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The Killer Elite (1975)
DVDRip English
User Rating:6.0/10
Director:Sam Peckinpah
Genre:Drama | Thriller | Action
Tagline:MEN WANTED. Private company with C.I.A. contract seeks men willing to risk life. Perfect physical condition. Experience with weaponry, incendiaries, Karate/Judo. No loyalties. No dependents. Long career doubtful.
Plot:Mike Locken is one of the principle members of a group of freelance spies. A significant portion of their work is for the C.I.A. and while on a case for them one of his friends turns on him and shoots him in the elbow and knee. His assignment, to protect someone, goes down in flames. He is nearly crippled, but with braces is able to again become mobile. For revenge as much as anything else, Mike goes after his ex-friend.
James Caan ... Mike Locken Robert Duvall ... George Hansen Arthur Hill ... Cap Collis Bo Hopkins ... Jerome Miller Mako ... Yuen Chung Burt Young ... Mac Gig Young ... Lawrence Weyburn Tom Clancy ... O'Leary Tiana Alexandra ... Tommie (as Tiana) Walter Kelley ... Walter Kate Heflin ... Amy Sondra Blake ... Josephine Carole Mallory ... Rita James Wing Woo ... Tao Yi George Cheung ... Bruce (as George Kee Cheung)
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Directed by Sam Peckinpah
Produced by Martin Baum
Arthur Lewis
Based on Monkey in the Middle by
Robert Rostand
Starring James Caan
Robert Duvall
Burt Young
Bo Hopkins
Arthur Hill
Gig Young
Music by Jerry Fielding
Cinematography Philip Lathrop
Editing by Monte Hellman
Distributed by United Artists
Release date(s) December 19, 1975 (USA)
Running time 122 mins
Country USA
Language English
Video attributes:
Video compression mode: MPEG-2 (DxVA on)
TV system: 625/50 (PAL)
Aspect ratio: 4:3
Display mode: Both Pan&scan and Letterbox
Source picture resolution: 720x576 (625/50)
Frame rate: 25.00
Source picture letterboxed: Not letterboxed
Bitrate: 4.42Mbps
Audio attributes:
Audio coding mode: Dolby Digital
Sampling rate: 48kHz
Audio application mode: Not Specified
Number of audio channels:2.0
Bitrate: 224 Kbps
Number of audio streams: 4
Subpicture attribute:
Number of subtitles: 11 |
Two agents belong to the so-called Killer Elite, a private mercenary organization working for Com-Teg: Communications Integrity Associates (i.e., CIA).
George Hansen, having been bought out by an unknown rival group, assassinates a man they are supposed to be protecting, and shoots his partner Mike Locken in the knee and elbow as part of the bargain.
Crippled for life and his career seemingly at an end, Locken undergoes a long rehabilitation and earns another assignment from his Com-Teg contact man, Cap Collis. It requires him to protect an Asian client, Yuen Chung. It also gives him the opportunity to seek revenge against Hansen, who is part of the team out to assassinate the client.
Locken, now skilled in martial arts with the help of his cane, recruits a couple of former associates, Miller and Mac, to help him. However, the deal turns out to be an elaborate set-up, part of an internal power struggle involving the Com-Teg directors, Collis and his superior Weybourne.
Hansen gets the drop on Locken, but is killed by Miller. A final showdown between the Asian rivals takes place aboard an abandoned naval vessel in port, with Locken and Mac involved in the fray and confronting Collis one last time.
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_______________________________________ Filme Romanesti facute format DVD de bibescu
#01 - Nunta de piatra (1972) #02 - Independenta Romaniei (1912) #04 - Sarutul (1965) #05 - Un film cu o fata fermecatoare (1966) #06 - Acordati circumstante atenuante? (1984) #07 - Mireasa din tren (1980) #08 - Secretul cifrului (1959) La filmele romanesti avem CATALOG. Se admite doar un topic pe film.
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Multumesc Frumos ! Respect Uploaderilor ! Sanatate Maxima !
_______________________________________ Respectul este un cuvānt care nu spune nimic şi cel mai des trebuie cāştigat . Respectul este atitudinea bunelor raporturi de colaborare si iubire practica, fata de cei mici, fata de cei egali si fata de cei superiori, A avea respect pentru cineva este similar cu a-l pretui pe el ca persoana, gandurile sale, sentimentele.
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The Killer Elite (1975) Men Wanted Elita asasinilor
Doi asasini de elita rivali se razboiesc si se intersecteaza intr-o lume a asasinatului politic. Mike Locken si George Hansen au fost candva parteneri, dar viata i-a transformat in cei mai inversunati dusmani. Desi s-a retras din CIA din cauza ranilor provocate de George, Mike este desemnat sa asigure protectia unui lider politic din Asia. Marile probleme incep imediat, deoarece acela care este angajat sa-l lichideze pe politician este nimeni altul decat Hansen, fostul sau partener. Confruntarea dintre cei doi ii va plasa de-o parte a baricadei pe oamenii lui Mike, iar de partea cealalta luptatorii ninja, care sunt coordonati de catre Hansen. Fiecare dintre cei doi este decis sa nu faca nici un pas inapoi, sa mearga pana la capat, indiferent care este acela.
Actiune Regia / Sam Peckinpah Scenariu / Stirling Silliphant, Robert Rostand, Marc Norman Distributia / James Caan, Robert Duvall, Arthur Hill, Bo Hopkins, Mako, Burt Young, Gig Young, George Cheung
DVDRip Subtitrare / Romana Audio / Engleza 1,6 GB
_______________________________________ Respectul este un cuvānt care nu spune nimic şi cel mai des trebuie cāştigat . Respectul este atitudinea bunelor raporturi de colaborare si iubire practica, fata de cei mici, fata de cei egali si fata de cei superiori, A avea respect pentru cineva este similar cu a-l pretui pe el ca persoana, gandurile sale, sentimentele.
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