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Forum Romania Inedit / Tutoriale originale / -=Rearm WINDOWS Se7en=- Moderat de locust
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Din: Livada de Portocali
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

Am sa incerc sa fac un tutorial de rearmare a noului windows de la MS, tutorial care sper sa-i ajute pe cei ce s-au saturat de activari crack-uite, care deseori au dat gres.
Tutorialul nu este inventat de mine, m-am documentat pe net despre ce si cum, principala sursa fiind Mentionez ca eu  personal nu  am avut ocazia sa testez acest truc, dar urmeaza in curand

Ce inseamna "REARM", adica prelungirea perioadei trial(30zile). Multi dintre voi stiu procedura, majoritatea poate NU.
La trucul asta putem apela de 3 ori (chiar de +8 ori - vezi in finalul tutorialului) Cum se face?!

1. Instalarea windowsului se face fara a introduce vreo cheie.
2. Dupa instalare, se stie ca il  putem folosi o perioada de 30 de zile. Asadar, il folosim asa, timp de aproape 30 de zile, apoi apelam la trucul REARM ptr prelungirea perioadei/resetarea TRIAL, ptr inca 30 de zile, din momentul executarii procedurii.
3. Cum se face resetarea propriu-zisa?!

    (a) Logati in windows, deschidem fereastra "Command Prompt" (in "start search", tastati cmd) si apoi "ctr+shift+enter" (asta ca sa ruleze cmd-ul cu drepturi de admin)
    (b) Urmatoarele comenzi le tastati in fereastra "Command Prompt" dupa fiecare tastati "Enter". !!! Folositi DOAR UNA dintre ele, nu toate odata. Preferabil este prima comanda.


slmgr –rearm

sysprep /generalize

rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows

slmgr /rearm

4. Resetati Windows7
5. Apelati, iarasi la acelasi truc cand se apropie ziua in care expira. Cum am mai  zis puteti aplea la trucul asta de 3 ori, ceea ce face sa folositi windows-ul timp de 120zile.

!! Atentie, trucul nu va functiona, daca inainte ati  folosit un activator sau daca ati  introdus la instalare un serial.

Cum am mai zis la inceputul tutorialului se poate prelungi rearmarea pana la 8 ori dupa cele 3 incercari  deja folosite.
Cum se face?!
1. Dupa ce ati folosit comanda slmgr –rearm de 3 ori, si ati ajuns in a 120-a zi de folosire a trial-ului...
2. Deschideti Registry Editor
(Start->Run->tastati  regedit.exe si dati OK), si urmati calea HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\ SL. Intre intrarile din partea dreapta a ferestrei, cautati SkipRearm si schimbati-i valoarea in 1(default este 0). Aceasta modificare va va permite sa mai folositi comanda  slmgr –rearm de inca 8 ori.
Asadar in prima faza 120zile + 240zile in faza a doua => 360 zile de funtionare Windows 7 fara a fi crack-uit!!

Daca aveti completari sau corecturi, sunteti bineveniti! 

Modificat de alabala_portocala (acum 15 ani)


pus acum 15 ani

Din: burta mamei
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
nu zic ca nu este bun acest tutorial dar haide sa fim sinceri acum nu se descarca toate update-urile.asa ca mai bine il crack-uiesc sa fie autentic.

pus acum 15 ani

Din: Livada de Portocali
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Nu  inteleg ce vrei sa zici,,, 


pus acum 15 ani

Din: New York
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Eu zic că Windows 7 Developer Activation este cel mai bun, eu aşa am activat
Windowsul şi n-am nici-o problemă, nici la update-uri ... la nimic. 

pus acum 15 ani

Din: Cluj-Napoca
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

"Cunoaşteţi adevărul, şi adevărul vă va face liberi." (Ioan 8.32)

pus acum 15 ani

Din: Livada de Portocali
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Se pare ca cineva a creat pana la urma si un programel care sa va scuteasca de atata bataie de cap.

The InfiniteRearm4 Project by timesurfer
Run Windows 7 forever without cracks, patches or loaders. Absolutely the simplest way to use Windows 7 forever.
InfiniteRearm4 -vs1.9.4-

The InfiniteRearm4 lineage

I was first interested in this concept reading this thread and how there was a script getting created that would reset windows 7 to full 4 rearms. I was stoked about this method getting developed into a GUI. Later another thread was created and we were able to manually rearm Window 7 back to full 4 rearms. Being an extreme fan of the rearm concept I pushed for a GUI to be developed and with the help of MasterDisaster the program called InfiniteRearm4 was created. I wanted a simple non-evasive way for beginners and myself to use Windows 7 forever with few manual steps thus to ensure ease of use and consistency with all systems. This project has come a long way and I am glad to present a tool that works for

