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Forum Romania Inedit / Mobile/ PDA / GPS Tech Support / Simple Unlock For Mio Moderat de Crizzu, gabiandreicristian
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Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
chiar mai trebuia deschis un topic cu aceasta tema?
daca erai atent gaseai "pus sus" un topic unde puteai sa postezi

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Junior

Din: Onesti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Topicul de mai sus s-a axat mai mult pe Miopocket , de aia am pus unul nou pentru simple unlock. Oricum se pare ca nu e nici o solutie pentru problema in sine , doar daca nu va face Xtyler92 ceva , e legat de device in sine.

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Exploreaza nitel Mercedes Brabus\Skin\Main\main - Configuration Settings .
Mai exact sectiunea :
x = 307
y = 118
Command = \Storage Card\Apps\MioMapLauncher\MioRun\au.exe
BitmapNormal = ..\Icons\Button2.bmp
BitmapPushed = ..\Icons\Button2push.bmp

Modifica Command = \Storage Card\MioMap\MioMap 2008

Modificat de irinuca (acum 15 ani)


pus acum 15 ani
Membru Junior

Din: Onesti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Din pacate nu merge dar multumesc pentru interes. Unii mai mult dau sfaturi si copy-paste de pe alte forumuri. De tradus ne mai pricepem si noi. Am vorbit si cu xtyler92 si raspunsul lui a fost ca pentru anumite modele North American nu stie momentan dar va incerca. I-am trimis software de pe Mio. Na ca pun si eu un IGO* care merge brici de pe SD card, cel putin la MIO care le-am probat eu, atat cu Miopocket cat si cu simply unlock

pus acum 15 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani

canalet a scris:

Topicul de mai sus s-a axat mai mult pe Miopocket , de aia am pus unul nou pentru simple unlock. Oricum se pare ca nu e nici o solutie pentru problema in sine , doar daca nu va face Xtyler92 ceva , e legat de device in sine.

nu ai dreptate, chiar eu am postat un unlock inspirat din xtyler in topicul respectiv.
iar irinuca chiar "s-a dat in spectacol" cu tot felul de variante, si nu numai MioPocket din cate imi amintesc.

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Junior

Din: Onesti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Deci daca poti sa imi dai unu sa mearga iti multumesc. Eu nu am spus ca ca nu s-a postat , doar ca nu functioneaza pe anumite modele de mio. La simply unlock ma refer nu la Miopocket.

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Mi-am permis sa nu mai traduc unele lucruri din readme si am dat doar copy-paste.
Eu asa am procedat pe Mio MOOV 500 cu un Universal Unlock for 480x272 Devices :

This unlock is set up with the assumption the internal drive on your device is called "My Flash Disk" and the SD Card is called "Storage Card".
La MIO MOOV500 asa este.
Altfel editati Replacement exe\rename, linia --> call "\My Flash Disk\LAUNCHPAD\SystemInformation.exe
cu calea corecta catre "Discul intern"
Once you finish editing the line click on "Save As" and at the bottom of the window you will see the option "Save as type:" go down and change that to "All
Files". If you save it as a .txt document it becomes worthless and your device won't read it.


Cum se construieste o comanda :
BITMAPBUTTON                              <-------Tells it to use a bitmap image
x = 110                                   <-------Tells it where to put the image on the x axis
y = 50                                    <-------Tells it where to put the image on the y axis
Command = \Storage Card\iGO8\iGO8.exe     <-------Command line that points to the .exe the button will launch
BitmapNormal = ..\Icons\igo1.bmp          <-------Tells which icon to use normal
BitmapPushed = ..\Icons\igo1.bmp          <-------Tells which icon to use when you push it


Se editeaza liniile de comanda din fisierul Launchpad\INI Files\mainpage astfel :
x = 110
y = 50
Command = \Storage Card\iGO8\iGO8.exe    <-------Command line that points to the .exe the button will launch
BitmapNormal = ..\Icons\igo1.bmp
BitmapPushed = ..\Icons\igo12.bmp

Example... Say I want to run MioMap and the .exe for MioMap is on my internal drive in a folder called Navigation. And the MioMap's .exe is called Mio.exe
The Command line would look like this:
Command = \My Flash Disk\Navigation\Mio.exe
Another Example... Say I want to run GoPal off my SD Card. The .exe for GoPal is in a folder on my SD card called GoPalNav. And the .exe for GoPal is called
The Command line would look like this:
Command = \Storage Card\GoPalNav\GP.exe

Exemplu MOOV500 (cu MioMap redenumit MioMap2008) :
x = 290
y = 138
Command = My Flash Disk\Program Files\MioMap\MioMap2008
BitmapNormal = ..\Icons\mireo.bmp
BitmapPushed = ..\Icons\mireo2.bmp

It is very important you use the right name for the internal drive and Storage Card.


1. Copy the Apps folder onto your internal drive                       
2. Copy the Launchpad folder onto your internal drive


The key to getting the unlock desktop to appear is to find an .exe on your device that you can replace.
La MIO MOOV500 este My Flash Disk\Program Files\MioMap\MioMap.exe
Redenumiti-l MioMap2008.
Redenumiti Replacement exe\rename.exe in MioMap.exe (in fapt rename in MioMap deoarece extensia .exe ramane)
Copiati MioMap.exe in My Flash Disk\Program Files\MioMap . ATENTIE : daca va apare mesajul de rescriere inseamna ca nu ati redenumit executabilul de
navigatie original asa ca faceti asta mai intai .


Si parte cea mai dificila : RESET

Sau puteti folosi la care aplicati pasii de la +++++++++++++++++++

Modificat de irinuca (acum 15 ani)


pus acum 15 ani
Membru Junior

Din: Onesti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
irinuca eu vreau sa mearga de pe SD card fara modificari in intern.
raspunsul lui xtyler
"yeah, people with North American Moov's have the same problem. It's because Mio made the Moov devices differently based on the region they were being sold. You haven't lost MioMap 2008 though, you just need to shut down the device, then pop out the SD card and run MioMap 2008 without the unlock running.Hmm..... I will look at it this weekend, but I am not reall sure what I will be able to do with it. I had an idea and am thinking of passing it along to some of the guys with Moov devices. I am thinking instead of worrying about getting MioMap2008 to load from the unlock screen (which it still doesn't on some devices), but instead offer an option screen when the device starts up."

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
La mine, cu Brabus pe MOOV500 (inspirat din MioPocket -> redenumit Cobia_500_64 sau Cobia_T500_64_NA pentru Moov 510) functioneaza ambele aplicatii igo8 si MioMap2008 de pe Internal Disk.
Si asta fara nici o modificare interna, exact ca la MioPocket, de pe SD.
Desi mai degraba as lansa un MioMap mai nou (3.0 BE) de pe SD si nu aplicatia originala.

Din primul post se pare ca tie iti apare interfata cu cele 4 icons din faruri, parbriz si placuta inmatriculare.
Acu, care MioMap nu porneste, cel original sau alta varianta de pe SD ?

Ma repet :
Editeaza Skin\Main\main - Configuration Settings, mai exact sectiunea :
x = 307
y = 118
Command = \Storage Card\Apps\MioMapLauncher\MioRun\au.exe
BitmapNormal = ..\Icons\Button2.bmp
BitmapPushed = ..\Icons\Button2push.bmp

Modifica Command = \Storage Card\folderMioMap\executabilMioMap.exe
Daca vrei MioMap de pe Internal Disk va fi "oleaca" mai dificil sa afli exect cum e vazut Internal Disk de catre SO.

Modificat de irinuca (acum 15 ani)


pus acum 15 ani
Pagini: 1  

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