of files) 5. Change file extension of taskmgr.exe ~> in C:\Windows\System32\ 6. Copy the (blue) taskmgr.exe and paste it in C:\Windows\System32\ 7. Test it by: a. Ctrl+shift+esc b. ctrl+alt+del then task manager c. right click taskbar then task manager d. search on start menu - taskmgr e. run then type: taskmgr then click ok f. win + r then type: taskmgr then click ok |
5. Add progressbar in the Winamp taskbar icon :
file : "Winamp_Win7_Taskbar_v1_09.exe" (link :
This adds progress of a song in the taskbar icon. Very neat...
Instructions :
NOTE : you need to have Winamp installed...
Just execute the file to install the add-on. Test it by playing a song in winamp. |
6. Put the details pane at the top in Windows explorer & change it's background (x86 and x64) :
file : "details_pane_on_top___change_background.rar" (link :
Instructions :
NOTE : shell32.dll files are included for both x86 AND x64.
1. Take ownership of the original shell32.dll in c:\windows\system32\
2. rename it to shell32_backup.dll
3. replace with the included file and rename it to shell32.dll
4. reboot
Manual instructions, as well as instructions on how to change the background of the pane are also included, for who would like to learn. These are to elaborate though, so I won't go through them in the thread.
NOTE : you can also change the background of the details pane by simply changing image #903 in aero.msstyles Same method as all other restorator mods. Don't forget to backup before replacing.
7. Change explorer folder icons (x86 and x64):
This is not provided in a rarfile, because anyone would prefer their own icons. So only a guide is provided here.
Instructions :
Many iconpacks or folder icon sets can be found on or other sites.
U can use TuneUp Utilities 10 or Iconpackager 4.2 to change icons, but that won't change all FOLDER icons in explorer. So you have to manually change them in "imageres.dll", located in the system32 folder.
1. Make a copy of it to your desktop.
2. Open it in Restorator.
3. In the section "icon" on the left, go through the icons, and re-assign every folder icon you need replaced with your custom folder icons.
4. when done, "save".
5. Take ownership of the original imageres.dll file in system32 folder.
6. Replace with your modded file.
7. Reboot
The library icons are located at 1002, 1003, 1004 and 1005. But they can be changed also be changed like this :
1. Set folder options to show hidden files and folders.
2. In Windows Explorer, navigate to:
C:\Users\(User Name)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries
3. Open Notepad
4. Drag the Library icon (from step 2) that you want to change into the blank Notepad and drop it. (See screenshots below)
NOTE: Libraries are .xml files, so they can be edited in Notepad. These are the default entries for the Libraries.
- Documents default- <iconReference>imageres.dll,-1002</iconReference> - Music default - <iconReference>imageres.dll,-1004</iconReference> - Pictures default - <iconReference>imageres.dll,-1003</iconReference> - Videos default - <iconReference>imageres.dll,-1005</iconReference>
5. When using a custom icon of yours :
A) Look for the <iconReference>path to icon</iconReference> line.
NOTE: If this is a new Library that you have created, then the line will not be there and you will need to add the <iconReference>path to icon</iconReference> line directly under the <isLibraryPinned>-1</isLibraryPinned> line entry.
B) In Notepad, substitute path to icon to the full path of the custom icon that you want to use for the default Library icon instead.
C) Go to step 7.
6. To use another Win7 Icon :
A) Download and install the free program IconViewer. NOTE: Be sure to download the correct 32-bit or 64-bit version for your Windows 7.
B) In Windows Explorer navigate to the .exe (ex: for program icons) or .dll (ex: Windows 7 icons) file that contains the icon that you want to use for the default Library icon, then right click on the file, click on Properties, and the Icons tab.
NOTE: The most common Windows 7 icons come from the C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll file.
C) Look for the <iconReference>path to icon,-icon#</iconReference> line.
NOTE: If this is a new Library that you have created, then the line will not be there and you will need to add the <iconReference>path to icon,-icon#</iconReference> line directly under the <isLibraryPinned>-1</isLibraryPinned> line entry.
D) In Notepad, substitute path to icon to the full path of the file that includes the icon you want from step 6B, then substitute icon# with the icon number under the icon you want from step 6B.
