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Die Rotschilds (Nazi-proaganda, 1940)
Imdb –
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VHSrip | Divx | 720 x 480 | 29.970 fps | 1h 37min
In linia unui film pe care vi l-am prezentat acum mai multe luni, cu subtitluri in romana (si anume "The eternal jew"), azi va propun un altul, facut pe aceleasi principii. De data asta un film artistic si nu un documentar.
In late 1938, the German Propaganda Ministry asked the country's film companies to begin making movies with antisemitic content. In the subsequent years, few films were produced, which used comedy to make fun of the Jews and portray them as sub-human. The first of such movies to come out in 1940 was Die Rothschilds (The Rothschilds). The subject of this film was the Rothschilds, a wealthy Jewish family of bankers who originally came from Germany. The German propagandists attempted to portray Jews as greedy parasites who suck in more and more of the world's money while others die for their country (Germany) on the battlefield. The film was unsuccessful in the theaters and was withdrawn soon after its premier. You should consider watching it - a Nazi super-production that became, as years went by, a little piece of history.
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Si aceasta asa-zisa propaganda s-a dovedit a fi doar o perdea de fum din partea nazistilor. Nici macar ca o fortare de mina, nu poate fi descrisa, din moment de nazistii au fost creatia si partenerii clanurilor Rothschild si Rockefeller.
Fapt: Hitler a ajuns la putere chiar cu sprijinul familiei Rothschild, prin societatile (foste secrete) Thule si Vril Gesellschafts.
Fapt: Acestia au finantat direct razboiul lui Hitler, prin Banca Angliei si Kuhn & Loeb. Rockefeller Mobil Oil a prelungit criminal razboiul, furnizindu-i petrol lui Hitler, via Spania.
Chiar si fostii mari producatori auto americani - GM, Ford si Chrysler - au contribuit la pregatirea si dotarea WWII, construind propulsia avioanelor de lupta, camioane, tancuri etc.
Iar acuma, din pacate, inca se jecmaneste nepermis de mult de pe urma acelui razboi.
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