![](/img/avatars/romania-inedit/3128.jpg) Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Din cate stiu deocamdata este vorba de varianta Beta, pentru 32 si 64 biti.
"Microsoft Windows Vista SP2 Update 32Bit Build 6002.16659-WinBeta & Microsoft Windows Vista SP2 Update 64Bit Build 6002.16659-WinBeta
Windows Vista SP2 includes numerous changes to the Vista operating system. Here are some of the highlights of what it’ll do for you:
* Let you record data onto Blu-ray discs * Add into your system Vista Feature Pack For Wireless, which provides support for the latest Bluetooth technology * Give you better Wi-Fi performance when you’re exiting Vista’s sleep mode * Make your RSS feeds sidebar gadget work faster and better * Give you the latest desktop search engine, Windows Search 4 * Cut down the resources it takes to run your various sidebar gadgets * Built-in Hyper-V hypervisor * Event logging support in SPC * Fixes for DRM issues from WMP upgrades * Windows VistaFeature Pack for Wireless * Functionality to reduce resources required for sidebar gadgets * Improved power settings for Windows Server 2008 "
Pana apare vista sp2 Final mai avem putin de asteptat..