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Forum Romania Inedit / Mobile/ PDA / GPS Tech Support / Ce skin-uri folositi? Moderat de Crizzu, gabiandreicristian
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Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Multumesc, esti mare!
Si mai am o intrebare: sa inteleg ca la trecerea frontierei in HU, sau in AUS, iti afiseaza automat sau numai daca il intrebi?!

Mio A701; Samsung I900 Omnia

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Simuleaza chiar rapid traseul frontiera-5km => frontiera+5km .

Modificat de irinuca (acum 15 ani)


pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Multumesc irinuca pentru Country Info.Functioneaza , dar e ceva ciudat : am dat o simulare Arad-Szeged si la trecerea frontierei afiseaza countryinfo pentru Romania si nu pentru Ungaria cum ar fi de asteptat. Ne intereseaza de fap informatiile despre tara in care intram, nu?. As mai avea o rugaminte: Ce trebuie sa fac ca sa-mi functioneze bluetooth-ul? Am iGO8 .3.4.102680 cu skin GJ 6.11p_da . Merci .
Daca apas icoana cu Bluetooth in modul cabina ( harta ) imi da eroarea : Couldn't load the Bluetooth API dll... Terminating.

Mio C 720 cu de toate...

Cine stie sa citeasca , este clar in avantaj !

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Nu am nici un device cu Bluetooth asa ca nu am un raspuns.
La mine afiseaza corect RO->BG afis BG si invers BG->RO afis RO.
Sa fi inversat start cu destinatia?


pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Initial am fost aproape convins ca ai dreptate , ca am inversat destinatia cu startul, dar am refacut simularea si e la fel. La pornirea simulatiei imi arata info Romania si dupa Nadlac, la granita imi arata din nou info Ro, nimic despre Ungaria. 
irinuca, te rog incearca o simulare pe acelasi traseu, poate e ceva gresit. Multumesc

Am dat o simulare la traseul Giurgiu-Ruse si face la fel. La iesire da informatii despre Romania.

Modificat de fasiol (acum 15 ani)

Mio C 720 cu de toate...

Cine stie sa citeasca , este clar in avantaj !

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Si la mine afiseaza anapoda la iesirea din RO afis RO.
Mai sapam.


pus acum 15 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
La fel si la mine cu informatiile despre tari... e tare ciudat... la voi ce da daca simulati de exemplu trecerea din Ungaria in Austria, sau alte doua tari fara Romania?

Nu ma prea pricep, dar oare n-are ceva de a face faza asta cu tara unde a fost ultima data identificata efectiv pozitia GPS (asta fiind Romania), simularea nefiind in stare sa-si dea seama in ce tara se afla de fapt?

Si la voi se cam intrerup deobicei drumurile la frontiera intre 2 tari (am remarcat asta intre Ungaria si Romania)?

Modificat de pessac (acum 15 ani)

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Am dat o simulare intre Salzburg si Muenchen si la intrare in Ger da informatii despre Romania. Ciudat. Oare ce nu-i in ordine?
pessac: drumurile se intrerup intre tari daca ai harti de la provideri diferiti de exemplu ,  Ro este TeleAtlas iar Ungaria este Navteq samd.

Mio C 720 cu de toate...

Cine stie sa citeasca , este clar in avantaj !

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
M-am interesat si pe alte forumuri si pare ca acest Country Info functioneaza corect daca treci efectiv granita respectiva, dar nu si in mod simulare...
De ce e asa nu stiu, si din pacate acum nici nu am ocazia sa testez.
Daca cineva are experiente "reale" poate sa ne spuna?

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Weather-iGoPC de la TiTidom permite sa descarcati cateva informatii referitoare la previziuni meteo de la
Pt inregistrare :
Pachetele  TC Meteo Mod contin folderul Weather-iGo 1.7.3 cu aplicatia gata inregistrata.
Eu m-am jucat cu Gurjon 6.11p DA TC Meteo Mod 3DCars MapCh PNA 21_09_2009 )
Copiati folderul Weather-iGo 1.7.3 pe PC.
Copiati pe SDCard/Device in folderele iGO8 folderelor GFX si themechanger din pachet\iGO8. Nu rescrieti tot folderul content ci doar subfolderul scheme.

Selectati locatia.
DL W Forecast creaza Wheather.XML si contine date despre previziuni meteo pe 5 zile.
Create '.ini-.ui' creaza fiserele Weather-iGo 1.7.3\iGo8\weather\weather_report.ui si Weather-iGo 1.7.3\iGo8\meteo.ini (Config Sett)
Send to iGO (SD) copie cele doua fisiere (weather\weather_report.ui si meteo) pe SD (in ThemeChanger).
Functie de dispozitiv selectati sau nu "Use Active Sync", respectiv NU pentru seria MOOV/Card Reader, sau DA pentru seria C/PDA .
Bine inteles ca puteti sa o faceti folosind Copy/Paste.

Iata cateva informatii referitoare la fiecarea zi din cele 5 :
MaJWeather=2009-09-25 09:00
NowT=Partly Cloudy
DayT=Mostly Sunny
NightT=Partly Cloudy
MoonPhase=Waxing Crescent
In functie de acestea se afiseaza fundalul-sky si imagine-sun/moon 

Puteti modifica si manual in SD Card\iGo8\themechanger\meteo.ini  :

In sys.txt adaugati :
work_dir = "\Storage Card\iGO8"
mortscript = "\Storage Card\iGO8\Themechanger\MortScript.exe"

Si validarea data de mesterul CheckPaths :

Setari :
Menu - Settings - Map Screen - 3DSettings- Smart Zoom - Tilt Down / Tilt Up = 90
Menu - Settings - Map Screen - Colour Profiles - Daytime Colour Profile select autochanger - 5 min
Menu - Settings - Map Screen - Colour Profiles - Nught Colour Profile select autochanger-night - 5 min

Modificat de irinuca (acum 15 ani)


pus acum 15 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
As vrea sa va intreb daca la voi functioneaza avertizarile radar in mod simulare?

Eu am un PDA Asus A696 cu IGO 8.3.2. si skinul GJ.6.11 standard si mi se pare ca daca trec pe langa un radar in mod simulare nu emite nici un semnal de avertizare, chiar daca am activat si cea sonora si cea vizuala din meniuri...

La fel si cu avertizarile daca depasesc limita admisa. Se schimba tabloul cu limita de viteza dar daca cresc viteza de simulare peste limita legala, nu se emite nici un fel de avertisment...

Trebuie facut ceva din setari sau din sys.txt oare pentru toate astea?

Merci in avans.

Modificat de pessac (acum 15 ani)

pus acum 15 ani
Pe lista neagra

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Cand simulezi nu iti apre nici o avertizare.
Adauga o camera in zona ta si daca ai semnal o sa-ti sesizeze acea camera.

