MEMBRU VIP Din: Brasov
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
dar unele mie nu imi merg!!!
pus acum 15 ani
Bogdan u Gabriel
MEMBRU VIP Din: GPS error ...
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
pus acum 15 ani
MEMBRU VIP Din: tr-una-n'tralta
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
ascultam de 4 ore ( la 6 ore aveam intentia sa fac ss ) si vroiam sa fac un comment si am gresit codul de securitate s-a dus numaratoarea
MOD EDIT: Sorry, nu pot lasa asa ceva aici!
Modificat de X_TREEm (acum 15 ani)
pus acum 15 ani
Music addicted Din: măta
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Mie imi merg toate
pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
MOD EDIT: Aceeasi poveste ca doua posturi mai sus!
pus acum 15 ani
MeL Rapidist Din: Berceni
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Vreau si eu melodia din . multumesc
_______________________________________ Dead can rap, but rap can`t dead!
--- Un vot mic va rog ---
pus acum 15 ani
Din: burta mamei
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
MeLu_RaP a scris:
Vreau si eu melodia din . multumesc
aceasta melodie era mai demult pe postul VIVA TV si o canta o fata dar nu mai stiu cum o cheama.era videoclipul cu o fetita si cu ceva crocodili(in desene 3D sau ma rog).offf ce vremuri frumoase din copilarie(numai germanii m-am facut sa nu mai ascult manele) inca un detaliu fata este frantuzoaica.
Modificat de andreyutz2008 (acum 15 ani)
pus acum 15 ani
V.I.P Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
MeLu_RaP a scris:
Vreau si eu melodia din . multumesc
vreau si eu aceasta melodie stie cineva cum se numeste ?
pus acum 15 ani
MEMBRU VIP Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
punk7kid a scris:
vreau si eu aceasta melodie stie cineva cum se numeste ?
Loituma - Leva's Polka!
pus acum 15 ani
Din: burta mamei
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
probabil cea pe care o stiu eu este oarecum "Furata".scuzati de ducere in eroare.
MeL Rapidist Din: Berceni
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Mersi pentru melodie
_______________________________________ Dead can rap, but rap can`t dead!
--- Un vot mic va rog ---
pus acum 15 ani
MEMBRU VIP Din: tr-una-n'tralta
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
traducere partiala goagal )
Nuapurista acoperit-o polokan accident vascular cerebral jalakani gâdila pohjii. Ievan mama este tyttöösä garda dar da, este Ieva jutkutti, n-are să ne apoi interdicţii rău mai târziu, când a dansat laiasta faţă. Sali Vili tupput hipput Tapputi äppyt tipput hilijalleen.
Ievan piciorul a fost vehnäsellä ko immeiset noroc toevotti. Mazare a fost umedă în fiecare si vioara, ea vonku şi voevotti. Umiditatea Poikoo care nu face rău Sillon ko laskoo laiasta faţă. Sali Vili tupput hipput Tapputi äppyt tipput hilijalleen.
Ievan mama Sweet Home Home huijjuutti canta imnuri, atunci când acest băiat next door nuijjuutti căţea fată. Şi acest poikoo căţelele rău Sillon ko laskoo laiasta faţă. Sali Vili tupput hipput Tapputi äppyt tipput hilijalleen.
Halituli cont jallaa a venit suprafaţă de rulare Cont Cont de cont cont cont cont suprafaţă de rulare. Halituli tilitali jallati jallan, tilitali talitali helevantaa.
Ripirapirallaa Rimpatirallaa rumpatiruppa ripirampuu. Jakkarittaa rippari lapalan a venit a venit lallan tipiran Tuu.
pus acum 15 ani
Moderator Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
...era in zona si o traducere in engleza dupa cum urmeaza:
The sound of a polka drifted from my neighbor's and set my feet a-tapping oh! Ieva's mother had her eye on her daughter but Ieva she managed to fool her, you know. 'Cause who's going to listen to mother saying no when we're all busy dancing to and fro!
Ieva was smiling, the fiddle it was wailing as people crowded round to wish her luck. Everyone was hot but it didn't seem to bother the handsome young man, the dashing buck. 'Cause who's going to mind a drop of sweat when he's all busy dancing to and fro!
Ieva's mother she shut herself away in her own quiet room to hum a hymn. Leaving our hero to have a spot of fun in a neighbor's house when the lights are dim. 'Cause what does it matter what the old folks say when you're all busy dancing to and fro!
When the music stopped then the real fun began and that's when the laddie fooled around. When he took her home, when the dancing was over her mother angrily waiting they found. But I said to her, Ieva, now don't you weep and we'll soon be dancing to and fro!
I said to her mother now stop that noise or I won't be responsible for what I do. If you go quietly and stay in your room you won't get hurt while your daughter I woo. 'Cause this fine laddie is a wild sort of guy when he's all busy dancing to and fro!
One thing I tell you is you won't trap me, no, you won't find me an easy catch. Travel to the east and travel to the west but Ieva and I are going to make a match. 'Cause this fine laddie ain't the bashful sort when he's all busy dancing to and fro.