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Forum Romania Inedit / Filme pentru copii - Movies for kids / Hoodwinked DVDRIP Moderat de Silva, cuculean, gabiandreicristian
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Hoodwinked DVDRIP

Little Red Riding Hood: A classic story, but there's more to every tale than meets the eye. Before you judge a book by its cover, you've got to flip through the pages. For this story, we begin at the end. Furry and feathered cops from the animal world investigate a domestic disturbance at Granny's cottage, involving a girl, a wolf, and an axe. The charges are many: breaking and entering, disturbing the peace, intent to eat, and wielding an axe without a license. Not to mention, this case might be tied to the elusive "Goody Bandit" who has been stealing the recipes of goody shops everywhere.

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"In politica, prostia nu este un handicap". - Napoleon Bonaparte

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te rog mai posteaza-l o data ca nu merge

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Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Hoodwinked! DVDRip Xvid

Little Red Riding Hood: A classic story, but theres more to every tale than meets the eye. Before you judge a book by its cover, youve got to flip through the pages. For this story, we begin at the end. Furry and feathered cops from the animal world investigate a domestic disturbance at Grannys cottage, involving a girl, a wolf, and an axe.



"In politica, prostia nu este un handicap". - Napoleon Bonaparte

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multam foarte mult.Asta merge

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Little Red Riding Hood: A classic story, but there's more to every tale than meets the eye. Before you judge a book by its cover.



Little Red Riding Hood: A classic story, but theres more to every tale than meets the eye. Before you judge a book by its cover...

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"In politica, prostia nu este un handicap". - Napoleon Bonaparte

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astea sper sa mearga. Am descarcat si din HUB da' nu a mers (nu pornea filmu) si daia am incercat si aici.

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a mers.MULTAM.

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,,Scufita rosie'' filmul clasic ,nu-l aveti?

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Inregistrat: acum 14 ani

Hoodwinked / Lupul, scufita si enigma (2006)

Titlu ................................: Hoodwinked
Gen .................................: Animatie | Comedie
An ...................................: 2006
Limba .............................: Engleza
Subtitrare .......................:

Video Format..................: XviD
Sursa ..............................: DVD
Durata ............................: 81 min
Rezolutia .......................: 640x352
Frame Rate.....................: 25.000 fps
Video Bitrate..................: 1046 Kbps
Audio Format..................: MP3 2 canale
Audio Bitrate...................: 158 kbps
Sample Rate...................: 48 KHz
File Size..........................: 699 MB

Scufita Rosie a sosit sa-i aduca bunicutei de mancare. Si in locul bunicutei, este lupul. Basmul clasic... Pana aici, pentru Scufita Rosie are porniri de karatista, bunicuta sare din dulap, iar vanatorul intra prin geam rotind un topor. Toti sunt arestati si politia din lumea animalelor investigheaza violenta domestica la casa bunicutei. Sunt multe acuzatii grave - violare de domiciliu, tulburarea ordinii publice, intentia de a manca, rotirea toporului deasupra capului fara permis. Iar seful politiei vrea sa afle si cine este hotul de prajituri (periculosul hot care fura retetele prajiturilor), a carui urma il conduce pana la locul infractiunilor. Situatia se complica pentru ca mai apare si Nick Flippers.

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Membru Junior

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speram sa apara si varianta dublata in romana

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