NOTE: If the file that includes the icon you want in step 6B is in the C:\Windows\System32 folder, then you will just need to type in the file name instead of the full path.
7. In Notepad, click on File and Save, then close Notepad.
You can also alter the default "open" folder icon in Registry :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer \Shell Icons
Just add a new string value "4" (if it is not present yet). Doubleclick it, and enter the path to your custom icon, or let it refer to an icon you want in imageres.dll or shell32.dll.
The most important dll files containing icons are :
shell32.dll -> Windows Shell Common Dll (306 icons) imageres.dll -> Windows Image Resource (218 icons) wmploc.DLL -> Windows Media Player Resources (208 icons) netshell.dll -> Network Connections Shell (164 icons) mmcndmgr.dll -> MMC Node Manager DLL (129 icons) moricons.dll -> Windows NT Setup Icon Resources Library (113 icons) ieframe.dll -> Internet Browser (105 icons) compstui.dll -> Common Property Sheet User Interface DLL (101 icons) DDORes.dll -> Device Category information and resources (81 icons) pnidui.dll -> Network System Icon (59 icons)
imageres.dll and shell32.dll contain most of the explorer folder icons (shell32.dll has the folder icons for open/save dialogs).
8. Change the icons in the Control Panel (x86 and x64):
No rar-file included
Instructions :
This can only be done in an administrator account. You should use a 256x256 pixel .ico (icon) files to have the best support for all icon view sizes.
1. If open, close the Control Panel.
2. Open the Start Menu, and type regedit in the search line and press enter.
3. If prompted by UAC, then click on Yes.
4. In regedit, navigate to
and continue to the location of the Control Panel icon in the table below for the one that you want to change.
Action Center --> {BB64F8A7-BEE7-4E1A-AB8D-7D8273F7FDB6}\DefaultIcon Administrative Tools --> {D20EA4E1-3957-11d2A40BOC5020524153}\DefaultIcon Autoplay --> {9C60DE1E-E5FC-4of4-A487-460851A8D915}\DefaultIcon Backup and Restore --> {B98A2BEA7D42-4558-8BD1-832F41BAC6FD}\DefaultIcon BitLocker Drive Encryption --> {D9EF8727-CAC2-4e60-809E86F80A666C91}\DefaultIcon Color Management --> {B2C761C6-29BC-4f19-9251E6195265BAF1}\DefaultIcon Credential Manager --> {1206F5F1-0569-412C8FEC-3204630DFB70}\DefaultIcon Date and Time --> {E2E7934B-DCE5-43C4-9576-7FE4F75E7480}\DefaultIcon Default Programs --> {17cd9488-1228-4b2f88ce4298e93e0966}\DefaultIcon Desktop Gadgets --> {37efd44d-ef8d-41b1-940d-96973a50e9eo}\DefaultIcon Device Manager --> {74246bfc-4c96-11d0-9bef-0020afgb0b7a}\DefaultIcon Devices and Printers --> {A8A91A66-3A7D4424-8D24-04E180695C7A}\DefaultIcon Display --> {C555438B-3C23-4769-A71F-B6D3D9B6053A}\DefaultIcon Ease of Access Center --> {D555645E-D4F8-4c29A827-D93C859C4F2A}\DefaultIcon Folder Options --> {6DFD7C5C-2451-11d3-A299-00C04F8EF6AF}\DefaultIcon Fonts --> {BD84B380-8CA2-1069-AB1D-08000948F534}\DefaultIcon Getting Started --> {CB1B7F8C-C50A-4176-B604-9E24DEE8D4D1}\DefaultIcon HomeGroup --> {67CA7650-96E6-4fDD-BB43-A8E774F73A57}\DefaultIcon Indexing Options --> {87D66A43-7B11-4A28-9811-C86EEE395ACF7}\DefaultIcon Internet Options --> {A3DD4F92-658A-410F-84FD-6FBBBEF2FFFE}\DefaultIcon Keyboard --> {725BE8F7-668E-4C7B-8F90-46BDB0936430}\DefaultIcon Location and Other Sensors --> {E9950154-C418-419eA90A-20C5287AE24B]\DefaultIcon