The Truth about InfiniteRearm4
[*]InfiniteRearm4 v1.9.4 just released
[*]Designed to keep Windows 7 in trial forever
[*]Returns trial status to Original 4 Rearms whenever you want
[*]Installs trial default key automatically after reboot into windows
[*]No OEM SLP keys ever needed hence no slic 2.1 or slic 2.1 emulation is required
[*]Works for 32bit and 64bit
[*]No system files get modified
[*]No extra processes are run so no change in performance or functionality
[*]Set's up automatic task to rearm and restart once every 28 days
[*]No need for cracks, patches, activators or keys
[*]All updates are safe
[*]Never needs to validate online thus MS can't collect any private data
[*]But passes online validation as genuine every time
[*]Only one restart necessary for installation
[*]All software licensing notifications, including balloons, wizards, and task dialog boxes are disabled
[*]Hardware independent installation and operation
[*]Cleanly uninstalls with no left over files, tasks or data residue of any
[*]Works for all users no matter if their local disk says C, D or E
[*]Includes checksum file to ensure safety for user
[*]Does not install on XP, Vista or Server 2008
[*]Includes printable instructions
[*]Chuck Norris certified and Roundhouse kick

OS Support
[*]Windows 7 Ultimate
[*]Windows 7 Professional
[*]Windows 7 Home Premium
[*]Windows 7 Home Basic
[*]Windows 7 Starter
[*]Windows 7 Ultimate E
[*]Windows 7 Professional E
[*]Windows 7 Home Premium E
[*]Windows 7 Home Basic E
[*]Windows 7 Starter E
[*]Windows 7 Ultimate N
[*]Windows 7 Professional N
[*]Windows 7 Home Premium N
[*]Windows 7 Home Basic N
[*]Windows 7 Starter N
[*]Windows 7 Enterprise
[*]Windows 7 Enterprise E
[*]Windows 7 Enterprise N
[*]Windows Web Server 2008 R2
[*]Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition
[*]Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition
[*]Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Edition
[*]Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems
[*]Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 for high Performance supercomputers
[*]Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation

Modificat de alabala_portocala (acum 14 ani)


pus acum 14 ani

Din: Livada de Portocali
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
IR4 3.1

Latest Release - IR4 3.1
[*]Upgrades easily from older versions. Just click install and follow instructions
[*]Designed to keep Windows 7/R2 in trial forever
[*]Returns trial status to Original 4 Rearms whenever you want
[*]Installs trial default key automatically after reboot into windows
[*]No OEM SLP keys ever needed hence no slic 2.1 or slic 2.1 emulation is required
[*]Works for 32bit and 64bit
[*]Installs on all language versions
[*]No system files get modified
[*]No extra processes are run so no change in performance or functionality. IR4 also does not use any memory to do it's thing also
[*]Installs task to automatically rearm once every 30 days and re-installs task when manually rearming so task and rearm are always in synchronization
[*]Restarts and reboots automatically into RE and exits RE automatically
[*]No need for cracks, patches, activators or keys
[*]All updates are safe
[*]Never needs to validate online or install WAT thus MS can't collect any private data, but passes online validation as genuine every time
[*]Only one restart necessary for installation
[*]All software licensing notifications, including balloons, wizards, and task dialog boxes are disabled
[*]Hardware independent installation and operation
[*]Does not install any files on computer so nothing to be detected by MS
[*]Works for all users no matter if their local disk says C, D or E
[*]Includes checksum file to ensure safety of use
[*]Only supports windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 (Do not use on XP, or Vista)
[*]IR4 must be reinstalled every 150 days
[*]IR4 never causes restart problems
[*]Chuck Norris certified and Roundhouse kick

OS Support
[*]Windows 7 Ultimate
[*]Windows 7 Professional
[*]Windows 7 Home Premium
[*]Windows 7 Home Basic
[*]Windows 7 Starter
[*]Windows 7 Ultimate E
[*]Windows 7 Professional E
[*]Windows 7 Home Premium E
[*]Windows 7 Home Basic E
[*]Windows 7 Starter E
[*]Windows 7 Ultimate N
[*]Windows 7 Professional N
[*]Windows 7 Home Premium N
[*]Windows 7 Home Basic N
[*]Windows 7 Starter N
[*]Windows 7 Enterprise
[*]Windows 7 Enterprise E
[*]Windows 7 Enterprise N
[*]Windows Web Server 2008 R2
[*]Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition
[*]Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition
[*]Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Edition
[*]Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems
[*]Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 for high Performance supercomputers
[*]Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation


pus acum 14 ani
Pagini: 1  

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