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Am si eu o intrebare.
DA mai exact ce face?
Adica am citit eu, dar prin oras, pe rutele pe care marg eu, nu a facut minic.
Imi poteti explica si mie?
Cu stima,

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Senior

Din: Romania
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Multumesc Irinuca. Incetul cu incetul am pus cap la cap tot ce ai postat tu in legatura cu skinul Gurjon (utilizare 3dCars, mapchanger, themechanger). Acum imi merge fara nici o problema. Multumesc din nou. Cu respecte Alex

Asus 636 WM5.0
Samsung Omnia i900 8Gb + 8Gb:
WayteQ x950BT + TMC

pus acum 15 ani
Pe lista neagra

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

xdocx a scris:

Am si eu o intrebare.
DA mai exact ce face?
Adica am citit eu, dar prin oras, pe rutele pe care marg eu, nu a facut minic.
Imi poteti explica si mie?
Cu stima,

Mai exact ce face? Cine, cand, unde, etc.
Formuleaza o intrebare mai completa cu referire exacta la ceea ce vrei sa afli.

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
xdocx cred ca intreba ce fac DA-urile.
DA-urile sunt cuprinse doar in hartile NT si afiseza avertizari pentru curbe periculoase, vant chiar si in apropierea scolilor,
Gasisem undeva un fisier .txt complet dar nu mai stiu pe unde.

norbertbl a spus :

Driver alerts means:

railway crossing protected
railway crossing unprotected
road narrows
sharp curve left
sharp curve right
winding road starting left
winding road starting right
start of no overtaking trucks
end of no overtaking trucks
steep hill upwards
steep hill downwards
stop sign
lateral wind
general warning
end of all restrictions
animal crossing
icy conditions
slippery road
falling rocks
school zone
tramway crossing
congestion hazard
accident hazard
priority over oncoming traffic
yield to oncoming traffic
risk of grounding
sharp curve

Modificat de irinuca (acum 15 ani)


pus acum 15 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Multumesc irinuca.
deci sa inteleg ca in cazul meu, care folosesc Romania8.3TM_2009.06_090730.fbl ca harta, nu imi spune nimic?

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Cam asa ceva.


pus acum 15 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
multumesc tare mult

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Am si eu cateva intrebari catre voi, chiar daca poate nu e strict legat de acest topic (in cazul asta va rog sa-mi spuneti unde sa-l postez in alta parte caci eu nu prea am gasit unde s-ar potrivi).

1. Deci as vrea sa va intreb in primul rand, daca cineva dintre voi a reusit sa faca sa functioneze si sa utilizeze in strainatate optiunea TMC din IGO?
Eu am un Asus A696 cu IGO si Skinul GJ 6.11. standard. Aparatul asta nu are receptor radio FM integrat insa am cumparat un cablu cica special
pentru aparatul meu (se cheama cablu GNS RDS/TMC FM9, in fine) dar nu reusesc nicicum sa fac sa recunoasca IGO-ul informatiile TMC in Franta...

De fapt IGO-ul cauta protocolul si poarta pentru hard-ul TMC, dar pana la urma zice ca nu a gasit si iese de tot din IGO...
Nu stiu daca numai in versiunea mea e ceva buba undeva (in sys.txt, in branding?, habar nu am) printre licente am si licente de TMC (vreo 2 sau 3...?)
Poate lipseste altceva?

Am incercat sa dezactivez GPS-ul si asa sa caut receptia TMC (am citit undeva ca s-ar putea sa fie ambele pe acelasi poarta COM-5) dar nu merge nici asa...

De aceea va intreb daca cineva a folosit-o deja optiunea TMC pe viu, daca poate sa-mi spuna si mie cu ce versiune de IGO, cu ce fisiere, Skin, configurare etc., as fi foarte recunoscator. (Oare exista un Skin anume pentru a facilita TMC-ul, stiti cumva?)
Cu atat mai mult, ca daca problema nu e din IGO ci din cablul respectiv ce am cumparat, atunci pot sa-l trimit inca inapoi si sa primesc ceva bani inapoi, daca tot nu merge...
Va multumesc deci in avans pentru orice sugestie sau ajutor.

2. Am pus si voci TTS pe aparatul meu (care are 64M RAM, 256M ROM si procesor de 416MHz), dar destul de des imi da eroarea "Out of memory", in timpul navigarii, chiar daca am pus in sys.txt, in debug optiunea cu reserve_memory si cache.


Stiti cumva cum se poate seta memoria absolut maximala alocata navigarii si IGO-ului ca sa nu mai am acelasi problema? E suficient sa cresc reserve_memory si cache sau trebuie definit altceva altundeva? Trebuie facut ceva si din PDA (desi acolo am ales deja CPU maximal...)?

Stiti cumva aproximativ cata memorie mananca Skinul GJ 6.11.?

Si in problema asta orice sugestie si ajutor este binevenita.


Modificat de pessac (acum 15 ani)

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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

Rezolutii: 240x320, 240x400, 320x240, 400x234, 400x240, 416x234, 480x234, 480x272

pus acum 15 ani
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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
diMka Megaduck99 1.1.25d
240x320, 240x400, 320x240, 400x240, 480x234, 480x272
(iGO8.3.4.x Driver Assist versions with ORIGINAL ONLY)

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
****** 6.12p_da - 2009.10.05 ******
1. Completely altered the choice of all the sounds in the skin. To work correctly, the skin
It is necessary to go through all the settings sounds and reinstall. Former names of tunes will be lost in the transition to the new version, tentatively can write them on paper.
2. Added switch to change distance to point "VIA" or "finish" in the "fuel calculator".
3. Redesigned "MapChenger".
4. Added icons to the "Driver alerts".
5. Technical repairs.

Download :

Originally Posted by DVS
If the iGo with 6.12 "crach", then try to reload halfpatches AutoExitShut and FuelCalc and immediately change the sound for AutoExitShut.
If not help, then delete the file Save \ PERMANENT_V1.sav (settings will then make again).

Modificat de irinuca (acum 15 ani)


pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
De la Kimyaci :

Current version
Skin diMka for 480×234, 320×240, 240×320, 240×400, 400×240, 480×272, 400×234, 416×234, 480×800, 800×480 (only for version 8.3.x (8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.4)).
1. Changes in the fuel calculator (added choice – intermediate point / finish).
2. Improved the search (filter name) on the history list (now, after exit the list filter is set to zero).
3. Corrected list of possible values of the camera while editing / creating the camera through the menu cursor (delete the value “75″ – in the scripts озвучки no such speed) (will need to reconfigure the values for the so-called “hot” buttons).
4. Improved the voice Event Driver Alerts (for “narrow” with one column displaying signs was voice marks the second appearance of “invisible” speakers).
5. Improved the display of the sign of the speed limit for the camera like “Tunnel” (not displayed).
6. Fixed shutdown “Avtopererascheta route” after the use of simulation through a brief menu button.
7. Minor corrections in alignment of the text.
Thanks to WertVRV

Download :


pus acum 15 ani
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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Version 1.1.25e 240x320, 240x400, 320x240, 400x240, 480x234, 480x272

Version 1.1.25e DARK 240x320, 240x400, 320x240,400x240, 480x234, 480x272

Version DA 1.1.25e 240x320, 240x400, 320x240, 400x240, 480x234, 480x272 (iGO8.3.4.x Driver Assist versions with ORIGINAL ONLY)