Mobility Center --> {5ea4f148-308c-46d7-98a9-49041b1dd468}\DefaultIcon Mouse --> {6C8EEC18-8D75-41B2-A177-8831D59D2D50}\DefaultIcon Network and Sharing Center --> {8E908FC9-BECC-40f6-915B-F4CAOE70D03D}\DefaultIcon Notification Area Icons --> {05d7b0f4-2121-4effbf6b-ed3f69b894d9}\DefaultIcon Parental Controls --> {96AE8D84-A250-4520-95A5-A46A7E3C548B}\DefaultIcon Performance Information and Tools --> {78F3955E-3B90-4184BD14-5397C15F1EFC}\DefaultIcon Personalization --> {ED834ED6-485A-4bfe-8F11-A626DCB6A921}\DefaultIcon Phone and Modem --> {40419485-C444-4567-851A-2DD7BFA1684D}\DefaultIcon Power Options --> {025A5937-A6BE-4686-A844-36FE4BEC8B6D}\DefaulIcon Programs and Features --> {7b81be6a-ce2b-4676a29e-eb907a5126c5}\DefaultIcon Recovery --> {9FE63AFD-59CF-4419-9775-ABCC3849F861}\DefaultIcon Region and Language --> {62D8ED13-C9D0-4CE8A914-47DD628FB1B0}\DefaultIcon RemoteApp and Desktop Connections --> {241D7C96-F8BF-4F85-B01F-E2B043341A4B}\DefaultIcon Sound --> {F2DDFC82-8F12-4CDD-B7DC-D4FE1425AA4D]\DefaultIcon Speech Recognition --> {58E3C745-D971-4081-9034-86E34B30836A}\DefaultIcon Sync Center --> {9C73F5E5-7AE7-4E32-A8E8-8D23B85255BF}\DefaultIcon System --> {BB06C0E4-D293-4f75-8A90-CB05B6A77EEE}\DefaultIcon Taskbar and Start Menu --> {0DF44EAA-FF21-4412-828E-260A8728E7F1}\DefaultIcon Troubleshooting --> {C58C4893-3BE0-4B45-ABB5-A63E4B8C8651}\DefaultIcon User Accounts --> {60632754-c523-4b62-b45c-4172da012619}\DefaultIcon Windows Cardspace --> {78CB147A-98EA-4AA6-B0DF-C8681F69341C}\DefaultIcon Windows Defender --> {D8559EB9-20C0-410E-BEDA-7ED416AECC2A}\DefaultIcon Windows Firewall --> {4026492F-2F69-46B8-B9BF-5654FC07E423}\DefaultIcon Windows Update --> {36eef7db-88ad-4e81-ad49-0e313f0c35f8}\DefaultIcon
5. In the left pane, right click on DefaultIcon and click on Permissions. NOTE: This (steps 5 to 7) is to take ownership of the DefaultIcon key. It is required.
6. Click on the Advanced button.
7. Click on the Owner tab, select Administrators (highlighted in blue below), and click on OK.
8. At the top, select Administrators (highlighted in blue below), then check the Allow box for Full Control and click on OK. NOTE: This just allowed you (administrator) full permission to make changes to the DefaultIcon key in step 9 below.
9. In the right pane of the DefaultIcon key in regedit, right click on (Default) and click on Modify.
10. Type in the full path of the custom icon that you want to use instead of the default icon, then click on OK. NOTE: If you move or change this icon's location that you used in this step, then the icon will no longer work in the Control Panel until you change the path again to the new location.
11. Repeat steps 4 to 10 to change another default Control Panel icon.
12. When done, close regedit and open the Control Panel with small or large icons view to see your changes.
9. Change Windows-logo in system properties (x86 and x64):
No rar file included
Instructions :
1. Make a copy of "c:\Windows\Branding\ShellBRD\shellbrd.dll" to your desktop.
2. Open it with Restorator.
3. Open BITMAP, then re-assign 1050, 2050 and 3050 (the orb in different sizes) with your custom bmp.
4. Choose "Save" and close Restorator.
5. Take Ownership of the original file in c:\windows\branding\shellbrd\
6. Copy/Paste your modded file to the folder.
The change is instantaneous...
