Forum Romania Inedit
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Piriform Speccy 1.00.057 BETA Speccy este un program gratuit care va permite intocmirea unei liste detaliate a componentelor din calculator si va ofera date despre sistem. Nu necesita instalare.
Speccy.rar - 959.4 Kb
Modificat de plumber (acum 15 ani)
pus acum 15 ani |
Din: Livada de Portocali
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Super tare ...thx
pus acum 15 ani |
Din: UE
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
pus acum 15 ani |
Membru Gold
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
pus acum 15 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
pus acum 15 ani |
Din: Galati
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
pus acum 15 ani |
Din: Nowhereland
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
nice dupa cat vad e beta abia astept sa apara versiunea finala
LE: La mine se blocheaza cand incerc sa rulez si-mi da eroare ...o fi vreun bug?
Modificat de nikos25 (acum 15 ani)
pus acum 15 ani |
Pe lista neagra
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
merci si eu
pus acum 15 ani |
Pe lista neagra
Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
pus acum 15 ani |
Membru Gold
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Merci si eu !
Presupun ca citeste informatiile de undeva din sistemul de operare, nu poate fi folosit pentru a identifica o componenta nerecunoscuta/divere neinstalate in SO, nu-i asa ?
pus acum 15 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Liv68 a scris:
Merci si eu !
Presupun ca citeste informatiile de undeva din sistemul de operare, nu poate fi folosit pentru a identifica o componenta nerecunoscuta/divere neinstalate in SO, nu-i asa ? |
Pt identificare/updatare drivere folosiţi unul din programele: Driver Genius
Portable Driver Genius Professional
Driver Magician
Driver Updater Pro
Driver Detective
pus acum 15 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
pus acum 15 ani |
Membru Gold
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
pus acum 15 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
alinavasiliu a scris:
care dintre el le face pe toate?? adica si detectare si instalare driver si updatrare driver?
Oricare Dar muiaţi-s posmagii?
Modificat de plumber (acum 15 ani)
pus acum 15 ani |
Din: Galati
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
plumber a scris:
alinavasiliu a scris:
care dintre el le face pe toate?? adica si detectare si instalare driver si updatrare driver?
Oricare Dar muiaţi-s posmagii?
Stima... |
pus acum 15 ani |
Membru Gold
Din: Constanta
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
pus acum 15 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
pus acum 15 ani |
Membru Gold
Din: Neamt
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
imi place .multumesc
_______________________________________ Speed is not enough !!! Is neeed more speed to succed , to travel on planets !!!
pus acum 15 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
S-a urcat Piriform Speccy v1.00.108 Beta Stima...
pus acum 14 ani |
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Super util , Thx , ma chinuiam cu Hiren 9.7 sau alte minuni , super , astept varianta finala.
pus acum 14 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
S-a urcat Piriform Speccy v1.00.125 Beta Stima...
pus acum 14 ani |
Din: Purgatoriu
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Speccy 1.01.132 Final Portable
Speccy will give you detailed statistics on every piece of hardware in your computer. Including CPU, Motherboard, RAM, Graphics Cards, Hard Disks, Optical Drives, Audio support. Additionally Speccy adds the temperatures of your different components, so you can easily see if there's a problem! At first glance, Speccy may seem like an application for system administrators and power users. It certainly is, but Speccy can also help normal users, in everyday computing life.
Why do I need Speccy? If you need to add more memory to your system, for example, you can check how many memory slots your computer has and what memory's already installed. Then you can go out and buy the right type of memory to add on or replace what you've already got.
If you're going to be selling your PC, you can use Speccy to quickly list out the components. Or, if you're buying a PC, you can use Speccy to check that the computer has what the label says it has.
Also, Speccy comes in handy for support. If you're on the phone with technical support and they want to know what video card you have installed, there's no need to hunt around Windows. Speccy has all the information on one easy-to-understand screen.
_______________________________________ People are made to be loved & things are made to be used. The confusion in this world is that people are used & things are loved!
pus acum 14 ani |
Membru Senior
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Speccy v1.01.132 Final Release. Fiind produs de cei care au scos si CCleaner-ul si Defrragler-ul constituie aproape o garantie a calitatii acestui produs. Ramane de vazut ce poate. Pun link-ul spre site-ul oficial:
pus acum 14 ani |
Membru Senior
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
o anumita diferenta ar cam fi.... comparat cu Everest-ul...
pus acum 14 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
@ &1 Va rog fara comentarii inutile si invaţaţi să folosiţi funcţia "Modificaţi" Stima...
pus acum 14 ani |
Membru Senior
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
//Staff Edit : stii ce , ia stai tu in banca ta...
pus acum 14 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
pus acum 14 ani |
Din: Purgatoriu
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Speccy 1.03.162 Portable
Speccy will give you detailed statistics on every piece of hardware in your computer. Including CPU, Motherboard, RAM, Graphics Cards, Hard Disks, Optical Drives, Audio support. Additionally Speccy adds the temperatures of your different components, so you can easily see if there's a problem! At first glance, Speccy may seem like an application for system administrators and power users. It certainly is, but Speccy can also help normal users, in everyday computing life.
Why do I need Speccy? If you need to add more memory to your system, for example, you can check how many memory slots your computer has and what memory's already installed. Then you can go out and buy the right type of memory to add on or replace what you've already got.