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Dimka Version 1.1.26

diMkaWertVRV 1.1.26
1.1.26 for 8.3.h (8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.4) : 480×234, 320×240, 240×320, 240×400, 400×240, 480×272, 400×234, 416×234, 480×800, 800×480

1. Ability to specify the name of the provider of maps for the menu buttons kartomenyatelya (MapChanger) through sys.txt (thanks dima8389):
map_ta = “Provider 1″
map_nt = “Provider 2
map_ot = “Provider 3″
map_us = “Provider 4″
If you do not specify the string, the text on the buttons will default (TELEATLAS, NAVTEQ, OTHER, USER) with an appropriate translation in the language file;
2. For the information of the data fields (landscapes – on the left, portraits – the top and bottom) added parameter “Scale of the route number 2″ (Route Progress B) (thanks dima8389). This scaled staffing line route (with a visual display of maneuvers along the route – blue stripes). Additionally added mapping of intermediate points – yellow stripes.;
3. Selection field values informatsonnyh data through the list (before was not very convenient sequential scan);
4. Added main picture in 480_234 (to avoid overlap and improper display of menu items when using the skin in this resolution with the “other”;
5. Small fixes (search history list, change the speed limit roads, menu for 480_800).
Download :

Original Skin
240x320, 320x240
Download :

Dimka Megaduck99 Version
240x320,240x400,320x240,400x240,480x234 and 480x272 (Driver Alert versions only)
1. Integrates Mapchanger in to the skin base so the installation method has changed. See the read me in the .rar files.
2. Refinement of the safety screen mode to include speed camera warnings and to neaten up the screen.
Download :

Modificat de irinuca (acum 15 ani)


pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
De la Kimyaci : diMkaWertVRV_1.1.27
for 8.3.h (8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.4) : 480×234, 320×240, 240×320, 240×400, 400×240, 480×272, 400×234, 416×234, 480×800, 800×480

1. Fixed inaccuracy with a brief menu and the scale of the route number 2 (Route Progress B) (shown on some devices, and with version 8.3.4 in the appearance / disappearance of the short menu with a visible option “Scale of the route number 2″ (thanks for the tip-off YuDDP the inaccuracy )
2. Added display scale Route (Route Progress C) over a field of “Current street” with hidden information panel (which permits for the landscape – from left, portrait – below):
- Enable / disable settings (landscape permission – Menu-Settings-screen maps, portraits permission – set of data fields (second page));
- Will not be displayed when Thapa on the map, when an indicator strips down while displaying the information panel (which permits for the landscape – from left, portrait – below).

Download :
Thanks to WertVRV


pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Unde gasesc si eu un skin pentru HTC Touch Diamond (rezolutie 480x640) ?
Utilizez iGO, cu si luate de pe site-ul lui D.I.I.

Nu am nici un talent anume... sunt doar extraordinar de curios!
- Albert Einstein -

pus acum 15 ani
Pe lista neagra

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

testerics a scris:

Unde gasesc si eu un skin pentru HTC Touch Diamond (rezolutie 480x640) ?
Utilizez iGO, cu si luate de pe site-ul lui D.I.I.

Dimka 1.1.26 (a) - TomSoft
240x320, 320x240, 480x640

pus acum 15 ani
Pe lista neagra

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

(240x320, 320x240, 240x400, 400x234, 400x240, 416x234, 480x234, 480x272) - only iGO 8.3.x.x

****** GJ6.14_beta_03 - 2009.12.18 ******

1. Regulate text it in the menu, only 480x272 resolutions.
2. Technical repair.

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani

D.I.I. a scris:

testerics a scris:

Unde gasesc si eu un skin pentru HTC Touch Diamond (rezolutie 480x640) ?
Utilizez iGO, cu si luate de pe site-ul lui D.I.I.

Dimka 1.1.26 (a) - TomSoft
240x320, 320x240, 480x640

Merge ca uns, multumesc frumos!
Pacat ca nu are suport si pentru 3Dcars...

Nu am nici un talent anume... sunt doar extraordinar de curios!
- Albert Einstein -

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
3DCars se poate pune si manual, vezi postul 11-07-2009 23:38:49 al lui quetzalquatl


pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Multumesc irinuca, acum HTC-ul meu are un skin functional (datorita lui D.I.I.) si o masinuta 3D super 
O mica problema o am insa cu un navigator cu rezolutia 320x240 pe care am pus pachetul de la D.I.I. iGO si skinul dimka_megaduck99 1.1.27. Cred ca skinul are un bug, pentru ca chiar daca setez sa-mi arate masinuta 2D tot timpul, aceasta apare doar dupa ce am semnal gps. Aceasta nu ar fi fost o problema prea mare, doar ca in momentul in care am vrut sa trec la masinuta 3D, am avut o surpriza: masinuta 2D se suprapune peste cea 3D!!! Degeaba setez "Tot timpul oprit" la cursorul pentru masina, pentru ca dupa ce trec prin modul cabina, setarea se pune automat pe "Tot timpul pornit" 
Spun ca am impresia unui bug, pentru ca pe HTC, cu skinul TomSoft de la D.I.I. totul e ok, daca setez "Tot timpul oprit" asa ramane iar pe ecran am doar masinuta 3D. Dar poate ma insel si e vreo setare pe care nu o cunosc pentru megaduck99...

Nu am nici un talent anume... sunt doar extraordinar de curios!
- Albert Einstein -

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Problema asta au avut-o mai multi :

Incearca cu 1.1.27b :


pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Multumesc mult, irinuca, acum totul e ok cu 1.1.27b !
Sarbatori fericite 

Nu am nici un talent anume... sunt doar extraordinar de curios!
- Albert Einstein -

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Dimka 1.1.26 (a) - TomSoft are Country Info integrat in skin si anume in \ui_igo8_da\common\ui
Pt a updata info folosit de Dimka TomSoft tb modificat/inlocuit \ui_igo8_da\common\ui\CountryInfo.ini

Modificat de irinuca (acum 15 ani)


pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani

irinuca a scris:

Weather-iGoPC de la TiTidom permite sa descarcati cateva informatii referitoare la previziuni meteo de la
Pt inregistrare :
Pachetele  TC Meteo Mod contin folderul Weather-iGo 1.7.3 cu aplicatia gata inregistrata.
Eu m-am jucat cu Gurjon 6.11p DA TC Meteo Mod 3DCars MapCh PNA 21_09_2009 )
Copiati folderul Weather-iGo 1.7.3 pe PC.
Copiati pe SDCard/Device in folderele iGO8 folderelor GFX si themechanger din pachet\iGO8. Nu rescrieti tot folderul content ci doar subfolderul scheme.

Selectati locatia.
DL W Forecast creaza Wheather.XML si contine date despre previziuni meteo pe 5 zile.
Create '.ini-.ui' creaza fiserele Weather-iGo 1.7.3\iGo8\weather\weather_report.ui si Weather-iGo 1.7.3\iGo8\meteo.ini (Config Sett)
Send to iGO (SD) copie cele doua fisiere (weather\weather_report.ui si meteo) pe SD (in ThemeChanger).
Functie de dispozitiv selectati sau nu "Use Active Sync", respectiv NU pentru seria MOOV/Card Reader, sau DA pentru seria C/PDA .
Bine inteles ca puteti sa o faceti folosind Copy/Paste.

