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Forum Romania Inedit / Tech Support / blue screen Moderat de locust, maharet
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Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
ma exaspereaza ca imi da blue screen cand am vista instalat. l-am avut instalat vreun an fara nicio problema....apoi dintr-o data blue screen. imi bag xp, da is prea obisnuit cu vista asa ca mi-l bag din nou. dupa jumate de ora iara. pot face ceva sa nu imi mai dea eroarea asta. nu ma prea pricep la chestii de astea. m-am obisnuit prea tare cu vista si nu-mi mai place deloc xp-u 

pus acum 15 ani

Din: bosna i hercegovine
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
in ce circumstante apare BSOD?
ai avut probleme(sau ai) cu ceva drivere?
ce aplicatii rulezi in acel moment?


pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
imi apare si cand am numa firefox pornit, si cand am counteru pornit, si cand am numa messu pornit, si cand ma uita la desktop numa....apare cand vrea el
nu am avut niciodata probleme cu driverele

pus acum 15 ani

Din: bosna i hercegovine
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
de obicei BSOD apare cand sunt ceva probleme legate de drivere
incearca sa vezi mesajul de eroare care apare in BSOD, fara acel cod de eroare este mai greu sa-mi dau seama care ar putea fi cauza


pus acum 15 ani

Din: Underground
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
temperatura procesorului ?

pus acum 15 ani

Din: Cluj-Napoca
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

nelhotep a scris:

de obicei BSOD apare cand sunt ceva probleme legate de drivere
incearca sa vezi mesajul de eroare care apare in BSOD, fara acel cod de eroare este mai greu sa-mi dau seama care ar putea fi cauza

mai apare si in cazul  defectarii memoriilor ,sursei de alimentare sau chiar alte componente de pe placa de baza.
Mai poate sa apara si in cazul in care in care sistemul a fost overclock-at peste limite. Deci cauzele sunt multiple.

"Cunoaşteţi adevărul, şi adevărul vă va face liberi." (Ioan 8.32)

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
momentan sunt pe xp, deci nu pot sa spun temperatura procesorului, si nici ce mesaj primesc la BSOD. pot sa vin cu un edit si sa scriu configuratia care o am la PC, poate e ceva in neregula.
imi recomandati sa-mi bag vista, si sa ma uit la ce ati zis voi? adica temperatura si mesaj la eroare?

pus acum 15 ani

Din: Cluj-Napoca
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Ramai pe Xp si daca ai doua placute de memorii , scoate-le pe rand din socluri, daca una singura un memtest sau windows memory diagnostic.

"Cunoaşteţi adevărul, şi adevărul vă va face liberi." (Ioan 8.32)

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
uite ce zice everestu
mai tre sa pun ceva print? nu ma prea pricep
o sa fac cu placutele cum ai zis

pus acum 15 ani

Din: bosna i hercegovine
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
trebuia sa pui un screen la temperaturi, adica senzori
uitate aici si poate vezi si problema ta:
Software or device drivers may have a problem.

❍ A hardware device is malfunctioning , or was removed while

Windows was running, or does not fully support Windows. On older

machines, outdated BIOS information can also cause errors.

❍ Hardware or hard disk errors during installation of Windows.

❍ Corrupted startup files , hardware and driver software during

Windows startup can also be the cause. This type of error

will always require troubleshooting before Windows can start

up normally.

❍ Intermittent errors that appear randomly. These can be caused

by an overheating processor, a defective memory system, a dying or

dead hard disk , or faulty software and device drivers.

Solution :

These are some of the most common Stop Messages along with

their cause and suggested resolution:

Stop Code: STOP 0x0000000A


Code Meaning : Faulty device drivers, or services from backup

utilities or virus scanners

Recommended Resolution: Remove, disable or stop the offending

drivers, backup utilities or anti-virus programs. Get updated

software from the manufacturer.

Stop Code: STOP 0x0000001E


Code Meaning: Some driver files may be causing a problem.

Recommended Resolution: Remove, disable or update the driverfile

listed in the error message. Verify if new hardware installation

is correct.

Stop Code: STOP 0x00000024


Code Meaning: Usually caused by disk corruption in the NTFS file

system or third-party disk defragmenters.

Recommended Resolution: Use hard disk diagnostic software to

verify that the hard disk is working. Remember to always Use

Microsoft-certified disk defragmenters.

Stop Code: STOP 0x0000002E


Code Meaning: Caused by a parity error in the system memory.

Almost always caused by hardware problemsa configuration

issue, defective hardware, or incompatible hardware.

Recommended Resolution: If physical RAM was recently added to

the system, remove it and see if the error still occurs. If the error

persists, try disabling memory caching in the BIOS. Else remove,

repair or reinstall the defective hardware.