If you're going to be selling your PC, you can use Speccy to quickly list out the components. Or, if you're buying a PC, you can use Speccy to check that the computer has what the label says it has.
Also, Speccy comes in handy for support. If you're on the phone with technical support and they want to know what video card you have installed, there's no need to hunt around Windows. Speccy has all the information on one easy-to-understand screen.
_______________________________________ People are made to be loved & things are made to be used. The confusion in this world is that people are used & things are loved!
pus acum 14 ani |
Din: Purgatoriu
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Speccy 1.04.173 Portable
Speccy will give you detailed statistics on every piece of hardware in your computer. Including CPU, Motherboard, RAM, Graphics Cards, Hard Disks, Optical Drives, Audio support. Additionally Speccy adds the temperatures of your different components, so you can easily see if there's a problem! At first glance, Speccy may seem like an application for system administrators and power users. It certainly is, but Speccy can also help normal users, in everyday computing life. If you need to add more memory to your system, for example, you can check how many memory slots your computer has and what memory's already installed. Then you can go out and buy the right type of memory to add on or replace what you've already got.
Speccy will give you detailed statistics on every piece of hardware in your computer. Including CPU, Motherboard, RAM, Graphics Cards, Hard Disks, Optical Drives, Audio support. Additionally Speccy adds the temperatures of your different components, so you can easily see if there's a problem! At first glance, Speccy may seem like an application for system administrators and power users. It certainly is, but Speccy can also help normal users, in everyday computing life. If you need to add more memory to your system, for example, you can check how many memory slots your computer has and what memory's already installed. Then you can go out and buy the right type of memory to add on or replace what you've already got.
Why do We need Speccy? At first glance, Speccy may seem like an application for system administrators and power users. It certainly is, but Speccy can also help normal users, in everyday computing life.
If you need to add more memory to your system, for example, you can check how many memory slots your computer has and what memory's already installed. Then you can go out and buy the right type of memory to add on or replace what you've already got.
If you're going to be selling your PC, you can use Speccy to quickly list out the components. Or, if you're buying a PC, you can use Speccy to check that the computer has what the label says it has.
Also, Speccy comes in handy for support. If you're on the phone with technical support and they want to know what video card you have installed, there's no need to hunt around Windows. Speccy has all the information on one easy-to-understand screen.
Speccy v1.04 - August 23, 2010 Added native 64-bit EXE. Added multiple user support to the installer. Improved handling of graphics driver version numbers. Added ability to print individual sections. Improved stability on Windows 7. Improved support for some older USB 1.0 peripherals. Added right click > "Copy to Clipboard" option. Minor tweaks and fixes.
_______________________________________ People are made to be loved & things are made to be used. The confusion in this world is that people are used & things are loved!
pus acum 14 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Speccy 1.05.183 - Portable
Release notes
v1.05.183 (23 Sep 2010)
- Support for newest Intel and AMD CPUs. - Added GFX driver version to summary panel. - Improved NVidia SLI status detection. - Hard disk info now includes serial number. - Improved HD drive type detection for AMD Phenom motherboards. - Added "Check for updates" link to status bar. - Internet connection test added. - Added support for Hungarian language. - Uninstall now removes older 32-bit installations correctly. - Improved uninstall to remove dmp and log files. - Minor tweaks and improvements.
Speccy 1.06.191 Portable
Testat, Scanat antivirus (Avira)
Download or or
Speccy 1.07.205 - Portable
Download 1.07.205 - Portable.rar or or
Scanat antivirus (Avira), testat pe XP SP3
Speccy 1.08.218 - Portable
Download or or
Scanat antivirus (Avira), testat pe XP SP3
Speccy 1.09.231 Portable
Testat XP SP3, Scanat antivirus (Avira)
Speccy 1.10.248 Portable
Testat XP SP3, Scanat antivirus (Avira)
Piriform Speccy 1.11.256 - Portable
Testat XP SP3, Scanat antivirus (Avira)
Speccy 1.12.265 - Portable
Scanat cu Avira = OK Testat pe Win 7 32 bit
Speccy 1.14.288 Portable
Scanat cu Avira Testat pe Win 7
Modificat de plumber (acum 13 ani)
pus acum 14 ani |
Membru Gold
Din: Iasi
Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Multumiri, plumber ;buna treaba cu aceste programele,
Bafta la toate !
_______________________________________ Fericire la toata lumea!
pus acum 14 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Am urcat Speccy 1.06.191 Portable Stima...
pus acum 14 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Am urcat Speccy 1.07.205 - Portable Stima...
pus acum 14 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Am urcat Speccy 1.07.205 - Portable Stima...
pus acum 14 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Am urcat Speccy 1.08.218 - Portable Stima...
pus acum 13 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Am urcat Speccy 1.09.231 Portable
pus acum 13 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Am urcat Speccy 1.10.248 Portable
pus acum 13 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Am urcat Speccy 1.11.256 - Portable
pus acum 13 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Am urcat Speccy 1.12.265 - Portable
pus acum 13 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Am urcat Speccy 1.14.288 Portable
pus acum 13 ani |
Eugen Bodor
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Ceva actual.Respect.
Piriform Speccy 1.16.317
pus acum 12 ani |