NOTE : Make sure the new image has a bit depth of 32 !
Also look at this thread. It contains more usefull information regarding this :
A guide on how to change the text strings in system properties is to be added soon.
10. Change OEM information in system properties (including logo) :
No rar-file included
Works for x86 and x64.
Instructions :
Copy/paste this in notepad, and save to "oeminfo.reg" :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation] "Logo"="c:\windows\system32\logo.bmp" "Manufacturer"="Manufacturer" "SupportHours"="24x7" "SupportPhone"="" "SupportURL"="url"
Change all information to your needs before saving. Mind that the logo-path must point to a bmp-file of about 120x120 pixels (give or take).
Doubleclick the regfile to add it to the registry.
A guide on how to change the text strings in system properties is to be added soon.
11. Change Logon screen and buttonset (x86 and x64):
file : "Change_logon_screen.rar" (link :
Instructions :
Use the tweakslogon.exe application to change the logonscreen. It's pretty straight-forward.
U can also change the buttons to better match your background. To do so, you need to apply a registry tweak.
Open up the registry editor and browse to the following key:
Create a new dword value called "ButtonSet"
There are three values that can be set :
0 – Lighter text shadows, darker (more opaque) buttons (Windows default) 1 – Darker text shadows, lighter (more translucent) buttons (for lighter backgrounds) 2 – No text shadows, opaque buttons (for darker backgrounds)
For the ones who want to do the restorator mod :
You know the drill : copy imageres.dll to desktop. open with restorator. these are the locations of the images, with these resolutions :
5031 = 1280×1024 5032 = 1280×960 5033 = 1024×768 5034 = 1600×1200 5035 = 1440×900 5036 = 1920×1200 5037 = 1280×768 5038 = 1360×768 5039 = 1024×1280 5040 = 960×1280 5041 = 900×1440 5042 = 768×1280 5043 = 768×1360
Resolutions need to be maintained unfortunately, otherwise much of the image quality somehow gets lost.
"Save" and close restorator. Take ownership and rename original file. copy/paste saved file in place. Reboot.
12. Change Media Center background (x86 and x64) :
No rar-file included :
Step One: Backup Your Files!!
The first thing you should do is go to “C:\Windows\ehome” and and make two copies of the file “ehres.dll”. Save one to a folder for editing and save the other somewhere safe just in case you want to undo your changes.
You also need to apply this registry file :
Download the file to your machine and double-click to apply the fix to your machine. Once you’ve done that right-click the original file and select “Take Ownership”. This allows the file to be replaced later on.
Step Two: Get an Image
You need an image to use for the background. The default is 500 pixels wide by 300 pixels high (500×300) but you can use images of varying height. This allows for high definition 1080p and 720p files to replace that boring low-res background.
Step Three: Insert into the ”ehres.dll” file
To edit the ehres.dll file a resource editor is required. For this guide you should download Restorator :
The program isn’t free but does have a 30 trial availalbe for download. It works both for x86 and x64.
Once inside Restorator open the ehres.dll file you have copied to be edited. Expand the “RCData” section and scroll down until you find “Common.Animated.Background.png”. Right-click the file and select “assign > assign to” from the menu. Then browse to and select the background file you want to use.
Once that is complete save the file.
Step Four: Replace the original “ehres.dll”
Once you have your edited file (and your backup!) copy the edited file from where you have it saved and paste it into the “C:\Windows\ehome” directory replacing the old one. Remember you must have the “Take Ownership” registry fix applied to this file to allow it to be replaced.
Step Five: Launch Media Center
Now you should be able to launch Media Center and see your new background in place. The animated portions of the background will not have been changed, however. To change these you must replace “common.background.layer1.png”, “common.background.layer2.png” and “common.background.layer3.png”. These are the files that are loaded onto the screen to make it appear animated.
There also exists a guide on how to create whole themes for Media Center with Restorator. U can read up on it here
13. Changing or removing The Legitimate Logo in system properties (works for x86 and x64) :
No rar-file included
Instructions :
A) Removing/Changing on a system without installed language pack :
This seems to work only when dealing with a genuine english language iso.
1. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\systemcpl.dll and make a copy of it to your desktop.
2. Open it in Restorator2007.
3. Inside this file edit bitmap 4 to change the Genuine image when your Windows is activated. To remove just delete resource 4.
4. Choose "save".
5. Take Ownership of the original file in system32 folder, and rename it to systemcpl_backup.dll
6. Copy/Paste your modded file from desktop to the system32 folder.
7. Reboot
B) Removing/Changing with installed language pack :
This works with any language pack installed.
When u have a language pack installed, u must navigate to the language folder inside c:\windows\system32. There are two language folders. Mind that u must choose the folder that has all "dll.mui" files.
For example : dutch language pack has two folders inside system32, "nl" and "nl-NL". The "nl" folder only has a couple of dll files, where as the "nl-NL" folder has tons of dll.mui files. So when dutch language pack is installed, it's "c:\windows\system32\nl-NL".
1. In that folder, copy systemcpl.dll.mui to your desktop.
2. Open it in Restorator2007.
3. Inside this file edit bitmap 4 to change the Genuine image when your Windows is activated. To remove just delete resource 4.
4. Choose "save".
5. Take Ownership of the original systemcpl.dll.mui file, and rename it to systemcpl_backup.dll.mui
6. Copy/Paste your modded file from desktop to the system32 folder.
7. Reboot
Alternative solution by Germsa :
For the ones that the above solutions don't work, there is an alternative. Gersma came up with this, so credits go to him :
1. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\systemcpl.dll and make a copy of it to your desktop.
2. Open it in Restorator2007.
3. Inside this file go to "UIFILE" and delete the following lines:
For the logo line 277 : "<element id="atom(LicenseLogo)" layoutpos="top" contentalign="topcenter"...etc...
For the text under the logo: line 279 : <Button class="cp_content_link" id="atom(LearnMoreOnline)" layoutpos="none"...etc...
4. Choose "save".
5. Take Ownership of the original file in system32 folder, and rename it to systemcpl_backup.dll
6. Copy/Paste your modded file from desktop to the system32 folder.
7. Log off or reboot.
Gersma also made a nice little script to automaticly apply this mod. Here's the link to his thread : But mind that the script containes the files from a genuine dutch language win7, so no guarantees that the script will work for everyone.
A guide on how to change the text strings in system properties is to be added soon.
14. Make Firefox Transparent (works in x86 and x64) :
file : "Make_FF_AeroGlass.rar" (link :
Instructions :
Inside the rarfile are two addons for firefox. First doubleclick All-Glass, to install it in FF. Then doubleclick compact menu, to hide the menu bar and add an icon in place to access it.
Screenshots have been added in post #32. |
15. Change the white background in Start Menu (x86 and x64):
No rar-file included
Instructions :
1. Make a copy of c:\windows\resources\themes\aero\aero.msstyles to your desktop.
2. Open it in Restorator
This is the set of images that need editing to replace the big white space in the start menu (Replace only the white area not the transparent edges!) :
- the main white aera : 809, 811, 812, 815 - the area in "all programs" : 806, 807, 817 - the separators : 810, 816 - the search area : 805, 813, 814
3. Extract them, and change the colors in Gimp2 or Photoshop, or a similar app of your preference. Save them as png's again.
Remember, only alter the white sections of the images !
4. Assign the modified images accordingly
5. In restorator, choose "save"
6. Take Ownership of the original aero.msstyles in "c:\windows\resources\themes\aero", and rename it.
7. Copy/Paste the modified msstyles file into that folder.
8. Reboot.
NOTE : apparently the second background, after clicking "all programs", is still white. The only way to change this seems to be hx editing, or through a third party app. Vista Style Builder is one good example of such an app. If you can get a copy, here's what you need to do :
--> if using 1.4, type "%AppData%/VistaStyleBuilder/Settings.ini" in the top bar of explorer; and add following line to settings.ini :
[Settings] FirstImageId=508
Before you open VSB, you need to duplicate the aero tree structure for your custom theme in "c:\windows\resources\themes\" (for example I name it aeroX) :
aeroX\aeroX.msstyles aeroX\shell\normalcolor\shellstyle.dll
you can copy the tree structure and shellstyle.dll from the default aero theme. When done in VSB, the custom msstyles gets saved like above depicted.