Stop Code: STOP 0x00000050


Code Meaning : Caused when requested data is not found in memory;

the system checks the page file, but the missing data is

I dentified as unable to be written to the page file

Recommended Resolution: Remove any newly-added hardware or

run diagnostic software supplied by the manufacturer to check if

the component has failed. Install updated device drivers or roll

back to a previous driver.

Stop Code: STOP 0x0000007B


Code Meaning: Caused when Windows loses access to the system

partition during the Startup process. This can be caused by: an

incorrect driver for a SCSI, RAID, or UDMA IDE controller;

incorrect ARC path in the Boot.ini; or a failed boot device.

Recommended Resolution: Verify that the disk storage device is

installed correctly and working. Reinstall or update the device

driver. Verify that the BIOS setting for the device is correct.

Verify the integrity of the hard disk.

Stop Code: STOP 0x0000007F


Code Meaning: Caused when the CPU generates an error that the

kernel does not catch. Usually hardware relatedespecially RAM.

Can also be caused by CPU overclocking, or defective components

on the motherboard.

Recommended Resolution:

1 . Run the memory diagnostic to test RAM.

2. Restore over clocked settings to previous values.

3. Repair/replace the motherboard.

4. Disable sync negotiation in SCSI BIOS; check SCSI termination.

Stop Code: STOP 0x000000D1


Code Meaning: Occurs when the system attempts to access

pageable memory at a process IRQL that is too high

Recommended Resolution: Very similar to STOP 0xA. Remove,

disable or stop the offending drivers, backup utilities or anti-virus

programs. Get updated software from the manufacturer.

Stop Code: STOP 0xC000021A


Code Meaning: Caused when the user-mode subsystem (Win logon

or CSRSS) is fatally compromised and security cannot be

guaranteed. The most common causes are third-party applications or

mismatched system files.

Recommended Resolution:

1. Remove, disable, or roll back any newly-installed device driver.

2. Uninstall any newly-installed software.

3. Use Windows-compatible backup/restore programs.

4. Restore full control permissions to the local SECURITY account

on the system root folder by doing a fresh parallel installation of

Windows on a separate partition.


pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
cam chineza pt mine ce ai scris aici
am 2 placute
imi zici te rog ce reprezinta acel memtest?

Modificat de eu_nebunu (acum 15 ani)

pus acum 15 ani

Din: bosna i hercegovine
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
memtest este un cd butabil care contine niste aplicatii care ruleaza in DOS si care verifica memoriile Ram, si dureaza cateva ore bune, iar la sfarsit iti va spune daca ii ceva in neregula cu memoriile tale, dar datfiindca spui ca ai reinstalat winu sunt mici sansele sa fie vreo problema legata de memorie
de aici descarci memtest, il arzi pe un cd si butezi in el calculatorul dupa care urmezi pasii

dar e de preferat sa ne spui ce mesaj de eroare apare in BSOD pentru a te scuti de tot felul de presupuneri

Modificat de nelhotep (acum 15 ani)


pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
atunci fac asa: bag vista si daca imi da blue screen sper sa apuc sa fac poza cu telefonu si sa v-o arat

pus acum 15 ani

Din: Cluj-Napoca
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
scote placile pe rand si vezi daca mai ai aceiasi problema

"Cunoaşteţi adevărul, şi adevărul vă va face liberi." (Ioan 8.32)

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
nu pot ca acuma am xp. bag vista si revin daca mai persista problema. ms mult de sfaturi

pus acum 15 ani

Din: bosna i hercegovine
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
incearca sa folosesti o alta imagine de vista(sau Windows 7), pentru ca e posibil ca tocmai discul sa fie cauza problemelor


pus acum 15 ani

Din: Cluj-Napoca
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

blue screen cand am vista instalat

M-am prins si eu ce ai vrut sa spui, BSOD iti apare numai in Vista. Atunci nelhotep are dreptate. Fa abstractie de defectiuni hardware.

"Cunoaşteţi adevărul, şi adevărul vă va face liberi." (Ioan 8.32)

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
scuzati ca inviu un topic vechi, da am tinut minte ca am unu despre bluescreen deschis, si am zis sa nu fac altu. iara mi-o dat bluescreen, de data asta pe xp. am si mesaju, pt ca am facut poza cu telefonu. am facut teste mai demult cu hiren's boot cd pt memorie, si cu powermax pt hard, toate fara erori. de obicei cand imi aparea blue screen, mi se restarta pc-u direct. acuma o stat, si nu se intampla nimic. asa ca l-am inchis de la buton si l-am pornit la loc. asta s-o intamplat acu 5 min. mesaju ii urmatoru:

blue screen scuzati inviu topic vechi, tinut minte unu despre bluescreen deschis, zis fac altu. iara


pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Din: Viitor
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
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