Iata cateva informatii referitoare la fiecarea zi din cele 5 :
MaJWeather=2009-09-25 09:00
NowT=Partly Cloudy
DayT=Mostly Sunny
NightT=Partly Cloudy
MoonPhase=Waxing Crescent
In functie de acestea se afiseaza fundalul-sky si imagine-sun/moon 

Puteti modifica si manual in SD Card\iGo8\themechanger\meteo.ini  :

In sys.txt adaugati :
work_dir = "\Storage Card\iGO8"
mortscript = "\Storage Card\iGO8\Themechanger\MortScript.exe"

Si validarea data de mesterul CheckPaths :

Setari :
Menu - Settings - Map Screen - 3DSettings- Smart Zoom - Tilt Down / Tilt Up = 90
Menu - Settings - Map Screen - Colour Profiles - Daytime Colour Profile select autochanger - 5 min
Menu - Settings - Map Screen - Colour Profiles - Nught Colour Profile select autochanger-night - 5 min

La inregistare pe site-ul meteo imi cere date legate de o firma, site-ul pe care-l insereze, etc.. Tu cum ai ocoloit chestiile stea?

@irinuca: merci pentru promtitudine!!!

Modificat de mishuman (acum 15 ani)

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Pachetul Gurjon 6.11p DA TC Meteo Mod 3DCars MapCh PNA 21_09_2009 de la postul 28-09-2009 11:48:29 contine aplicatia gata inregistrata.
Sau foloseste acest pachet :

Modificat de irinuca (acum 15 ani)


pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Setari referitoare la info afisate pe ecran :

Dimka ofera cele mai multe informatii pe ecran, numai ca tb configurat.

Si Gurjon


pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Dimka 1.28

Download :

Megaduck99 Thanks to Megaduck99
Download :

TomSoft - Thanks to Tomsoft
TomSoft HD (a) for 800x480 and 480x800 (240x400 a 400x240)
Download :
Dimka 1.1.28 - TomSoft (a) for 240x320 and 320x240 + VGA (480x640 a 640x480)
Download :
Dimka 1.1.28 - TomSoft 272 (a) for 480x272
Download :
Dimka 1.1.28 - TomSoft 234 (a) for 480x234
Download :

Modificat de irinuca (acum 15 ani)


pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Dimka 1.29 (Dimka WertVRV Version)

Mio A701; Samsung I900 Omnia

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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

adyvasile a scris:

Dimka 1.29 (Dimka WertVRV Version)

Pe site nu exista deocamdata slot pt download.
Slot-ul este aici:

ver. 1.1.29: v8.3.х(8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.4)
320240, 240320, 240400, 400240, 480234, 480272, 400234, 416234, 480800, 800480

1. Corrections to the orientation of bundles current speed + the speed limit in the appearance of signs of direction for the bands (Lane Info) (thanks dima8389);
2. Changes to the regime "Screen Saver" (Screen saver):
- Mode "Screen Saver" appears in its own state (a little easier to separate regimes "Screen Saver" and "Cab" (formerly code of this regime was part of "Cab";
- Only two themes saver (time, current speed) (switching as before);
- Independent ability to display the pointer of the next maneuver;
- Independent ability to display signs of direction for striped panels;
- The possibility of each topic at the bottom of the screen to display additional data fields (2 or 3, depending on the resolution) (click on the field - Select field value, long press - hide fields);
- Add button-cell position in the GPS-;
- Individual choice of background screen saver;
- Control of information display in the screen saver (Index of maneuver, the subject text, guide bars and shields, preventing the camera changes its position or size depending on the availability of other data) (used to be overlapping and napolzanie);
3. In the list of actions when a finish is added to the input mode "Screensaver";
4. Now it is possible when using a skin with a small version of 8.3.4.hhh profile management of commercial vehicles (Truck profiles) (in the skin package is an initial file defaults \ truck_profiles.ini (it must be copied into the same folder defaults to the root of the program next to the data . zip)):
- Change profile in the skin menu (access menu Truck profiles will appear only when using 8.3.4.hhh and the choice of an appropriate vehicle (truck) in the Menu-Options-Plan a route);
- View the menu skin (no change) the parameters of the default profile;
- Edit menu skins profile parameters (profile icon, the name of your profile, dimensions (length, width, height) of the vehicle axles and the maximum speed, the type of Dangerous Goods) (values size and speed has no units of measurement, only the values in this form , as enshrined in truck_profiles.ini).

Link alternativ:

Modificat de D.I.I. (acum 15 ani)

pus acum 15 ani
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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Versiune finala pentru:
****** GJ6.14p_da - 25.01.2010 ******

1. Changed lanes icons.
2. Regulate text it in the menu all resolutions.
3. Technical repair.


GJ6.14p_da_480x800, or 800x480

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

D.I.I. a scris:

adyvasile a scris:

Dimka 1.29 (Dimka WertVRV Version)

Pe site nu exista deocamdata slot pt download.
Slot-ul este aici:

Ba da!

Mio A701; Samsung I900 Omnia

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Am si eu cateva intrebari ptr. cei ce folosesc DiMka TomSoft 1.1.28:
1. Avertizarile la depasirea vitezei ptr. radare functioneaza chiar daca viteza de deplasare scade sub limita? La mine NU;
2. Nu reusesc deloc sa-l fac sa ma atentioneze ca am coborat sub limita de viteza. Ma avertizeaza la depasire, dar nu o face cand cobor sub limita. La voi cum e?!
3. Setarile TomSoft (vederea 2D inainte de intersectie) pot fi modifcate?
4. Cum se poate lua legatura cu TomSoft, un forum ceva ptr. idei?!

Modificat de adyvasile (acum 15 ani)

Mio A701; Samsung I900 Omnia

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Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
iGO 8 diMKaWertVRV Skin 1.1.30 Original - iGO v8.3.x.xxxx


D8389 (Dimka) has announced that he will no longer be developing the original skin. Instead he will make limited (Potentially untested) changes to the diMkaWertVRV base which may or may not flow through into the full diMkaWertVRV version at WertVRV's discretion.


iGO 8 diMKaWertVRV Skin 1.1.30 - iGO v8.3.x.xxxx



specter/Megaduck99 version of the diMkaspecter skin 1.1.30

diMkaspecter 240x320,240x400,320x240,400x240,480x234 and 480x272
diMkaspecter Dark 240x320,240x400,320x240,400x240,480x234 and 480x272
diMkaspecter_HD 480x800 and 800x480

The Megaduck99/Specter version adds the following features/changes:

1. Stopped the speed indicator on the Nav screen from turning red when "Warn when Speeding" is off. Speed displays only turn red when over the speed limit plus the tolerance settings. Changed the script so that the speed no longer disappears when stationary.
2. Supports the Kimyaci cars .
3. The skin can now audibly remind you of your arrival time, both when re-calculating your route and regularly every x minutes. The reminder frequency can be set in the skin. (TTS voices ONLY)
4. The data fields in the cockpit screen are now wider in 400x240, 480x234 and 480x270
5. Changed the sound icon in the cockpit so it will fade like the other buttons.
6. Clicking on the Monocle repeats the last instruction (Auto say next command switched on), long click goes to Route Info
7.Added settings, variable and scripts so that house numbers will only show within a set distance of the destination or next waypoint.

