cine canta melodia aia cu ''she takes the money..''?
pus acum 15 ani
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Modificat de Diabolique (acum 15 ani)
_______________________________________ RESPECTATI GRAMATICA LIMBII ROMANE !!
90% of my software comes from Warez and Kat websites they are only for demonstration purpose. If you really like the software please buy it. The developers need the support.
mda.. daca melodiile sunt house .. ->> Se numeste ,,Beatbox''
_______________________________________ Grammar. The difference between knowing you're shit and knowing your shit.
pus acum 15 ani
Din: Vecini
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
bangy inceputu de care cred ca vb si ei..e din piesa asta...
_______________________________________ Cand toate merg rau, inseamna ca rau merg toate... Idolul oricarui roman: George Becali: Am vorbit chiar zilele trecute cu mai mulţi parteneri de afaceri. Oameni serioşi, din lumea interlopă