After doing that, open VSB, and choose to open an existing style, and open aero.msstyles. Now you need to add FILLCOLOR properties in these two locations :
Start > StartMenu > Menus > Aero > KeyBoard:TreeView Start > StartMenu > Menus > Aero > Hover:TreeView
Go to those locations, and then just click the button "Add Property". Select "color" as type, "fillcolor" as property, and click ok. Now you see the property added, and when clicking on the colored bar you can change the color to your liking.
You can click "test" to see if it gets applied properly. Now click exit, and save your theme to aeroX.msstyles (or a name of your liking). Save it inside c:\windows\resources\themes\<yourthemename>\ When asked to use this style, click yes. You can save your theme now in the personalization pane (rightclick desktop).
16. Remove the user picture in Start Menu (x86 and x64) :
Rar-file : NoUserPicture.rar (link at the bottom of this post)
Instructions :
Method one :
Place the .exe wherever you want, then run it once to set it as an autostart item for Windows. The user picture will vanish from existence.
It will only re-appear if you change the Theme or if you reposition the taskbar around your desktop, but then again you can manually run the .exe once more.
Works for Windows Vista, Windows 7, x86 and x64. Credits to Lonerunner for this.
Method two :
Get a hold of a copy of Vista Style Builder 1.4 or 1.5 (if using 1.4, type "%AppData%/VistaStyleBuilder/Settings.ini" in the top bar of explorer; and add following line to settings.ini :
[Settings] FirstImageId=1
and save it.)
Now open Vista Style Builder and load your aero.msstyles. In the search box, type "USERPICTURE:BOOL" uncheck the two boxes it finds Click "test" Close Vista Style Builder, and save to a new file, say aero2.msstyles. Make sure you save in c:\windows\resources\themes\aero\ Choose "use this visual style" when it closes. Goto personalization, and save your theme. From now on, that saved theme will have the userpicture disabled.
17. How to center taskbar icons :
No rar-file included
This requires NO actual hacking of resources. You don't need anything else but basic knowledge of clicking a mouse ![]( I just find this a cool trick.
Instructions :
1. Create one empty folder on desktop or in my documents folder (name is as NTB !)
2. If you have locked your taskbar then unlock it by right clicking on taskbar and unchecking “Lock the taskbar”.
3. Right click on the taskbar & select "New toolbar" and point it to the NTB folder.
4. Now right click on the new toolbar and uncheck "Show Text" and "Show Title".
5. Now drag it (dotted seperator) all the way to the left side, between the start orb and taskbar icons and release it.
6. Center align the taskbar icons by dragging the dotted separator present near the taskbar icons.
7. Rightclick the taskbar and check "Lock the taskbar".
Very easy, right ? |
18. Sum up of Resource Locations :
This is just a sum up of locations where certain resources can be found. These are all icons and images that can be modified and incorporated into a custom theme. Some of these have been mentioned in mods above, others are new additions.
Remember, when doing this in x64 you need to edit the same files in both folders system32 and syswow64 folder as in x64 version there is doubles of all files.
the list :
shellbrd.dll (%windir%\branding) : For windows start orb in system control panel and windows branding images (where it says windows 7 ultimate and such)
ddores.dll (%windir%\system32): Various special icons (like headphones,...)