Available from:

MANUALfor diMkaspecter skin

Thx to Megaduck99

Modificat de adiv123 (acum 15 ani)

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Chiar nu stie nimeni cum putem lua legatura cu DiMka TomSoft?! 
Un forum ceva, un questbook...?!

Si inca o intrebare:
Cum pot mofica dimensiunile sagetii din skin-uri? A sagetii, nu a masinii...


Modificat de adyvasile (acum 15 ani)

Mio A701; Samsung I900 Omnia

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Skin-uri noi:
DiMka TomSoft v1.1.31 ->
DiMka Original v1.1.31, Megaduck99 v1.1.32 si WertVRV v1.1.32 ->
Sa fiti iubiti!!! 

Mio A701; Samsung I900 Omnia

pus acum 15 ani

Din: Romania
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
iGO8 Gurjon Skin v6.15p_da

Change log:
****** GJ6.15p_da - 2010.02.04 ******
1. Changed "autokarta" settings.
2. Changed DA settings.
3. Technical repair.
****** GJ6.14.1p_da - 2010.01.27 ******
1. Added regulation zoom when the appearance shields.
2. Technical repair.
****** GJ6.14p_da - 2010.01.25 ******

GJ6.15p_da_fullpack.rar - Supported resolutions: 240x320, 320x240, 320x320, 240x400, 400x234, 400x240, 416x234, 480x234, 480x272
GJ 6.15p_da_480x800_800x480 - Supported resolutions: 480x800 and 800x480 standalone

Cu stima,

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani

Pot sa instalez skin GJ6.15p_da, pe witson 7", si IGO8-ver.
Daca da, cum se realizeaza.
Multumesc anticipat.

pus acum 15 ani
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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Scoti Memory Card din Device, il bagi intr-un cititor de carduri, iar in folderul iGO8-> Content-> Skin, se pune fisierul
Skin-ul e functional pe orice executabil, cu execptia faptului ca DA(Driver Alerts) nu-ti vor mai aparea la folosirea unor harti Navteq pentru West Eu.

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Multumesc DII,
Am facut asa, si am eroare,ciudat.Ar trebui ceva modificat in sys?

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Vezi in ce folder ai, ui_igo8 sau ui_igo8_da?
Daca in datazip ai ui_igo8 tb redenumit in skin corespunzator.

Modificat de irinuca (acum 15 ani)


pus acum 15 ani
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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Vezi daca ai informatiile astea in sys.txt:



pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
DimkaWertVRV 1.1.33   - 08/02/2010
Skin diMka for 480х234, 320x240, 240x320, 240x400, 400x240, 480x272, 400х234, 416х234, 480x800, 800x480 only version 8.3.х(8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.4)).
1.Changes from dima8389 (thank you) (to disable the button "Hide" and "off" in the screen output from the program and not only):     
In sys.txt:   
no_minimize = 1
no_poweroff = 1;   
2. Now it is possible using skins with the version 8.3.4.hhh quick editing of the current camera (for testing thanks Andron66): 
- When you turn this feature on the camera icon button will appear;
- Options for action when you click on this button (to remove a confirmation to delete without confirmation, edit) (for the first two options - one type of icon button appears for the third - the other);      - Long press on the button to edit / remove - go to the settings screen function;      - To increase the area click on the icon of the speed limit the camera (if it is available for this type) duplicates press the edit / delete;
- Function except the cab and works in the "Screen Saver";
- When you choose "Edit" is the successive appearance of screens with the choice of camera, selectable direction of the camera, choice of speed cameras;      - The current value (type, direction, speed) in each of the selection screen will display a flashing frame;
- In each of the selection screen, enable the button "Delete cell" (possible options: the confirmation / non confirmation
- changes in the settings);
- The appearance of each of the screens can be switched off in the settings (options "Change type", etc.);
- If you select "Edit" and has a challenge for all three screens (or the type of the current camera when you turn off the Change of the type "does not change the direction and speed, for example, type" POI "or" Children ", then place a call request to remove cameras .
- Actions with the camera (deleting / editing) will be made after travel camera, if the call such an action (pressing the button) occurred at the time of the camera;   
3. Several bug fixes (technical) for the action-Add camera position in GPS-;   4. Fixed a few pictures. (Thanks Andron66).

Download :


pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Am si eu o intrebare vizavi de GJ 6.15...
Cum pot modifica pozitia panourilor (ptr. directie) din pozitia aliniata la dreapta (fig. 1) in pozitia aliniat la mijlocul ecranului (fig. 2)?
Fig. 1
Fig. 2

Mio A701; Samsung I900 Omnia

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Dimka Megaduck99 1.1.33
Download :
Thx to Megaduck99


pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Am o intrebare pentru cei ce utilizeaza skinul GJ v15.
Am pus in sys liniile (recomandate de GJ pe site) referitoare la inclinare sus si jos, am facut setarile din soft astfel incat sa se vada un pic de cer, respectiv, de la 77...85 grd, dar se intampla un fenomen ciudat cand apar semnele (indicatoarele) rutiere, unde inlinarea este de 88 grd.
Simptomele sunt:
In timp ce sunt afisate indicatoarele rutiere nu pastreaza inclinarea de 88 grd; Adica sta un pic dupa care sare la 77, revine la 88 s.a.m.d.
Vroiam sa va intreb daca si la voi se intampla acelasi lucru, este vreun bug sau...

Mio A701; Samsung I900 Omnia

pus acum 15 ani
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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
GJ6.16p_da - 2010.02.22 

1. New half-patch "Poiinfo" - Always in the cockpit, you can see a dynamic list of POIs. (Try the short and long clicks.)
2. Added super big arrows for turn.
3. Large technical repair.



Modificat de D.I.I. (acum 15 ani)

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
dimkaWertVRV 1.1.34   23/02/2010
480х234, 320x240, 240x320, 240x400, 400x240, 480x272, 400х234, 416х234, 480x800, 800x480 only version 8.3.х(8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.4)).

Transformed algorithm of visual and audible warnings of cells (full transition to the lists (userlists)), thus significantly reduce the code and add the following:
1. Separate settings visual warning (camera), regardless of the sound (before the camera could only be completely off);
2. Separate volume settings for sound excess (relevant for situations where the volume of voice packets and sound exceeding different; earlier volume had in common with a voice warning);
3. Ability to work with different profiles, the camera settings (for example: a separate profile for the city, highway, etc.)
- 4 your profile (you can change the names) switchable settings;
- Profile includes all camera settings (the settings approach, excess, visual and voice warning systems (including language), setting sensing range, etc.);
- All settings editable in the current profile is automatically saved;
- The possibility of sequential switching profiles in the cab (short button menu) and the intro (long press on the icon of the current chamber), followed by the name of a new indication profile.
The option of setting sensing range for the camera 4 types (Directions to the red light).
Many additional technical fixes ( minor inaccuracies) in the Chambers.Fixed a few pictures. (Thanks Andron66 and dima8389).Download :

Thx to WertVRV & kimyaci

Modificat de irinuca (acum 15 ani)


pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Dimka 1.1.34 (a) - TomSoft

The existing functions and appearance of the author Dimka was gradually added and modified:

+ Larger Font data for navigation
+ Green - yellow arrows for maneuvers
+ Digital tachometers with SpeedLimit, including radar and night mode
Digital + hours, including night mode (in both resolutions)
+ Back red-green arrows on the lanes (in both resolutions)
+ Comeback of functional option to view or not background under pointers with maneuvers.
+ Option on / off status indication including "Auto. Recalculation of route" + Longclick
+ Option on / off indication of the state, including "alert on radar" + Longclick
+ Added ability to remove other transit point to one LongClick (LongClick maneuvers on the arrow to be removed first added transit point)
+ Added ability to optionally show the icon for radar and automatic conversion
+ Added ability to optionally display a classic compass needle
+ In the menu "Search" added the option to navigate directly to 1 and 2 Favorite targets
+ Added ability to navigate to the objective, the passage or continue Favorites and History
+ Added ability to separately adjustable tilt the map in the direction signs
+ Adjustment of function "radars"
+ Fast menu navigation and route planning
+ Added the option in one of the variable data fields display the route
+ Added color arrows in the information board
+ Added information about the position in the GPS clock
+ Patch to draw arrows on the directional signs
+ Added calculating fuel consumption
+ Option to set the icon for the computing fuel consumption
+ Exchange image for the button "phone" in the cockpit
+ Add a VGA and WVGA image for speed alert
+ Radical change in appearance (the cockpit) for the HD version (400x240 only)
+ Add a new option in settings "TomSoft" for OFF / ON additional information about TMC (any resolution) (thanks Lakva)
+ Added ability to change the transparency by user based all his data sheet (400x240 only)
+ Add additional positions in the cockpit bottom bar, where you can start to plan a route (400x240 only)
+ Added and updated manual for Dimka skin TomSoft
+ Digital fonts
+ Integrated screen saver by WertVRV
+ Adding a 2D preview before the next turn (default off)
+ Adding the possibility of the route at the start iGO (default off)
+ Adding MapChanger
+ Compatibility with version
+ Adding Country Info
+ Beautiful images for enhanced camera warning (only in versions 8.3.4.xxxx) - (by Harweyko)

Since Dimka - TomSoft 1.1.34(a) should be used also Truck Profilles
To activate the function of TIR profiles can be used "truck_profiles.ini. The downloaded file and extract to folder "DEFAULT", which is located in the folder iGO8 to SD card "IGO8\DEFAULT\" Truck_profiles.ini

Download :
240x320 and 320x240 + VGA 480x640 and 640x480 :
480x272 :
480x234 :


pus acum 15 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Dar, iata si varianta HD a Dimka 1.1.34 (a) - TomSoft

(800x480 and 480x800) + (240x400 and 400x240): ...

Mio A701; Samsung I900 Omnia

pus acum 15 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
nu imi puneti va rog aici structura fisierelor pt folderul ,,AUDIO" aferente skin dimka???
as vrea avertizarile audio in RO si HU. nu ii dau de capat nicicum.
mersi mult!
undeva stiu ca @irinuca le-a avut prezentate undeva , si chiar si @DII pe site-ul lui, dar dupa curatenia de pe acest site nu mai stiu de ele.

Modificat de ionutz10ro (acum 15 ani)

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
In pachet ai 4 imagini explicative, SpeedcamVoiceScripts\


pus acum 15 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
intradevar @irinuca, era in pachet, chiar acu i-am dat de capat, dar numai cu fisierele audio Ultra, cele cu fisierele audio IGO2006 nu vrea, desi le-am luat din acelasi loc cu cele de Ultra - dimKa (aceasta a doua varianta era asa de exercitiu). intampin insa o problema: nu isi tine minte setarile(aparatul),  daca vreau sa ii schimb langul sau voices si ii dau restart la igo,  nu mai porneste igo numai daca apas din nou icoana de navigatie si porneste tot cu ce a pornit la inceputul lansarii aplicatiei. oare de ce???
multumesc frumos!
scuze de  putin offtopic !

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Cauza ar putea fi incapacitatea device de a scrie pe card .
Incearca sa stergi folderul save si ia-o de la capat.
Eventual foloseste alt kit sau alt card (de capacitate mai mica sau alt producator).
Incearca sa copii ceva pe card folosind device.
Ar fi interesant de vazut si structura card (daca folderul se numeste iGO8) si ce ai in sys.txt la sectiunea [folders].

Modificat de irinuca (acum 15 ani)


pus acum 15 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
multumesc din nou @irinuca!
poze:  la sdmmc+windows -
         la sdmmc -
         la folderul mobilenavigator -
         la sys.txt -
deci ca sa intru din limba romana in limba maghiara imi cere restart igo, ii dau ok si nu mai porneste numai daca pornesc eu navigatia din icoana, si fara nici o modificare de limba sau voce.
daca intru dupa ce sterg SAVE si reiau procedurile de la inceput cu limba, voce in maghiara merge.
concluzie numai daca sterg SAVE, altfel nici o sansa.
multumiri anticipate oricarui vine cu o solutie!
LE: am copiat si am sters muzica de pe sdmmc!
deci merge scriere si citire de pe sdcard-SDMMC.

Modificat de ionutz10ro (acum 15 ani)

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Dimka Megaduck99
240x320, 240x400, 320x240, 400x240, 480x234, 480x272
Download :

Modificat de irinuca (acum 15 ani)


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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Skin GJ V3.3. pt AMIGO

--- v3.3

1. Added a night filter (in all windows).
2. Added button 2D/3D. Now you can turn off and the compass.
3. On the screen added zoom button.
4. Added to set the transparency of these buttons.
5. Change design short menu.

6. In addition to the default quick menu, added three buttons
"Calculator", "install", "help - POI"

7. Added ability to disable the shields.
8. Ability to select the display of the lanes - top / bottom.
9. Ability to select, color map, when is no GPS signal.
10. Ability to adjust the tilt of the intellectual zoom.
11. Ability to turn on / off U-turns.
12. Redrawn many objects, increased inscriptions.

13. Added ability to display all three information of the route,
(distance, time remaining, time of arrival) on one of the pad minimized "distance".