desk.cpl (%windir%\system32) : desk color icon
display.dll (%windir%\system32) : Images and icons for display properties in windows
explorer.exe (%windir%): Startbutton and some icons
explorerframe.dll (%windir%\system32) : For images as the back and forward buttons at the top of open windows
imageres.dll (%windir%\system32) : For most icons in the system and logon images. Lots of folder icons
shell32.dll (%windir%\system32) : Icons in the system. Contains also folder icons for the open/save dialogs in explorer
sndvol.dll & sndvolsso.dll (%windir%\system32) : Sound Volume icons in the taskbar
spwizimg.dll (%windir%\system32) : OS install setup images (images 516, 517 and 518)
systemcpl.dll (%windir%\system32): Windows genuine advantage image in system properties panel
themecpl.dll (%windir%\system32) : More icons and images in display properties
timedate.cpl (%windir%\system32): the clock that shows in time properties
wmploc.dll (%windir%\system32) : Windows media player icons & resources
netshell.dll (%windir%\system32) : Network Connections Shell icons
mmcndmgr.dll (%windir%\system32) : MMC Node Manager icons & resources
moricons.dll (%windir%\system32) : Windows NT Setup Icon Resources Library
ieframe.dll (%windir%\system32) : Internet Explorer Browser icons & resources
compstui.dll (%windir%\system32) : Common Property Sheet UI icons
pnidui.dll (%windir%\system32) : Network System Icons
accessibilitycpl.dll (%windir%\system32) : Icons for accessibility
actioncenter.dll & actioncentercpl.dll (%windir%\system32) : Icons & resources for actioncenter
All of these files (aswell as previous mods) can be, when modified, be incorporated into a custom theme or install dvd. |
19. Remove or modify Favorites, Homegroup and Libraries from Favorites Pane in Windows Explorer :
Instructions :
Note that before making each of the registry modifications you will need to take ownership of the registry key. To do this, rightclick the key and click permissions, advanced, owner and change the owner from here, and make sure to give full control.
These changes take effect immediately, for all users.
To remove Favorites, change this registry value:
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{323CA680-C24D-4099-B94D-446DD2D7249E}\ShellFolder] "Attributes"=dword:a9400100
To restore Favorites to its default setting :
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{323CA680-C24D-4099-B94D-446DD2D7249E}\ShellFolder] "Attributes"=dword:a0900100
To change name and icon for Favorites :
Change the "Default" value to any name you want
Change the path to point to the icon you want.
To remove Libraries, change this registry value:
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{031E4825-7B94-4dc3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}\ShellFolder] "Attributes"=dword:b090010d
To restore Libraries to its default setting (i.e., so it shows):
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{031E4825-7B94-4dc3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}\ShellFolder] "Attributes"=dword:b080010d
To change name and icon of Libraries :
Change the "Default" value to "Users*****" (i.e. UsersBookshells)
Change the path to point to the icon you want.
To remove Homegroup (and stop Homegroup networking functionality):
Go to Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center -> HomeGroup, and click on Leave the homegroup link to unjoin from any existing home group.
Note: If the home group are shared and hosted from the PC, all HomeGroup connections will be disconnected. Click on "Leave the homegroup" and confirm. In the future, if you want to use Homegroup networking you can create a homegroup using this same dialog.
Go to Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools, and double click on Services. Alternatively, type services.msc in Start Search.
For each of the following two services:
HomeGroup Listener HomeGroup Provider
Do the following:
Stop the service, and then double click on the service to open Properties dialog, and set its Startup type to Disabled. Click OK when done. In order to reinstate Homegroup functionality in the future, you will want to set the Startup type back to Manual.
The HomeGroup icon and group will no longer be shown in the navigation pane of Windows Explorer in Windows 7. Note that this does not interrupt "traditional" windows networking functionality (e.g., Map Network Drive).
credits to Noel Carboni for this.
20. Change explorer folderband background and text colors.
Instructions :
We're talking about this band at the top of explorer windows...
Method 1 (with restorator, change values in UIfile) :
This will not maintain the aero-look of the background...
For the folderband, you need to modify shellstyle.dll located in c:\windows\resources\themes\aero\shell\normalcolor \
Open it in restorator, and click on UIfile
For the default shellstyle.dll goto line 525, and look for this line :
<TemplateBackground background="Gradient(argb(255, 4, 80, 130), argb(255, 17, 101, 132), argb(255, 29, 121, 134), 3)" />
and change the values for argb. If this line is different than the example here, you need to do the following :
Type "Ctrl+F" and search for : Folderbandstyle
in the line below that you will find : background="argb(0, 0, 0, 0)"
change these values. For example if you want dark grey : argb(255, 110, 110, 110)
The first value (alpha) needs to be 255 !
Now "Ctrl+F" and search for : Folderbandmodule
in the line below that you will find : background="argb(0, 0, 0, 0)"
change these values. For example if you want dark grey : argb(255, 110, 110, 110)
Again the first value (alpha) needs to be 255 !