14. More repairs.

Modificat de D.I.I. (acum 15 ani)

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
dimkaWertVRV 1.1.35 20/03/2010
Skin diMka for 480х234, 320x240, 240x320, 240x400, 400x240, 480x272, 400х234, 416х234, 480x800, 800x480 only version 8.3.х(8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.4)).
1. Changes from dima8389: when "pedestrian" (long press of the screen "Quick Menu" button on the change of vehicle or in the planning of the map screen to the same button) can be written in the history of the element with the name "current situation" (a simplified version of the function Return to the car ";
2. Added ability to configure the long press the Menu button cab immediately launch an external program (the first in the list of external programs);
3. Added ability to display the dynamically updated list of POI, the situation around the GPS (thanks for the picture Andron66).
Features and working principle:
- You can enable / disable option;
- List available under this option is enabled after determining the position of GPS; the appearance of shields disappear, while working with the map (clicking, moving) disappears, you can view the job options and a simulation without signal GPS (in the simulation POI search will take place around the last saved position GPS) ;
- Possible adjustment range search;
- Possible setting display control buttons, the list (hide, next page, previous page) (when the control button long press turns on the list item list);
- After searching through a list of approximately 10 seconds of an automatic transition to the first page;
- Can set the maximum number of rows to display a list of the cabin (the current number of rows dynamically changed during the movement depending on the availability of on-screen elements such as a sign prohibiting the cabin lamps, traffic signs on the fringes (map above), control buttons, lists, etc.) ;
- The list could include: All POI / Just visible on the map;
- Possible to configure the filter name POI (for example, the word "drugstore" in the list will get POI (from all or only visible on the map), containing the name of the word "drugstore";
- Possible setting distance to maneuver in the presence of active route for the automatic folding / unfolding of the list;
- If the specified settings (distance, filter, etc.) list is empty, the button appears on the screen (gray icon POI), clicking on that - go to the settings;
- For quick access to additional settings available long press on the button "Hide", a long press on the button minimized (collapsed) list;
- Aka the appearance of a nonempty list of events POI while driving (the sound can be selected in the options menu);
- List of POI is available in the screen saver (you can choose to display only the cab / only for the screen saver / for both modes) (for savers maximum number of rows list is not regulated in options and restricted size of free area) (in the intro with the appearance of billboards list disappears, with appearance of the camera list disappears (except 480_234, 480_272));
4. Rectification observed in 1.1.34.

Download :
Thx to WertVRV @ Kimyaci


pus acum 14 ani
Membru Puf

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
la skinul "GJ6.16p_da" se poate scapa de masina in modul 3d si sa ramana triunghiul ca in 2d?

pus acum 14 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Buna. Pe un Samsung I900 Omnia, am instalat „iGO8.3.4_117940 Full Resolution„ si functioneaza dar imaginea programului de navigatie nu imi apara pe tot ecranul telefonului. Ramane o banda libera in parte de jos ecranului  Ce trebuie modificat sa imi apara imaginea pe tot ecranul?

pus acum 14 ani
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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

tiribonflex a scris:

Buna. Pe un Samsung I900 Omnia, am instalat „iGO8.3.4_117940 Full Resolution„ si functioneaza dar imaginea programului de navigatie nu imi apara pe tot ecranul telefonului. Ramane o banda libera in parte de jos ecranului  Ce trebuie modificat sa imi apara imaginea pe tot ecranul?

In sys.txt ar trebui sa ai valorile astea:

1.-Pentru modul portrait



2.-Pentru modul landscape


pus acum 14 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
S-a rezolvat. Multumesc. Oare de ce nu pot sa schimb imaginea masinii 3d?

pus acum 14 ani
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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
New  -> 3DCars

pus acum 14 ani
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Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Erau cateva bmp lipsa asa ca le-m copiat in kit. Aici gasiti kitul complet:

pus acum 14 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Dimka 1.1.35(a) - TomSoft
.. Change the appearance of the navigation screen because of the new function - POI INFO (from the author)

Dimka 1.1.35 (a) - TomSoft (240x320 and 320x240 + VGA 480x640 and 640x480)
Download :

Dimka 1.1.35 (a) - TomSoft 272 (480x272)
Download :

Dimka 1.1.35 (a) - TomSoft 234 (480x234)
Download :

Dimka Megaduck99

240x320, 240x400, 320x240, 400x240, 480x234, 480x272
Version 1.1.35 :
Version 1.1.35 DARK :

HD 480x800, 800x480
Version 1.1.35 :

Modificat de irinuca (acum 14 ani)


pus acum 14 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
diMKa Skin 1.1.36


1. Automatically save in the history of the current GPS position with the occurrence of certain events (thanks dima8389):     
- An opportunity to record such events: switch to a pedestrian from anywhere in the program, start the program; exit; disappearance of the signal GPS (short-term jumps signal cut off) to turn off the device from different locations (on-screen buttons to exit the menu, auto power off when you reach the finish line , turning off the external power supply) (including hard-off button, though Autosave position in the history when you turn off hard button will not work on all devices in the test, such as HTC HD does not work);     
- Element name contains the name of history, time, date;     
- Icon element of history is the same as an icon "My POI";     
- For each of the events can turn autosave independently of the other (Menu-Settings-Device-Navigation-Back to the car);     
- Autosave will occur if the item differs significantly from the last saved.   
2. Profiles settings visibility POI (icon, visibility, stopping distance) (Menu-Control-POI-profiles):     
- Save the current settings in the profile visibility;     
- Restore settings visibility of previously saved profiles;     
- The name of the saved profile you can edit in the menu;     
- Profiles can be deleted from the menu.   
3. Rectification with озвучкой cameras (incorrect work outside the cabin and states saver), transparency in the cockpit screen buttons minimized dynamic list of POI is changed now as buttons for the right menu.

Download :


1. Stopped the speed indicator on the Nav screen from turning red when "Warn when Speeding" is off. Speed displays only turn red when over the speed limit plus the tolerance settings. Changed the script so that the speed no longer disappears when stationary.
2. Supports the Kimyaci cars .
3. The skin can now audibly remind you of your arrival time, both when re-calculating your route and regularly every x minutes. The reminder frequency can be set in the skin. (TTS voices ONLY)
4. The data fields in the cockpit screen are now wider in 400x240, 480x234 and 480x270
5. Changed the sound icon in the cockpit so it will fade like the other buttons.
6. Clicking on the Monocle repeats the last instruction (Auto say next command switched on), long click goes to Route Info
7.Added settings, variable and scripts so that house numbers will only show within a set distance of the destination or next waypoint.
8. TMC Announcing no longer causes iGO to reboot (TMC in Manual mode)
9. Fixed conflict between Cursor cars and iGO version (DA/non-DA).

240x320,240x400,320x240,400x240,480x234 and 480x272
Download :
HD - 480x800 and 800x480
Download :

Thx to Megaduck99


pus acum 14 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Cine`mi spune si mie kre`s cele mai bune skinuri?Folosesk skin`ul gj6.14
si se blocheaza km in continuu...multumesk~!>

pus acum 14 ani
Pe lista neagra

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Mai nou vezi ca este GJ6.16p_da
Incearca sa ai dezactivat, rularea numerelor de la case. Stiu ca a mai avut cineva o problema de genul asta.

pus acum 14 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
l`am instalat si knd dau la interface nu `l vede...>
potZi sa`mi spui si mie pasii kre trb sa`i fak sa`l instalez?:?)
am kit`ul luat d la tn..>
am instalat gj6.16p_da j nu se modifica nimik poate trb cv scris in sys.txt
).multumesk mult pentru raspuns.>

Modificat de popescuvali (acum 14 ani)

pus acum 14 ani
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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Banuiesc ca ai dezarhivat arhiva GJ6.16p_da_fullpack.rar?!
Skin-ul este in arhiva GJ6.16p_da_fullpack.rar si este o alta arhiva in format Softul nu recunoaste arhivele tip rar ci pe cele zip

pus acum 14 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
da,  l -am  dezarhivat  dar  nu-l   recunoaste.Trebuie  modificat  in  sys.txt?Multumesc

pus acum 14 ani
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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Curios. Sigur ai pus fisierul in folderul CONTENT => SKIN ???

Deschide folderul SAVE. In el trebuie sa fie un fisier system.ini. Deschide-l si ar trebui sa gasesti o linie de genul asta:


Sterge-o si relanseaza iGO8.

pus acum 14 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
da,l-am  pus  in foldarul   CONTENT => SKIN. am  deschis  foldarul  save, am  sters    [interface]
si  mai  scrie  si safemode_type="1"si  tot nu  merge .curios  este  ca  tot  ce  sterg  imi  apare  din  nou. Multumesc  pentru  raspuns

pus acum 14 ani
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Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
mda, salveaza in PC tot ce aveai pe Memory Card si reformateaza card-ul. E posibil sa fie o problema din Memory card. apoi reinstalezi iGo8.


pus acum 14 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
am reformatat cardu` si tot nu imi vede skinu` ...dacă ai si alta idee dc nu imi vede..?imi vede dekt skinu`,dar mi se blocheaza km in continuu...sau trb sa trek pe alt skin..?multumesk pt raspuns.

pus acum 14 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
cine  imi  spune  care  sunt  cele  mai  bune  skinuri  pentru „iGO8.3.4_117940DA Full Resolution„cu  rezol  480x272.Folosesc  un  aparat  smailo  hd  5.Multumesc

Modificat de popescuvali (acum 14 ani)

pus acum 14 ani
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Inregistrat: acum 15 ani

popescuvali a scris:

am reformatat cardu` si tot nu imi vede skinu` ...dacă ai si alta idee dc nu imi vede..?imi vede dekt skinu`,dar mi se blocheaza km in continuu...sau trb sa trek pe alt skin..?multumesk pt raspuns.

Incearca sa folosesti un skin Kiker sau Dimka TomSoft,gasesti pe forum.Sunt mai putin consumatoare de resurse decat Gurjon.
Cu aceste skinuri ar trebui sa nu mai primesti erori.

pus acum 14 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
am  instalat  skinul  Riks 3.7 si  merge  bine  dar  nu  imi  merge  audio imi  arata
"sound warning volume"daca  poate  sa  ma  ajute  cineva.multumesc  pentru  raspuns

pus acum 14 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
dimkaWertVRV 1.1.37   11/04/2010
Skin diMka for 480х234, 320x240, 240x320, 240x400, 400x240, 480x272, 400х234, 416х234, 480x800, 800x480
only version 8.3.х(8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.4).

1. Ability to disable the display of maps in the cockpit during a recalculation of dima8389 (thanks) (allowing a little to reduce the time of recalculation complicated routes) (inclusion of options in the Menu-Options-Plan a route).
2. Display marks Driver Alerts in the screen saver (Screen saver).
3. Error Correction (came from (incorrect update, etc.) in the mapping TMC-announced (in the manual re-route to avoid traffic TMC-events) in the cabin, added to the list to move around in the appearance of POI TMC-announcements.
4. Added ability to dynamically make a list of POI selection group (you can select the POI category in the list will get all the elements of the selected and all sub categories).
5. Few enlarged pointers (including the font-range) of the first maneuver in the booth for 480_272.
6. Increased current speed and the speed limit in the booth for 480_272, 480_234.
7. Added the ability to voice acting in the appearance of the camera option, voice warning - on the condition that the current rate of more speed restrictions Camera (Menu-Settings-Alerts-Warnings camera Voice warning-icon showing the speed limit) (with pictures thanks Andron66 ). The possibility for every lesson regardless of type cameras. Available for cameras supporting the speed limit.
8. Other minor fixes.

1. We use from version 8.3.2 (no changes) and we use skin (no changes).
            Use in sys.txt:
2. We use from version 8.3.4 (no changes) and we use skin (inside the skin (inside the zip-archive) rename the folder ui_igo8 to ui_igo8_da).
            Use in sys.txt:

Download :

iGO8 8.3.x (8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.4)

Download :

specter/Megaduck99 version of the diMkaspecter skin 1.1.37

diMkaspecter 240x320,240x400,320x240,400x240,480x234 and 480x272 :
diMkaspecter Dark 240x320,240x400,320x240,400x240,480x234 and 480x272 :
diMkaspecter_HD 480x800 and 800x480 :

The Megaduck99/Specter version adds the following features/changes:

1. Stopped the speed indicator on the Nav screen from turning red when "Warn when Speeding" is off. Speed displays only turn red when over the speed limit plus the tolerance settings. Changed the script so that the speed no longer disappears when stationary.
2. Supports the Kimyaci cars .
3. The skin can now audibly remind you of your arrival time, both when re-calculating your route and regularly every x minutes. The reminder frequency can be set in the skin. (TTS voices ONLY)
4. Changed the sound icon in the cockpit so it will fade like the other buttons.
5. Clicking on the Monocle repeats the last instruction (Auto say next command switched on), long click goes to Route Info
6. Added settings, variable and scripts so that house numbers will only show within a set distance of the destination or next waypoint.

Thx to WertVRV, MegaDuck99 & kimyaci !

Modificat de irinuca (acum 14 ani)


pus acum 14 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Multumim  "irinuca " , multumim pentru  grija ta  de  a ne  pune  la  curent cu  tot  ce  e  mai  nou  in  materie  de  skin-uri .

pus acum 14 ani
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Inregistrat: acum 15 ani

Un skin extrem de simplu si frumos,util mai ales pt. cei care au probleme cu resursele limitate ale aparatului.
Din pacate doar pt. rezolutia 480_272:

pus acum 14 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Dimka 1.1.37 - TomSoft

240x320 and 320x240 + VGA (480x640 a 640x480) :(a)_-_TomSoft_(240x320_and_320x240_+_VGA_480x640_and_640x480).zip

480x272 :(a)_-_TomSoft_272_(480x272).zip

480x234 :(a)_-_TomSoft_234_(480x234).zip

800x480 and 480x800 (240x400 a 400x240) :

Modificat de irinuca (acum 14 ani)


pus acum 14 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Multumim "irinuca" esti promt.

pus acum 14 ani
Membru Puf

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
la skinul "GJ6.16p_da" se poate scapa de masina in modul 3d si sa ramana triunghiul ca in 2d?

pus acum 14 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Chestia cu masinuta 3D e super, dar tare mi-as dori "sageata" 3D de la Garmin pe iGO8 

Nu am nici un talent anume... sunt doar extraordinar de curios!
- Albert Einstein -

pus acum 14 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Ajunge sa stergi fisierele car din folderul GFX.
Vezi post 11-07-2009 23:38:49

Modificat de irinuca (acum 14 ani)


pus acum 14 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
3DCars 174

Download :

Thanks to SİD78 & kimyaci !


pus acum 14 ani
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