Save as...shellstyle.dll Take ownership of the original file, and rename it to shellstyle.dll.bak Copy/paste the modded file to the normalcolor\ folder.
Now for the text color :
Make a copy of shellstyle.dll to your desktop in %systemroot%\resources\themes\aero\shell\normalcolor\
- open it in ResourceHacker
- in UIfile search for: <style resid="FolderBandStyle">
- replace: foreground="window" with foreground="argb(255, xxx, xxx, xxx)"
--> the "xxx" stand for the values you want, i.e. if you want a dark grey text, it would be argb(255, 110, 110, 110).
- delete the 2 lines: fontstyle="shadow"
choose "save" and exit restorator. Take ownership of the original file in resources\themes\aero\shell\normalcolor and rename it to .dll.bak Copy/paste your modded file to that folder.
NOTE : This one I didn't find myself, so I didn't test it yet. Credits to TheSmurth at DeviantArt for this. He claims it should work. You can try it out though, and please report back if it works or not.
Method 2 (with restorator, change images) :
This will maintain the aero-look of the folderband...
So copy aero.msstyles to your desktop. Open it in restorator.
These are the images to be changed :
891 -> folderband background 892 -> help and preview buttons background (on the right) 893 -> "arrange icons" button background (on the right) 894 -> "arrange icons" arrow background 895 -> "arrange icons" arrow
the original images can be colorized and such, or replaced by custom made images, anyway the aero look will stay.
When saving, don't forget to take ownership and rename the original file before replacing.
Method 3 (with VSB) :
If you have VSB, I suppose you know how it works :
the locations of the resources are :
For the background :
Explorer & Shell > Explorer > CommandModule > <1>
For the Text :
Explorer & Shell > Explorer > CommandModule > <3> > <1> Explorer & Shell > Explorer > CommandModule > <4> > <1> Explorer & Shell > Explorer > CommandModule > <5> > <1>
Buttons : The buttons are throughout the Commandmodule location, and can be edited the way you want :
Explorer & Shell > Explorer > CommandModule >
Just open VSB with an existing aero style. Change the colors and buttons in those locations, and save to a new msstyles file. When asked, choose to use the new style. That's it.
21. Make the Start Menu fully transparent
Rar-file : Transparent Start Menu Aero.rar (link at the bottom of this post)
As a result of the background issue in the start menu, I found this neat alternative to the problem. It'll provide you with a fully transparent start-menu.
Credits to woolswell for providing this Aero file.
Instructions :
NOTE : U need UxStyle patch applied for this. just a reminder...
1. Revert to Windows Classic theme in Righclick desktop -> personalization.
2. Disable UAC in the Control Panel.
3. Take ownership of the C:\Windows\Resources.
4. Copy the AeroX folder and the AaeroA.theme into C:\Windows\Resources\Themes.
5. Revert back to Aero in Rightclick desktop -> personalization.
6. Go to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes, and click the "AeroX.theme ".
The transparent startmenu should appear right away, and you can customize the theme and aero file now. But mind, this is a complete theme, so if you don't like it, a lot of modifying will be neccesary. |
22. Change background of the menubar (explorer above folderband, and other apps)
Partially thanx to jbysmith for this mod. We came up with this about the same time, and we apparently both overlooked one image. So thanx to jbysmith for making this complete ![](
Instructions :
Copy c:\windows\resources\themes\aero\aero.msstyles to your desktop. Open it in restorator.
These images need to be changed :
671, 680, 972 and 973
they all relate to the background and active/inactive buttons.
When done, "save" (not save as...). Take ownership of the original file and rename it to aero.msstyles.backup copy/paste your saved file to the aero folder. Reboot or switch back from aero classic and back. |
23. Change Toolband background color in Windows Mail
Credits go to Catflap for finding the image.
Instructions :
Copy c:\windows\resources\themes\aero\aero.msstyles to your desktop. Open it in restorator.
This image needs to be changed :
When done, "save" (not save as...). Take ownership of the original file and rename it to aero.msstyles.backup copy/paste your saved file to the aero folder. Reboot or switch back from aero classic and back.
Modificat de alabala_portocala (acum 15 ani)